Peter Parker Oneshots

By doxiaprk

204K 3.6K 1.1K

Oneshots of the life of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man More

Magical Peter Part 1
Magical Peter Part 2
Where are you from?
The Phone Call Part 1
The Phone Call Part 2
The Reveal Part 1
The Reveal Part 2
Listen before I go
Percy Jackson+MCU mashup
Spider Hunting
Percy Jackson+MCU V.2
Back to the future (not the movie)
Peter Snaps (LITERALLY)
Another random story
Someone you loved
Microphone Muted
Deaf Peter
Extra little thing
Final thing
Exciting News!

Random long story YAY!

3.9K 87 59
By doxiaprk

This is just before Peter gets bit. He already knew Tony Stark because he had a real internship and had for a while. Tony looked at his age and thought no at first, but decided to have and interview with the kid in person. Peter was 14. Tony had to give him an IQ test to see if he would qualify. Peter did and got the job. Him and Tony had been working together for 2 months and got really close to the point where they saw each other as a father figure (for Peter) or a son (for Tony).

Peter was staying at Stark Tower for the week because May was going out of town. After school, instead of Happy picking up Peter, Mr. Stark did. There was nobody at school at the time. "Hey Mr. Stark," Peter said, climbing into the passenger seat. "I got a surprise at the tower," said Mr. Stark. "Coooool. What is it?" Peter spoke. "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise." Peter pouted. He never knew if it was a good surprise or a bad one. That kept him silent for two and a half minutes, which was a new record. He talked Tony's ear off, and sang an occasional song on the radio. By the time they got to the tower, Peter had talked and talked. And talked. And talked.

Peter was still talking when they were in the elevator. They got to the top floor and Peter was still talking. They walked out of the elevator and into the living room. Peter didn't stop talking but the talking in the room stopped. Peter looked at Tony who was trying not to laugh. "Well, who do we have here," a voice said. Peter's voice stopped. He looked at the people in the room. All of the Avengers. Peter froze in shock. "Tony, what's this 10 year old doing up here?" Captain America asked. "Wow Mr. Captain America Sir, that was cold. Almost as cold as the ice you were in for 70 years," Peter said. Tony burst out laughing. Some of the other Avengers did too. Most of them looked like they were trying hard not to laugh. Steve looked shocked. "The kid's 13," said a laughing Tony Stark. "No, I'm 14, Mr. Stark!" Peter protested, "and I got one more thing to tell him." He got an evil grin on his face. Peter got a chair and sat backwards on it. "So you just called a kid who's 14,10." Cap's face paled so much he almost looked translucent. The Avengers looked confused but seeing how he reacted they laughed. "I didn't know you had a son, Tony," said Natasha Romonov. Peter paled and said, "He not- I'm not- WHAT?" "He's not mine," Tony said, "he's my personal intern." "Is this the surprise?" asked Peter. "Yes, you may go to your room if you want." Peter bounced off, filled with excitement. "You sure he's not yours," Natasha said. "Yes," Tony said. "Do you see him like a son?" "Maybe a little," Tony admitted. "You two act the same and have the same eyes," said Rohdey, "Have you ever actually checked?" "No..." Tony unsurely said. "Friday, remind Tony to do a test," said Rohdey as a joke. Friday replied, saying ok, and Peter bounced back into the room. "I'm going to go get some food!" He said, running past them.

Weeks passed and everyone had grown on Peter. Peter had effected Nat more than anyone. Nat was a cold hearted assassin. Until, she met Peter. He seemed almost threatened in her presence. He would stumble over his words while talking to her. That changed one night. Peter was having a nightmare and Natasha was walking past his room. She heard some sobs and decided to check on Peter. He was sitting up, head in his hands. She had never seen Peter cry, and they had only been there a week. She walked over to his bed and asked, "Hey Peter, what's wrong?" Peter looked up with a scared look. "Nothing, Miss Black Widow Romanov, ma'am." "Peter, I'm a trained assassin. I can tell your lying," she said quietly. He sighed. "I-i had a nightmare that my parents death was my fault," he whispered. This was new information for Nat. "it's not your fault, Peter," she said soothingly, "If you don't mind me asking, how did they die?" Peter took a breath and said, "My Aunt May always told me that they died in a plane crash." Peter wasn't lying, but Natasha has a feeling that wasn't the truth. He started crying again and it broke Nat's heart. She wrapped him up in a hug. He didn't even protest and just cried into her chest. When he finally calmed down, Peter whispered, "Thank you, Miss Romanov." "Pete, enough with the formalities," she sighed. "What would you like me to call you?" He asked. "Hmm, how about Auntie Tasha or Aunt Nat? Or just Nat?" Peter laughed. "Are you sure?" Peter said. "Absolutely," she answered. "Okay, Auntie Tasha!" "Of course Peter," she said. "Can you tell me stories of your missions, or about the Avengers?" He asked. Nat's heart melted. "Absolutely, Peter," she smiled. That's how Peter got to sleep that night. Natasha telling stories about Clint's stupidity.

