City Boy (TodoBaku)

Von _Calv_Haii

81.6K 3.1K 4.4K

At his final attempt, Enji Todoroki created his 'Perfect' creation. A dual quirked user that was forced to be... Mehr

Chapter 1: Sadness
Chapter 2: Dull
Chapter 3: Betrayal
Chapter 4: New kid
Chapter 5: Art Class
Chapter 6: Interest
Chapter 7: Words can Cut
Chapter 8: No Love Interest
Chapter 9: Fight
Chapter 10: Someone Else
Chapter 11: Wonders
Chapter 12: unhero-like
Chapter 13: Shine
Chapter 14: Confidence
Chapter 16: Trigger
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: Pain
Chapter 19: Concern
Chapter 20: Cool Down
Chapter 21: Sorry for being me
Chapter 22: You Should Be Sad
Chapter 23: Can I Die?
Chapter 24: You're you....
Chapter 25: Cuddle Weather
Chapter 26: ...Talk
Chapter 27: Another Perspective
Chapter 30: Too Easy
Chapter 31: I'm Not Dead
Chapter 32: Worn out
Chapter 33: One Tragic Day
Thank you!!!!
Chapter 28: Try Having Friends
Chapter 34: I Want You Back
Chapter 35: Evidence.
Chapter 29: Human Heroine
Chapter 36: Is he.... Him?
Chapter 37: Save Shoto
Chapter 38: Quiet Chaos

Chapter 15: Haunted House

1.5K 65 20
Von _Calv_Haii

Shoto Todoroki's Point of View:

I felt kinda... out of place. I know it's my fault for being quiet and hard to talk to and also unaproachable but.... I just want to be... involved?

I sat at a bench while the two had fun and ate cotton candy. I just stared at mine as it started to falter as rain started spewing all over.

Luke's Point of View:

I wanted to get to know katsuki.  He was kinda loud yet I wanted to know what kind of person he is. My quirk's kinda.... scary for some.  Especially for those with the darkest of secrets. Shoto wasn't even scared of me when I said I can read minds and talk to them just by listening to a person's voice.

Of course I couldn't see what they looked like through there but I could see what he was feeling and I can only see what he wants to show me
But I could also look into it more but I'm not that rude and impolite. When he learned about my quirk I thought he would hesitate to call me anymore but I was wrong.

He never minded it! He wanted to talk more. But the reason was saddening. He told me it helped him calm down sometimes. I got curious and also confused at first but I soon understood when he said "You can through my mind". It startled me at first but soon agreed.

He showed me only "parts" of the abuse. Most of it was neglect but after that.... it was basically it. I know he's hiding more. I'm just not... I don't want to break his trust since I'm practically the only one he has.

That's why I wanna get to know katsuki before they get close. I don't want shoto getting hurt so I'll make sure Katsuki's a good candidate and also to keep sho safe. He's been through a lot and I can only do this much to help him, after all he did help me with my insecurities with my quirk and was the first ever to listen.

"So.... Let's ride that one next!" He yelled pointing at a huge carousel. "I shouldn't be the one spending time with him now but I needed to make sure. "Sure, let's go" I say and smiled. We ride on these weird horses. Mine was black and white while his was black and orange. We ride a couple of rides and played a few games until we realized... it was raining.

Huge beads of water ran through our bodies as it started to pour. "Let's go! Before it starts to pour more" I say. He nods and ran towards a booth with a roof. We changed placed and ended up in this kind of mall type market.

The air conditioning hit our backs and sent shivers as we tremble through the cold. I took of my jacket and wet scarf. It was soaked but good thing my attire inside wasn't.  "Ummm where's Shoto?" He asked. "Shit! We forgot!" I yell. I ran to this store and bought 3 umbrellas. We ran back to the original spot where we planned on meeting.

I ran to a park with many people running past me wanting to receive shelter from the rain. I walk past them and heard yelling from katsuki warning people to stay away from him but due to speech block no one understood  him.  I pull him away from the crowd and start running. "Where could he be!?" He yelled.

"Yeah! Where did we left him?" I ask. Suddenly ice was on the floor? What? "Fuck, it may be Todoroki" I say. We follow the path and saw him sitting on a bench, drenched while looking up. His black polo sat on his frame, revealing his ripped figure.

He looked up and saw how majestic he looked, mismatched eyes glimmer through the night sky. His eyes showed emptiness and loss. He glanced at us and looked back up. Ice crawled it's way up his pants and he seem to like it.

He caressed his own ice as it envelop him but not gluing him on the bench. Ice littered along his revealed neck since 2 buttons were removed and his chest was slightly exposed. He sighed and we approach him slowly. "T-todoroki. Sorry for leaving you. We thought that you were running away from the rain..." I say.

He glances at me and him with the most emotionless face.... is this what he told me? That people look at him like a dead person? My eyes widen and so did katsuki. "Sorry, here!" Katsuki showed him an umbrella and held it towards him to grab.

