Worry About Yourself.

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Before Rey started the meeting Poe, Finn, and Chewie all walked in and Chewie was surprised to see the knights and not see Kylo. Chewie came up to you and said,

"Grrrr Grr Grrr Grr." he said as you smiled and put your hand on his arm.

"Chewie, Kylo's not here, he doesn't know about this meeting." you did understand quite a bit of wookie since Leia would always bring Chewbacca along to your planet. He was technically family to you.

Rey started he meeting and took out the original Jedi texts as you also brought your out. 

"I thought I was the only one who had the texts." you said as Rey shook her head.

"Luke had been guarding these book on Ahch-To. I took them before I left." she said as you nodded.

"Anyway I have a question, do you have a torn out page like this?" and she held it up for you all to see and you gasped and nodded your head. You opened your book to the torn page and gasped and saw that she had the first half and you had the second half. You both ripped the page out and it fit perfectly.

"The Sith Wayfinder."Rey said as you nodded your head. Every time you would read your book you would be confused as to what the page was talking about but now you understood.

"A Sith Wayfinder is the only way for a person to get to the hidden world of the Sith. There were only two that were made." you read off the pages as Vicrul look confused and said.

"Where is that exactly?" as you and Rey said in unison

"Exegol.." you glanced in at Rey's portion of the page and saw that there were notes located on where to go. "Rey we will go to these places to find the wayfinder and destroy Palpatine once and for all." she nodded her head along with everyone else and you felt your watch vibrate. It was an incoming transmission from Hux.

"Y/n where are you? Ren is going ballistic and he has this weird glow in his eyes. Gabi and I along with the other generals are stuck in the interrogation room. We don't know the code for us to open the door." he said in a slight panic.

"Armitage, I'm at the Resistance base. Rey and I had to speak about something very important that I will tell you later. The interrogation room code should be 5 ABY. And Hux what color are his eyes glowing?" you asked him as you put your watch on the table so everyone could see what you were seeing.

Hux ran to the keypad and punched in the numbers, it worked and he told all the generals to evacuate to the transports with cloaking devices, Leia chimed in and said,

"General Hux evacuate to our base on D'Qar we will keep you safe, but I want you all to be unarmed you got that? I will send some of my troops to keep watch on you all" she said in a stern voice.

"Yes General Organa we understand, and y/n his eyes they were yellow the color of a.." you whispered,

"A Sith." your vision began to blur from the tears in your eyes.

"Rey I have left my Katana back on the Finalizer and I need it." you said as your voice filled with fear.

"M'lady can't you find it through the force like you did when you were on the beach with Bazine?" you looked at Cardo and smiled.

"Great thinking Cardo. Armitage, I need you to contact me when you get to D'Qar alright?" you said as he nodded his head.

"I will y/n. May the Force be with you always." he said as he smiled small.

"May the Force be with you as well." and he disconnected from the transmission. Leia stood up and said,

"Both the Night Buzzard and The Falcon are on the Radar's  for Kylo Ren I have a ship for you all to take and I think you all are going to love it." she smiled as she brought up an image of a Naboo Royal Starship. Poe and Kuruk gasped and the patted each other's backs. Leia told everyone to follow her and left you and Rey in the room so you could get your Katana and start your mission, you sat down and Rey held your hand to see what you were seeing.

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