The next day, Peter's class was going on a field trip. No not to Stark Tower! Geez. No they were going to Oscorp. When he got to school, he immediately got onto the bus. Everyone was in a buzz. They set out to Oscorp. The day there was pretty cool. The last thing they saw was the radioactive spiders. Someone mentioned that one was missing. The workers said not to worry as they may have been taken out of the container to be tested on. The workers kept talking and explaining and Peter felt pain in his hand. He winced. He almost fainted when he looked down. A spider had bitten him. Was it-no, he pushed the thought out of his head. It was just a regular spider, right?

He couldn't be more wrong. He was super sick for 3 days. When he got to the tower after school, he walked out of the elevator and fainted. "Peter!" was shouted out by most Avengers. Bruce and Tony carried him down to the med bay. The spider bite mark had faded so they didn't see it. From what they could tell, he was just really sick. He woke up and they lead him back to his room. He fell asleep not long after.

The next morning, he ran to the bathroom and promptly threw up what was probably everything he ate yesterday. Or the last week. Or his whole life. Tony ran in, followed by most of the other Avengers. Peter looked up at them, gave them a weak smile and thumbs up and threw up again. People started to fuss over him. Soon he found himself in his room, with a TV and the Avengers sitting on the floor. The day went on and the Avengers were in and out of his room. Pepper brought chicken soup for him at lunchtime. He threw up multiple times. In the afternoon, Nat and Clint came in and watched Star Wars with him. At night all the Avengers and Pepper came and they watched a movie. Pretty soon, everyone had fallen asleep. Peter, Tony and Natasha on the bed, Clint and Cap on the couch, and the rest on the floor or in a chair. Pepper was the only one awake and she asked Friday to take a picture. Friday compiled and sent it to the group chat through Pepper's phone. Then Pepper fell asleep.

The next two days passed similarly. On the fourth day, he seemed to be better. He was back to his usual happy self. Then strange stuff started happening. For one thing, he could see in the dark. Like, more than usual. He could also hear a lot more than before. The same thing with the rest of his senses. When he went to the gym with the Avengers, he would lift weights to build his strength. He suddenly could lift more than before. And, like magic, he had effing abs. Over night. He was also a lot hungrier than usual. Sometime, like a week after he recovered, he got up in the morning and got some breakfast. When he finished his cereal and milk, he got up to put the dished in the sink, and they were stuck to his hands. He waved his hands around and friend to get them off. He calmed down and took deep breaths. The bowl and spoon disconnected from his hands. He then looked at his hands. How the heck had they stuck to the bowl. He shook his head. He probably just spilled chemicals on his hands. He went about his day normally, but still wondering about what had happened earlier in the morning.

