I Liked You As Soon As I Hate...

By JedKed

73.7K 4.1K 6.8K

Choi Jisu or Lia is known for her cute and wholesome smile but not for the fact that she wanted nothing but f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15: beginning of the past
Chapter 16: Letters from the past
Chapter 17: Events in the past
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 18

1.8K 122 307
By JedKed

Soobin still didn't know who caused all of this. He doesn't know who took those pictures and who spread them across the campus.

He never believed those pictures. She wouldn't do that. Hwang Yeji is just one of those people who're trying to get in her pants. That's what Soobin thinks she is.

He knew Jisu is not that kind of person. He knew Jisu will never do anything to hurt him, they loved each other after all.. right..?

And what made Soobin so mad was if Yeji wasn't the one to blame.. then why didn't she defend herself? Why didn't she explain what really happened?

She should've spoke up. To try and save herself but she didn't and accepted all the people's words like she deserved it.

That's why Soobin ended up hating her even more. Thinking that he was right. "Dude, I'm telling you. She's not innocent and I'm right about all of this." He proudly spoke as his friends listened in.

"You're not actually making any sense. I think you're wrong and we should get to know Yeji's side first." It was Beomgyu who said that and they all fell silent.

He sounded like he was defending Yeji. Like he knew something. "What the hell are you trying to imply?"

Yeonjun snapped his head towards Soobin who now spoke so sternly like he was about to tear this place apart. Beomgyu didn't react though, he was so calm that it pissed Soobin off more.

Taehyun let out an unnoticeable sigh as he leaned back on his chair, knowing that a fight was about to break out. Kai on the other hand stayed quiet. Feeling like he was about to suffocate because of the tension in the room.

"I'm just trying to say that we shouldn't go and blame people all of a sudden, you know?"

"I don't know. I don't know what the hell is going on in your head. We're talking about the girl who made your cousin leave!"

Beomgyu let out a sigh, looking away from Soobin. Though, they both know Yeonjun was on guard and he would instantly stop them from doing anything further, the others were still a bit worried.

"Soobin, if you're going to blame Hwang Yeji, have a solid proof will you?" Beomgyu lets out an annoyed huff before leaving them dumbfounded.

He just shut Soobin with simple words that meant so much because he was right. Soobin didn't have enough proof.

Beomgyu has. He has talked to Yeji about it. Asking the girl what had happened and now he knows and understood that whoever was responsible for this is still not known.

But they all considered it as Yeji, closing the case and decided to hate on her.

What they didn't expect was after a few days, when they heard about Soobin and Yeji suddenly having a baseball match out of nowhere. When Beomgyu heard of this, he felt his heart drop.

Running to the field as fast as he could, not even caring if he bumped into people or into walls. Because he knew, Soobin had nothing better to do.

Arriving at the field, he hears people cheering and hears Yeji screaming at the top of her lungs. Beomgyu was so disturbed at the sight of Yeji on the ground.

Visibly struggling and in pain before she loses consciousness. Beomgyu immediately ran to her and checked if she was ok. But of course, she wasn't.

Some other players that were concerned about their captain came and rushed to help Beomgyu carry Yeji away from Soobin and the others.

Before completely leaving, Beomgyu shoots Soobin a glare.

"Jisu will never appreciate whatever the fuck you're doing and I guarantee you, she'll never ever love you again." He mutters.

And he was sure it sent shivers down Soobin's spine. Because he was scared, Beomgyu knew he was scared.

To lose Jisu. Scared that she'll get tired and forget about Soobin.

He was scared.

That maybe Beomgyu was right.


Yeji finds out that she isn't the baseball captain anymore. Because Soobin controlled everyone. Now no one wanted to stand beside her and defend her.

They didn't even know that Yeji was injured because she didn't go to school for quite some time until now.

Where the first thing she finds out about is her losing her most cherished spot in the team. Being the captain.

And to make things more worse. She was also kicked out and was banned from the field. Taking everything away from her.

