Peter Parker Oneshots

By doxiaprk

204K 3.6K 1.1K

Oneshots of the life of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man More

Magical Peter Part 1
Magical Peter Part 2
Where are you from?
The Phone Call Part 1
The Phone Call Part 2
The Reveal Part 1
The Reveal Part 2
Listen before I go
Percy Jackson+MCU mashup
Spider Hunting
Percy Jackson+MCU V.2
Random long story YAY!
Back to the future (not the movie)
Peter Snaps (LITERALLY)
Someone you loved
Microphone Muted
Deaf Peter
Extra little thing
Final thing
Exciting News!

Another random story

4.8K 119 99
By doxiaprk

"Mr. Parker, please head to the private elevator," a Irish voice called out from the ceiling. Peter Parker, a young, 15 year old intern at Stark Industries, looked up in alarm. The other interns around him giggled. Usually when Tony Stark's AI, Friday, called someone to the private elevators they were about to get fired. Pete stood up slowly, nervous thoughts circling around his head. He walked to the elevator and the door opened. He stepped inside and watched the numbers at the top as they shot up. The doors opened when he reached the 96th floor. When they fully opened, Peter could see the genius, billionaire, ex-playboy, philanthropist standing there.

"Hello, Mr. Parker," Tony said smoothly.

"H-hello, M-mr. Stark," Peter stuttered. 'Stupid stutter!' He cursed himself in his head.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Tony said, shaking Peter's hand.

"You too!" Peter chirped more confidently and in amazement as he just shook TONY STARK's hand.

"I'm sorry to say that your spot on the lower level labs will be given to someone new," the genius said. Peter's usually happy face fell. Noticing the change in the boy's face, Tony quickly said, "Because you have become my personal intern!" His sad face was replaced by a surprised face.

"Really?" Peter exclaimed.

"Really!" Tony exclaimed right back.

"W-wow!" Peter spluttered. Tony chuckled.

"When do I start?" Peter asked.

"Right now," Tony said. Peter's eyes widened.

"Go get your stuff and bring it up here. Your badge has been taken and you will find a level 9 badge on your old desk," Tony informed. Peter raced back to the elevator and went down. The other interns looked at him curiously.

"What happened up there, Parker?" One asked teasingly. He ignored him.

"We saw your badge get taken, Parker, and replaced by a new one," a girl said. Peter went to his desk, packed everything up, grabbed his new badge and started to walk to the elevator.

"Come on, Parker, answer us," they said. He held up his new badge.

"I've been promoted," he said. They scoffed.

"To what? Janitor?" A boy asked.

"To Mr. Stark's personal intern," he said. Some of their eyes widened. Some didn't believe him.

"Yeah right," they teased. Then they looked at his badge. They parted and he walked by.

"Bye bye!" He said as the elevator doors closed. When they closed, Peter took a deep breath. The other interns, well they didn't bully him, but they teased him sometimes. He was just glad to be out of that lab.

With all the thinking Peter did, he didn't realize the doors opened until Friday spoke up.

"Mr. Parker, we are on the floor," she said softly, in a more human voice than he ever heard.

"Oh, thank you Ms. Friday," he said back as he walked out of the elevator. He walked over to Tony, where he was waiting.

"Alright kid, before we get started with all the intern stuff, we're doing an IQ test," Tony informed him.

"O-okay," Peter answered him. They walked into Tony's lab. Peter looked around in amazement. Tony saw his amazed look and laughed under his breath. Tony pointed to a clear desk. It had two papers on it.

"Why are there two tests?" Peter asked. "I haven't done one in a long time, so I may as well test it," Tony replied. Peter nodded. Tony noticed that he was still carrying his stuff and said, "You can put your stuff on that table over there." He pointed to an empty table near the edge of the lab. Peter walked over and put his stuff down, and walked back over to the test.

"Alright, Friday, how do we do these?" Tony called.

"You will have 45 minutes to complete the test. Then you will put it in the slot in the wall. I will grade it and tell you the scores," she answered.