Then the next day, he awoke from a nightmare, except, he woke up on the ceiling. "What the?" He muttered. He pulled trying to get off of the ceiling, but was stuck. He needed help. "Friday, can you get Mr. Stark, please," he asked. The AI didn't respond, but he knew the deed was done. He could hear it. A few seconds later, Tony burst into his room. He looked around in confusion. Peter cleared his throat. "Pete, where are you?" Tony asked, whipping his head around, trying to find him. "Um, I'm up here, Mr. Stark," he said feebly. Tony looked up, eyes wide. Peter gave him an embarrassed smile. "How the hell did you get up there?!" Tony screeched. "I don't know," he admitted, "Can you help me." Tony and Peter spent a good ten minutes trying to get himself off of the ceiling. The whole time, Peter was telling about the weird things that have been happening lately. About another 10 minutes later, Peter fell off of the ceiling onto the bed. "Oof," he mumbled into the mattress. He started telling Mr. Stark what had happened since the trip to Oscorp. "Everything has been weird, since the spider..." his voice trailed off as he got hit with a realization. "No," he whispered. "Peter?" Tony asked unsurely. "A spider bit me at Oscorp. They were radioactive spiders!" Peter explained. Peter got up and started pacing. "It all makes sense. I got heightened senses, super strength, and can stick to things. Hell, I even got abs overnight!" "Wait, you have abs?" Asked Tony. Peter lifted up his shirt to show Tony. Tony's eyes widened. He rushed Peter to his lab, where he took a blood sample from a wound Peter got from trying to get off the ceiling. He found half Peter, half spider DNA. "Peter, your half spider now. You have spider powers. Your like Bucky and Cap!" Tony exclaimed. Peter's eyes widened. "I've got powers?" He asked. "Yes! You could be a superhero. I would never let you unless you got trained, but you could. You could be Spider-boy," he said. Peter sighed. "Sp-Spider-Man," He said, "could I please be Spider-Man?" "If you get trained by Nat maybe, and you don't do crazy things. Maybe just protect the little guy, okay?" Tony said. "Okay!" Peter said excitedly. "I'm making your suit though. You need to stay safe." Peter was bouncing off the walls with excitement, as usual. Wait scratch that, he was literally bouncing off the walls.

The next day, Tony worked on finishing the suit for Peter. While he did that, Peter talked to Nat and Bruce. "Peter, why are we in the training room?" Nat asked. "There's no better way to do this. Spar with me," Peter said. "Um, okay," Nat said. She knew Peter couldn't fight, right? She threw a light punch. Peter just crouched. "You have to fight like I'm the bad guy," Peter said. "I don't want to hurt you!" She cried. "You won't, trust me," Peter said. She started off slow. Peter dodged every one of her punches and kicks. He even threw in some flips and inhuman things."Stop!" Nat yelled. Peter and her froze. "How? I thought you couldn't fight?" Nat asked. "I thought I couldn't get abs overnight but here we are," Peter retorted. "Wait? What?" Bruce asked. Peter lifted his shirt. Their eyes widened. "And that's not even the weird thing," Peter started. He thought for a moment. "I'm sticky," he said. "Huh?" The two asked in unison. "It may be better for me to show you," he said. He went over to the wall. He put one foot on. Nat and Bruce were confused. Sticky? Peter then put his other foot on the wall and started walking. Nat and Bruce's mouths were wide open. When he got to the ceiling, he looked at them. When he saw their reactions, he flipped down on the floor and landed in a crouch. "So uh, I have powers now so..." he said. "How?" Bruce asked, "Super Soldier serum, a lab experiment? Please don't let it be radiation." Peter looked at Bruce. "Radiation," he answered. Bruce groaned. "I was hoping you weren't like me. No offense, it's just radiation is dangerous," he explained. "How'd you get them though?" Nat asked. "You know that trip to Oscorp, like, a week ago?" "Yeah," the answered. "I was bitten by a radioactive spider. I was sick, as you know, but after weird things were happening. Like I could see in the dark, hear a 5 block radius away from me though it's probably more, I have super strength, jump, speed, a feral side, organic webs, that I just learned how to use, and uh, I'm sticky," he said. Friday spoke up, "Peter, Boss says your suit is done." Peter raced away, running on the ceiling. Why? Because he could.

He got to Tony who was holding a red and blue suit. "Go put it on Spidey," he said. Peter took it and ran to his room. He walked out, examining every inch of the suit that covered him. He walked to Tony. "Thanks, Mr. Stark!" He said. "Now go get trained by Nat, I don't want you doing anything to drastic without training," Tony said.

Peter ran back to the training room. "Nat! Nat!" He was yelling. He ran into the training room. "Nat! I'm Spider-Man!" He yelled. "Peter?" She asked. He nodded. "Nice suit," Bruce complimented. "Yeah, It has an A.I., who I namedKaren and web shooters just in case, I really don't think I'll use my own webs, and more stuff!" He shouted, "And look!" He whispered under his breath, "Karen, activate interrogation mode," he said. He squinted his eyes and said, "Stealing is bad!" His voice came out super deep. "Deactivate," He said. His voice went back to normal. Nat and Bruce were laughing. "WOOOHOOOO!" Peter was yelling, as he was bouncing from wall to wall and running on the ceiling. Pretty soon, Peter got tired and walked back to Nat and Bruce. He took of his mask. "Your pretty good little spider," Nat complimented. "Thanks Aunt Nat," Peter said.