It was fucking ridiculous that all Yeji could do was to either laugh at herself or cry because this hurt her even more.

The pain of getting hated by the person you love the most. The pain of losing that person because of some rumor that isn't even close to being true.

The pain of everyone blaming her and the pain of getting robbed of all the things Yeji has left that helped her cope with all the shit that has been happening.

It was so painful that Yeji could barely feel happiness again. Eventually losing Ryujin too, because she couldn't keep pretending that she loved her like the way she loved Jisu.

Luckily, Ryujin understood, with the way things were at the moment. Ryujin understood, yet, Yeji knows she was hurt.

She even let Ryujin distance herself from her for a while. It was alright though, Beomgyu and Hyunjin had her back at all times. Always protecting her.

Yeji sees the way Ryujin and Yuna were playing in the field one evening. They looked like they were having so much fun and honestly, Yeji wanted to play with them too.

If only she wasn't injured right now.

She would be running around the field with them, kicking the ball and just.. spending her evening with the two younger girls.

That would make her happy. But something happened that absolutely shocked Yeji but she instantly breaks into a wide smile when she realizes it.

Yuna planted a kiss on Ryujin's forehead. Looking so sweet and gentle with the older girl as she does so. Yeji felt herself visibly melt.

They looked ...good together.

Ryujin and her met eyes and for a split second, Ryujin's eyes shook. Scared and was taken a back as she thought Yeji would be jealous and mad because it hasn't been a while since they broke up.

But when Yeji flashes Ryujin a sweet smile, all the scared feeling went away as Ryujin felt relieved and supported.

She didn't know Yeji would react like this but she loved it.

They were in good terms and that was what matters.


Helping Yeji throughout all the bullshit was not an easy task for the three of them. They constantly need to protect her from ... other students.

Because injuring her wasn't enough.

They were still no match with everyone trying to come at Yeji left and right. So when Yeji fell down on the stairs without anyone to help her, she felt so bad for herself.

Almost even breaking down on the floor. But she lets out a sigh. What can she do? It's as if the whole world is against her.

Helpless, she waits there until she heard footsteps coming towards her. When she looks up, she was greeted by Chaeryeong's big eyes, looking down at her filled with worry and concern.

The look that she hasn't seen from anyone other than her friends for days. She longed for mercy, really, she was desperate.

And Chaeryeong, showed her mercy.

"Yeji.. unnie." Chaeryeong mumbles as she helps Yeji walk. She noticed the tears that rolled down the older's cheek.

"I'm sorry that you experienced this. You don't deserve it.... I know now.. that all you did was help and maybe.."

She trails off, still helping Yeji to walk. "Maybe we were too ignorant and immature to acknowledge the way Jisu unnie hurt you too."

With those kind words that left Chaeryeong's mouth, Yeji couldn't control her feelings any longer as she cried even more.

Maybe.. people just weren't sure if they could trust Yeji without a proof. Maybe they were just waiting for Yeji to defend herself for them to stop.

Or Maybe Yeji just doesn't have to acknowledge them anymore and get on with her life. Maybe that was what she was supposed to do.

She doesn't need anyone to trust her anymore, she has her friends and her cousin that will never leave her side.

And if Jisu could hear Yeji's cries of help and if she could see how much Soobin had caused, then maybe she would've trusted Yeji too.

Maybe she wouldn't have left and helped Yeji.

Maybe.. it wouldn't be like this if everything went the way it should've went.


Yeji's graduation, isn't as chaotic and as bad as they thought it would be. It seems as if people suddenly turned into angels and .. stopped whatever the hell they were doing to ruin Yeji's life.

Everything was fine. Yeji was having a good time with her friends as Yuna, Chaeryeong and Ryujin came.

Surprising her because they all told Yeji that they were busy or they wouldn't make it.

It made Yeji feel so happy and supported as her parents watched her on that stage. It was a good change from all the things that she went through.

Though, it still left a bad feeling to Yeji. Like she was paranoid people would still treat her the same way in college.

