Unforgettable Love (A Kylo x...

Per kylosbae

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You are the princess of the plant Byss. You are gifted with the force and have been training with your father... Més

My Dear Princess
Unexpected Visitor
What else are you hiding?
I'm not scared of you.
Be safe, my love.
Stand your ground.
I Feel It, Do you?
I'll always be here.
Do You Trust Me?
Are You Ready?
Secrets Within.
Stay With Me.
Separate Sides, Same Blood.
A Night To Remember.
The Lovely Nights At Canto Bight.
The Lovely Nights At Canto Bight *outfits*
How Could You?
How Could You? *outfits*
Worry About Yourself.
I'm Sorry.
A Balance In The Force
Me and You.
Till The End, My Love.
Unforgettable Love Story.
Sequel to Unforgettable Love, Everlasting love.

So It Begins.

193 13 45
Per kylosbae

-------Kylo's POV--------

~After you were attacked and Cardo got onto the Buzzard~

I heard Cardo yell at me and Kuruk to take off so Kuruk told the hangar crew we were ready and I felt the ship leave the hangar. All the knights were mad at me which was understandable. I just let y/n go and I didn't stop her from running and now her life is in danger. Kuruk told me he had everything under control and I could go check on her. I got up and made my way to the cots the knights had and I saw Cardo holding her hand and tears in his eyes. He trusted her and he was close to her and trusted her with his life.

"Hey Cardo." I said as he turned his head towards me and looked hurt.

"Ren, what do you want?" he asked me as he put y/n's hand down by her side and stood up.

"I just wanna see her that's all." I said as Cardo shook his head and sighed.

"Ren, why didn't you stop her, why didn't you run after her, this would've never happened." he said as his eyes were getting glossy from the tears he was holding back.

"I wanted to but, I knew I shouldn't because she would've killed more people." I explained as he shook his head.

"When she called out for help. She said your name, and where were you? YOU WERE CROUCHED NEXT TO BAZINE TRYING TO SAVE HER LIFE!" he yelled as I felt a wave of sadness and shame overcome me.

"I WAS THE ONE WHO HAD TO SEE HER ALMOST DIE IN MY ARMS, YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT HURTS REN? Y/N HAS DONE NOTHING BUT BE LOYAL TO YOU AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL HER THE TRUTH?" Cardo was crying, he was right though, I lied to her that night because I didn't want her to know about that part of my past. 

"You didn't even hear her calling out through the force because you were so focused on Bazine, the one that almost killed you and your own family. I don't understand you Ren. You don't deserve y/n but she loves you too much to let go." Cardo said. I thought about what he said and he was right. I've killed her father and she's forgiven me somehow I don't know if I could even forgive myself at this point.

I felt the ship land and the ship doors opened, as I tried to grab her Cardo stood in front of me and picked her up. As he walked by me he told me,

"Stay away from her for now Ren, all of the knights including myself know how shes feeling. We will take care of her." he said as he walked out of the room and joined the rest of the knights as Kamy and Kuruk walked in front so Kamy could prepare y/n's stuff to help her wound. Hux and Gabi walked out hand in hand following behind the knights. I decided to take Cardo's advice and stay away. I didn't want to stress her out but as I tried to read her mind, I heard the disappointment in her thoughts. She was looking for me but I wasn't there. I decided I would go visit her when everyone leaves her room.

-----time jump to around 11pm----

~Still Kylo's POV~

I walked out of my room and walked to the med bay. None of the knights, nor Hux were anywhere in sight so I walked to where y/n was. Kamy was there checking her information on her data pad when she saw me.

"Hello Supreme Leader." she said as I nodded my head.

"Hello Kamy, I was wondering, can I see her?" I asked as she nodded her head and said,

"You can see her but please don't tell the knights anything, I don't want them getting angry." she said a bit nervous as I nodded and walked into the room. Kamy followed me inside.

"Hey by the way, she is in deep sleep, the poison got far into her blood stream and we had to take some blood.I don't know how long she will be out but I believe it will be quite a little bit of time before she wakes up." she said as I nodded and she walked out leaving me and Y/n alone.

"Hey princess.." I started as I grabbed a chair and pulled it up next to her and held her hand,

"I know you probably don't want to see me and the knights don't want me seeing you but I just want to apologize, for everything. I should've told you everything about my past. Bazine and I fell in love with one another and she left me to become a mercenary because Snoke hated her and he told me to choose between her or fulfilling my spot as Master of the Knights of Ren and I chose being master. Bazine and I tried to keep in contact with one another for a couple of years but I severed it since Snoke figured out what I was doing every time. When I saw her at Canto Bight she mind manipulated me and she tried to mess up our relationship. I didn't think the truth would come out this way. I know you probably can't hear me and you probably don't love me anymore but just know my love, I will come here everyday to check up on you and make sure you're healing properly. I love you I really do and stars I hope the force is on your side. I will come back again tomorrow y/n. Goodbye for now." I kissed her forehead and left the room. I thanked Kamy and went back to my quarters. 

