SAVIOR [Kylo Ren]

By h3ff1s

21.9K 358 40

The Head Technician of the First Order. An orphan from Corellia. Ree Keelor. One day, fixing a broken cooling... More

Friend Or Foe?
Carpe Noctem
Respect Your Superiors
Tread Lightly
Trembling Hands
First Steps
Breaking New Ground
Now Or Never
Love In A Hopeless Place
Calm Before The Storm
The Storm
Eye Of The Storm
Dangerous Delights
River Of Tears
United We Stand
BB unit
The Hunt
Lust For Power
The Scavenger
Judas Kiss
Licking wounds
A New Savior
One With The Force
Fool Me Once
Canto Bight
Eyes Closed
Throne Room
Salty End
Stuck With You
Déjà vu
A Circular Path
The Truth
Square One
Feel, Then Let It All Go
History Repeating Itself
Kef Bir

The Brunette

243 4 0
By h3ff1s

A young woman's face, fair skin, brown hair, hazel eyes, thin lips, small upturned nose, sharp cheekbones and jawline, every single detail of that face rose anger inside of Ree. The very thought of the scavenger sparked a fit of great anger but also an even greater fear. That woman had slashed her back open, scarred Kylo and she was apparently a big manipulator too. Trying to trick and deceive Kylo. She was dangerous, a wild animal that needed to be caged, controlled, subdued. Keelor hated the idea of turning the scavenger to the Dark side, that would mean that they had to spend time together and Reen would have a perfectly fine excuse to spend time with her. 

Jealousy was also an emotion the scavenger sparked in Ree. But then, killing the Scavenger was going to be a hard nut to crack, she was so strong with the Force, a Force connection so raw, so natural, Ree's connection with the Force had awoken late in her life, the scavenger had probably felt it the minute she was born. Therefore, turning her to the Dark Side was probably going to be easier than trying to make her heart stop pumping.

Ree could feel how she could draw more power from the Force, she was getting stronger by the thought. After ignoring the Force and anything connected to it, including Kylo, for a while, welcoming it back was like a big family reunion. After that fateful morning in a corridor of Starkiller Base, Ree would never feel truly whole without the Force. It was a part of her that couldn't be denied. The more she tried to push it away the stronger the desire inside of her became.

The sudden sound of the door to the training grounds swooshing open disrupted Ree from her meditation. She fell to the floor, her strong connection to the Force had made her levitate. In a swift moment, she hit the floor, the momentum of the fall made her roll forward and as she somersaulted in the direction of the door, she pulled the lightsaber from her waist and ignited it. To anyone else, that kind of caution, especially aboard the Supremacy, might have been seen uncalled for but to Ree, it made perfect sense. Only Force-sensitive trained in that room. She was already there and Kylo was on a mission and no one in the First Order would dare to impose during training. Common sense dictated that the ones coming through the door were there to kill her.

With the red lightsaber ignited at her side and adrenaline pumping through her veins Keelor must have looked quite ridiculous to the six persons, fully clothed in black with masks covering their faces, standing in the doorway. Her shoulders relaxed and she turned off the lightsaber but the pissed off-face didn't disappear. "Shouldn't you guys be at some random planet, eating babies or whatever you do?" Her arms were crossed but she didn't place the lightsaber hilt in its place at her hip. Even though they served her beloved, Ree had never trusted the silent warriors who were the Knights of Ren.

"Right, the no-talking thing." Not that she hadn't really forgotten it, "I have a question, when it's just you guys around, do you share secrets, gossip about other knights and giggle like little girls? Because that's exactly how I like imagining you guys." No answer, only the breathing coming from the masks was the only sign that they were living creatures and not statues. "Well, it's been fun talking to you guys but you gotta go now. I was kind of in the middle of something." She waved the lightsaber hilt. They looked to each other, Ree suspected that they had hoped to use the area to train or something but she couldn't care less. This was not a space meant for them. "I don't know if you didn't get the memo but this space is only for Force-sensitive, okay?" The Commander talked to them like they were toddlers since they weren't moving from their spot.

The one in the middle, who stood a little ahead of the others indicating that he was in charge, cranked his neck. Or at least as much as his helmet allowed him too. From the square pattern in the steel, Ree recognized him to be the one going under the name of Vicrul. Kylo had told her briefly about his knights and what they could do. That's why it came as no surprise to Ree that it was him projecting onto her. Thoughts of the scavenger started arose inside Ree's mind, she saw pictures of how the Scavenger slashed down Kylo, Tylan and ultimately herself.  