When Yeji met eyes with Soobin, she felt anger coursing through her as he sees him with a smile. Looking like he was having the time of his life.

To Yeji, she thought, Soobin didn't deserve this kind of happiness. Just like what Jisu thought of Yeji.

He did nothing but take away everything that meant so much to Yeji. Things that are irreplaceable. Like..

Choi Jisu.

If only he didn't spread false information, they would've graduated with Jisu as well. But she's not here and no one knows when they'll see her again.

Or.. if they ever do see her again.

All Yeji knows is that Chaeryeong is the only one who's in touch with Jisu. She wanted to try and ask how Jisu's doing but she didn't want to reopen closed wounds.

It would hurt, Yeji knows it. But she only hopes for Jisu to be having a greater high school life in Canada. With new friends and great people.

Unlike the people in her school. Unlike people like Choi Soobin who's been blinded by the feeling of being loved that he can't move on without hurting people just because he was also hurt.

Soobin meets her eyes as well. He shows Yeji a small smirk, like he has won in life. Yeji only looks at him with no emotions.

Poker face, but eyes were sharp and cold. Like she wanted Soobin to die because of how hard she's boring holes into his face.

Balling her fists until her knuckles turned white, she squints her eyes.

"Are you proud that you put me through so much pain without getting found out? Are you happy that you got what you wanted but not what you really needed?"

Two questions that Yeji knows Soobin won't hear because of how far they are from each other. But Yeji hopes that this last questions gets through his thick skull.

"Will Jisu really love you after all the things you've done?"


Inside Soobin's car it was quiet. Yeonjun was the one driving as Soobin was not in the right state of mind to do so. He sat beside Yeonjun in front, leaning his head against the window as he nervously fiddled with his fingers on his lap.

Yeonjun made a mental note on looking at Soobin from time to time to check if he was alright. He also looked back at Jisu and Chaeryeong behind them through the mirror.

Making sure that they were alright, he knew Kai and Taehyun were alright at the very back. Though, because of this incident, everyone's a bit shaken up.

Not even music can make them feel a bit better. So Yeonjun never tried to pull anything, just kept on driving until they were at Jisu and Chaeryeong's condominium.

He parked the car, as he heard shuffling behind him. Jisu and Chaeryeong both wordlessly opened the car and exited. Though, Soobin suddenly moved.

Taking off his seatbelt as soon as he can before literally pushing the door and jumping out of the car to try and catch up to Jisu.

This alarmed Yeonjun and he was quick to get out, "J-Jisu!" Soobin called out to her as Yeonjun pulled him back, stopping him from getting closer to Jisu.

Both Chaeryeong and Jisu stopped, looking behind them slowly as Jisu met Soobin's worried face. Eyes shaking and lips trembling in fear and sadness.

".. Can we talk?"

Yeonjun saw the way Chaeryeong's face twisted and turned into an angry expression, looking like she was about to step forward and put Soobin back to his place.

Though, Jisu held Chaeryeong off as she stepped forward a bit to get closer to Soobin who looked so hopeful that Jisu would listen.

"You have a minute to talk."

As soon as Jisu said that, Soobin squirmed and tried to free himself from Yeonjun's hold. Wanting to walk closer to Jisu, but that isn't happening as Yeonjun kept on holding him.

Luckily, Soobin was too weak to even pull Yeonjun forward with him. "I-I meant like in private, please?"

"You have 35 seconds left, Choi Soobin. I advice you to run your mouth now before I get so pissed off by you." Chaeryeong snapped, glaring at Soobin so hard that he felt like his knees shook, weakening him even more.

Though, Soobin held onto Yeonjun so that he could still stand properly without falling over on the ground. Letting out a deep and defeated sigh.

"I- I'm sorry—"

"As you should." Jisu cuts him off, folding her arms as she looks down on him. Soobin weakened even more. Feeling how he doesn't care if he fell to the ground right now.

He fell on his knees and Yeonjun was startled this and so was Kai and Taehyun as they hurriedly left the car. "Hyung!" Kai called out as he kneeled beside Soobin.