"Alright kid, ready?" Tony asked. Peter nodded.

"Go!" Friday said. Peter grabbed the pencil and started writing. Weren't these questions supposed to be difficult or even mildly hard? Within 20 minutes, Peter was done. He slammed the pencil down and leaned back in the chair he was in. Tony looked up in surprise.

"You done?" He asked. Peter nodded. Tony stared at him for a minute and went back to the test. Ten minutes later, he was done. They walked over and put it in the slot that was there.

"Would you like the scores now?" Friday asked a moment later.

"Yes dearest," Tony said.

"Boss has a score of 232." Tony fist pumped.

"More than, uh, a while ago!" He said.

"Mr. Parker has a score of 244," Friday then said. Tony looked at Peter in shock.

"W-What? This is one of Clint's pranks, right?" Tony asked.

"No. I assure you this is all real. If you would like, you may look at Mr. Parker's test over," Friday said. Tony went over to the slot and grabbed the test. He flipped through the pages. Then he looked at Peter with wide eyes.

"Friday, get Bruce up here," he said. A moment later Bruce Banner walked through the door. Peter looked at him.

"Oh my gosh! Bruce Banner!" He shouted. Bruce sighed. "Yes the Hul-," he started but got interrupted.

"The famous gamma radiation scientist!" Peter finished. Bruce got teary eyes.

"Thanks," He said.

"The kid is a literal genius!" Tony exclaimed. Bruce looked over to him.

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.

"He's smarter than me!" Tony burst out. Bruce looked sceptical.

"He had an IQ of 244," Tony explained. Bruce's eyes widened.


"Really!" Peter looked at the ground sheepishly.

"Wow," Bruce muttered.


When Peter got home the next week, he immediately went on patrol. He stopped a few robberies, muggers and car crashes. Then, he found the Avengers fighting off robot things. They were losing pretty badly, so Peter jumped in.

"Hey guys! A little trouble I see," he greeted, while webbing up some robots.

"Spider-Man!" They yelled. He easily took down most of the robots on the ground, the others got the rest. His senses acted up. He looked around and saw Natasha trying to get out of a collapsing building. One of the beams had fallen and blocked all the ways out. For once Natasha's face had fear etched on it. Peter ran as fast as he could. He burst through the wall, grabbed Natasha and threw her outside onto a weboline (web trampoline). She landed as soon as the building came down. Natasha watched as the building came down on top of Spider-Man. He had saved her.

"Guys, we have a problem," she said into the coms.

"And that is?" Cap asked with a grunt.

"Well, I almost died," Nat said with sarcasm.

"What's new?" Tony said back.

"Spidey saved me," she said.

"Wow," Sam said.

"There's more," Nat informed them. They hummed.

"A building collapsed on top of him," she said. There was silence.

"Oh god," Someone muttered.

"We need him to win," Cap said.

"Is that all you care about? Winning? Spider-Man could be extremely injured or half dead and you only care about winning?" Nat snapped. (Oh yes, we love Spider mom, even though she never really met him. Ooh so protective). Cap was taken aback.

"I'm coming to help," he said. Nat gave a satisfied grin. Nat heard some faint yelps and cries. She untangled herself from the web and ran towards the building. She heard some yelps for help. She figured it was Spidey.

"Come on Peter, you lifted it once, you can do it again," she heard. So his name was Peter? And he lifted a building off of himself before? The rubble shifted and moved. She jumped in to help. She grabbed some rubble and put it aside. Soon, Spidey ran out from underneath. He wasn't wearing a mask. Nat gasped. He was just a kid. And he was badly injured.

"Kid, I owe you my life," she said. Peter gave her a weak smile and realized he wasn't wearing a mask. He gave a panicked look.

"It's okay, they deserve to know who you are," she said. He took a breath.

"I'm Peter, Peter Parker," He said.

"Hi Peter. I'm Natasha, Natasha Romonoff," She said, mimicking his style of introductions.

"Hey," He said weakly. Then he stumbled towards her. Nat noticed that he was bleeding from his stomach. She tugged him to the ground gently and did what she learned. He gasped.

