He's the Hero

By BrianaReed4

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Sequel to "She's the Man" Izuku and Izumi deal with the aftermath of the Sports Festival. As they continue t... More

Warm U.A. Welcome
Separation Anxiety
Doting Fathers
The symbol that binds us.
Rules and Regulations
Patrol and Paperwork
The Attack
You're no Hero
The Hero's Shadow
All for One
Business as Usual
Tainted Blood
Rash Decision
The Letter
The Ultimatum
Pulling the Trigger
My Choice, My Fate
No Mercy

The Z Factor

279 14 37
By BrianaReed4

Author's Note: Since things were getting a little dark I decided to lighten the mood some and make what I consider a filler episode. There will be little to no plot development in this chapter, but I hope you'll enjoy it nonetheless.

Izuku turned off the hot water and pulled a towel off the hook to run it through his damp hair. Feeling the loose tendrils he took notice that his hair was growing out again and nodded in approval.

"This is me after all." He smiled to himself. To satisfy himself he peeked his head into Izumi's room. When he saw it was dark and there was a lump or a person bundled on the bed Izuku smiled.

"Fast asleep..." he murmured and closed the door so not to disturb her. Walking back to his room he noted the figure on his own bed and have a soft smile.

"I thought you went to bed already."

"We need to talk Deku." Bakugo scowled his cheek bandaged from where Izumi had landed a solid right jab.

"Okay... " He fidgeted some at the harsh stare and adjusted the towel around his hips. "What about?"

"Are you in love with Icy Hot?"

"Eh?!" Caught off guard by the question he nearly dropped the towel. 

"Don't 'EH' me...ever since the tournament you two have gotten suspiciously close." His right leg bounced up and down irritably as he waited for his answer. 

"Kacchan... We're just friends and he's dating Izumi. There's no need to get jealous-"

"WHO THE FUCK SAID I WAS JEALOUS?!" He snapped out and had Izuku jolting and squirming. "I don't want you sneaking around behind my back if you no longer wanna be in this relationship. So if you've got feelings for someone else whether it's icy hot, or round face or whoever else I have a right to know!"

Izuku frowned at him and he turned his back to Bakugo to put pajamas on.

"It sounds to me like you're the one who wants out." He retorted putting boxers on.

"Hah?!" Bakugo's temple throbbed and his aura turned even more menacing.

"You've never been 100% okay with this to begin with. I was just a replacement, remember? So if you no longer want me then..." Izuku started and felt the first few tears slip down his face. Damn it...Damn it...Damn it!!! Izuku gripped his night shirt in his shaky hands. "Don't be... Please don't be tired of me, Kacchan."

"Tch...Damn nerd." Bakugo stood up and wrapped his arms around him from behind. "You think too damn much."

"I can't help it... you say you're not jealous, you say kissing me wouldn't make Todoroki happy. It makes me wonder if-"

"Shut up!" He turned him around snagging him by his chin and kissing him hot and possessively. "Mmmph I'm not Todoroki... kissing you pleases me just fine."

"Kacchan..." the tears continued to fall and Izuku dropped his shirt to wipe and rub at them.

"Stop your crying...shit." He pulled him to his chest again. "Damn it, so maybe I was a little jealous...but you've never looked at anyone else til now, and you've got all these new friends and people who like you..." he cursed and pulled away to pace.

"They're my friends and classmates Kacchan...but you're the only one I'm in love with." Izuku rationalized and had Bakugo stopping and taking an easy breath . It had been awhile since Izuku had said those words to him and it eased the tension I his shoulders.

"Say it again..."

"Hmmm? Oh..." He blinked at the command, but then his face softened with affection. "You're the only one I'm in love with."

Bakugo smirked and pulled him over pinning him to the bed.

"Now that's more like it." He gripped Izuku's hair...then slowly released it stroking the soft stands between his fingers. His face went soft and serious. "You're not getting away from me, Deku. Even if you do end up having feelings for someone else...I'll never give you up."

"Mmmm...." Izuku smiled and cupped Bakugo's face in his hands. That was as close to a love confession as he was ever gonna get... and he was fine with that. "Me either, Kacchan. I won't let you go."

~Next Day: Class 1A~

"Good Morning everyone!" Izumi greeted the group in high spirits, and was rewarded with happy smiles.