It took a Ree a moment to snap out of it, "you call that being Force-sensitive?" Keelor snorted, she knew how much it would offend the knights at the fact that they weren't as in touch with the Force as her and that they hated being called out on it. "This is being Force-sensitive." She strode forward, extending her hand. Focusing every thought on opening the mind to Vicrul.

The closer she got to them, the more Vicrul starting twisting and turning, in pain. Ree wasn't being careful, quite the contrary. Yes, Vicrul could put up a fight, being Force-sensitive at all, but still, he wasn't even close to Commander Keelor's level. She wreaked havoc inside his mind, making him think of his horrible childhood, lonely teens and depressing adulthood. The other knights couldn't do anything, in fear of becoming the next victim.

When Ree was standing at an arm's length from the Knights of Ren, Vicrulw was in so much pain that he dropped to the floor. An inhuman scream came from him, the closest thing Ree had gotten to hearing them talk. Her hand was hovering over his head, making the pain intensify.

The pain eventually stopped, Vicrul could get up, he was met by a smirking blonde. He would have cut her down right there and then with his scythe if he didn't know the wrath of Kylo Ren that would rain down on him. "Thanks for the training, Vicrul. But I think it's time you go. If not anyone else wanna go for a round?" Ree looked to the others, hand ready to start prying, they were already twisting in uncomfortableness.

A low grunt came from Vicrul before he turned on his heel and stormed away, the other knights following him shortly, "didn't think so." A pleased Ree returned to the centre of the room, sitting down on the grey mat, legs crossed, eyes closed, as she once again started channelling her emotions. Unconventionally, she felt too much at peace to channel those raw emotions.


"Why do you keep them around?" Ree's question wasn't even close to grabbing Kylo's attention. He sat at the desk in their chambers, back against her in the sofa, with some important papers in front of him. He was still in most of his uniform, only his cloak and gloves were off.

"Huh?" He hummed.

"The knights. Why do you have them?" She leaned back in the sofa, a quite revealing pose to take when only wearing a white tank top and some black shorts.

"They do what I say," he murmured, the papers on the desk were apparently so important that he couldn't even look at her when speaking. The Commander was extremely bored, not having any important matters to deal with. Unlike Kylo, she finished all her work during regular working hours. A habit stuck in her from her Head technician-days while Kylo seemed to work around the clock.

"That must be quite refreshing," He didn't even notice the mischievous tone in Ree's voice, "having someone that does whatever you want," or how she rose from the sofa, "follows ever command," the sound of bare feet tiptoeing over the steel floor, "doesn't get in the way," a low whisper in his ear, "lets you get on with your day," not even her sigh. Only when his view of the papers changed to the inside of a pair of black shorts did Kylo look up, "must be so convenient." There she sat, on his important papers, in a tank top that was a loose fit, as Ree leaned forward. Ren rolled his eyes, she was so dramatic when she didn't get immediately what she wanted. 

"I need to go through those." He nodded towards the paper under Ree's bottom.

"Oh, these?" She pretended to be surprised, she wiggled over so that most of the papers laid exposed right between her thighs. Ky went to take them but a hand glued his hand to the papers, "you can have them. After I get what I want." She thought she was the most clever thing in the world.

"Really," Ren was starting to enjoy the game, he removed his hand from under Ree's, crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, "and what is it you want?"

"You know what I want," she hummed, manspreading on the desk.

"Tell me," Kylo challenged, if she wanted to have it, she was going to have to work for it. With a determined smile, she leaned forward towards his ear, revealing a lot of her chest. The quiet words whispered into his ear made even the Master of the Knights of Ren blush. She leaned back again, feeling very content with her desires.

"So, what's it gonna be, Ky?" She was biting her lip, feeling that the tank top was certainly working in her favour. Kylo rose from his chair, he towered over her as she sat on the desk.

"It's 'Sir' to you." His words made all the nerves in Ree's body tingle, he had certainly listened to her desires.

"Yes, sir." With a smile on her lips, they closed the distance between their lips. The familiar feeling of his raven locks in her face was a welcoming one, she tangled her hands in them while Kylo had placed himself between her legs and caressed her hips.

The kissing got even more heated as his mouth trailed down to her neck, leaving memories for the next day. Moans were already escaping Ree, ever since their reconciliation, moments together had become more than just a daily occurrence. And neither of them could get enough of the other.

Kylo's hands had now found their way under her tank top, just where they preferred to be. Ree's were busy trying to undo his zipper. But before any of them could get any further, they both felt a great disturbance in the Force.

The disturbance was so great that they both immediately stopped what they were doing, the moment was completely lost as they both focused on the new wavelength in the Force. Though they weren't completely dumbstruck as they both knew what caused the disturbance, or more correctly, who caused it.

