:Captured: Bakugou x Reader

By Forgotten_Damsel

102K 3.6K 2.6K

Bakugou x Reader Tribal AU When you're suddenly taken away from your home village by force, you find yoursel... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 3

7.4K 244 453
By Forgotten_Damsel


Word Count: 4307 



Waking up you prayed that this would be all a dream.

But, reality is cruel.

The first sign that this wasn't a dream was that you didn't smell the ocean breeze that you grew up with. No, instead the smell of grass and dirt flooded your senses.

Rubbing your eyes, you took in the area around you.

The only change was that Bakugou was no longer in the small makeshift home. Warily, you rose from the bed. You could hear the commotion of his tribe members outside the thin skin walls as you made your way around the space.

Now that you were exploring the room, you could see just how much these people were lacking confirming your hunch from when you arrived. This was not their true settling grounds. These people had traveled a great distance to hunt down your tribe and erase them from history. Lifting the lids of the few clay pots you inspected their contents as one thought repeated through your head--why?

Your people rarely ventured past the settling grounds. The ocean had provided you with plenty making you not rely on the forest or grasslands as other tribes did. You were able to keep to yourselves only experiencing other tribes if they were nomadic and those interactions were far and few between. Any time you did have a visiting tribe, they were surprised by the hospitality your tribe offered and typically lead to the tradings of goods.

Looking to the bed you studied the pelts that made up the blankets and padding below. Lifting them carefully, you felt over the mixture of soft and rough furs most of the furs being foreign to you. You didn't even know what half these animals were or where they originated from. 

Slowly, your (E/C) orbs drifted over to where the blond had slept. A clear indent of his body was stamped into the bed from swishing the grass bed that laid below. Your own imprint next to his. If a stranger was to see the forgotten shadow of your entwined bodies they have probably thought you were the happiest of lovers.

But that was far from the truth.

Your hand grazed over your neck making you spring over to where different piles of his clothes laid. Going through the stacks you searched for your precious necklace. In spite of being fully clothed, you felt naked without that piece of jewelry wrapped around your neck. It has always been there for as long as you could remember.

Letting out an internal scream at seeing that the pouch you were so desperately searching for was not in the collections of clothing you went to scouring over everything in the home. The fruits of your labor not being the pouch you sought after, but instead, was a range of weapons. Although it was tempting to take one for protection for yourself, it wasn't worth getting caught with it on your body.

Irritated you stomped your way to the entrance of the home. Your fingers working quickly on undoing the several knots that sealed the two flaps shut. Taking a deep breath you stepped out of the home to be met with the blinding sun.

Bringing your arm up, you blocked out the harsh rays allowing you to inspect the camp more in-depth. Each of the homes had unique paintings to them as if to reflect the owners that slept inside them. To the other side of the grounds, the horses were resting from their long journey from your tribe. A few feet away, there were several of the tribal members surrounding a fire, the smell of meat cooking hitting your nose.

Your presence was not hidden for long as a certain redhead ran up to you, "Nice to see you up (Y/N)! Kota is still asleep but I'm sure he will be up soon."

Without his tribal paint and warrior apparel, Kirishima looked less intimidating but his body and presence were still forces to be reckoned with. He ushered you forward towards the rest of the tribe that was out of their homes. You stayed still, debating if you should accept the proposal. It appeared that only half of the tribe was up and moving, the rest still asleep from their activities from the night before. You decided that now would be the best time to get your meal that way didn't have to interact with all of the monsters. 

Sitting on the rough ground, you now had a view of the home that you had just emerged from. Your brows furrowed as it stuck out like a sore thumb. Bakugou's walls were stark lacking the designs of the other homes scattered around the area.

"Here you are," A woman with black hair in a high ponytail offering you a plate of cooked food in front of you, "My name is Yaoyorozu Momo, but you can just call me Yao-Momo."

