fine line (scott mccall)Β²

By anticosmic

150K 4.4K 1.7K

in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... More

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐑𝐫𝐞𝐞


2.8K 99 46
By anticosmic

      Melissa McCall's cries and screams echoed throughout the hospital floor as Blair's eyes remained glued to Scott's currently deceased body lying in front of her. All of them trying not to break at the sound of Melissa's very realistic reaction to the news of her son dying. Melissa definitely knew how to use her acting skills to help out the pack when it came to Scott's plan.

"This is why we should always make plans. He looks like a freakin corpse." Blair muttered nervously to Stiles standing beside her, Stiles shaking his head as he nodded in agreement since he didn't exactly like Scott's plan but didn't disagree with it since he also knew it was the only plan they had currently to get to the Benefactor. Melissa finally walking through the doors of the morgue as she got rid of the fake tears she had shed for the other doctor and nurses to believe that Scott had actually died.

"I still hate this plan. I mean this is pretty significantly terrifying. He looks dead." Melissa stepped beside Stiles as Blair nodded in agreement since Scott was significantly paler than usual in his dead state. None of them able to deny his eerie resemblance to a corpse currently. Blair hoping she would never have to see the day where Scott was actually lying dead in front of her since she couldn't even stomach the thought of him lying fake dead in front of her.

"Yeah, this plan is still freaking everyone out," Blair admitted, Stiles turning to her with wide eyes - Stiles opening his mouth to say that she wasn't helping with Melissa's apprehension but then realized Blair was only being honest out of her own nerves. Stiles deciding to save his comment to himself as he wrapped his arm around Blair's shoulder instead. Blair smiling at Stiles gratefully for his comfort before directing her attention back to her boyfriend on the table.

"Give me your hand." Noshiko offered Melissa who turned directly to Stiles and Blair for confirmation that she should since she trusted those two the most out of Scott's pack considering the rest was filled with mostly newcomers.

"It's okay," Stiles reassured her while Blair nodded her head in agreement with him. Melissa hesitantly giving her hand to Noshiko who placed it on Scott's cold chest.

"Wait for it," Noshiko advised her, Melissa finally letting out a sigh of relief once she felt the slight change in movement in his chest to indicate that he was still alive.

"Is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?" Melissa asked Noshiko shakily, as she stared down at her son. Both Blair, Liam, and Stiles trying to keep their nerves down about the plan as best they could in front of Melissa in order to not freak her out more even if they weren't doing too good of a job so far.

"Enough for an Alpha," Noshiko answered considering Scott had enough strength to endure him longer than an average werewolf would need in his current position.

"How much time do we have?" Melissa asked as her eyes were still glued on her unconscious son in front of her since she had barely been given any details of the plan besides the fact that Scott would be fine after it was finished and they caught the Benefactor.

"Forty-five minutes." Noshiko was quick to answer as the teens in the room stayed quiet during the conversation. All of them realising that they had forgotten to give Melissa the important piece of information about the plan.

"What happens after that?" Melissa finally breathed shakily as she began to voice her concern in the case of the plan going wrong and accidentally took longer than forty-five minutes for them to complete.

"I bring him back the same way," Kira answered for Melissa who still seemed confused on the answer.

"No, I mean what happens if he stays like this longer than forty-five minutes?" Melissa asked the group as everyone's eyes started to drift their eyes between Stiles and Blair since they expected them to be the ones to break what would happened to Melissa. Both of them saying completely silent when Melissa asked her question as Stiles scratched the back of his head instead of answering the question.

"No one's told her?" Noshiko pointed the question to Stiles and Blair, Stiles and Blair not meeting Melissa's eye's as they held their heads in shame for not letting Melissa in the know right away considering they had forgot that was their part of the plan.

"What? What happens after forty-five minutes?" Melissa asked everyone as she turned to all the teenagers in the room as she tried to get an answer - Blair clearing her throat before turning to her.

"Scott dies," Blair replied dryly as she broke the news to Melissa, her eyes drifting to Scott's currently dead body in front of her before taking a deep breath - knowing she would do anything before she lost him tonight.


Blair and Stiles watched as Argent began to type on the laptop, the words Scott McCall dead. Payment Requested flashing through the screen as he began to text the Benefactor to update him that Scott McCall was officially declared dead. Blair trying to ignore the pang in heart at having to see those words even if she knew they held no truth.