"Stay still. We need to cover and slow the blood from the puncture," she ordered. He nodded and let his head fall. Then they heard some movement. Cap jumped into view of Nat.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Then he saw the blood and looked at Peter.

"H-he's a kid," he whispered in disbelief.

"Yeah, and he's badly injured," Nat snapped. Peter lifted his head to see who it was. He didn't make it and let his head drop again. Cap jumped in to help. Peter whimpered. Soon, the blood slowed and Cap pulled out some bandages and bandaged the wound. Peter wasn't fit enough to fight though. He grabbed his mask and Nat and Cap helped him to the quinjet where they would fly him to the tower to get fixed up. He didn't bother with his mask though. They placed him on a bench. He pushed himself up into a sitting position. Nat connected him to com and then they ran back into battle.

"How is Spidey?" Tony asked when they spied them.

"On the quinjet," Nat said. He nodded. An hour later, they finished. Nat and Cap ran back to the jet.

"What's got them in a bunch?" Clint muttered.

"Hey, How are you doing?" Nat asked when they walked in. Peter had changed into civilian clothes, but still had the bandages on. His face and hair were still dusty and bloody.

"Meh, not the worst actually," he said.

"Good," Nat said. Cap was surprised actually. Nat talked in a much softer tone than what he ever heard. A minute later they heard the rest of the team walk through the door.

"Dang, Nat, never seen you looked so rushed before," Tony said as he entered the jet. The rest of the team followed him. Peter grabbed his mask and shoved it on. That's when everyone noticed him.

"Hey Spider-Man," Clint said. Peter gave a soft wave and winced a little. They furrowed their eyebrows.

"Is he hurt?" Tony asked Nat and Cap. They nodded.

"When the building collapsed, a pipe, thankfully a small one, punctuated his stomach. It went right through," Nat said. The others looked surprised.

"I'm okay though. Enhanced healing. What a life saver. L-like a literal life saver," Peter spoke up. His voice wasn't like how it was on patrol. No sarcastic tone, no quips. Just normal and it took them by surprise.

"You sound familiar," Tony observed.

"Yeah, I do," Peter said. Tony looked confused.

"Go ahead, they deserve to know," Nat encouraged. Peter put his hands on the bottom of the mask and pulled it up.

"Peter Parker?" Tony asked in surprise. Peter gave a small smile. This was the first time Tony noticed the blood and dust.

"You need to wash yourself," Tony said. Peter rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, and you need to wash your mouth, you dirty sweater," Peter shot back.

"I'm getting sass a lot now aren't I?" Tony asked with a sigh. Peter nodded.

"I'm confused," Clint started.

"Of course you are," Peter spoke before Clint continued.

"How do you know him?"

"He's my personal intern," Tony explained.

"Yeah, and I'm smarter than him," Peter bragged.

"No way. Tony is for sure smarter than a 12 year old," Sam said.

"First of all, I'm 15. Second of all, I have a higher IQ than him," Peter said.

"True or False?" Clint asked Tony. Tony sighed.

"True. I have an IQ of 232. He has an IQ of 244," Tony said. They all looked at Peter in surprise.

"Oh wow," they muttered.

"We ended up getting him to the med bay," Nat said. Tony nodded. They went and started to fly to the tower. On the way, they made friendly conversation with Peter before they got to the tower.

"Remind me why I need to go to the med bay?" Peter asked, while rolling on the gurney.

"We need to check to see if you have internal damage," Nat said, walking next to him. Peter waved her closer to him.

"No needles please," he whispered. Natasha nodded. She repeated this to Bruce through her phone. When they got to the room, Peter saw Bruce with a needle (he was putting it away) and freaked out. He freaked out for like 5 minutes when Natasha went to the others and asked, "How do you calm down a 15 year old kid?" Hey shrugged and Friday answered, "Gen Z kids like 'Vines.' Find a compilation on YouTube and play that." Nat nodded and ran off. When she got back to the room, she said, while holding her phone up, "Peter, want to watch some vines?" He immediately snapped out of his freak out and nodded vigorously. Natasha searched for a complication, and gave it to Peter. He took it and watched. He even recited his favorites. Bruce started the checkup. Natasha was confused about what he was watching, so she knelt next to him.