"I'm glad to see you're feeling better, Izumi-chan. Everyone was really worried." Uraraka spoke with relief.

"I'm sorry to worry you, Ura-chan." She took her chin and kissed her cheek making her squeak and blush.

"W-W-What was that for?" Uraraka held her cheeks flushing.

"Cuz I felt like it... plus you look really cute today." Izumi said with a big grin. Uraraka's face went bright red and spoke puffed out of her ears.

"Are you passing those out, cuz-" Kaminari waved a hand grinning. "I'm totally okay with free kisses."

Izumi looked his way, her lips curving slyly and she kissed her palm blowing it in his direction and had him going beat red, his electricity sparking out from the...ha... shock.

"What's gotten into you, Izumi-chan?" Ashido asked and came over when Izumi took her seat. "Normally you'd be like-"

"How bout you kiss my fist you filthy lecher?!"

"-or something like that." She thought, imagining Izumi covered in storm clouds, and lightning to match her stormy temper. "Instead..." She took a good long look at Izumi, watching the little hearts dance around her head as she hummed sweetly to herself. "...you're like this. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I've never been better." Izumi told them aloud and sighed. "I was depressed and upset yesterday... but-" she thought of Todoroki's words, and his kiss and sighed fondly. "Some things just trump all that. It doesn't matter what's going on with my head or my body... my heart is overflowing and nothing, absolutely NOTHING can spoil my bad mood."

"Where's your brother and Bakugo? Don't you usually walk with them?"

"Hmm? Oh, I had to wake up early to help a friend and I didn't want to disturb them so I just walked here on my own." She swayed side to side and she sat up straight when she heard her brother and Bakugo come through the door. "Ah! Speak of the devils!" Izumi got up running over and she hugged Bakugo giggling and had him going blue faced.

"What the hell are you doing, half pint?"

"Hugging you! I'm so sorry about all those mean things I said, and the bruise I gave you, Bakugo." She kissed it and had both Izuku and Bakugo's mouths dropping open.

"Who are you and what have you done with my done sister?" Izuku pointed shakily.

"It burns! Get it off me!" Bakugo screamed and tried to wiggle Izumi off but she clung to his arm. He raised a fist his explosions popping.

"What's going on?" Todoroki spoke from behind them and all eyes turned on them. Izumi's brilliant smile went bright white and she just sparkled a she let go of Bakugo and leapt up onto Todoroki.

"Shoto!!!" She tackled him and he fell backwards landing on his butt with Izumi sitting on top of him.

"Okay..." Bakugo backed up wiping the sweat from his cheek and chin. "What the hell is going on here? Why the fuck is she acting like that?"

"No one knows..." Iida said analyzing Izumi who was showering Shoto with love and affection. "She just suddenly showed up like this. I wonder if this is the mental instability she mentioned yesterday."

"Well it's creeping me out." Bakugo shuddered and slammed his back on his desk. "Someone make it stop."

"I dunno, I kinda like her this way." Kaminari said with a stupid grin, little hearts of his own dancing around his head.

"Me too... she didn't even hit me over the head for peeking under her skirt this morning." Mineta said and earned a lump on his head from Bakugo and Izuku smacking him. "Ow... okay maybe I do prefer it the other way."

"As much as I like the attention." Shoto said standing tall and proper even with Izumi wrapped around him like a vine. "We should probably take her to Recovery Girl."

"THERE SHE IS!" Eva said huffing and puffing from the doorway. "I've been looking all over campus for her. I'm so sorry, Midoriya-chan. We'll get this fixed I promise." She tried to pull Izumi free of Shoto but Izumi continued to cling.

"Noooooo! I don't wanna leave Shoto!" She nuzzled further into her boyfriend's shoulder.

"Eva-san..." Shoto pat Izumi's back and turned to face her more fully. "Do you know why she's acting like this?"

"I'm afraid that's mine and Hatsume-kun's fault. You see, before the semester started Izumi had promised Hatsume-kun that she'd test new equipment out for him. So we asked her to come by the lab before school..." she squirmed a bit. "We were working on a shield to protect the wearer from charm abilities..."

"Oh," Izuku got excited suddenly. "Kinda like the Eros hero, Zephyra."