The next four days I would visit her every night after everyone left so I could tell her about my day and try to see if she would wake up. The last night I tried, nothing happened so I went back to my quarters and about an hour later, I got a message on my data pad from Kamy saying she was awake. I prayed that the force was on my side and that I would be able to see y/n soon.

-------Back to your POV-------

You awoke and right by your side was Gabi and Hux, they were talking with Kamy and they heard you move in your bed.

"Oh thank the stars your awake y/n, how are you feeling?" Hux asked you as he walked over and held your hand.

"I feel a little better but my memories a bit fuzzy, how long was I out?" you asked as all the knights appeared in their regular battle outfits, they all took their masks off as Cardo stepped forward and said,

"You were out for 4 days m'lady." he said as you started to cry.

"Cardo what happened to me?" you asked him as he walked over to grab your hand,

"You attempted to kill Bazine Netal, then you had a fight with Master Ren and stormed off, some sick drunk slobs pulled you into an alley but you killed them but one of them had a dagger with poison in it and managed to cut your left shoulder. You called out for somebody and I was able to get to you just in time." he was down on his knees with tears in his eyes, "I thought I was going to lose you y/n, it was the worst feeling in the world." you let go of his hand and wiped his tears away.

"I would never leave you knights, I wouldn't dare." you say as you sat up slowly and they all walked towards your bed and you hugged them one by one. 

These men were like the older siblings you've always wanted. After you all hugged and stopped crying Kamy asked all the men to leave as her and Gabi helped you out of bed and helped you get dressed. You thanked them and asked Cardo and Ap'lek to escort you back to your quarters because you didn't want to be alone. You three walked inside your room as you started to cry, you fell to your knees as Cardo picked you up bridal style and sat you on the couch. Ap'lek went to go grab you water and you sobbed into Cardo's chest.

"When you said I attempted to kill her, what do you mean, I swear I stabbed my saber through her stomach I don't understand." you said as you sobbed into his arms.

"When you stormed off Kylo, well he ran to Bazine and did something with the force." he said as you thought about it.

"Force healing. I thought it was a myth." you said as you stood up in disbelief. You ran over to your bookshelf and grabbed the Jedi texts and scanned through until you found what you were looking for.

It didn't make sense to you how Kylo could heal Bazine when they were both apart of the dark side. You were trying to piece everything together but you really knew nothing of Bazine. You put the book back and sat back down with the two knights. 

"Where is she now?" you asked as Cardo looked at you,

"I believe shes in the med bay somewhere, I am pretty sure her life force is low, I didn't see how much Ren had healed her." he said as you nodded your head. All you wanted was for Bazine to be dead and now she was right under your nose.

You all talked a little more and then they left you alone. You decided you were going to look around Kylo's room while he was out doing his job. You put your cloak on and pulled the hood over your head as you walked out. You made his way to his quarters and opened his door with ease. You walked over to his bed and looked through his drawers and you found it, his old lightsaber.

You grabbed it and a bunch of memories plodded your brain. Memories such as training at the Jedi temple, training with his uncle Luke, and then you smelled the smell of burning flesh and a horrid image of the temple burning down played in your mind. You tried to scream but nothing was coming out of your mouth, and then you saw it, you saw Luke, trying to kill, Ben. Ben Solo. You were snapped back into reality and you wiped the tears from your eyes. You put his saber back and closed the drawer.

The next thing you found was the ring, the ring he used to propose to you. You took it and slipped it back onto your finger. You really did want to fix your relationship but you needed him to trust you and make sure you both were on the same page. More tears fell as you saw something shine out of the corner of your eye. You looked over and gasped, there was your father's crown on display in his room.

"Why does he have this in his own room." you say to yourself as you touch it and and you remember all the times you played with your father's crown and dreamed to have it for yourself someday. You put the crown back on its display and moved to his bag. 

You looked at it and found the initials, B.S. on it. You opened it to the page that was marked and read the title

                                               "A letter for my love"

"Hey My Love,

      You are currently sleeping behind me right now. You move a lot in your sleep you know, like I'll fall asleep hugging you and next thing you know we wake up and your on top of me. I don't mind it. I am beyond thankful the force reunited us again and I couldn't be happier, you have reunited me with my mother and now we are having the greatest time of our lives on Canto Bight. Gods, what more could a man want? I am also thankful that you are here for me as a person I can trust, I know I have Phas back on the Finalizer but she's more of a motherly figure if anything. I never want to lose you nor will I ever. I won't ever let something come in between us big or small and I promise I will always protect you and love you. I am amazed at how much you've grown and I am excited for you to be my wife/empress. I hope sooner or later we have children because I want to be a better father than my father ever was to me. If and when we have our beautiful kids I will do the best I can to be the father they need. I want to move somewhere beautiful like Lake Country and start a new, we can train our son our daughter with the force and everything will be perfect. Until then I will be the best boyfriend/soon to be husband to you as I can be. Any way your moving around in bed so I am going to join you. I love you princess and I will write to you again soon."

