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Por BraedimusSupreme

14.1K 150 67

Braedey Martin, bearer of the Transformatrix, Knight of the Primes, has gotten himself into an accident with... MΓ‘s

Chapter One: Off Into Space...
Chapter Two: Team Lightyear
Chapter Three: Welcome to Star Command
Chapter Four: Some Training Required
Chapter Five: A Patrol Goes Awry
Chapter Six: Becoming a Ranger
Chapter Seven: Darkmatter
Chapter Nine: Gravity - Beautiful But Deadly

Chapter Eight: Autobot Space Ranger

1K 11 8
Por BraedimusSupreme

Once he became a Space Ranger, Braedey has been helping out Buzz and his team on many missions, while also teaching the new generation about Star Command and all it has, while also working on solo jobs every now and then, although closer to base than further out. Braedey understood the reasons, and he respected Buzz's decisions.

Every now and then, Braedey managed to go to many other worlds, learning about the cultures and how they have been affected by Star Command, as well as doing his best to improve his skills. He even goes with either Buzz and his team or him and Monique on solo patrols. Doing the patrols was alright, but it's not really exciting for the Transformatrix bearer.


A lone moon in part of the Beta Quadrant. The moon has a rocky landscape littered with boulders, craters, and chasms. The colour of terrain was silvery-white and resembled dust. However, it was the sky that can really captured one's attention. Billions of stars filled the sky; in fact, it was so clear that the haze of the galaxy took up most of it.

Braedey, in his spacesuit, looked out to the landscape, while he has the wrist communicator out as he begins a mission log. "Braedey Martin mission log: this lone moon has very little oxygen levels, unsuitable for any organic life to reside upon. And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere-" A car horn startled him, making him shut off his wrist communicator, as he shielded his eyes from the bright light next to him. "Hey! I was doing a report." He fumed in frustration.

Monique stepped out of the space buggy, but she was in her own spacesuit. Her attire is like that of Mira's spacesuit; it's mostly while with green highlights, with the Star Command emblem above her chest. On the back, the suit has a white jetpack with a purple valve and green triangular accents. The white arms have grey elbows, while the upper arms with green rings on it. Her gloved hands were all white, with no markings on them. The right arm has a red button on the upper arm, and the red laser on his right wrist. Her left arm a built-in wrist communicator. The abdomen of her suit has a black bending section with a thin green waist. The white spacewoman pants have matching green collars at the bottom, with white high-heel shoes.

"Come on, pal. Does anyone even read those reports these days?" Monique snickered to Braedey.

Braedey walked up with a smile. "Monique, my friend. It's just how the procedure works. Just like Buzz said to me, 'procedure separates us from the wicked forces of chaos'. And he's right." He then looks to the landscape around them.

"Oh, Braedey." Monique sighed. "If it means less paperwork for me, I'll take the chaos." She gets in the passenger side of the buggy and straps on her seat belt. "Come on, teammate. This rock's as empty as it looks."

Braedey nodded, then climbed into the driver's side of the buggy. "We'd best report back to Star Command to give our report of this moon." He said to her.

"Let's go." Monique agreed.

A few moments go by, then the two Rangers arrive at the Omega Shuttle. Once they get the buggy onboard, they get to the cockpit, and they leave the moon. Once in orbit, the engines go to full power, and they fly off back to Star Command.

"Well, this patrol has been a bit dull and uneventful." Monique sighed to herself. "I mean, we've travelled to a lone moon, found nothing, and now, we're gonna have to report nothing to the Commander." She added.

"Yeah, it's been a rather easy patrol." Braedey shrugged back. "I've got something planned to work on later."

"And that would be what?" Monique asked in curiosity.

"You'll see." Braedey replied back.


Once he got back to Star Command, Braedey soon got to work on whatever he was planning, working in the Omega Shuttle's own hangar and science bays, using tech he found in the shuttle, which will all come together to form something beyond anything the Transformatrix bearer has ever built before. The LGMs seemed rather curious about what he has in mind, so they opted to give him a hand with what he's planning. The Transformatrix bearer seemed to be working on not just one but two projects, one looking to be a vehicle, while the second looked to be of a type of machine, one that has a humanoid shape. Every now and then, Buzz or a member of his team would check on Braedey to see what he's up to, and he'd be too busy to hear them.

After what could be over about three or so hours, Braedey pulled off the welding mask he had on, wiping away the sweat on his forehead. He stepped back from what he was working on, the LGMs also looking on in awe of what they have also worked on.

