Peter Parker Oneshots

By doxiaprk

207K 3.6K 1.1K

Oneshots of the life of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man More

Magical Peter Part 1
Magical Peter Part 2
Where are you from?
The Phone Call Part 1
The Phone Call Part 2
The Reveal Part 1
The Reveal Part 2
Listen before I go
Percy Jackson+MCU mashup
Spider Hunting
Percy Jackson+MCU V.2
Random long story YAY!
Back to the future (not the movie)
Peter Snaps (LITERALLY)
Another random story
Someone you loved
Microphone Muted
Deaf Peter
Final thing
Exciting News!

Extra little thing

5.1K 30 5
By doxiaprk

This isn't Spiderman or the Avengers related, but I thought I would share. It's like a Hamilton AU for Maria Reynolds. I had to do it for computer class. 

She would never have guessed what was in the egg. What egg you may ask? Well, when Maria (Ma-rYE-ah) Reynolds, the 15 year old student, was walking to school one morning, something peculiar came to her eye. A light blue egg sitting on the ground a little ways into the forest that lined the sidewalk. Now, at first it didn't seem unusual to her. It looked almost like a robin's egg. Not strange at all, right? She went to go pick up the poor egg, maybe even find a bush or nest to put it in, when she realized the egg was bigger than she originally thought. Much too big to be a robin's egg. Without thinking she threw the poor egg on the ground. A blood curdling crack sounded through the air. That was when she realized how truly peculiar the egg was. She swept up the egg and examined it, hoping it wasn't broken. A giant crack ran along the side and her heart raced, hoping it wasn't too damaged. She had a feeling this egg was something else and she was not throwing away her shot.

She raced off to school. She was going to be late. She couldn't be late. Not again. She could get detention. She didn't want to ruin her perfect streak. She was trying to be a better person, especially after middle school and Sophomore year. She had a bad reputation due to some bad stuff she did and the person who stuck with her. Her best friend wasn't the nicest. Wasn't nice at all. She would actually show up with bruises and cuts from him. Once, a black eye. She got manipulated too often by him and forced to try to ruin other people's reputation. One time, he forced her to force a kid away from his best friends and girlfriend for four months. She broke away from her friend after that. She was sick and tired of the manipulations and now she had no friends. She just wanted to build back her rep and get some friends. Detention was not going to help that. She rushed into first period and sat in the seat she chose at the beginning of the year. The seat that no one sat around. Until that day. An old, familiar face sat next to her.

"Hey Maria," he said.

"Alexander?" She said in surprise.

"That's me," he said.

"Why do you want to sit next to me? I basically ruined your life in 8th grade," She said glumly.

"I feel bad, you have no friends, so me and my friends thought we could be friends with you," he said kindly, placing his hand on her shoulder. She burst into tears and flung her arms around him.

"Thank you soooooooo much," she said. The tears surprised him. Maria Reynolds was suprosed to be the hardcore, emotionless girl. But deep down, she was an emotional girl with no friends. The extra seats around her filled up for the first time in the whole year. Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, Alexander, John, Eddy, Jazzy, and Brett, all smiling, saying words of encouragement and how they forgave her. She didn't know why anyone would do that. She was a bad person. She was mean. She was a life ruiner. Or that's what she thought. No, that wasn't her. That was her old friend, James. The mean, bad, life ruiner. No, that wasn't her at all and at that moment, she realized that. She stood up tall and hugged everyone one of her new friends. Friends, a new concept to her. True friends at least. She was, what's the word. She couldn't come up with it. She was...bliss. Happy. Everything seemed right.

Then everyone and everything was thrown back and the world seemed to burn as the colors faded and everything disappeared. She gasped as the dark colors lightened to the most dazzling colors she has ever seen, some not even known to man. Something hit her foot. She looked down and saw...her backpack? She sat down and opened it up. Inside was the egg. The earlier crack had grown and was growing. She watched, entranced, as it opened. The egg burst into an array of colors and images. She saw her past. James hitting her, cutting her, screaming at her. She saw a mom and dad smiling at a baby in joy. She saw red and blue lights and tears on a young child's face, with blood on her hands, police comforting her, her screaming at them to bring her parents back. She saw a girl sitting alone at a lunch table. She saw a girl leading a boy away from his life and forcing him to hang out with her, face full of guilt and regret. At last she saw a girl crying with her friends. The images faded with whispers in her ear.

'The world will never be the same,' It sang to her.

'The ability to gain skills 5x faster, the ability to change anything ever, or the ability to control anything,' another whispered. As they spoke the colors faded and the world burned again.

'Choose,' one pleaded.

'Choose,' The other coaxed. Another voice appeared.

'Choose now!' it screamed. Maria screamed. A headache grew and the voices got louder.

"Uh, uh, uh 5x faster!" She screamed. She didn't want control. She knew her past was important and she wouldn't change it for the world, even though it pained her. The voices faded and the real world faded into view. She burst into even more tears when she saw her friends. The ones she wouldn't give up. They all hugged her and throughout the day, they would get to know each other better. Brett and Eddy helped her improve on the violin, her 5x learning speed coming in handy. Alexander helped her with writing. The three Schuyler sisters, Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy, helped her with singing. The others helped her with skills and they built their friendship. The most important thing is that she called James.

"Ah I see you're coming back to me, love," he said cooly.

"Ah, no actually, James Lewis," she spat.

"My last name is Reynolds, I changed it for you. You're my wife, come back to me," he said, his voice becoming harsh.

"You forced me into that marriage. Besides, it was fake, and I didn't even say anything, and there was no consent from me to do that. Lewis, what you did was illegal, and I can sue you" she said.

"You better come back to me, love. As I said before 'you'll be back,'" he said.

"James Lewis, I am done, you are the worst person I have ever met," she said.

"Love," he shouted.

"I am not your 'love.' Stop calling me that!" She said, getting mad.

"I'm coming. Stay there," he ordered.

"I will call the police on you. Don't try me," Maria said, gaining more and more confidence in every word. James started spluttering and stuttering.

"By the way, I am in the process of filing a restraining order," Maria said. James gave out a strangled yelp and screamed.

"Goodbye," she spat into the phone. Hanging up felt great. She felt free. She gave a sigh of relief and put down the phone. She felt like a weight had been lifted off of her chest. She turned to the paperwork on her desk. It was the restraining order she was filling out against James. Now all she needed was a signature. She picked up her pen and left out a sigh and closed her eyes.

'Do I really want to do this?" She asked herself. Her mind flashed back to the egg and what it showed her. She opened her eyes with nowfoud vigor and quickly put her name on the line. She looked over the papers and smiled. She heard a honk outside. She looked out her window to see Alexander's car. He was driving her to City Hall to officially file the restraining order. She grabbed her papers and puse and ran outside and hopped in the car.

"Drive," she said, smiling at him. He pressed the pedal and they were off. Her to start her new life and him to have one new friend, one he thought would never would have.

Maria will always tell you, "You have the ability to change how you look at yourself and how people look at you. You just need to fund the right people and believe that your past doesn't define you and you can be a better person. Just believe."

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