Confessions of a Killer

By KRiaWrites

714 19 8

Sequel to Confessions of a Wanton Charlotte St. James is a killer. In a post-human world where there are onl... More

Authors note
1 High Voltage
2 Dragons Breath
3 Rats
4 Flamethrower
5 "Dont try this at home"
6 Seeking warmth
7 Insults
8 Trackers
9 "Make love?"
10 Nope-Town
11 Lack of Control
12 Double Trouble
13 Mental Birds
14 Tangible Evil
15 Internal horrors
16 Jassholes and weaknesses
17 Fire Power
18 Red meets Black
19 Consequences can be fun
20 Thunder storms
21 Nightmares
22 Screw the bad
23 levity
24 revelations
26 Dollface
27 Flame of my flame
28 Unexpected kindness
29 Meeting at 'The bar'
30 'I was going to use that later'
31 Bloody communications
32 Connections
33 Mind-linked to the enemy
34 Bogey on your six
35 'Mine'
36 Well, screw me sideways
37 Dirty girl
38 Similarities
39 Stalemated
40 Arguments, Ceremonies, and Jasper

25 I got you, babe

15 0 0
By KRiaWrites



What does that mean? She doesn't remember? I'd heard about blocking out certain memories. PTSD is a bitch and a half, especially when it comes to vets, or anyone whose experienced trauma.

Will it ever get easier for her?

Her mental state is turbulent, small waves of ice turning to lava in seconds flat, emotions rushing in currents clashing into one another in as events change with the tide. Her constant need to be vigilant, her force of will so fucking strong it nearly takes my breathe away. Right now I have to fight to inhale, the storm brewing in her tempestuously taking over as her eyes search mine panicked.

I've never met a woman like her before. 

I wrap my arms around her small frame, relishing the feel of her soft skin as she braces her hand against my chest, her head resting beside it as her lower lip quivered. My hand covers hers reassuringly, my lips finding the top of her head and placing a chaste kiss into her sweet smelling hair. It's down, dark waves cascading down her back, slightly tangled from our earlier activities.

My blood runs hot thinking of how she's reacted to my dream, accepting, open. Allowing me to bury myself in her to lose the acrid bitter taste of the nightmare, wallowing in her sweet scent and making her come again and again. Her cries for more spurring me on, my body hers to do with what she will.

There's no going back.

I wouldn't change it for anything.

"Doesn't matter pookie-bear." I laughed quietly as the ridiculous name spewed out of my mouth, feeling her tense up beside me, Williams laughter rang out in the deserted hall. "You'll remember soon enough. Be patient."

"Psh. Like you?" She looked up at me, aqua eyes shining in mirth, one brow raised incredulously.

"Yep. Just like me." I lightly kissed her forehead. Reveling in her scent mingled with mine. We haven't showered. The smell of our sex lingered in our skin. All the more to piss off Jasper. At this point I could give a rats ass if he blew a gasket. He had his chance.

Charlotte tsked. Her eyes narrowing as she relayed she'd heard everything I'd just thought. I couldn't help the grin stretching over my face, I poked her nose slicing a small gasp from her as I said "boop!"

"We should get to the dining area. The Kincaids are waiting." Williams looked slightly nervous at the prospect. I wonder what the hell the family had done to make the Bear agitated. His weight shifting from side to side as his hands wrung in front of him. Maguire is not a jittery man. Best damn man I know with a knife. I frown at him questioningly.

"It's nothing." He smiled weakly. His red hair pulled back as he raked tense fingers through it, squeezing the ends a little before exhaling a violent breath. "Just tensions are high. Jaspers being a fuckwad. The usual."

I nodded. Jasper Kincaid is a great soldier, a reliable assassin but a pain in the ass at social gatherings. He makes a good alpha in the sense that he doesn't take orders well, gives great ones and has a head for leadership. The finer points seem to elude him though.

I looked down at Charlotte, noting the frown in her face before rubbing my thumb over her bottom lip. Her eyes sought mine, oceanic in apprehension, tongue flicking out and tasting my thumb in an instant reaction. Her eyes seemed to glow brighter the longer she held my gaze. Uncertainty filling her to the brim, threatening to spill over.

"I got you babe." I pulled her hand from my chest, placing a chaste kiss on her knuckles. The feeling of warmth I received through the bond at the small gesture made me do it again. A smile playing on my lips as her own formed on hers.

"It'll be ok Charlie. We've got your back."

I wanted to growl at him. I've got my mates back, no one else needs to.

I close my eyes, exhaling slowly. It's uncalled for. The hostility. I want her to have people around who care for her, who'd give their lives for her. Our unit is the best choice sans Jasper. I make a mental note to ask Williams and Ryker later to watch over her. Jealousy be damned I want her safe.

She huffed at me. "I'm fine Damien." Her glare could cut the steel beams holding up a skyscraper. It didn't scare me though, her anger incited a heat deep within me.

"I can take care of myself." Her small smile hit me like a ton of bricks. Right between the eyes. My heart faltered.

"I know you can darlin'. Doesn't mean I don't want you protected." Damn I'd said the wrong thing. Her eyes narrowed and she pulled herself from my grasp. I let her go, feeling the ire directed at me for my words. I let her feel the trust I have in her, the knowledge that she can take care of herself makes me feel more secure. I just couldn't bear to lose her, and I trusted Maguire and Ariel to help in that endeavor. Heath too.

She faltered in the steps she was taking to get away from me. Her head tilting to the side as she sighed, extending her hand out for me to hold as she waited for me to catch up.

I clasped my hand over hers. Enveloping her warmth with my own as I send a grateful thought to her.

"So fucking weird man." Maguire looked between us. "Is she part of the pack?"

"Not yet. We have to initiate her soon. I want her to be able to be able to communicate with more than just me." I grinned down at her, her uncertainty rearing it's ugly head again.

"Imagine being able to talk with Mabel privately without even being in the same room." I winked. The curiosity filling her eyes has me grinning. "I'm not sure how you've projected in the past. Once you're Luna..." I faltered. I'd forgotten to tell her. "Sorry. There's still so much to tell you. I don't want to overwhelm you." I squeezed her hand.

"I'm not... but taking it slow.... would be a good thing." She smiled upon at me.

"Ready to face the music?" Maguire asked.

"No." She took a deep breath steadying herself, gripping my hand like a vice, before opening her eyes in determination. "Let's do this."

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