You Are My Sunshine (Guardian...

By JustReadinBook5

54.4K 1.1K 363

Not my story. All rights/credits (and whatnot) go to the author. This is only partial of the whole story. Ro... More

Chapter 1- New Member
Chapter 2- Bar Fight
Chapter 4- Visiting
Chapter 5- Camping Out
Chapter 6- Love and Understanding
Chapter 7- Arguments
Chapter 8- First Date
Chapter 9- First Mate
Chapter 10- "Damn it, Peter!"
Chapter 12- Story Time

Chapter 3- Memories

4.5K 114 11
By JustReadinBook5

"What happened!?" Rocket yelled.

"You don't fucking remember?" Peter said.

"Remember? Why would I need t-" realization quickly fell upon him. "Oh no, oh no! Please don't tell me I got angry drunk and she got in the way of the fight." Shame fell upon Peter's and Gamora's face and they looked away.

"Oh god." Rocket leaned against the balcony railing, guilt and grief clouding his head. "What did I say, what did I say that made her snap and break?"

"I am Groot. (You yelled at her that you never loved her)" Groot said.

Rocket's face filled with horror and sadness. He placed his hands on his face, and quietly shed a few tears. I yelled at her that I never loved her? What have I done? I should've NEVER had those shots! Rocket immediately jumped up and ran out of the bar. The others quickly ran after him.

"What are you doing?!" Drax yelled.

"The only choice I can do." Rocket rushed up the ramp and to his room.

Gamora's face filled with utter shock and said, "Rocket, you don't mean-"

"No! Of course I'm not gonna killed her you twit!" Rocket was rushing to load the large gun he made. "I have to tranquillize her then she'll fall asleep; returning to her normal form." He grabbed a dart and loaded it in the barrel. "But I only have one shot to do it, so I need you guys to distract her while I make the shot."

The others nodded. They started down the ramp again when Rocket called for Drax.

"I need you with me." He said, "I need to stand on something high and sturdy, so you'll do the job."

"I will not be your step stool, little beast." Drax sternly said. A loud crash shook the ship. "Fine." He muttered. Rocket quickly climbed up his back and they ran outside.

"Go to the top of that building, it'll give me a good shot of her leg." Rocket said, clinging to the wild man he regretted asking for help.

Drax stopped in front of the building, "How will I get up there?"

"Uh, I don't know grow a pair of wings!"


"Metaphor, it was a metaphor!" Rocket sighed and looked around. "Your gonna hafta walk up there from what I see."

"Or I could climb!" Drax said, and started to cling on to the wall. Rocket hung on to the gun and Drax with a tighter grip.

"Hurry up, Rocket!" Gamora yelled. She was going around Lianna's giant feet and trying to tie them together, but they kept breaking.

"Hey, Lianna!" Peter yelled at her. She looked down at him with an angry look.

"Have you ever saw this!" Peter began to prance around like a little kid.

"What the hell?" Lianna said, her voice sounding deep and demonic.

"Peter, what the hell are you doing?" Gamora said, trying to tie Lianna's feet again.

"I'm dancing!" He said. Gamora had no idea what the hell he was dancing for, but it seemed to distract Lianna very much.

"Just keep doin' that Peter!" Rocket yelled to him.

Drax finally made it to the top of the building and placed Rocket on the ground.

"Ok, I only have one dart, like I said earlier, so I CAN'T miss this." Rocket rested the gun on top of the buildings roof border. He synchronized the target on to her leg and got ready to pull the trigger, but something was holding him back.

Rocket looked at Lianna in her monstrous form. All he saw was his original friend; beautiful blue eyes, long, silky, red hair, her pretty smile. I can't. I can't shoot her, not even with a tranquilizer!

"Oh, give me it!" Drax snatched the gun out of his hands and steadied it on her leg.

"What're you doing!?" Rocket exclaimed, tugging on Drax's pant.

"Shooting her myself." The word 'shooting' put horror into his mind. HE'S GONNA SIT R HER! Rocket began to wildly reach for the gun. He heard the gun click. NO!

"LIANNA! RUN!" Rocket yelled to her. She turned around to look at him when Drax pulled on the trigger, quickly releasing the dart.

"Ow." Lianna plainly said. The dart hit her on the front of her right thigh. The injection quickly surged through her body. Her eye's began to stutter close. She began to yawn and sway slightly.

"Drax, you idiot!" Rocket yelled. He ran to the edge and jumped building to building. He looked up at Lianna, her body was slowly shrinking. But he jumped too short for the building in front of him and fell into a dumpster.