"That's your assassin speak?" Stiles asked in disbelief as he held his hands up at the computer screen, disappointed at the lack of excitement that the message had. Stiles expecting something more assassin or threatening when Argent texted the Benefactor. Both Blair and Argent not knowing what Stiles was expecting for Argent to type the Benefactor since they didn't know what clarified as 'assassin speak' in Stiles book.

"Do you talk to assassins often to know exactly what they sound like?" Blair asked sarcastically as she leaned down on the table as she stared at the laptop in front of her - waiting for the Benefactor to text Argent back instead of focusing on Stiles's weird complaints.

"Well, no." Stiles answered as he scrunched his nose at Blair's criticism - not liking that she was trying to make fun of him for wanting to sound more cool in the assassin message.

"I said he's dead. What more do you want?" Argent asked Stiles since he didn't know exactly what Stiles was expecting of him and his message to the Benefactor since he thought he had everything clarified in his message with Scott being dead and asking for payment.

"It was a little dry. You could've said something like, 'Target had been neutralized. The crow flies at midnight.' That's always cool." Stiles explained to Argent and Blair who both appeared unamused at his apparent assassin lingo since it sounded like something straight out of spy kids instead of anything supernatural.

"If you were supernatural and on the Deadpool, I would kill you and test out the crow flies at midnight when I sent the text." Blair offered Stiles as she kept her face serious - Stiles not knowing if he should be touched that she was going to use his words or offended that she threatened to kill him in the same sentence. The computer beeping drawing Stiles from making a comment as the three watched as the Benefactor began to type a response to Argent.

Visual Confirmation Is Required.

Stiles took the laptop as he tried to type a response, Blair quickly grabbing his hand and dragging it off the keys before he could possibly type something insanely as she turned to Argent who nodded his head - Blair dropping Stiles hands in response now that he was paying attention to Argent again instead of trying to do his own thing.

"Type this, Visual confirmation isn't possible. Police coming to claim body in 40 minutes." Stiles was quick to follow Argent's orders as he typed out everything he said into the laptop.

Visual Confirmation Is Required For Payment.

"Tell him number one on the list is dead. I killed him. And if the wire transfer isn't completed in forty minutes..." Argent took the laptop out of Stile's hands since he wasn't typing fast enough for his liking - adding the words I'm coming after you to the message before sending it. Blair's eyes widening in shock at how quick the man had thought of his next message - he definitely sounded more threatening to her than Stiles did.

"Now, that is good assassin speak." Blair pointed out proudly to Stiles as she nodded approvingly at Argent's threat to the Benefactor.

Blair followed after Stiles as the two found Kira and Liam again in the hospital room they had vacated - the two already having the laptops set up on the hospital bed. The four of them staring at the three laptops in front of them that they were about to use to hack into the hospital surveillance.

"I'm here. Are you ready? Try it now." Chris Argent spoke through Stiles's phone once he finally arrived at the roof of the hospital - Stiles hitting the space bar of the laptops as the screens flashed to all the cameras of the hospital. The four finally being able to have a view of everything in the hospital in order to catch the Benefactor in time before he went for Scott's body.

"No answer?" Blair asked as she watched Stiles try and call Malia again, Stiles shaking his head no as he put his phone back in his pocket as he got no answer from his girlfriend who was still ignoring them from keeping the huge secret from her which Blair totally called from the beginning.

The four fell into a tense silence as they continued to watch the cameras as they waited for some appearance of the Benefactor to flash through, Liam moving more once he noticed a glitch starting in one of the cameras.

"Is that supposed to look like that?" Liam pointed to the screen that was black and white before turning completely grey as the camera shut off altogether. None of them knowing  if it was a glitch in the camera or because the Benefactor shut it off himself.

"No, no. It's not." Stiles muttered under his breath nervously, the group clearly getting a hitch in their plan once the cameras knocked off on the roof.

"Where is that?" Kira asked, not being able to remember where the location of the camera was despite staring at it a couple of seconds ago.

"The roof. Someone's gonna have to check it out." Stiles sighed, being able to piece together where the location was immediately.

"I'll go." Kira offered to check the camera, turning around to grab her Katana as she spoke.

"Whoa. Whoa. This might not just be a malfunction." Kira holding her Katana up in response to Stiles's concern since she already had a plan to protect her in the case of there being any danger.

"That's why I'm bringing this." Kira pulled her Katana out as Blair nodded her head in approval of the Katana.

"That's my girl." Blair encouraged Kira as she grinned proudly at Kira and the katana in her hand.