"Yes!" Eva said with excitement, happy that their ideas were being understand and admired. "We're calling it the Z-Pro... short for Zealous Protection .. We thought it would be a useful safeguard, especially if the user is prone to their own abilities." Her smile fell and she hung her head. "...and while testing the product... it kinda backfired." She squirmed and poked her fingers together. "Izumi inhaled the charm pheromones... and well as you can see..." her head hung in disappointment as Izumi made crooning happy noises as she clung to Shoto. "The Z-Pro failed."

"How long will the effects last, do you think?" Izuku questioned. "Furthermore how did you guys affect her to begin with?"

"I'm not entirely sure how long the effects will last, but as for how, we used with this." Eva pulled out a perfume bottle. "A friend of mine has a charm quirk and we made this out of her saliva. It activates the body's hormones, making the victim highly susceptible to their emotions."

"Why would Izumi agree to something like that when her emotions have already been flimsy?"

"As I said, she made a promise to Hatsume-kun. Something about her buying some equipment from him... but instead of money, she promised her time and cooperation in these experiments." Eva explained.

Izuku went blue faced as he recalled the shaper Izumi had used to pose as him for the first half of their semester.

"I really hope it was worth it."

"You mean to tell me that little bottle is filled with someone's spit... that's disgusting!" Bakugo snatched it away and had Eva squeaking and jumping up trying to make a grab for it. "I'm trashing this sucker."

"Wait! Hold on the plunger on that is very-" She winced as his hand pressed down on the plunger and squirted him in the face. "-sensitive."

"BLEGGH!" Bakugo grunted, and dropped the bottle. Izuku quickly snagged it before it could drop and let out a sigh of relief.

"Nice catch," Kirishima complimented with a sigh of relief.

"Thanks... but Kacchan-" Izuku sat on the ground staring up at Bakugo who suddenly went still as a statue, his face red and eyes looking dazed. "This is bad."

"Deku..." Bakugo growled low in his throat and gripped Izuku by the hair. "Why are you on the floor?"

"Eh? Um... well..." Izuku shook and then blinked wide and teary eyed as Bakugo crouched down to eye level with him. Fully expecting some out of control hormonal anger Izuku shut his eyes tightly... but instead felt the gentle stroke of Bakugo's hand through his hair. "Huh?" He slowly opened his eyes and was shocked at the soft and worried expression on Bakugo's face.

"Are you hurt? Did someone push you?" He pulled him to his chest. "Who hurt you, Deku? I'll beat them up!"

"EH!?" Izuku went bright red, smoke puffing from his ears at the obvious display of affection. "K-Kacchan?!" 

"Hehehehe...." Izumi giggled as the rest of the class looked on awestruck. "Kacchan hearts Deku... such a cute couple they make." Izumi said carelessly and had a second round of wide eyed expressions and sounds echoing in the room.

"Are you sure those are pheromones you're spraying them with?" Kaminari grabbed the bottle. "You sure it's not some kind of personality warping spray?" To test it he sprayed Yaoyorozu who coughed in response


"DAMN IT KAMINARI!" Jiro yanked away the bottle. "Stop playing with that!" She paused in her shock as Yaoyorozu suddenly started to weep. "M-Momo?"

"Izumi-san, and Midoriya-san are so fortunate..." She wept. "They're talented, and have found love... but I... I'm so..." she suddenly bawled out crying. Jiro jumped and the bottle went flying again... hands raced to catch it... but by the time it ended up back into Eva's capable hands half the class was infected by the pheromones.

Jiro fawned over the various boys, admiring their muscles, quirks, flirting with anyone she deemed desirable at that moment.

Ashido raged and screamed at anyone within arm's distance from her telling them about every little thing that pissed her off.

Hagure and Ojiro snuggled together, though it was a little odd seeing Ojiro nuzzle against air.

Koda sat in the corner his silence turning into deep dark dread as he drew circles on the ground, soft sounds of despair leaking out sounding almost haunting.

Izuku looked around shell shocked, a little ghost escaping his mouth as the class was suddenly thrown into chaos over the pheromone spray. Bakugo continued to hold him protectively to him, his touch gentle and voice just as so.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take..." Izuku murmured.