Meanwhile, Tony was in his lab. When Peter had run by, he could see the joy in his eyes. Tony saw them and saw his own eyes. Tony's eyes. "Friday? Can you do a paternity test?" Tony asked. "Yes, boss," the AI answered. Tony put his head in his hands. "How do I do it?" Tony asked. "Get a swab or blood sample from the two people and I'll do the rest," Friday answered. Tony stood up. He was low key (Loki) nervous. He went to the training room and saw Peter talking to Nat and Bruce. "Peter! I need you in the lab!" Tony called out. Peter looked at him and ran over. When Tony saw his eyes, he sucked in his breath. Together they walked to the lab, Peter excitedly blabbering. When they got there, Tony called Rhodey down. Rhodey came in a moment later. Tony walked up to him and took him out of the room. His lab was soundproof, so Peter couldn't hear. "Okay, so, when Peter ran by me, his eyes were wide open and I could see them clearly. Rhodey, they were my eyes," Tony said. "So your saying?" Rhodey said. "I'm trying the paternity test," Tony answered. They walked back into the lab. "Peter, I-I don't think your dad was Richard Parker," Tony said. Peter looked at him in surprise. "W-What?" He stuttered. "We're going to test your blood and see who is your real dad," Rhodey said. Peter looked scared. "N-n-no need-dles," He spluttered. Tony realized that he was scared of needles. "Oh, kid, we can do a swab test if you want," he said in a tone Rhodey had never heard before. Peter nodded. They got a swab. They took a sample from Peter and Tony put in Richard Parker's DNA sample and Peter's on a tray. Friday opened a slot in the wall. Tony put it in and they waited for a moment. "The test is negative," Friday called out a moment later. Tony and Rhodey looked at each other. Peter looked shocked. "Who do we test now?" Peter asked. Tony turned to Peter slowly. "Look at my eyes. Who's do they look like?" Tony asked. Peter looked at Tony's eyes. Then his eyes widened in disbelief. "Mine," he whispered. Tony nodded. Peter just sat there, frozen in shock. Tony took a swab and put it in the tray. Friday took it again. They sat for a moment, in uncomfortable silence as they waited. "The test is a match, boss," Friday said. Peter paled. Tony and Rhodey's eyes widened. They looked over to Peter. He had light tears in his eyes and on his cheeks. Rhodey inched out of the room. Peter was just standing there, swaying, crying silently. Tony realized that maybe he needed to do something. He went over and wrapped Peter up in a hug. Peter returned the hug a moment later. "Wh-What Do we d-do now-w?" Peter stuttered, "D-Did you know?" Tony looked at his eyes. "Peter, I had no idea," Tony answered. Peter hugged him tighter. Tony reached down and wiped his tears away. "I think we have something to tell the team," Tony joked lightly. Peter gave a soft, sad smile.

They started by dropping light hints. From Tony talking in a softer voice to Peter, to, Peter almost slipping up and calling him Dad. Every time it happened, Rhodey would smile slightly in understanding. Soon, they got suspicious. Nat was the first to figure it out.

"Stark!" She yelled as she entered the lab. Both Tony and Peter looked up. "Yes?" They answered in unison. She looked at them curiously. Then it clicked. She smirked. "Knew it," she said. Peter nodded. "Adopted, or bio?" She asked."Bio," Peter said in a cautious voice. "Don't tell the team yet. Rhodey and Pepper know already. We're waiting for them to figure it out," he requested. She nodded. "No matter what, though, you will always be my little паук," she said. Peter smiled.