"I'm coming with you." Liam agreeing to be Kira's back-up as he ran out of the room with little argument from Stiles and Blair since he didn't give them much time to oppose his help.

"Okay. And you're both coming right back. Immediately. Kids." Stiles sighed out as Blair turned her head to him in confusion once she heard him call their two friends kids.

"They're the same age as us." Blair pointed out to him confused, Stiles opening and closing his mouth before pointing his finger at Blair once he couldn't think of a response for her.

"Well... Okay, stop looking at me. Look at the cameras." Stiles mumbled under his breath when he couldn't think of anything to say to Blair in response which only caused her to laugh at him instead.


Stiles and Blair decided it was best to go and track down Argent once the power managed to shut down entirely and they lost their cameras - neither of them being able to see anything anymore which obviously meant something was going horribly wrong with their plan.

The two followed behind Argent, who heard their footsteps following him as he was quick to pull his gun out as Blair and Stiles held their hands up in defense as Argent put his gun back down once he realised it was only Blair and Stiles and not an immediate threat.

"The power's out in the whole building. We lost all the cameras." Stiles revealed to Argent, Argent nodding once he heard the information as he tried to come up with a plan of where the two could go to make sure the rest of the plan went as smooth as it possibly could.

"Stay with Scott. Text me if you see or hear anything." Chris ordered the two teenagers as he stared down at his stopwatch to check the time as Blair and Stiles realized they only had eighteen minutes left to catch the Benefactor and bring Scott back to life.


Blair stood beside Scott's body as she held her gun in her hand since she was technically in charge of protecting her and Stiles in case the Benefactor came into the room to get Scott's body for himself.

"Come on, come on. Answer the phone. Argent, come on. Come on, Argent, answer the phone. Why are you not answering the phone?" Blair heard Stiles speak into the phone as he paced across the floors - the doors suddenly crashing open as Argent was thrown into the morgue.

"I think that's why he didn't answer your phone calls." Blair answered sarcastically as she moved quickly beside Stiles as she held her gun tighter in her grasp as she waited for whoever was about to come through the morgue.

"Stiles, Blair, run. Get out of here." Argent encouraged the teens to leave beofofe Kate Argent walked through the doors as Blair quick to hold her gun up to the woman. Argent getting himself off the floor as he stood beside Blair. The three standing in front of Scott's body protectively - none of them allowing Kate to take his body from the room since that would certify Scott's fate.

"Get out of the way, Stiles and Blair. I'm taking the body." Kate warned the two of them as Blair kept her gun pointed at Kate instead of taking any heed to her words.

"No can do, Kate," Blair replied coldly, still angry at the woman for everything she had done to her family and the last thing she was going to let her do was just let her take Scott's body from the room without a fight.

"Why? Visual confirmation?" Stiles asked her, immediately assuming that Kate was the Benefactor since she was the only one who had showed her to try and get Scott's body.

"Don't worry, handsome. I'm not The Benefactor." Kate taunted Stiles as she began to step closer to the three.

"Do you always hit on teenagers?" Blair asked in disbelief since she was the only one who knew about Kate kissing the teenager version of Derek - something that still grossed her out ever since Derek had told her the snippet of information. Kate having a sly smile on her face as she didn't answer Blair's question which grossed her out even more.

"Then what do you want with the body?" Argent asked, confused about why his sister would even show up in the first place if she wasn't the Benefactor considering he thought Scott's dead body wouldn't be much use to her.

"I wish I could tell you," Kate answered back as the three glared at her answer since it didn't help them with anything or figuring out why she was even here.

"And I wish I could kill you," Blair muttered under her breath as Argent jumped forward, managing to pull his second gun out on his sister as he held it under her chin.

"I always forgot you carry two." Kate laughed to herself while Blair lowered her gun as she and Stiles watched the showdown between the two Argent siblings. Blair silently hoping that Argent would just pull the trigger and permanently get rid of their Kate Argent problem.

"Back off!" Argent warned his sister as he held his gun tight to her jaw so that she wouldn't try and move towards Scott's body again.

"You sure you can pull the trigger fast enough?" Kate taunted Argent, Stiles watching Blair's finger start to wrap itself around the trigger of her gun.

"I don't want to," Argent spoke as his eyes softened on his sister in front of him - knowing he would only kill her if it was completely necessary to save Scott's life.

"You're not going to kill me," Kate stated matter of factly since she knew her brother was too soft to hurt her let along try to kill her.