                                                  Love, B.S

Tears threatened to pour down as you put the book down and processed what you just read. It hurt you deeply but you had to stay strong and not cry anymore.  After fixing up the room a little more you felt his force signature come closer and closer to the room, you swiftly left and ran to your quarters, you ran to your bed and curled up into a ball and cried. You slowed your breathing and you were pulled into a force vision and saw your grandfather, Palpatine. He was sitting on the throne and he told you,

"I feel the conflict in you my dear, your angry at that Solo boy, embrace the anger and come to Exegol. Help me rule The Final Order and you will have all the power in the galaxy." you were brought back to reality with a weird feeling flowing through your finger tips. You looked down and saw lightning coming out of your finger tips. You thought about what your grandfather said and actually considered finding out what he was talking about and finding whatever this Exegol place was. You pushed the thought aside and started to cry again, you couldn't take all this pain anymore. You felt a slight disturbance in the force and when you turned your head towards the door you saw Rey.

"Y/n are you alright? Why are you crying?" you walked up to her and hugged her. You missed Rey more than anyone and just wanted to be with your sister.

"I almost died the night we left Canto Bight. I almost killed some mercenary that claimed Kylo as her own and after I stormed off from the knights and Kylo. Some sick men tried to hurt me and I killed them with my lightning but one of them was able to cut my arm. I called out for you, Kylo, and the knights and I thought nobody would come save me now." you explained to her.

"First of all, I wanna beat Kylo up for hurting my sister, and second, who is this mercenary were talking about?" she asked

"Her name is Bazine, Bazine Netal. Does that ring any bells?" you asked Rey as she shook her head.

"Nope I've never heard if her. What are you going to do about Ben?" she asked as you sighed.

"I don't know Rey, I went into his room to look around and I found the ring he used to propose to me and I put it back on. I want to work everything out with him him because I love him but I just need him to trust me." you said as she held you for another hug, it was nice having someone to talk to and be by your side.

"Rey can I tell you something?" you asked her as she nodded her head.

"Before me and you connected to the force right now, I had a force vision, I saw Palpatine, he was sitting on the throne, and he told me "I feel the conflict in you my dear, your angry at that Solo boy, embrace the anger and come to Exegol. Help me rule The Final Order and you will have all the power in the galaxy.". Have you ever heard of that place?" her eyes went wide as she nodded her head.

"Y/n you need to come to the Resistance base now. Bring whoever you trust with you and get here quickly I think I know of a way we can beat Palpatine together." she said as you got to your feet and agreed

"I will be there soon Rey, I love you." you said as you hugged her one last time.

"I love you too y/n and please don't bring Ben here, he can't know of this plan. Not yet." she said as she disconnected from the force call.

You grabbed your data pad and told the knights to meet you at the Buzzard. You put your cloak back on and your lightsaber on your waist. You walked out and Generals and troopers alike were stepping to the side for you, they knew of your relationship with Kylo and they didn't mess with you. You made it into the hangar and saw the knights preparing for take off. You walked onto the ship and sat down in the co-pilots seat, Kuruk came in and saw you and said

"Lady Ren what are you doing?" as you smiled and told him 

"Kuruk it's okay I know how to fly, I did a lot when I was younger don't worry." and smiled which caused him to smile as well. The rest of the knights walked onto the Night Buzzard and Cardo asked.

"Lady Ren what are we doing?" you looked back at him and said,

"We need to meet with my sister, she might have a way to defeat our grandfather." and all the knights were shocked.

You pulled the buzzard out of the hangar and jumped to lightspeed. You felt weird not being with Kylo but it was for the best. You arrived shortly after and were greeted by Leia and Rey. All of you walked into the conference room and settled down. "Gods.." you thought to yourself, "I hope the pain will end soon." and as you pushed that thought aside Leia grabbed your hand and said

"Me too, my love." as tears ran down your eyes.

*A/N -Hey loves!! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and the little plot twist I added, I am honestly so happy with how everything is turning out in this book and I hope you all love it just as much, These next few chapters is going to be a roller coaster so be prepared!!! I love you all and thank you for reading, commenting, and voting!! Have a great day/night lovelies!!!!<3* *Also I apologize for any grammar mistakes!*

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