"We have finished." One of the LGMs spoke out.

"It is done." Another LGM added.

"I agree. We've done good." Braedey agreed with the LGMs.

What was before them was the skeletal body of a Cybertronian, one that has a height of 20ft, the body in gunmetal grey. Underneath the seams in the ankle, knee, elbow, and neck joints was silver cabling that wrapped around each other; like that of tendons that made up the muscles. The chestplate looks blocky but streamlined, the arms and legs also streamlined and slender. The helm only has a pair of blue optics and no visible facial features. The chestplate has an exposed core with no Spark inside of it.

"Right. All we have to do is upload and place in a Spark for this robot, and they will come to life." Braedey said to the LGMs.

"So, this is what you've been working on." The brunette looked over to see Buzz and Commander Nebula walking up with the rest of the team. "What exactly have you been up to?" Buzz asked.

"I've been thinking of creating an Autobot to help me or anyone else on missions or teams." Braedey clarified. "It's something I've been thinking about for a pretty long while back home."

Booster walked over to the Cybertronian body. "So, how does this work? I mean, where does everything go or so with this robot?" He asked.

"Well, it requires a Spark in order to generate life into the protoform, so it can come to life." Braedey explained. "Fortunately, the construction and wiring is set in stone, so therefore, this 'Bot will be with us. It'll also require a vehicle mode, but I've already got that done."

"So, all we have to do is get this thing on its feet?" Commander Nebula asked skeptically.

"He can handle that." One of the LGMs spoke up. "The Transformatrix can transfer energy to the protoform, allowing it to rise up and become an Autobot."

"And it'll know what to do right from the start." Another one of the LGMs added in. "All the information and everything up till now will be downloaded right into the robot's head."

"Will this work?" Commander Nebula asked.

"I'm sure it will." Braedey reassured to the Commander. He walked over to the front of the protoform, where there's a shape in a tarpaulin. "And this is the vehicle he is going to scan." He then pulled the tarpaulin off, revealing the vehicle underneath.

The vehicle is a muscle car. The car is in blue with two black stripes running across it. It has dark grey wheels, two red lights and a key hole on the back, and four white headlights on the front. The car closely resembles a cross between a 3rd Generation Plymouth Barracuda, and a 1st Generation Dodge Challenger, since the grille has the same quad headlights of the Challenger, and the Plymouth's grille "split".

"Whoa." Booster complimented.

"Impressive." Buzz commented.

"It's a muscle car, a type of vehicle that we have back on Earth." Braedey clarified to him. "I've designed the car to make me feel more at home. It's got some pretty good tech inside of it, most of which being Cybertronian; Autopilot, Auto-attack, Universal Translator, Cybertronian Transceiver (picks up faster than light transmissions), Energy rifles, Missile launchers, Magnetic/Electromagnetic Power Winch, EMP Field, Off-road Mode, heavy-duty supercharged and turbocharged big-block 12.5L 2,500 horsepower V8 engine, Laserproof bodywork, Parachute, Rocket boosters, Ejector seats, Invisibility Mode, Nanoshift Transformation Cog, and a Tri-Barrel Blaster Turret." He listed off the capabilities the car has inside it.

Monique gave a low whistle in curiosity. "Wow. Talk about fast and loud." She commented.

"Seems like this car is a one-man army vehicle." Commander Nebula noted. "Some of the tech onboard sounds pretty dangerous, especially if it got into the wrong hands." He added in.

"Good thing this car has something that I came up with: a high-tech biometric key scanner." Braedey held his hand up against the driver's side door, the door unlocking and the engine coming to life with a rev. "The car will only unlock if it has my biometric palm scan. If anyone tried to break in, it'll go into Lockdown Mode, and it'll remain like that until I give the command to shut down."

"So, shall we begin?" Buzz asked.

Braedey nodded, walking over to the protoform, tapping some commands into the Transformatrix. He next held up the water, the device aimed at the body. "Transformatrix. Begin Spark ignition within protoform, install personality functions, and activate new form." He announced, giving the commands.

The Transformatrix beeped three times, the core popping up, and it shot a beam of white light into the exposed core of the protoform. The body twitched and shuddered in response to the energy flowing and emanating throughout the form. Slowly and surely, the blank optics of the robot glowed a bright blue, as the Spark chamber sealed up.