"If Aizawa walks in on this he won't be happy." Shoto spoke aloud and looked at the clock. "Class starts in ten minutes. We need to find a way to get them back to normal, or decipher when the effects will wear off. Any ideas?"

"I don't know... this is getting way too intense for me."

"Ribbit, does anybody else think it's strange that the pheromones are affecting everyone differently?" Tsuyu pointed out.

"You're right." Iida agreed stroking his chin. "They're all acting in ways they normally wouldn't... as if their suppressed emotions are suddenly coming to surface."

"Well that would make sense..." Izuku agreed. "If it's a quirk that activates hormones, why would it activate ones already in use?"

"Ah, you're right that does make sense." Uraraka agreed bumping her fist into her palm. "After all, hormones aren't just lovey dovey, and crying, it affects all of our emotions."

"That's it!" Eva held a finger up. "That's why the protection didn't work!"

"Come again?" Izuku glanced back.

"Oh...sorry I just had a brain storm." She pulled out her phone and started texting Mavis. "When we made the Z-Pro was were only protecting one portion of their body... but pheromones are more than just scent... it's touch, taste, all of the senses combined. So while we protected Izumi from inhaling the pheromones... we didn't protect her from touching, or absorbing it through her skin. Ah! This is such a breakthrough!"

"I hate to interrupt your moment, Eva-san, but don't you think we have more pressing matters?" Iida pointed out motioning to the classroom.

"Hmm? Oh, right, well... I suppose we could just use the antidote." Eva said with a sweet smile.

"Antidote!?" Voices screamed, and Eva's brow began to sweat in reaction.

"Sorry... I suppose I should have mentioned that... but I was curious about the effects of the spray so I just kinda let things unfold."

"And here I thought you were a nice person!" Iida accused his hand jerking in the air. "I was a fool. You're just like that Hatsume, using innocent people to experiment and profit off of."

"Ah... well... I wouldn't go that far..." She slowly backed away holding her hands up in protection. "Now, now... no need to get violent."

"TURN THEM ALL BACK NOW!" Uraraka said, her Gunhead martial arts training coming to fruition as she pinned Eva to the wall.

"KYA! Alright! Alright! Please don't hurt me!" Eva wiggled loose and pulled another spray out of her second pocket. "Here..."

"Good... now then let's-" she blinked noticing some people were missing. "Hey where did Bakugo and Deku-kun go?"

"Ribbit... and Izumi and Shoto are missing too." Tsuyu pointed out.


"Damn..." Shoto murmured looking inside All Might's office. "Your dad isn't here. I was hoping he could help."

"Oh dad is never here on time, he's supposed to be retired but he still likes to perform hero duties every morning... " She pulled him in and closed the door with a giggle. "This is convenient though. We're all alone now." She shoved him onto the couch and straddled him. "Now we can finish what we started last night." Her face went flush with pleasure, eyes sparkling with the new hot sensations coursing through her skin.

"Izumi..." he grabbed her waist and tried to pull her back so her breasts weren't right in his face. "We need to get back to class."

"Mmm I don't want to go back." She confessed and tugged her tie free. "I don't want to be a good girl who follows the rules anymore." She unhooked the buttons and Shoto's face went bright red.

"Izumi... hold on... just what are you-"

"Hey Shoto..." she tugged on his tie now her breath hot on his lips and she pressed kisses along his face and down his neck. "Would you love me... even if I was bad?"

"What?" Shoto frowned and shuddered some his body having the natural reaction to her advances and Izumi could feel it press right between her legs making her moan in response. The deep throaty purr had Shoto's own hormones going crazy "Izumi, seriously you need to stop."

"I don't want to stop..." She parted both their shirts open, pressing her lace covered breasts on his hard abs and licking up to his earlobe, nibbling on it. "I've all these dark desires inside me, Shoto... I want to let them out." She confessed to him, grinding on his loins. "I know it's wrong... but the thrill of it." She laughed darkly, the look in her eyes one he'd only ever seen once... when she'd played the villain in the battle exercise. "The thrill of doing something you shouldn't is so delicious... I can't help but want to do it more!"

Shoto panted, and grunted a bit as his hard on pressed against his pants begging to be set fee. He lounged back trying to ease the strain... but all it did was give him a better view of this sexified version of his girlfriend, and give her more room to bump and grind on him.