She was a beautiful woman and wore simple clothing that was meant purely for functionality having little designs on them. Under her eyes, you saw that she too sported facial markings like Kirishima. Two red upside-down triangles under her eyes. This was another thing you started to realize as you took in the sight of the relaxed tribe, they all had these facial markings, all but Bakugou.

Begrudgingly, you took the plate from her. You were starving. You never had anything to eat at the ceremony and it was past the time for breakfast. From the positioning of the sun, you could tell that it was well into mid-afternoon if not later.

Gawking at the plate you knew that you weren't going to enjoy this meal.

Not only did you know nothing on the plate, but it was also the complete opposite of what you were used to. It lacked the fruit and barley bread that you typically had for your first meal of the day. This plate was loaded with meat covered in a strange fiery red seasoning and below it had an even stranger pile of round pellets that ranged int different warm colors.

Swallowing your nerves, you picked up the meat deciding that would be the safer of the two to eat first. Pulling a small piece off the bone you held up the dark piece of meat playing with it between your fingers. The meat releasing a red liquid making it flow over your digits. You held in your initial gag. Out of all the land meat you've had before in your life, never before did they bleed like this.

Under the watch of multiple sets of eyes, you could feel the pressure of them waiting for you to take your first bite of the new delicacy that they had placed in front of you.

Saying a prayer to your gods in your head, you shoved the piece of the meat in your mouth, its flavor erupting. It was salty and hot and the meat itself tasted like nothing you've ever had before. It was tangy and bitter and the more you chewed on it the more intense the flavor became slowly morphing into a more earthy taste. It took all your being to swallow the mass. Letting out a struggle grunt you reached out to the waterskin that was near you.

Spinning off the top, you took chugged the refreshing taste of water successful washing away the vile taste in your mouth.

"Not a fan of deer, huh?" The straw-haired man called out to you who you recognized immediately from the black streak in his hair.

Remaining silent, you moved to your last resort of some sort of meal--the pile of pellets. These too were coated in a strange seasoning that resembled what was on the meat but had some green leaves strewn through it. Carefully, you picked up a clump of the unknown vegetable and took a reluctant bite.

This time you were pleasantly surprised.

They were rich and creamy and the spicy seasoning that was paired with it wasn't horrible. Thankful to have at least one thing on the plate that was edible, you wolfed up all you could of bizarre vegetable while also not making a mess.

"Do you want more beans?" Yao-Momo called to you.

So these things were called beans. Interesting.

There were plenty of mysterious things outside of your village.

Nodding, you handed her the plate which she returned to you with a second serving of beans. This time eating in a calmer manner so you could savor the beans for all their glory.

"I guess it would be best to introduce you to everyone that is up," Kirishima speaking with his mouth full from the large chomp he had taken from his deer, "technically, Bakugou should be doing this but he had to go collect traps with Mina."

"Well, I can start!" The golden-eyed man called, "I'm Kaminiari Denki." This lead to a succession of names to follow after him, Sero Hanta, Jirou Koyaka, and many others. You didn't say a word back to them only watching their actions carefully. You also noticed how some had matching facial tattoos like Yao-Momo and Jirou.

"So (Y/N), is Kota your kid or something? All he wouldn't stop talking about you last night." Sero questioned while he rubbed his stomach satisfied with his hearty meal.

Your eyes narrowed you didn't want to talk to these people more than you had to. Rubbing your hand against the coarse ground you cleaned your hand from your meal as best as you could, "No."

Kaminiari tilted his head at your answer confusion written all over his face, "Are you related to him at all?"

"No." You repeated coldly.

"Then..why did you protect him?" Kirishima asked leaning in closer to hear your answer.

You could feel dirt getting underneath your fingernails at his idiotic question. Wasn't it obvious?

You didn't bother answering him making uneasiness fill the air. Yao-Momo coughed awkwardly, "Well, how was your night with Bakugou? You two were pretty quiet," her onyx eyes surveying your body, "you don't have any marks either."