"Arise... TurboRacer." Braedey announced.

The Cybertronian protoform slowly rose up into a sitting position, looking to the Transformatrix bearer, taking note of the watch on the brunette's wrist. It reached a hand over, its five-digit hand held out to Braedey, and he held the index finger of the robot. Braedey smiled, the helm of the protoform tilting to the left like its curious. The robot then took note of the blue/black muscle car, and it began to scan the car from the front bumper to the rear, all the details of the vehicle being downloaded into the mainframe of the protoform. Once done so, the protoform now began to change form, new metal and colour forming with the sound of metallic gear shifting, with the end result of the transformation is the blue/black muscle car.

After that, the car then breaks apart, the body now changing form, as it rises to stand 20ft tall, the body now standing tall, revealing what it now looks like. The new Cybertronian has the front fender and wheels of the muscle car as the shoulders, the hood and roof being the chestplate and back section, while having grey upper arms and legs, the doors on the lower arms, the lower legs being the rear section and bumper of the muscle car, the knees being the rear bumper. The helm is a boxy shape in blue, the facial plate being grey, the optics now blue, and it has black racing stripes. Oddly though, the Star Command logo was in the centre of the chestplate.

"I am TurboRacer." The new Autobot announced, his voice sounding chirpy and with a sense of bravado, saluting sharply to Braedey. He then knelt down to the brunette. "I am at your service, Knight of the Primes. What are my orders?" He asked to him.

"You are to assist me and the heroic Space Rangers of Star Command, to protect against any and all threats to the universe, and the forces of evil." Braedey stated firmly, his hands on his hips. "TurboRacer, you are my teammate, and we will work together." He added.

TurboRacer nodded his helm, a smile on his face. "Very well. I shall do whatever it takes." He replied.

"Well, seems like he is fit for duty." Buzz commented.

"Not yet. I'd like to see how he performs in low-gravity situations where he'll have to use his alternate mode." Braedey countered. He turned to Commander Nebula. "With your permission, Sir, I'd like to travel to Capital Planet's moon to give TurboRacer a test drive." He asked.

"Of course." Commander Nebula nodded. "Let's see what he can do."

"Very well, sir." TurboRacer saluted.


Once over on the surface of the moon, thanks to the Omega Shuttle, a small rally course was set up for TurboRacer to go around. In the mind of Braedey's perspective, the track looked similar to that of Bathurst on Mount Panorama in Australia. Tight turns and long straights, as well as a chicane or two, it tests a driver's skill.

Not far away, inside of the shuttle, Buzz, Nebula, as well as Mira and the others, they were watching the whole trial happen, with Braedey in his spacesuit at the track's start/finish.

"Okay. Let's see what you can do." Braedey said to TurboRacer, the Autobot on the line. "Now, transform!" He announced.

TurboRacer shifted into vehicle mode, and he began to race along the track, lunar dust being kicked up as a result of his high-speed driving and tyres digging into the surface. TurboRacer kept the throttle up, as he charged around the circuit, his V8 engine revs echoing around them. His speed accelerated down as he goes along the final few straights, reaching up to 300km/h, performing quick reaction braking and steering, getting right around the course without spinning out once.

TurboRacer slid to a stop after crossing the line. He shifted into robot mode, a smile on his facial plate. "So, how did I do?" He asked.

"A little bit sharp in the chicane, but quick on the turns and the straights. Pretty good. Time of 2:01.567, so that's pretty fast." Braedey reported in. "Good work. No doubt you and I are gonna get along just fine."

"Impressive." Buzz called on the Omega Shuttle's P.A system. "Well, I can safely say that TurboRacer is fit for duty." He announced.

"I agree." Braedey nodded. He then saluted to TurboRacer. "Welcome to Star Command, Autobot TurboRacer." He announced, and the Autobot saluted back.


Sure enough, TurboRacer was inducted into the Space Ranger Corps, becoming a member to assist Braedey, Buzz and his crew. TurboRacer was really happy to be given a chance to help out wherever he can. He would even help out with the heavy equipment, carrying anything wherever needed around the space station. TurboRacer has been a great hand in helping out all around Star Command, plus patrols and package missions, as well as the medical missions.

Braedey has to admit, he and the LGMs have done a really good job on building TurboRacer, and the Autobot even thanked the little green men for what they did for him. There's a lot for the 'Bot to know of this world, but with friends like Braedey and Buzz, he's gonna get along just fine.

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