Next was Clint. He was in the vents, as usual, and he heard Peter and Tony talking. "Well, Mr. Stark, if you're so smart, you do the equation," Tony said. "Ugh Fine," Peter grumped. Clint gasped and jumped out of the vents. "Clint! What have I said about the vents?" Tony yelled. "B-But, Peter? Mr. Stark?" Clint stuttered out. Peter and Tony smirked. "Well, we expected you to find out last but," Tony said. It clicked. Clint's mouth was hanging open. Peter walked up, and closed it. "Don't tell the team. Nat, Pepper and Rhodey know. By the way, it's biological," Peter said. Clint nodded and jumped back into the vents.

The rest of the team found out later. Tony and Peter were in the elevator bickering. "Well Dad," Peter said, "I'm right, your wrong." They heard and gasped. "Dad?" Steve asked. Tony and Peter stared at them. "Welp, that took you awhile," Peter sassed. "Adoption?" Sam asked. "Nope!" Peter said popping the p. "Biological?" Wanda asked quietly. Peter nodded. They all gasped again. Bucky fell of the chair he was on because of the shock. "How?" Bucky asked from the floor. Tony had Friday pull up the moment. They watched it in shock. "Wait, What is Peter wearing?" Steve asked. Peter tensed. They had forgot about that. "Uhhh," He said. He looked to Tony for help. Tony shrugged. "A suit," Peter muttered. "What?" Wanda asked. "A suit," Peter said louder. "You want to become a superhero, so you made a suit?" Steve asked, assuming the answered. Peter hesitated. Then he smirked. "Bye!" He shouted and ran into the window. Instead of smacking into it, he went through it. "Peter!" Most of the Avengers shouted, that didn't know what he could do. They all ran over to the window. They saw Peter freefalling. "Woohoo!" They heard. Peter did some flips. "Tony! Call your suit or something!" Steve yelled. Tony waved him off. They stared at him stunned. They looked back to Pete who was getting dangerously close to the ground. They watched as something white shot out of his hand. He shot back up, backflipped and landed in a crouch. They stared at him in shock. "What the?" Steve mumbled. "I," He said while dancing randomly. "Am," he sang, still dancing. "Half." "Spider!" He said, doing the fork in the garbage disposal. DING DING DING DING! "What?" They yelled. Peter winced and stopped. He took a minute to explain. When he was done, they asked why he wanted to be a hero. "When you can do the things I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you," Peter said. The a thought came to Peter. "Oh my god. I'm not related to Aunt May!" He shouted. They looked at him strangely. He pulled out his phone and called May. He said he needed to meet her sometime. She agreed and said they would talk the next night.

The next day, Peter was a nervous wreck. He got his phone out to call her. He hesitated and pushed the button. She picked up a second later. "Peter, honey are you okay?" She asked. He sighed. "Yeah, I'm Fine May," he said. Wanting to procrastinate as much as possible, he asked, "How is your trip May?" "Good," she answered, "And why only May and not Aunt May?" He sighed. "Your not my aunt, not biologically," he said quietly. "What?" May asked confused, "Yes I am Peter." "No your not," he whispered. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I'm not a Parker," he told her. She asked what again. "I'm-im a Stark," He said. She gave a breath. "He adopted you?" She asked. "No," he whispered. "Then what?" She asked in a shaky voice. Being told by her nephew that he was not her nephew was hard. "He's-he's my biological father," Peter said and braced himself. Instead of yelling, she said, "Okay, I'm-I'm going to call you back in a sec, this is a lot to take in," and hung up. He took a shaky breath. She called him back and he told her all of the details. "Are you going to change your name?" She asked. "Yeah, in a little," he admitted. There was a silence for a minute. "No matter what, I larb you May. You'll always be my aunt. I mean, I call Natasha, Aunt Nat. Not all aunts are biological," he assured her. One the other end of the phone, May smiled. "I know Peter," she said. They made friendly conversation and Peter hung up.

He walked out of his room. Tony was out there waiting for him. "How'd it go?" "Pretty good, actually," Peter said. "You seem tired," Tony observed. Peter nodded. "I am." "Go to bed then, kid," Tony suggested. "Okay," He said through half closed eyes. Peter started to walk to his room but stumbled. Tony Ran over and helped him. "How long have you been awake?" Tony wondered. "Mini Boss has been awake for 78 hours," Friday supplied. "Oh, kid. You need sleep," Tony said. Peter nodded. Tony took his him to his room and laid him on his bed. Peter pulled Tony down along with him. Tony yelled as he fell. Peter snuggled closer to him. Tony was about to get up until Peter snuggled. He was overcome with adorableness. "'Night Dad," Peter whispered as he fell asleep. Tony's heart melted. "Goodnight kid," he said. Tony fell asleep too.