Your mouth opened but quickly shut. Of course the two of you were quiet, you went to bed like everyone else. And clearly, you had marks, how could you miss the bandage around your arm and the cut on your cheek.

"Yeah, but this morning he didn't seem to be in that good of a mood when he came to get Mina," Kirishima added to the conversation a meddlesome expression washing over his features, "was it not good? He did know what to do, right?"

"Of course he knew Kiri! It's not like he born yesterday!" Kaminiari defended their leader.

Sero then went in for the kill, doubt covering his words, "You had trouble at first Kaminari, don't act like that. I'm sure it's a learning curve for some. Bakugou has never exactly been romantic with anyone either so it makes sense that he may have had some trouble with it."

It all clicked for you after that comment. Your cheeks flushing with heat, your body becoming as stiff as a board, "N-No."

Yao-Momo and Jirou leaned in closer at hearing your meek answer, "It was good then?"

Somehow the heat in your cheeks multiplied, "We just went to bed. Nothing else."

Blank stares watched your shift into an embarrassed form, your legs huddling into your chest. It seemed that it took them all a moment to process your words.

"Well, that explains his mood," Kirishima stated nonchalantly returning to his hefty meal.

The crowd nodded in agreement. Jirou reached over taking your empty plate from you, "He definitely was more angry than usual."

You held in your whine as you thought over the conversation that almost went over your head. You had forgotten what all came with swearing yourself to him. You had the duty to fulfill his needs and desires as if he was your Abi, no, he is your Abi. The realization made you sick to your stomach, the deal you made with that repulsive man was much worse than you thought.

But when that small body sailed around a corner into view you knew that your sacrifice was worth it.

Kota didn't acknowledge the others gathered around the fire pit. He was a boy on a mission.

Once in front of you, he separated your legs taking a seat in the new space he created. His face scrunched up in a deep scowl as he moved your arms to wrap around his form. His goal to make it clear that the two of you were inseparable.

You were taken back by the more dominant nature he was presenting to the group. Usually, whenever he was in this position it was when the two of you were alone because in public he found being in your lap embarrassing.

But now he was using the position as a weapon showing that he was the one in charge of you.

"Good morning, Kota!" Kirishima grinned kneeling to look at the scary-looking boy held in the confines of your body, "Would you like something to eat?"

Kota's head whipped away from the male he was forced to stay the night with, malice clear in his obsidian jewels. Spinning in your hold he whispered briskly in your ear.

"Just the beans." You answered for him. Yao-Momo dished up a bowl of the fine vegetable passing it off to you to place in Kota's lap. Quizzically, he stared at the multi-colored beads. Grabbing a bit of your hair and giving it a light tug bringing you down to whisper in your ear again, "Where's the spoon?"

You shook your hand silently communicating with the child to use his hands. Their lack of utensils further proved that this was not their true home.

Disgusted at the idea of using his hands for a saucy dish that was clearly meant to have a spoon, he did it anyway. Dipping his hand into the lukewarm mess taking a mouthful he was pleased by the flavor. One benefit of the situation, Kota was not a picky eater.

"You are a cute little thing!" Hakagure cheered making you jump.

She was so quiet that you had forgotten that she was sitting next to you. Kota was also frightened by the sudden praise, making him squish the food in his hand. His glare now directed to the female who immediately stiffened under it.

A nervous laugh escaped her as he shot daggers at her, "H-Haha your eyes are just as intense as Bakugou's."

That set something off in you.

Kota was nothing like Bakugou.

Shooting up, you collected Kota in your arms his half-eaten meal hitting the ground. Stomping away from the group, you disappeared into the plain-looking home, Hakagrue's insult replaying in your mind. Setting Kota down you went through your satchel for a new set of clothes for him.

"I hate them all," Kota huffed, "that idiot I had to stay with last night wouldn't stop trying to cheer me up. He kept saying that I was manly for standing up against them. All I wanted was to see you but he wouldn't let me."