"Ah, yuck!" He said, wiping off the trash on himself. He jumped out of the dumpster and quickly ran to Lianna. Her swaying started to move her feet, but he saw her feet tied together.

"Who tied her feet together!?" Rocket yelled. Peter pointed to Gamora.

"What else was I supposed to do?! Peter was prancing around like an idiot!" Gamora said.

"Well it distracted her, so you're welcome!" Peter said.

"No, you idiots! By tying her feet together she'll-!" The ground shook like a giant earthquake. Rocket ran towards Gamora and Peter and clung to Gamora's leg. The whole city was screaming in fear. Rocket looked up and saw Lianna falling down. These stupid idiots, she's gonna hurt herself!

A loud boom surrounded the place. A dust cloud formed and covered the area in front of them. When the air cleared, there was Groot, holding up Lianna's back.

"I am Groot. (I caught her)" Groot said.

Rocket rushed over to her sleepy form, her body still shrinking.

"Did it work?" Drax asked, joining the others as they surround Lianna.

"You fuckin' shot her!" Rocket yelled at him.

"I thought that was the plan?" Gamora asked.

"No! The plan wasn't to kill her, you idiots!" A few tears rolling down Rocket's cheeks.

"But you loaded a tranquilizer, right?" Peter said. Rocket held in his tears, and laid his head down on Lianna. Gamora took the dart that was in Lianna's thigh and read the label.

"Rocket, your overreacting, it's a tranquilizer." Gamora said, showing him the label. Rocket lifted his head and looked at it. He took it into his hands, and realized how much he cared for her if he panicked over her fir being shot by a tranquilizer, or it was because Drax did it.

Suddenly a giant, white ship was coming into Knowhere. Rocket looked at the ship and fear flooded his body.

"Everybody! On the ship! Now!" Rocket ordered. "Groot, pick up Lianna! Hurry!" He ran over to the ship and lowered the ramp.

"Why in a hurry, Rocket?" Peter asked.

"You see that ship?" Rocket pointed out in the sky, "Those are our enemies, so let's move!" Everyone obeyed Rocket and he closed up the ramp.

"Peter, start this thing up and go!" He ordered. Groot laid Lianna down on the table in the dining room. Rocket went over to make sure she wasn't injured. He was shock and mad when he found the bite mark on her shoulder. Whoever did this to her, I will KILL THEM!

The Milano lifted off and headed toward the exit. Rocket looked at the white ship and saw that he was right. 'Xandarian Science Control', just as I thought.

"Rocket, where do we go?" Gamora asked.

"Yeah, like Xandar? Langara? Somewhere where there's booze?" Peter said. Gamora shot a glare at him. "Ok, check 'Somewhere where there's booze' off the list."

"Deep space." Rocket said. "They probably saw us takin' Lianna on the ship, so we need to just float around in space until we think of somethin'." Peter nodded and flew far out into the black depths of space.

Lianna's body twitched to life and she moaned. Rocket rushed over to her.

"Are you ok, Lianna?" Rocket asked. Lianna slowly nodded and closed her eyes.

"Groot, take Lianna to my room." Rocket said, "I need to check on some things on her health." Groot nodded and carefully pick her up.

"Keep the ship steady and stable, Peter," He said. Peter nodded and Rocket went after Groot.

Groot carefully laid her down on Rocket's bed and covered her up. Rocket went over to his desk and grabbed a wristband device.

"I am Groot? (What's that for)" Groot asked.

"It's to tell her heartbeat with no hassle of needles, IV's, or heart monitors." Rocket strapped on the wristband to her arm. "Pretty smart and neat, huh?"

"I am Groot. (Indeed it is, Rocket)" Groot said. Rocket smiled at him and turned on the device. He was relieved her heartbeat was at a steady pace. Rocket went back over to the desk and grabbed another invention of his.

"I am Groot? (Now, what does that one do)" He asked.

"It's a memory scanner." Rocket said, putting two metal circles on Lianna's forehead. "I'll be able to see what all happened when I was drunk." He turned on the devices and a holographic screen appeared in front of him.

"I am Groot. (I don't know if you want to do that, Rocket. You might see something a bit too personal of her's)" Groot said, worriedly.

"Don't worry, it'll show me a warning sign when I'm about to run into something like that." Rocket was scrolling through her memories already.

"I am Groot. ( Well, I'm not being here when you do. If you need me, I'll be with the others)" He said, standing in Rocket's doorway.