For almost a year, there would be Irondad and Spiderson fluff moments. They would both get to sleep on time and Peter would cuddle with Tony and they'd both fall asleep. Tony and Peter spent more time together, inside and outside the lab. Tony even helped Peter on patrol some days.

Soon, it was career day at school. Peter walked into class and frowned. He had forgotten about this, partly because he never got the email. They knew his parents, well mom, was gone. They also knew May was out of town. So they didn't send the email. All the parents around made Peter sad that he never got to grow up like that. He wasn't as upset as usual though because he new his real dad was alive. He walked over to his seat and sat down. As soon as he did, Flash and his parents called him out. "Hey Penis! Where are your parents?" Flash called. "Oh, I know son! There dead!" Flash's dad called back, and they all laughed. Peter just looked away. As soon as everyone got there the teacher whistled. Everyone went and sat in their seats. The teacher called attendance and had everyone say who was with them. Soon, it got to Peter. "Peter Parker!" The teacher called. Peter raised his hand. Then his phone dinged. He held up a finger, and read the text he got sent. 'Hey kid, I'm coming to career day today! Don't mind if I'm late. Also, you can't stop me. I'm coming no matter what!' It read. Peter groaned. This was about to get interesting. "Anyone coming, Peter?" The teacher asked. "M-my my, uh, my dad," he said. Everyone looked in surprise. "O-okay then," the teacher said and moved on. After everyone was called, they started the presentations. Soon, they heard a knock on the door. The teacher looked over and her eyes widened and she ran to get the door. She opened it and Tony Stark walked into the room. "H-hello, Mr. Stark! Why are you here? Is there an issue?" The teacher stuttered out. (What's her name? I can't keep saying, 'the teacher'). "I'm here for my kid," he said smoothly. Everyone started whispering, wondering who it was. "And, uh, who-who is that?" The teacher asked unsure. "I forgot to tell the school, sh-" Tony started to say and caught Peter's eye. Peter glared at him, so he corrected himself. "-itake mushrooms," he said and immediately regretted it as everyone burst out laughing. He looked back to Peter and smiled warmly. "Hey kid," he said. Nobody thought about this. They assumed that either he was just saying hi to a kid that met his eyes, or that Peter did have and internship and Tony had met him and said hi. Everyone sat in silence and Tony walked over to Peter. "Did Aunt May tell you?" Peter asked exasperated. Tony smirked at him with a smug look. Peter groaned and banged his head in the desk. Everyone was confused and surprised now. Tony sat down next to Peter on the chair that was there. "What would Nat let him come? Why would Mo-Pepper let him come? Why would Cli- Wait no, he probably encouraged this." Peter was muttering everything in Russian under his breath. Everyone was watching the two now. Peter raised his head and screamed, "Why would they let him come?!" In Russian. Everyone looked extremely confused as they couldn't understand him. "Pete, calm down. Also where did you learn Russian?" Tony asked. Peter looked at him. "Aunt Nat," He said. "Wow, never knew Natasha would teach you," Tony remarked. "Uncle Bucky helped," Peter added. "Wow, two cold hearted assassins taught you Russain," Tony said. Everyone in The room was watching this exchange in shock. "W-What?" Someone stuttered. The pair looked over. "Ah, you guys don't know," Tony observed with a smirk. "Know what?" Carl, someone in the class, asked. "Well, Peter here is actually not a Parker. He has no drop of Parker blood in him. Only thing Parker about him is his mom, who was a Parker through marriage," Tony remarked. "What about his Dad?" Micaela, a girl in the class, asked, putting words to everyone's confusion. "Oh, that's me," Tony announced. Everyone's eyes widened and the Thomsons paled. "L-like, you adopted him?" Cindy asked with wide eyes. "No, he's my biological son. We actually found out not even a year ago. Crazy huh," he said while smirking. The Thompson's paled even more. "S-so he's technically Peter S-Stark?" Flash stuttered. "Yep," He said popping the P. "So he was never an orphan?" Betty asked, interested. "Nope," Peter answered, face bright red and head on the desk. "Wait, you said you knew about 10 months ago, Peter said he had an internship 13 months