"You're... asking for trouble by doing that." Shoto said between heavy breaths. His hands went to her hips on instinct, guiding her to the right spots more out of instinct than by design. "It's not something you can just erase, Izumi."

"I know..." she smiled and stroked his face, for a moment her eyes going sad and teary. "Still... what's the point in fighting against the inevitable?"

Why did he get the feeling she was talking about more than just sex? Caught in the moment, Shoto cupped her face and pulled her in kissing her. He had meant to keep it gentle, to merely comfort the heartbreaking face she'd been making... but instead he kindled the heat and fire inside... and she ravaged him.


Izuku squirmed over Bakugo's shoulder as the guy carried him out down the halls and towards the field.

"Finally! There's too many damn people in this school." He set Izuku down carefully and looked around. "We should have plenty of privacy here."

"Privacy... don't tell me you want to do it now, Kacchan!" Izuku looked up at him wary. "I like intimacy as much as the next guy, but-"

"No... this isn't about sex, Deku. There's something I have to tell you... something I should have told you a long time ago but I was too embarrassed and stubborn." he clenched his fists at his sides. "So before this hormonal quirk wears off... I'm just gonna do it!"

"Eh?" Izuku blinked in surprise and clasped his hands together in front of him. "What is it, Kacchan?"

"The truth is... I've been lying to you, Deku."

"Huh? Lying to me?" His face suddenly went pale. "You mean you really don't want to be-"

"Don't jump to conclusions!" Bakugo snapped and cursed. "Sorry... I didn't mean to yell... but seriously don't interrupt me. I need to get this out fast. I lied to you... three years ago."

"Huh?" Izuku blinked in surprise. "Three years ago.... When we started dating?"

"Yeah... I lied when I said I had feelings for your sister. Which I guess isn't a total lie but... it's a lie none the less... ah HELL!" Bakugo scrunched his hair up. "This is so messed up I can't think straight. What I'm trying to say is... I told you I had feelings for Izumi... and I'd convinced myself that that was the truth, because I couldn't come to terms that I really had feelings for you."

"Eh... EH?!" Izuku covered his mouth to hold in the scream. "Me?!"

"Tch... I told myself that all these twisted emotions I had were for her... I told myself that I was attracted to you, because I was attracted to her." He hung his head more. "I told myself... that I didn't like you... I bullied you, hurt you, told you and myself that you were nothing... you were just a quirkless Deku who couldn't do anything... but I was just fooling myself."

He smacked a hand over his face.

"Fuck... Shit... I hated the fact that even though I did all those things to you, you still looked at me... all starry eyed and impressionable. It didn't matter how angry I made Izumi, it didn't matter how much I cursed at you and waved my fists and quirk in your face, you wouldn't go away. I just wanted you to disappear... I wanted my feelings for you to disappear... but they wouldn't go away."

"Kacchan..." Izuku cried. "Are you saying..."

"I'm saying I love you damn it!" Bakugo screamed at him his face raised up and staring at him. "I've loved you since we were kids... I told myself it was your sister... but it's not. I kissed her once... and I felt nothing. Kissing her didn't make me happy... but kissing you, touching you... being with you does!"

"Kacchan!" Izuku couldn't hold it in anymore. He ran to him hugging him tightly. "I love you... I love you Kacchan!"

"Izuku..." he used his real name for the first time in years, and tilted his face up and leaned down to seal the declaration with a kiss.

"FOUND YOU!" Uraraka blasted Bakugo in the face with the antidote. Bakugo coughed and cursed waving his hand in the air and glared at Uraraka. "Just in time!"

"U-ra-ra-KA!" Bakugo's hands sparked with power and Uraraka squeaked and made a run for it. "GET BACK HERE ROUND FACE! I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Izuku stare a bit dazed and still teary from the events... but had to laugh and smile at the outcome. How could he complain? He held his chest feeling his heart just overflow. How could he possibly complain?

~Ask Briry~

Briry: I hope you guys liked this little change of pace. Truth be told I had a dream about this and decided to just post it as a filler chapter. Plus I'd been getting some requests about including more BakuDeku moments and thought this was the perfect way to include it.

....as for Izumi and Shoto... we'll just have to catch up to them later.

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