"Little Russian lady, can you buy me some beets," was heard seconds later. Natasha looked slightly offended, slightly humored.

"почему это так! почему люди всегда используют стереотипы. Я ненавижу это! Я буду жестоко убивать их за допущение." Peter looked kind of scared.

"Наташа, успокойся, они никого не пытались обидеть," he said in Russian. She kept talking and then realized what he said.

"You speak Russian?" She asked. Peter nodded.

"I know tons of languages," he said.

"Wow," She said. Soon Bruce finished the checkup and Natasha was educated on vines. Peter was fine, so he sprang up and waited for Natasha. She got up and walked next to him. He started rambling. Natasha listened to every word he spoke. She learned about his friends, school life, a bunch of random stuff and other facts. She actually learned that he was an orphan in a foster home. They weren't abusive though. Natasha stored some information for later. Natasha, being the spy she is, figured out that he was 1). Bullied, 2). Demisexual, possibly asexual, and 3). He most likely had PTSD. They eventually got to the room the Avengers were in and Clint ran up to Peter.

"Can you tell me about your powers?!" Clint asked in super speed.

"Yeah sure," Peter said back. They walked to the couch. Clint and Nat sat in empty spots and Peter hesitated to sit.

"Sit, Peter, it's fine," Tony said.

"I don't like sitting on couches," Peter explained. They looked at him in confusion.

"I sit on the ceiling when I'm alone," he said. So he jumped up on the ceiling and sat down. They all stared in shock.

"So that's not the suit?" Tony asked. Peter shook his head.

"I'll explain," he said. Then he shouted, "Origin story sharing time!" He started.

"My parents died at the Stark expo when I was 7. The crazy robot attack? We were there for my birthday and the crazy stuff happened. I was there and they got blown up. May and Ben were somewhere else, mostly looking for me or my Parents. I got pulled into a crowd when a robot landed in front of us. Everyone ran, but with snot and tears running down my face, I lifted my hand like a repulsor, accidentally of course, looking for revenge. Mr. Stark landed behind me and shot him, saying, "Nice job, kid." My aunt and uncle found me, I told them what happened and they took me in. They were amazing. Anyways, when I was just over 14, my class went on a field trip to Oscorp. There, I was bitten by a radioactive spider. I was super sick for like a week and got really weird and cool spider powers. Then I got into a fight with my uncle and I stormed out. He followed me and there was a robbery. He got shot and bled out in my arms. His dying words encouraged me to become Spider-Man. A couple months ago, my aunt died of cancer. I was taken by child services to a foster home. They're really nice and supportive. Anyways, I fought the Vulture, got some nightmares about that. I got a Stark internship and like a week ago, I became Mr. Stark's personal intern," Peter said. They stared in shock. Especially Tony. Peter was the kid at the expo? (That was actually confirmed.)

"Can we live the memories?" Steve asked. Peter furrowed his brows in confusion. Steve gestured to Wanda. Peter understood.

"Sure, but be ready," he said. Wanda readied her magic and they plunged into his memories. The first one was of his parents death. They watched as Peter looked at Iron Man on stage in wonder. The little 7 year old was adorable. Then, the robots came. Peter's face turned from awe to terror and back.

"Iron Man is going to save us!!!!" He cheered. He didn't understand. This wasn't a demonstration. This was real. His parents led him up out of the building. They made him put his mask on incase debris came at his face. It may have protected his face. Together they ran as fast as they could with little Peter. His father saw a bomb in front of them. He froze, grabbed Peter and threw him away. Peter screamed as he landed, obviously hurt by the fall, the mask raising up above his eyes. His dad looked to his mother and screamed, "I love you Mary!" Both had tears in their eyes. They both moved in front of the bomb, about to go off, shielding Peter.