"Jisu, you know I would never do something like that without a real reason right?" He slowly looked up at Jisu, meeting her cold eyes.

Teary yet angry at him. He knew he fucked up badly.

"Then, tell me a good reason why you did it, Soobin."

"Because she hurt you! She did all of those things in the past that made you so afraid! Jisu I wanted to get revenge—"

"You don't have the right to take revenge on my behalf, especially when I didn't ask you to. You think what you did made me feel better???"

Soobin bit his lip before muttering a, "No.. I don't think it did.."

"You're smart enough to know that I was uncomfortable before, then you were smart enough to know that doing such things won't bring me back. I don't know what happened to you, but you hurt Yeji and I don't want to see you ever again."

Jisu saw the way Soobin looked so defeated and she knew he wouldn't be able to say anything anymore. She moved to turn around and walk away when Taehyun spoke.

"But Yeji hurt Soobin too, by taking you away from him."

This immediately caught Jisu's attention, quickly turning to look at Taehyun with squinted eyes. "What are you implying??"

The boy slowly shook his head before shrugging. "That Soobin was hurt too yet you never got angry at Yeji." He motioned towards Soobin as the boy pleaded with his eyes.

Pleading for Jisu to forgive him. But Jisu was no fool. She won't fall for this anymore.

"You see what you don't know here is Jisu unnie's side. You don't know what she felt, So don't come walking in this conversation, acting like you know shit, when you obviously don't." Chaeryeong finally stepped in, so irritated that she wanted to scream at them.

Wanted to tell them what Soobin did was wrong, how could they not see his mistakes and not say 'hey, that isn't good, you should avoid doing it again'

Those aren't friends. If they didn't tolerated the way Soobin was acting then this wouldn't all be happening. "I hated her, for months to no end, until now I do. If that's what you want to hear. But I don't think I hate her because of the things she's done to me.."

Jisu bit her lip, frowning so hard that her forehead was starting to hurt. "I hate her because she endured all the pain so that she won't have to tell everyone how I was so rude and mean to her."

Soobin looked so guilty at the moment, wanting to rewind the time to make things right, but he can't do that. Not even Jisu can.

"I hate her for not outing me, I hate her because she didn't expose me. I hate her because she protected me. And I don't even know the reason why!"

Jisu wasn't able to hold in her tears as it rolls down her cheeks. She sniffles before pulling Chaeryeong with her to enter their condominium. They knew Yeji wasn't there but Jisu wished and hoped.. that Yeji comes out of her condominium and hoped to see Yeji's smile again.


There aren't enough words to describe how much pain Yeji is feeling right now. Ryujin had to be the one to drive the car when she didn't even have a license yet.

It scared Ryujin that she might do something wrong and get pulled over and even end up in jail. But they arrived at their house. She can't risk driving an hour to get Yeji home.

Also, Jisu's in that condominium. They can't let Yeji go there, not when she's hurting so much. They just can't let Yeji suffer more.

They helped Yeji out of the car as Yeji was too weak to even move on her own, weakened by the sudden rush of sadness in her body.

It was all so much and Yeji wasn't able to keep her feelings under control as she felt like her whole body was starting to fail her. Starting to betray her and not let her use her joints properly.

All Yeji could do was limply walk towards Ryujin's house as both Ryujin and Yuna help her walk. Or at this rate, literally carry her off of the ground because she isn't even moving her legs anymore.

Poor Yeji.

When they finally placed Yeji down kn the couch, Yuna fell beside Yeji, letting her head drop to Yeji's shoulder as she did. The oldest didn't even move an inch nor flinched.

She stayed in the same sitting position she fell in when Yuna and Ryujin placed her there. She looked so dead and so out of it that it was starting to worry the younger girls.

Ryujin walked over to her kitchen, taking a cup and filling it up with water. "How are you feeling?" Yuna asks as the oldest as she holds onto her hand. Letting her thumb caress Yeji's hand.

Yeji was just lifelessly staring at the ground, looking like she's so drowned in her thoughts. Tears quickly rolling down her cheeks like a waterfall.