He stared at it coldly... not taking his eyes off of it. He stood up but not even making a sound. Only the pitter patter of the rain was heard, hitting the floor and also the umbrellas. Shoto's face was emotionless but soon a forced smile crept it's way as he said "don't worry about it.... I'll leave now. Goodnight" he said, ice trailed along his words as he looked at katsuki.

"Atleast take this! Sorry we left you. We didn't mean it. Time slipped by and we didn't realize it was already raining" I started explaining. "Yeah, sorry. We were occupied-" he was cut off by Shoto's intense glare....
Fuck!!! I forgot. He hates it when people start using excuses. It's what his dad did to keep him from training.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine" he lied and rolled his eyes seeing his his words were exactly the opposite of what emotion he was trying to display. He started walking away as ice soon left a trail as he moved.  Katsuki grabbed his right arm but it got frozen instantly. Shit, he's pissed.

"Shoto, please talk to me" I pleaded. "No, I wanna go back" he said with now sadness in his statement. Why did I hurt him? I look through his head.... shit.

Despair....Agony....sorrow... and even betrayal.

"They fucking left you! They didn't bother remembering you!"

"They had to much fun to even remember you!  See how worthless you are to them. See how they're faking their concern."

"Later they'll be laughing asset how pathetic you look right now!  Haha, you gullible douchebag. That's what you get for being arrogant you bitch"

"Don't listen to them. They aren't even sorry. Look, you shouldn't have come. You weren't even felt like you belong.  Even the person that you trusted the most betrayed you... just like the others."

Others? What others?

He walked away but my headache got the best of me. He heard my yelp and looked at me coldly with a glare.

"It seems that your 'best friend' here wanted to enter our brain...."

".....That's what you get....hmmm" he hummed.

"You left me... both of you did.....   and you even tried entering my thoughts. Some friend you are" he said as a car pulled over and he entered. Katsuki wanted to speak but only raised a hand. He looked down and cursed to himself.

Katsuki Bakugou's Point of View:

Fucking great! I don't have a ride home... but he was angry... why am I thinking only of my self?!?!

I punch the nearest tree and slam my head. "Fucking shit! I made him angry in 2 days?!?! 2 fucking days??!! Why does he get mad easily?" I ask. "No you dimwit!" Said luke. "We betrayed him. We made him feel like he didn't belong! We left him with his thoughts and we had fun without him! How do you expect him to feel!" He yelled.

I screamed and fucking kick  the damn tree. "I-I know but.. ugh!!!! Why am I like this. I-I like him. But... I can't fucking handle this." I cried as grab my hair in frustration. I laid on the floor feeling the rain rush on my back. He pat my back "get up... we'll talk about this tomorrow." He said.

"But I don't have a ride" I said. He nodded and brought out his phone. "Here, I called a cab. He'll be here in a few minutes. Take this" he handed me some money. "Thanks I guess" I say.

"Try talking to him when you get there. Try apologizing. He won't answer any of my calls later I think. Don't do what I did. Don't make excuses" I say. He nodded as a car parked  and he got in. I looked up and felt my heart crush to multiple pieces.

"My first time meeting him and I. Already made him feel worthless and unwanted" I said to myself....

Shoto Todoroki's Point if view:

How could they do that to me?

I thought katsuki wanted to be close?

What do you expect? Who would want to get close to your broken life.

They left me there in the rain.

You did that on your own dumb ass.

I wanted to wait for them...

You thought wrong. I bet they planned on leaving you if you didn't saw them.

You're probably right.... I mean what good do they have to gain from staying with me? I'm worthless after all. Just a fucking waste of space... nothing more.

A voice snapped me from my thoughts "Sir, we're here. An umbrella's located beside you" he informed me. I kept quiet and open the door. Hard rain met my face as it rushed toward my body.

I got up and closed the door too hard. Not knowing my strength and the feeling of numbness consume me. I enter the gates as I heard muffled crying. I saw a familiar old woman I saw the other day. "What happened?" I asked her.

"T-they kicked me out. I kept asking for your name. You didn't come." She cried. "Sorry. I'm really sorry. Here, you can enter, i'll ready a room for you and fresh clothing and food" I said as I side hugged her to help her with her balance. I glare at the guard who was forcing her to leave earlier.

He walks away and went to the other position to stand guard. I enter and people gave me weird looks. I return them with a cold gaze as they look away. I look  at her and say "Sorry i took too long. Sit here for a moment and I'll prepare something to eat" I say reassuring her anxiousness.

"T-thank you" she said. I nodded and sat her in a kitchen stool. I entered the large kitchen of the hotel and the other chefs looked at me confused. I'm allowed in any area of the hotel so it's fine.

"What are you doing here, young master?" Asked the head chef. "I wanted to whip something together. Don't mind me" I say as I make mushroom soup since rain fell on her. I also prepared a well balanced meal since I think she doesn't have a well preparation of food.

I arrive at the counter and she was playing with her hands feeling anxious as other kids in 1-B were looking at her. I look at them and look back at here. "Here" I say and planted the steak that the chef asked me to give her since she made extras.