ago, was he lying about the internship?" Mr. Thomson asked with enough nerve to ask a question like that. Tony's eyes narrowed. "Name?" He asked to all the Thomson's there. "Eugene," Flash started. "Shaniqua," Mrs. Thomson said. "Rich," Mr. Thomson said. "Well, to answer your question, no. Peter was never lying about having an internship. In fact, he's just as smart as me, so he immediately became my personal intern," Tony said coolly. The Thomson's paled even more if it was even possible. "H-he said he knew Spider-Man 10ish months ago, he was lying about that right," Flash asked. Again a risky question. "No, Peter never lied about anything. Peter does know Spidey. He even knows who he is underneath the mask," Tony said getting angry at this arrogant family. "B-but Penis is a nobody! He's dumb, stupid and a jerk!" Flash shouted, forgetting how was in front of him, but with slight hesitation. Peter's eyes widened and Tony stood up. Tony started to call his suit. Flash screamed. "Dad!" Peter screamed, pulling Tony's arm, not using any strength. It didn't budge. Peter had no choice. He used more strength than everyone thought he could and pulled him out of the room, a mad look on his face, Tony tripping and stumbling as he was pulled. As soon as they got out the door Peter pushed him away a little. "You can't do that! It's illegal to kill minors!" Peter yelled. Secretly, everyone on the other side of the door was listening. "Just minors?" Tony asked. Peter sneered. "Nobody," he growled. Tony raised his hands. "Y'know, your scary when your angry," Tony complimented. "Don't change the subject," Peter said. "The Thomsons are jerks. They think they are everything and bully everyone under them. Flash, especially. He bullies nerds, geeks, poor kids, or anyone he can because he wants to," Peter explained in a low voice. "No killing anyone in that room, unless y'know, they turn out to be the purple grape boi that we fought in space," he finished. "Fine, Fine..." There was a small silence. "Sooo, I can hurt them, but not kill them?" Peter groaned. "Tony, You may not do anything to harm them physically!" Peter yelled. "Geez, Fine. I don't wanna get on your bad side. You could probably beat me up while I'm inside the suit. You're scary," Tony surrendered under the use of his first name. The eavesdroppers heard footsteps and rushed back to their seats. Peter stormed in with Tony in tow. The Thomsons were huddled in the corner. "I think that was enough entertainment for today," Tony announced. "I heard you guys on the other side of the door, you aren't quiet at all," Peter said from behind him, his inner 'Stark' coming through. Everyone looked down in embarrassment. Tony walked up to the Thomsons. "Bully my son again, and things won't be so lucky," he threatened. Flash nodded. Then he burst into tears. "It's not my fault!" He cried. Peter walked up. "What's not your fault?" He asked curiously. The Thomsons looked livid. Mr. Thomson lept to cover Flash's mouth. Peter pushed them away. "T-they made my bully others! I n-never wanted to. If I didn't, they would kill me!" Peter's face softened. He pulled Flash behind him and face the Thomsons. His face hardened. "Parker, What are you doing? You can't fight," Flash whispered in his ear. Peter ignore that and glare at the Thomsons. They shivered under The Assassin Glare™. "Why would you tell your son to bully others?" He asked in a low voice. "None of your business, brat," Mr. Thomson said, and swung a punch. Peter ducked, and pushed him. Both Thomsons fell onto the ground. "Tell me," he growled. "No," Mr. Thomson refused. Peter closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, they were red. He knelt closer to them. "Tell me now," he whispered, a demonic tone coming out. It sounded like there were 5 of him speaking instead of one. Mrs. Thomson burst into tears, but Mr. Thomson stayed obstinate. "Now," Peter said, his eyes now turning black. Mr. Thomson caved in and told them everything. When he finished, Peter helped them up. Then he slapped Mr. Thomson and walked away with Flash in tow. Mr. Thomson let out a frustrated growl and left the school.

"Thank, thank you Peter. I'm so sorry for everything I did to you. I never wanted to do any of it to you, or, or anyone else," Flash apologized.


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ashaangi-one shot 💜💜 magic my heart always connect with them sivaangi-it's real ashwin-its real ashaangi-it's my emotion my love of both can never...