Yuna panicked and quickly left to take a towel or a tissue from Ryujin to wipe Yeji's tears. Ryujin saw this and panicked with Yuna.

They didn't know what to do when Yeji is acting like a lifeless doll on the couch, just staring at nothing but the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Her tears rolling down her cheeks as her lips unnoticeably quivered. When they finally found something to wipe Yeji's tears with, they noticed the way Yeji's body trembled.

Like she was trying to stop herself from crying but she absolutely could not. Quickly, Yuna handed Yeji the tissue and Yeji moves almost automatically like she was a robot being controlled by someone.

Wiping her tears away without showing any expressions on her face, though her quivering lips and the pained look in her eyes say otherwise.

Yuna and Ryujin were both so heart broken at the sight. Yeji's happy expression was what gave them happiness, it was a sight to see, but when Yeji's all miserable looking and in pain.. it just... it didn't sit right with them.

Soon, Yeji reached out and took the cup from Ryujin's hold. The short haired girl was hesitant to give it to Yeji because she looked like she would let it carelessly slip out of her hold.

And that was what happened exactly. Once Ryujin released the cup from her hold, the cup fell to the ground. Startling both her and Yuna in the process.

Fortunately it isn't a glass cup, or else there would be broken glasses all over the place.

Though, Yeji let out a sniffle and muttered, "I'm sorry... Ryu.. Yuna.. I'm just... I'm such a mess right now—"

She runs her fingers through her hair and grips a chunk. So Hurt and so angry at herself for letting like this get to her so easily.

"I shouldn't be affected by this.. She suffered more than me —"

"Unnie." Yuna cuts her off, suddenly pulling Yeji's arm to force her to look at them. "It's time for you to stop blaming yourself, you're not at fault, and you never were."

It's as if Yeji's next words were now caught up in her throat as she started to cough lightly, tears still rolling down her cheeks as she did so. Ryujin looked so worried about Yeji.

They've gone through a lot. Yeji's gone through a whole lot more.

Yeji is thankful, to have Yuna as a friend. To have Ryujin to keep everyone who meant harm far away from her. To have Hyunjin as a very protective and caring cousin.

To have Beomgyu who never listened to anyone and listened to her first because her knew better than to listen to rumors without proof.

To have Chaeryeong who forgave her despite knowing that some of this was really Yeji's fault.

But all they could do was support her but they can't heal her right now. Yeji knew she, herself is the only person who can heal herself.

Though she knew that alcohol was the only answer, maybe she's wrong, but she needed some in her system.

Alcohol was the only thing that can wipe her memories of the past momentarily. It felt good but she knew she'll regret it after.

Sighing, she wipes her face with her hands. "Ahh.. I can't believe you two are seeing me in this sorry state of mine.. I hope I'm not bothering."

"My parents are out of town, I've been with Yuna for a few days now. You're definitely not bothering." Ryujin pats her back to reassure her.

But even though there wasn't a problem, Yeji wanted to go to her condominium. Lock herself in there for a few days and just ... collect her broken pieces one by one until she can scoop it all up without getting hurt.

"Thanks... I'm sorry you had to see and hear that."

"It's nothing, unnie. We've been in a lot of things with you like this, it may not be similar, but we know the feeling of getting hurt."

Yeji only flashed them a tired smile.

Right. She's tired. They need to let her rest. "Unnie, you should get some sleep." Ryujin spoke as she stood up from the couch, taking the cup that had fallen on the ground.

"You can sleep in my room, we'll sleep in my brother's."

"Hey, now, that won't be necessary. I can sleep on this couch." Yeji patted the couch, signalling that the couch is comfy enough to help her get some sleep.

Though, Yuna isn't convinced. "I don't think this couch is soft enough for you to sleep on, unnie."

Yeji smiles, she knows Yuna is just being a sweetheart and telling her to sleep in a more comfortable place but Yeji doesn't need to take away their bed. "Really, Yuna. I'll be fine on this couch."

