Shapes | Sope FF

By yourlocalyoongistan

220K 11.8K 6.1K

A world where you get a specific colour and shape on your wrist when you were born that links you to your sou... More

3. ❀
5. πŸ”ͺ
6. ❀
9. πŸ₯
11. 😏
12. ❀
15. πŸ₯
18. πŸ”ͺ
19. ❀
21. πŸ”ͺ
26. ❀
27. ❀
random sope rant
34. πŸ”ͺ
39. ❀
41. 😏
This is illegal
45. ❀
46. πŸ”ͺ
i d e a
50. πŸ₯
52. πŸ₯
authors note and Q n A (open)
Yellow Square!
More to come? maybe?
shapes extras!

38. πŸ₯

2.8K 168 17
By yourlocalyoongistan

Yoongi's POV:

"Its nice to see you boys again!" Their doctor said. Her name was Dr. Seo. Her first name was Soojin.

Hoseok and Yoongi both nodded. They had no idea how they were going to do this.

Hoseok was still shaken up from what happened, and Yoongi couldnt talk to people. He could barely order for himself at a resturant.

He decided he would try his best for Hoseok.

"So, how have you two been?" Soojin asked kindly.

"We've been ok." Yoongi answered quietly, his voice barely audible.

"Are you going to do the talking today, yoongi?" She asked with a small smile.

Yoongi nodded a little before looking at Hoseok who had pleading eyes. He knew the younger didnt want to speak.

"That's great! It's nice to hear your voice." She said kindly.

Yoongi nodded a little and looked back at Soojin.

"So, how are you two doing as soulmates?" She asked, her voice sweet.

"We're good. Things are going well."

"That's good! Have you gotten into any fights?"

"Only two..."

"That's good compared to what we assumed." She said, smiling as she typed at her computer. "Anything new happen that's worth telling?"

Yoongi thought a little, wanting to tell her about the rape situation and how he felt everything, but not knowing how to phrase it without telling her what happened to hoseok. "Nothing new. But I do have a question."

"Sure, go ahead."

"If your soulmate were to sleep with another person, would you feel everything thats happening to them?" He asked quietly.

Soojin nodded a little. "Yes. It's a way to let you know if your partner is cheating. We don't know why its that way. That's just how our bodies and connections work." Soojin said with a small frown.

Yoongi nodded a little. "Ok then. Thank you." He said quietly.

"Why did you ask that? Just curious or was there a reason?"

"Just curious." He mumbled. He was a horrible liar.

Soojin looked at Hoseok and raised an eyebrow at the two. "Theres something going on, isnt there?"

The two both shook their heads and Soojin only grew more suspicious. "Hoseok? Is there a reason you've been so quiet?"

Hoseok shook his head, keeping his mouth shut.

"Then talk to me. Tell me nothings wrong." Soojin said, her voice was quiet and calm the whole time.

Hoseok sighed a little and looked up at her. "Something happened today..." he mumbled simply.

"What happened?" She asked kindly.

Hoseok was about to speak but it seemed he couldnt bring himself to get the words out, so he looked to Yoongi for assistance.

"He was raped." Yoongi answered simply.

Soojin's eyes widened a bit. "Hoseok- I'm so sorry. Do you know who did it?"

Hoseok was hesitant but nodded.

"Did you contact the police?"

Hoseok shook his head no.

Soojin sighed a little and nodded. "Well, now that we know this we'll have to get in contact with them. But Yoongi, I'm assuming this is why you asked that question earlier?"

Yoongi nodded "yes it is."

"I'm so sorry for the both of you...hoseok, have you slept at all since this happened?"

Hoseok nodded a little.

"Any nightmares?"

He nodded again.

"Right. Yoongi, I'm going to suggest you have someone sleep with him at all times but not right next to him. I'm not sure if this happened but if he wakes up and sees someone next to him he'll go into shock. Did he throw up?"

"He did." Yoongi answered.

"Good, I mean not that he threw up but because that's a sign he went into shock and if he didnt then there would be a problem. Make sure he sleeps on his side and if the nightmares get worse as time goes on rather than better, see a doctor immedietly. It doesnt have to be me because I'm just your binding doctor but you should see someone." Soojin said as she took notes on her laptop.

"Alright, thank you." Yoongi said kindly.

"Of course. Is there anything else we need to discuss?"

Yoongi thought for a minute if he really wanted to bring this up, but he decided he would. "Um, Hoseok might need some refills on his insomnia medication."

Hoseok's eyes widened and he looked at Yoongi with confusion.

Soojin smiled a little and nodded. "Of course, I can provide that right now actually. Give me a few minutes and I'll be right here with that." She said, standing and leaving the room.

Hoseok immedietly turned to Yoongi. "What the hell??"

"You need them, Seokie."

"I'm not going to take them."

"Why not??"

"I dont want to be on drugs, hyung!!"

They were yelling at each other now, and they knew if someone heard them they'd come in but who cared?

"I just want you to be healthy!!"

"What if I dont give a shit!?"

"You should!"

"I don't need to. I'm perfectly fine! I'm healthy on my own! I dont need you babying me or telling me what I need! I'm my own goddamn person and if you think I'm going to be back on medication then you're fucking crazy." He snapped, his voice calm but his tone sharp. Somehow the tone hurt Yoongi more.

"Whatever, Hoseok."

Soojin hurried to open the door when she heard the yelling, but when she came in the two were sitting their calmly. However, anger was evident on both of their faces.

She went to hand the pill bottle to Hoseok but he scoffed and shook his head. "Give them to Yoongi over there if he thinks I need them so much." His tone was venomous.

Yoongi simply shot him a sharp glance and took the bottle from Soojin.

Soojin sighed a little and frowned "you two should come back here next week. We'll continue weekly appointments as long as we need to." She said simply. "You're free to go."

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