Sighing, you pulled out a tan shendyt to replace his ruined white one, "I know Kota, but we can't do anything about it."

Swiping the clothing from you he began to change, "Let's leave. We can steal one of those horses and go to the cenote!"

You would be lying if the idea didn't cross your mind during your time being forced to sleep with Bakugou. The edges of the skin cover could easily be pulled up and if you were quick enough you were sure that you could've made it to the river that nearby and you let the current take you, you'd be long gone before they noticed.

But you weren't alone and you had made a vow.

"No Kota," Your hands moving to help with the clothing, "I made a promise."

His scowl deepened, "You shouldn't have done that."

"Well, I had to keep my promise to you silly." Finished dressing his lower half, you arranged his favorite red headband on him, "I promised to never leave your side. That's the most important promise I've ever made in my life."

You could see his shoulders quiver, "You could've broken it. I just make your life harder. You could have gotten away."

Tightening the knot of his headband you turned him to face you. Hold his chin steady you made him look at you, "Kota, you know that's not true. I would never have left you, even if I didn't make that promise to you. I love you, Kota."

His bottom lip fumbled under itself, "I-I know." He knew you meant every word. Kissing his hand he put it on your forehead. That was more than enough for you to know how he felt about you.

Sniffling you brought him back into your lap once more. This was far too much for a child. It wasn't right.

"Where's your necklace?" He called to you his fingers brushing against your bare neck. It felt odd to have someone touch you there.

"He still has it."

Kota's eyes went wide, "He's going to give it back right?!"

You held hope in your heart, "In time."

Kota's fist smacked into the bed below, "I hate him the most."

Playing with the ends of his headband you hummed in agreement. You were thankful for your alone time with Kota. It was good to know that he was well and that Kirishima wasn't malicious towards him even after Kota spat on him. Your alone time with him was short-lived though.

The opening of the tent swung wide as a sun-kissed Bakugou entered. His claret pearls taking in the pair of you before he went to work packing up the little supplies in the room.

"Get moving kid, she's helping me." He snapped ripping off his cape.

Kota gave you a screw him look making you stifle your laughter, "Go to Kirishima's, Kota." Following your orders, he made sure to knock over a pile of wood on his way out. Bakugou let out a groan but didn't follow after him instead, he told you to get the brat in line.

Pouring out the clay pots he put you to work folding up the blankets and tying them up so that they could go on a horse. While you work your eyes couldn't help but drift over to his glistening back that was facing you.

He was supposed to bed you. Claim you as his. But he didn't.

You were on edge at think about that fact. It could happen at any moment and more than likely it was going to happen sooner than later. You got away with last night because he was tired-- that had to be it. Now that he was fully rejuvenated you knew were helplessly caught in his net waiting for him to fest on you.

The rest of his tribe seemed to be biting at the bit to hear of the news of his conquest over your body as if having your person wasn't enough for them.

You moved to your next task he assigned you which was packing up the clothing while he worked on cleaning and sharpening all the different weapons that were scattered throughout his belongings. You could now see the pouch you were seeking was hooked on his side. Teasing you.

"You surprised me," His voice a lighter tone than what it had been.

Glancing up you met those vibrant eyes, "I gave you all the tools to escape and ordered all the extras not to do anything if you tried to leave, but you didn't. You didn't even take a weapon. Looks like your word really is your bond," Pulling out your necklace he dangled the precious piece of jewelry in front of your face, "or is it because I still have this?"

You made a swipe at the sacred item but he pulled it far away from you making you tumble into his chest instead. A smirk he was trying to hide slipping onto his face. It was clear that he enjoyed teasing you.

"Give it back." You spat reaching for your necklace once more. He proved his dominance over you once again as he held it well above your reach. Damn him and his height.

"Answer my question, is it your word or this, that is your bond?"

Slapping at his chest you backed off returning to fixing his clothing and yours for departure, "Kiss the center."