In the end Yuna and Ryujin ended up sleeping in Ryujin's room as Yeji chose the couch. It really isn't comfortable. She just.. wanted to be close to the door so that she could leave whenever she wanted.

She could just leave a note and tell them that she left early, but she really is tired and needed a rest.

Not just a simple rest where she'd drift off to dream land. She just noticed now how frustrating and tiring her life has been ever since she found out the Jisu was in the same college as her.

She doesn't want to blame Jisu for this but she thinks Jisu is bad for her health. Also.. bad for her heart. And she knows that everyone knows it, anyone who has eyes can see that Yeji isn't only asking for forgiveness.

She's asking for Jisu's hand but Jisu seemed to not notice. Letting out a sigh, she thought that maybe it's time to move on. Time to forget.

This all should be over when she wakes up. Just.. let herself get washed off by the water like in a stream. Go with the flow or something.

Yeji can't really fully control her life anymore. Not when Jisu is around. She's not saying that Jisu is controlling her but when she's going to decide but then Jisu comes to her mind, she'll pick the choice that is going to have an outcome that will benefit Jisu as well.

She doesn't know why but ... maybe because she liked Jisu so much.

Maybe it is time for her to move on.

Maybe it is.


Jisu plops down on her bed once she was done taking a bath. The towel falls off of her shoulders and onto the bed. Remembering how Yeji looked when she slept there.

Sitting on the spot where Yeji slept on. It isn't warm anymore, not like when Yeji was there. It was now cold and Jisu doesn't like it.

Doesn't like the feeling of the bed being so cold and so kempt that Yeji's warmth is nowhere to be found.

Closing her eyes tightly, she caresses her forehead. Why does she suddenly miss Yeji? Why is she thinking of her? Why is she not liking the way her bed felt without Yeji's familiar warmth?

Why was she feeling like this?

She had no answer to any of those questions yet. But all she knows is that she wants to see Yeji.

Wants to hear her voice, see her bounce around, see her sweet smile. The look she does when she's confused. Jisu wanted to see Yeji.

But she doesn't know where she is or what's she feeling. Without even thinking about it, she stood up and went to Chaeryeong's room. Knocking on the door before letting herself in.

"Unnie... what's up?"

"Do... do you have Yeji's number??" She hesitantly asked, clutching her phone as she stood in front of Chaeryeong.

The younger girl slightly smiles. "Do you.. perhaps wanna talk to her?"

"There's no use in me trying to hide it, right?"

Chaeryeong nods while smiling. Humming in pure amusement as she pats her bed, signalling for Jisu to sit down.

"Unnie.. you know.. Yeji has gone through a lot. More than what Hyunjin said. That was just the tip of the iceberg, you know?"

Jisu blinks rapidly as she sat down beside Chaeryeong, trying to comprehend what Chaeryeong just said.

Hyunjin said Yeji got injured or Soobin injured her, that alone is too much, but that being just only the tip of the iceberg is quite.... or very.. concerning.

"I can't really enumerate all the things that Yeji unnie has been through, I'll leave it all to your imagination... or when you two.. are finally in good terms then maybe she'd tell you.

Jisu lets out a of a frustrated sigh. "I'm at fault here. I want to know what happened, I just... can't say sorry to her when I don't even know all of it."

Chaeryeong reaches out to hold Jisu's hand. "It's alright, unnie. I'm not giving you Yeji unnie's number because I know that she needs space."

Now, Jisu understands that. She really does but when there's this feeling inside her that's clawing and begging for her to spill it out, it's hard to no try and reach for Yeji.

Because this feeling was so strong that Jisu can't even control it. Though, she can't quite put a finger on it. She lets out another sigh, defeated that she knows she wouldn't be able to talk to Yeji at the moment.

Though, still, she needs to at least try. "Well..." She spoke as Chaeryeong waits for her to continue.

"Can you at least tell her that I want to talk to her? I mean not now, not tomorrow or whenever, it's up to her... when she's up and ready to face me. Because I really.. really want to talk to her.."