"Yeah, ok." Groot slightly frowned and walked off.

Rocket rapidly scrolled through the memory slots of all the days of her life. It was probably half an hour later when he finally found the current memories. He found one that showed her ready to punch someone then realized it was only happened four days ago.

He was happy to see her again when they met.


Everyone was just outside the Marconian bar, where a criminal was inside. The guys thought they could get some extra units by taking him in.

"On the count of three." Peter said. "One... two... three-!"

Just then the criminal flew out of the bar door. He was covered in bruises and had a black and blue eye. He scrambled up to his feet and ran for it. But a long arm quickly reached out and grabbed him, dragging him back into the bar.

The man was whimpering at first, but the dragging had picked up its pace and he started screaming. Everyone was terrified. Rocket quickly climbed up on Groot and hung on to the side of his face, sadly remembering the lab.

As soon as the screaming man got pulled into the bar, the sound of wood breaking filled the air; now and then a metal ping joining in.

Peter carefully pushed open the door, allowing everyone to see.

There was a women, surprisingly taller than Peter, who was beating up the man. She had long, red hair and blue eyes. She wore a suit that had the combination of Gamora's and Rocket's. It was black and purple with two holsters on the side. The sleeves reached her elbows and the pant legs reached her ankles from inside the boots.

She took another shot at the man's face, some blood covering her fingerless gloves. She stood the man up and brushed the wood off him, but striked him with a thundering punch soon after.

She stretched her arm over to him and dragged the half unconscious man back over, using her other arm to pick up a skinny man who was hiding behind the bar counter.

"Say, 'sorry' to Mr. Wilkins!" She said to the man. He just growled at the skinny man. She kicked him in the gut, causing him to moan out an apology.

"Good." She said to him. "Cause your going in for money." She grabbed a scarf that was on the ground and tied the criminal's hands together.

"And you say, 'sorry' for bein' so damn skinny!" She said to Mr. Wilkins, his face filled with shock. "I'm kiddin'. I'm kiddin'." Mr. Wilkins calmed down, giving a meek smile.

"Here, take this." She stretched over to her brown satchel and pulled out a green pill. "This should fix you up." She smiled, and gave him the pill.

"T-Thank you ma'am." He stuttered out, "But was it reasonable to beat him up?"

"Well, of course! He's a wanted man." She lifted the criminal into the air and pointed to him.

"Well, then I'll be on my way now." Mr. Wilkins went out the back door. The woman hoisted the criminal on to her back when she heard someone. She wiped her gun to the man behind her, who was Peter.

"Fuck! I got witnesses!" She quickly shoved the gun back and ran for the back door.

"Wait!" A voice called out. The woman listened and stopped. That voice sounds familiar...

"Don't leave." Suddenly it hit her. She dropped the man, making him groan, and she turned around.

"R-Rocket?" She asked.

"Lianna!" Rocket's face quickly shined with joy.

"Rocket! It is you!" Lianna ran toward him and lunged at him, hugging him tightly as she laid on the floor.

"I am Groot!" Groot said happily.

"Groot!" She got up holding Rocket as she went to hug Groot too. "Aw man, I can't believe it!" Lianna was giggling with joy.

"Rocket, who's this?" Gamora asked.

"Oh, um." Rocket stopped hugging Lianna's neck and turned around, "Guys, this is Lianna Argo. My old friend." Rocket smiled at Lianna, her returning one back; joyfully.


Rocket smiled when he remembered that.

He just scrolled past the three other days and came upon the memories of today. He tapped on it and it showed twenty-four slots (one for each hour). He scanned through the slots and came upon a mysterious slot right before the bar fight.

"Where was she before the fight?" Rocket questioned. He clicked on it and it played.

It showed her walking down an alley to a dead-end. Then the mysterious man appeared behind her.

As the memory continued to play, questions were popping into his head. Why is she with that man? Why is she so scared of him? Why did she give him the Langarian blood? What's in that box he gave her? And as the memory continued on to play, Rocket's face filled with horror and anger.

The memory ended with Groot tying a leaf to Lianna's shoulder. Rocket looked over to Lianna, and the bite in her shoulder.

"I'll get back at him, Lianna. I'll make him pay." Rocket whispered to her. He removed the memory scanners from her forehead and placed them on his desk. He covered her up with the comforter and tucked her in. He quickly looked all around the room; incase someone was in here, and no one was.

So Rocket did the one thing he's been dying to do; he leaned over the bed and gently laid a kiss on her forehead.

He smiled and said, "Sweet dreams, my love."

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