Back In time

By creammeier

205K 8K 1.1K

"Well then, there must be a reason why you aren't able to keep your eyes off me in the market today, Miss Wel... More



10.5K 328 26
By creammeier

Looking up, I was greeted by a woman who seemed to be in her late twenties, gazing down upon me. She was extremely beautiful. Her dark locks of hair reached her waist, with warm blue eyes that embraced the moon's light. I was mesmerized by her appearance, but after peering carefully, dumbfounded and frightened were the only two words that could describe my current state.


"U-uhm, w-who are y-you?" I asked, failing terribly at my sorry attempt to remain composed in front of a ghost. She smiled lightly before sitting herself down beside me.

"I am not a ghost if that's what you're thinking." She sparkled as the moon shone down on her. I would be lying if I said that she didn't look breathtaking. But still, having a ghost sit right next to you, and better yet talk, is enough to freak me out.

"T-then, w-who a-are you?" I pressed on, still afraid.

"Let's just say that I came a long way to find you. I know who you are and the things that you have been through." She smiled warmly.

Okay... this is getting weirder by the minute.

I shifted further away from her only to earn a burst of laughter.

"I am just kidding dear! But it is true that I came a long way and that I know things about you. But it isn't because I found you. But rather the fact that you found me."

"What are you talking about?"

"In modern context, I think I'd be a 'fairy godmother' to you."

"So... you're my fairy godmother?" I questioned, with my eyebrows raised and doubt encompassing my voice.

"Something like that." She said, beaming with joy as if delighted that I figured out what her role was.

"That's absurd! Look, I've grown past the age of believing in fairy tales. Nice try, but better luck next time." I got up from my seat and begin to walk away.

"I know the memories you have of this place." I stopped dead in my tracks but stayed facing away from her; contemplating if I should continue walking.

"I know you meant the world to your grandpapa and that he meant the world to you too." I turned around to look at her.

"How do you know that I called him grandpapa?" I asked.

"Like I said. I know many things. And I know that your grandpapa would be heartbroken to see you in this state."

This must be some kind of trick.

"I don't know if this is an attempt that you pranksters are into nowadays, but my grandfather is dead. So, I'd appreciate that you stop saying things about him." I walked away, never turning back.

Knowing how late it was, I gingerly stepped into the house and made a beeline to my room before shutting the door. Feeling the extreme exhaustion from the day's events, I plopped myself headfirst onto the bed. After what felt like an hour, I reached for my phone.


I took a deep breath and sighed before closing my eyes; my mind occupied with endless thoughts. Yet, somehow, I felt numb. Numb to the emotions and feelings that I had. Perhaps I was learning to get used to the fact that people will always be bound to leave, and what is left of the sweet memories will only serve as a reminder of how close you once were to that someone. Don't get me wrong, I know that everyone must leave one day, but one may never ever be completely ready to walk the remaining journey in the absence of that special someone. To me, it felt like a cruel wake-up call, an alarm that served as a painful and realistic truth that many wished they could ignore.

Without realizing, sleep overtook, plunging me deeper and deeper into the drowsy abyss.

A small gust of wind blew, rousing me awake from my sleep. Though with my heavy eyelids were accompanied with a vision hazy, I could clearly make out that a person was standing in front of me.

"You! Why are you here? Are you stalking me? Where am I?" I blurted. It was that same ghostly figure from the park. But this time, she wasn't translucent at all.

"Are you stalking me?"

What is going on? How did she know where I live?

Wait a minute. This isn't my house.

I looked around the place to see that there were no furnitures at all. Not even a single soul was present. It was just the two of us in a blank white space.

"My dear, you don't have to be frightened. I know that you have many questions you want answered. So right now, I am going to do you a favor."

"A favor?" I looked at her skeptically. But she just smiled warmly while shaking her head.

"Silly," She drew closer to me and took ahold of my hands, "I know that you are in pain. I know that you haven't really gotten over the death of your grandpapa. I know about Adrian as well," she continued, "I know just how much pain and disappointment you are feeling right now. But I am certain that you will meet better ones."

I stayed silent with my head hung low.

"No. Not anymore. At least ... not till I am ready."

Will I ever be?

"When the time is right, you will be."

"How can you be so sure?"

As if on cue, my eyes began feeling heavy. My body felt as if it was tied to a rock, sinking deeper and deeper into the ocean. Weirdly enough, I wasn't frightened. I felt at ease. A peace that I have never felt ever since my grandpapa left.

Slowly but surely, I drifted off into the unknown, praying for the tranquility to remain. The only thing that I could clearly remember was her faint smile and soft eyes before plunging into darkness.

"You will be."


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