His brow jumped at your words, "Kiss it?"

It annoyed you to no end that you were sharing the customs of your tribe to the man who destroyed it, "Once you kiss it, it's my oath to keep my word to you. Everything I promised to you I must fulfill to the best of my abilities till it is completed or you till kiss the center again."

Shifting the necklace in his hand he thought over your words. You did keep your promise to him already but he has to kiss a stupid rock to make sure you don't turn on your words? What a stupid tradition.

He ambled his way in front of you, placing his free hand under your chin forcing you to look up at him. His calloused thumb feeling out the texture of your bottom lip.

He placed a fleeting kiss onto that indigo gem. His eyes never leaving yours. He then pressed the accessory into your hand which you clutched onto for dear life.

Invading closer, you could feel his warm breath hit against your face before closing the small gap between your lips. This too was a fleeting kiss. Just long enough for you to realize it was happening.

Pulling away, Bakugou could see the bewilderment in your face. It was quite a sight.

Removing his touch from you he backed away returning cleaning weapons.

Breathing heavily, you placed the necklace back in its rightful place even though it was dirted by his paws. You'd clean it the first chance you got.

This blond was an enigma that's for sure. For such a gentle kiss to even be in his vocabulary was mind-boggling and then to not take you as soon as you made it into the confines of his home, none of his actions made sense. This led you to your next question that seemed to replay in your head, why you? What did he find so interesting about you?

You weren't the prettiest in your tribe, in your opinion, and you weren't the best dancer proven by Setsuna achieving that honor at the Wauo dance. You also weren't exactly the best at anything in your tribe, you were an average weaver and cook, and after Kota become glued to your side, you had to give up fishing and sailing -- the two things you somewhat excelled at.

You were also a member of a tribe he seemed to despise, so why would he want to be with one for the rest of his life?

Time passes quickly and soon you found that the whole camp had been deconstructed and packed up on the horses.

A woman with pink hair ran to your side, the sight of the unique hair paired with the stranged horn headpiece threw you for quiet the loop, "Wow Bakugou! You picked a nice one she's really pretty!" Her hands feeling over your purple clothing and (H/C) tresses, "Her clothing so cool too! Woah, and she's so soft! But I guess you would know that already."

For once you were thankful for Bakugou's harsh movements as he pulled you into his chest his hands traveling dangerously but possessively down your hips, "Oi, hands off of what's mine, Ashido."

"Aww, that's not far." The pinkette sulked, you could now see that she had the same facial markings as Kirishima.

"Get on your damn horse before I decided to leave you here pinky."

He pushed you up to mount his noir horse. Being back in the unusual position sent out a dull pain through your pelvis. Clutching the inside of your thighs you couldn't hold back the moan of pain making Ashido jump excitedly.

"Ooo Bakugou you stud you!" She cooed before running off to the back of the cavalry. Bakugou looked like he was about to explode from her comment as he climbed up behind you.

"Stop blushing idiot." He snarled pointing out your heated face.

You weren't going to let him have this one on you, "Back at you, pufferfish."

The subtle pink that was on his face darkened to a deep rouge, his brows sloping downwards. Two could play this game. Snapping the leather straps, which you learned were called reigns, made the horse lurch backward onto its hind legs.

The new position smacks your body back into him. Your arms desperately finding something to grasping onto which ended up being his sturdy body. One hand back on his thigh and the other on his neck. You didn't dare open your eyes till you felt your center of gravity become level again. Cracking open a single eye you let out a breath in hopes of settling your pumping heart faster.

With a snicker, Bakugou gave another snap to the horse. Preparing for it to buck up again you tightened your grip on him again but instead, you were meet with that intense speed from your previous ride.

At least this was familiar to you.

Removing your touch from him as much as you could you held onto the padding below you once again.

"Get ready," He announced over the trampling sound of hooves that chased after you, "you're going to meet the real tribe now."

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