"We love you Peter!" They screamed in unison. Peter had risen enough to see the bomb go off and their bodies fell lifeless. He screamed, tried to get up, but failed and fell, seriously hurt. He slowly got onto his hands and knees and crawled to them. They had taught him to check a pulse. So he went to his mother and grabbed her wrist. Nothing. He was sobbing. He went to his dad and grabbed his wrist. No pulse. He screamed and pulled the mask fully off of his face.

"Momma! Daddy!" He screamed. He sat over their bodies for a few minutes, his sadness turning to grief, then it turned to anger. He kissed his mom's cheek, and hugged his father. He grabbed his mom's necklace she always wore, then he grabbed his dad's watch. He put the necklace on and stuffed the watch into his pocket. He rose, his eye twitching. Grabbing his mask, he shoved it on and ran. He ran as fast as he could, looking for Auntie May and Uncle Ben. Robots fell in his path and he just dodged them, adrenaline pumping in his veins. At one point he rolled under a bullet, something that should have been impossible. He found a large group of people and ran into their group. They all ran when a robot landed in front of them. Peter slapped the watch onto his wrist. His father taught him to use it in case of emergency. There was a band that went to his palm. He would hold it up and press two fingers down and that would cause an electric shock to be sent out. (The Spider-Man pose, but upside down).The rest of people ran and he stayed where he was and raised the hand with the watch in it. He accidentally put his hand up like Iron Man's repulsor. He heard a thunk behind him and the robot got blasted to shreds.

"Nice job, kid," a metallic voice called. Peter whipped around in time to see Iron Man fly away. He stood for a moment and ran to find his aunt and uncle. He ran and found them, crying and rambling. They saw the watch and necklace and understood. May picked him up and they ran into their car and rode away, with May in the back, consoling Peter. The memory subsided and they all looked at Peter in shock.

"Two broken ribs, one bruised, one cracked from the fall. The adrenaline boost was crazy, I know and the watch and necklace..." Peter said. He pulled the necklace out from under his shirt and rolled his sleeves up to show the watch. (the band had been taken out). Most of them were in tears. Tony was close. Before anyone could say anything Peter gestured to Wanda who plunged them into another memory. It was the Spider bite and the sickness. Nothing much. Wanda went straight into the next one. His uncle's death. They watched as Peter stormed out and went to the store. Uncle Ben followed him. A robber ran into the store. Uncle Ben ran in, pulling out his gun.

"Hands up!" He shouted. The robber smirked and whipped out their gun and shot him in a flash. Peter cried out and ran after the robber. He punched him in the head, knocking him out. The rest of the police were there and Peter ran back to Ben. He was laying on the ground, blood pooled around him.

"No, no no no no no. Uncle Ben, I can't lose you too!" Peter cried.

"We all have a time to go, Peter. I believe this is mine. I love you Peter. Tell May, I love her. Just remember, with great power come great responsibility," Ben said slowly. Peter cried out. Ben closed his eyes. The memory subsided. No words. Peter gestured and they plunged into another memory.

(I don't know what to write for May's death... so use your imagination!)

Everyone either was in tears or close. Peter drew a shaky breath and gesture to Wanda again. The Vulture. Peter lowered into the warehouse. They walked over to Adrian Toomes and yelled at him. They watched as the wings came at him and he jumped. He kept jumping over or around them.

"I wasn't aiming for you," they heard. Then the building collapsed. They heard some cries for help. Then, "Come on Peter, Come on Spider-Man." Peter lifted the building. Everyone was shocked at the sheer strength of him. When he got out he ran after the man. He located the plane and got up to it. They watched the next moments where the plane crashed and the fight with the Vulture. The running into the fire and saving him. When the memory was done, Peter was crying along with most of the others.

"That's my origin," he said in a shaky voice. Tony ran up and hugged him.

"I feel so bad about your parents," he said. Peter hugged him back.

"It wasn't your fault," he said. They pulled apart.

"Um, anything else we should know?" Steve asked.

"Not really. You pretty much know everything about me at this point," Peter said. 

Kind of finished story. 

(3871 Words)

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