The steak was steaming and the plate of vegetables were dat beside it. A bowl was set beside the plate and I handed her a pitcher of water and ice. She thanked me as she digged in. She then stops while looking at me "Aren't you gonna eat?" She asks.

"Don't worry about me. Just eat. I'll go change and then return to you. I'll prepare a room for you in a sec" I say and left. She nodded as she sip the water. I head towards the elevator and suddenly iida stopped me.

He had midoriya with him. "Todoroki?! Why are you all wet?! What happened? " he asked concern.
I look down. "Oh... long story, just rain" I say nonchalantly. He nodded and said "Change before you get sick" he said. I join in in the elevator and he joined me since he wanted "To check up on me".

I shrugged and entered my room. "Stay wherever you like" I say and enter the walk-in closet where my bags were placed. I replaced my pants with sweat pants and I heard shuffling. I grabbed a hoodie and wore it while walking outside. When I finally slid down my damn hoodie that got stuck  I saw iida blushing.

"What's wrong??" I ask. He pointed at my body. My sweat pants were dangerously low, showung of my V-line and my hoodie isn't all the way down showing some of my abs. "Sorry" I said. He only nodded and replaced my soggy socks and shoes with new ones.

"Where are you going Todoroki?" He asked. "Oh... I have the woman from the other day here. She's currently eating" I say and he only nods.

He followed me down and Iida looked at her. She had her plate already set  up to be picked up. I took it and went to a sink. A few workers wanted to clean it for me but I insisted. I cleaned them and she said "I could've washed them" she looked down.

"Don't worry,  it's just washing the dishes" I say. She nodded. "Come, the room's this way" I say and iida went beside me. I took her arm and assisted her walking to help her with her balance. "Why are you helping me?" She asked feeling ashamed.

"I.... I just wanted to.....umm I can't stand when people look helpless. It reminds me of myself. So I want to help as much as I can to anyone" I say slipping a smile. A smile showed through my features and she smiled back. I look over at iida which was holding her other arm. "Iida... why are you red again?" I ask.

"I-it's nothing" he he replied as he opened the door. I sat her at a couch and handed her a bag. "Here. I set this up last night. I waited for your attendance" I said. She looked through the bag and then hugged me.

Iida got curious and looked through the bag. It was filled with clothes and some medicine that is safe for her. It's only vitamins, some for head aches, some for stomach ache, arthritis, calcium and any other for old people.

"Thank you..." she sniffle. I smile at her. I wanted to practice what my therapist said. Good thing she came along. She told me to do good deeds and help people. It would help my mood she said. "Here, why don't you wash up and you can go rest." I said. She nodded and got in the bathroom.

I heard crying inside. "Thank you! Thank you for blessing me a kind angel" she cried. I scoffed at her comment and saw iida smiling at me. "That was kind of you Todoroki for letting her stay here." He supported me. "Thanks" I say.

Suddenly a knock was heard. "Who is it?" Asked iida. The door then opened. A soaked ash-blonde came running to me. "Todoroki! Please talk to me." He demanded. "Nope and Go outside. You're wetting the floor" I comment coldly. He frowned and said "No, you left me there. It was so cold and you dragged me there..." he then looked at the situation.

He stormed outside as he pulled me. "WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU?" I yell. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?! You just left me there." He said..... i tilted my head. "You think I didn't feel the same when you did that to me? You also left me, had fun without me and made me feel out of place. Now tell me, do you actually plan on being close with me? If you do then stop. I don't plan on getting hurt" I say as I slam the door.

"What happened" asked the lady. "It was nothing. Just take these. They're vitamins " I say and placing a glass of water on a side table. I got the water from a mini fridge beside it. She nodded and dried her hair.

She took the pill. "By the way, what's your name?" I ask. "It's... Anne.... thank you for everything" she smiled at me. I nodded and waved for iida to go out along with me. "Take your rest now, we'll be going" I saya nd closed the door.

I looked around and saw katsuki... he was glaring at iida. "YOU!" he yelled and pulled iida and slamming him in a wall. "It's your fault isn't it?! You told him to stay away from me, right?!" He yelled and was about to throw a punch at him. "What?! I didn't! What are you talking about Bakugou?" Iida asked.

Explosions came out of katsuki's palms as he was about to hit Iida I sent ice around his arm. "Just STOP!  I'm fucking tired. Never blame anyone for your failures!  Just leave him alone....." I say as I feel darkness gnaw at my being. I suddenly felt weak and tremble.

Sweat fell and my eyes shut as I felt my head hurt and my chest tighten.
I looked around and Katsuki and Iida were calling out to me but to no avail. I looked at my sides and feel the heaviness of my eye lids to close.....

Word count: 2923

I know it's short. I'm sleepy and I just had coffee. I'm immune to caffeine now.... sad. BYEEEE

If there's something wrong like wrong grammar or wrong spellings and writes just comment.  I wanna sleep so byeeee


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