There was no time to ask stupid questions, only one mission in mind, get dressed and then head into battle. Ree started running around the chambers for proper clothing. While she had put on her high neck jacket she was still looking for pants.

The knock on the door couldn't even get to the second knock before Kylo swung it open with the Force, he too busy looking for his gloves. "an escape po-"

"We know!" The two Force-users called back as they continued searching, the male Force-closed the door before the Stormtrooper could utter another word.


Rows of stormtroopers were already present as the escape pod flew into the landing bay, landing between the rows of white statues. Kylo, in his usual attire, stood next to Ree. There was no time to put up her hair, therefore she let the natural waves roam freely. She was wearing a high-neck jacket with buttons down the front, high waisted pants, knee-high boots and a cloak similar to Ren's. Her hands were covered by gloves, her lightsaber at her hip and a dangerously mad look on her face.

A hissing sound could be heard as pressure was released from the escape pod, creating a cloud of fog around it. The two Commanders neared the pod as the fog cleared. The little circular window in the pod revealed a face.

A young woman's face, fair skin, brown hair, hazel eyes, thin lips, small upturned nose, sharp cheekbones and jawline, every single detail of that face rose anger inside of Ree. Her fingers were on the hilt of her lightsaber but a warning was felt through the Force, coming from Kylo, told her not to ignite it and kill the brunette. 

That was all, a single look shared between the three Force users before the Commander stepped aside, letting the stormtroopers put the scavenger in shackles.


This was going to be the most awkward elevator ride in the history of the galaxy, Ree thought to herself. She had Kylo on her left and the scavenger was in front of them with her hands resting on her stomach, the shackles around her wrists didn't allow them to leave that place. Keelor kept a keen eye on her lover, trying to see if he was looking at Rey at all but his eyes were glued to the glass of the elevator, he obviously knew that if he even looked towards the brunette, Ree would cut them both down.

She could feel her blood boil, that anger inside of her, that she drew power from, had to be kept under a tight lid and the only one reinforcing that the lid stayed on was the occasional warning through the Force from Kylo. "You don't have to do this." The statement from the scavenger was obviously directed at the man in the elevator as she looked over her left shoulder towards him, "I feel the conflict in you. It's tearing you apart-"

"Shut up," Ree spat, but Rey only gave her a look of 'I don't care' before turning back to Ky.

"Ben, when we touched hands, I saw your future." For the first time since the scavenger arrived on the Supremacy did he look at her, "just the shape of it, but solid and clear." She completely turned around and closed the distance between her and Kylo, "you will not bow before Snoke-" once again, Rey was cut off by Ree but this time, Ree had her physical hand around her throat and had pushed her up to the glass of the elevator.

"I said, shut up." Every word came out between gritted teeth.

"Y-You'll turn." Rey got out between catching air. Her eyes weren't on the raging blonde squeezing the life out of her but instead on the raven locks with the calm face standing behind her. He was impossible to read, keeping a monotone look as Ree squeezed so hard that her knuckles turned white.

"Let me kill her, Ky," Ree emphasized the nickname she used on him, his real name, he wasn't Ben, he was Ky. "things will become so less complicated." A satisfied smile crept up on Ree's face as she saw the brown eyes of the scavenger, so helpless, so frail under her grip.

"I-I'll h-help you," Rey managed to whisper, once again, it was as if the Commander was made out of air, Rey looked right through her into the eyes of Kylo. "I-I saw it."

"You're so dead-" Now, it was Keelor's turn to be cut off.

"I saw something too." Ren's tone was calm like he wasn't witnessing Keelor killing the scavenger, "release her." Kylo told the Commander. At first Ree only squeezed Rey's throat harder, not wanting to let this opportunity slip out of her hands. She needed more than just a command, she needed reason and logic behind it to follow, which Kylo was too used to since he followed up with, "Snoke won't like it." There was the reason, a good one, if the elevator doors opened and the lifeless body of the scavenger was there, the Supreme Leader would certainly not be pleased. A grunt came from Ree as she released her grip on the brunette's throat. Commander Keelor created distance between her and the rebel scum while Kylo closed it.

"Because of what I saw." he closed the space between him and Rey who wanted to just take five trying to catch her breath but remained steadfast, looking brave. Ree snorted at the notion, a nobody who thought they were the hero of the story. If a person thought there were heroes in this world, they hadn't lived long enough, Ree thought. "I know when the moment comes, you'll be the one to turn. You'll stand with me." Both Rey and Ree looked very interested in what Kylo was saying, "Rey," the name on his lips made the blonde nauseous, "I saw who your parents are." That was the last thing spoken before the elevator door opened up on Snoke's throne room.

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