Chaeryeong hesitated, she knew Yeji needed space and Jisu knows that too but the way Jisu said those words were so filled with sincerity and feelings that are left untold.

Feelings that have been kept for so long that it was trying to break free and find a way out. That was what Jisu sounded and looked like.

Like there's something in her that wants to be let out and Jisu is anxious, afraid, upset and sad that she doesn't know what that feeling is yet she's willing to let it all out.

Could be guilt.

Could be regret.

Could be literally every other feeling in the whole universe.

And it could even be Love though Jisu hates to admit nor say it out loud but it could be anything and there would be a chance... where what she's feeling is, indeed, Love.

Chaeryeong smiles lightly. "Alright. I'll send her a text right now. Go get some sleep unnie. I know you're tired."

Jisu smiles and was now satisfied that Chaeryeong sent Yeji a message about this. That was enough for now.

And she'll be able to talk to her through to phone or in person when Yeji is finally alright.


Yeji already fell asleep when Chaeryeong sent the text, but because her phone vibrates and makes dinging noises when there's a notification, Yeji woke up.

Almost instantly. It almost startled Yeji awake. Blinking non-stop until she reached out to take her phone.

Having a hard time focusing on the notification on her screen for it was too bright for Yeji at the moment.

When she was able to adjust to the light, however, she felt her heart beat faster than before. Faster than normal.

Reading the text,

"Jisu unnie wants to talk to you, I told her you needed space and she respected that. She just wanted me to send you a message for a heads up. To inform you that she really, really wants to talk to you. She hopes that you'll be ready to talk to her soon because she absolutely looked so devastated when I told her she can't get your number. I hope you're feeling alright, unnie. I love you and goodnight. We'll always be here for you"

Yeji doesn't know if it was her emotions or because the light from her screen was too strong that she started to tear up while holding the phone close.

It was ... heart warming. A new feeling.

A new feeling because Jisu wanted to talk to her. Like she wants to fix everything the way Yeji wanted to at first.

And so, without wasting anymore time, Yeji wiped her tears away and walked around the house looking for a paper and pen to make a note for Ryujin and Yuna in the morning.

When she finally found one, she uncontrollably wasn't able to stop her hands from shaking too much while writing a very short letter informing Ryujin and Yuna about her going home and stuff.

She stuck it on the fridge and immediately left when she took her keys from the table, slowly opening the door and closing it behind her before she even started the car to drive home.

She looked up at the window that lead to Ryujin's window and sighed. She knew Ryujin and Yuna are still sleeping at the moment.

They wouldn't be able to see how she went home or hear how her car started and began to drive off of the driveway.

Yeji doesn't know why she's going home quickly, it isn't because she wanted Jisu to apologize and kiss her shoes or something, oh no no.

She just.. wanted to know.. what Jisu would tell her when they finally talk again.

She's just curious and caring.. and she wanted to know if Jisu was doing alright. And so, because of the thought, she drove faster and she was sure she'd be there in no time.

Yeji might've been hurt today but.. this was Jisu that they're talking about. It's Jisu, Choi Jisu that Yeji loved and adored so much from a far.

The person she was smitten with even though Jisu absolutely hated her and her guts.

It was weird but to Yeji it was normal. And maybe because of this talk that was going to happen will change Yeji.

Maybe.. just maybe..

She was only hoping to get her feelings.. in check and finally move on from the past.



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Ryujin faces a lot of family issues and has noone to support or love her. Lia is full of positive energy and has her friends around her all the time...
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Songs are my kind of escapism. Do you want to be one? -Shin Ryujin You are really a cheesy dumbass. -Hwang Yeji
48.2K 2.3K 32
This is the story of how Lucy unravel the mystery of why her ex-girlfriend, Joanne; left her without saying anything; hanging without any clues. Coul...
19.3K 1.3K 15
Ryujin met her when she was 13 yrs old. Both of them were total opposites. Yeji is everyone's favorite and the typical Ms.Popular while Ryujin is the...