"He might but I will if you don't get the hell out of here." Blair spoke up coldly, Kate actually believing her threat since she knew Blair was a Hale through and through when it came to her attitude and fighting. However, Kate knew she could probably take Blair down if it came down to it.

"I'm not going to let you take his body," Argent warned her, directing Kate's attention back to him instead of Blair in case Blair painted a target on her own back by trying to fight Kate.

"Okay, well, obviously, you guys have a lot to talk about, so maybe... I saw some coffee, a vending machine outside." Stiles tried to interrupt to leave as Blair turned to him to see if he was actually being serious with his offer. I'm trying, Stiles, mouthed to Blair who rolled her eyes at Stiles's weak efforts to try and get Kate Argent out of here.

"Listen to me, Kate. We have a plan." Argent tried to get his sister to stop whatever she was going to do in order for their plan to work to trap the Benefactor.

"And if killing Scott was part of it, you're worse than me," Kate informed her brother, Blair narrowing her eyes at Kate's insult towards Argent - not liking Kate trying to compare herself to Argent since Argent was nowhere near as heartless as his sister was considering he had never burned an entire family before.

"He's telling the truth. We're trying to get to The Benefactor." Stiles supported Argent's claim that they had a plan while Blair kept her gun pointed at Kate in case Argent managed to lose his grip on her. Blair didn't want to take any chances with Kate Argent when it came to Scott's life being in jeopardy.

"If you didn't notice, you're on that list too. And you're worth more than most." Argent argued, trying to get Kate to let them continue with their plan and actually leave them alone so that they could catch the Benefactor in time.

"That's why I'm here," Kate argued, Blair getting tired of Kate interrupting their plan as she let her hand get comfortable as it hovered over the trigger of the gun.

"Then back off and let us do what we planned. Take the Berserkers, and go. Kate, please. We have a plan." Argent pleaded with his sister again while she turned his wrist around to see the countdown of three minutes on the clock - hoping that it meant Scott McCall would actually be dead soon.

Kate finally agreed to leave the group before turning to her brother and pointing to Blair.

"Tell your new apprentice not to shoot me when my back is turned," Kate warned her brother since she didn't trust Blair at all before walking out of the morgue, Argent pointing his gun down as Blair glared at him.

"Your sister is a bitch." Blair spoke up as she glared at Kate who was leaving the room - not caring that the werejaguar could hear her in the slightest.

"I used to say the same thing about your brother." Blair raised her eyebrows before nodding in agreement since she remembered the short time in Beacon Hills when Chris Argent used to not help them and hated all supernatural species especially the Hale's.

Kira finally burst through the doors, Blair sighing in relief once she saw the Kitsune as Kira ran over to where Scott's body was as she placed her hands over his chest - letting the electricity ran through her hands as she finally brought him back to life.

Scott yelling out in pain as she pulled her hands away, Scott turning to Blair immediately as he reached forward to hold her hand.

"What happened? Did it work?" Scott asked Blair, turning to Chris and Stiles beside her as the three tried to think of some way to break the news to Scott that their plan had failed and that they had killed Scott for nothing since the Benefactor had failed to show for visual confirmation.

"What?" Kira asked when Liam burst through the doors since he was in charge of finding the adults.

"It's your mother. She's hurt." Liam broke the news to Kira as she rushed out of the morgue after Liam as she went to go and find her mother.


"Kira's mom is getting taken to a hospital in Palo Alto. They had to take her on a helicopter to get there." Blair informed Scott as the two sat on top of his bed criss-cross. Blair threading her fingers through Scott's as the two sat together as they recounted the events of the night.

"How's Kira doing?" Scott asked since Kira had called Blair to update her on Noshiko condition after going to her dad to tell him about her mom's condition.

"She's really worried about her mom since her mom doesn't heal the same anymore. I'm worried about both of them, it's hard enough worrying about yourself and your friends getting hunted down. I couldn't imagine having to worry about my mom too." Blair admitted worriedly as she stared down at her and Scott's hands - not intending on letting him go anytime soon after watching him die tonight. Blair couldn't handle the thought of being separated from him again after everything that had happened in the past week.

"I mean you kind of do, Derek's on the list and Malia. Is she technically your cousin?" Scott asked her confused as he held his head to the side as he tried to figure out how Blair and Malia would be related since they were both adopted.

"I'm her cousin's adopted daughter. But we can stick with a cousin so you don't get a headache thinking about it." Blair teased him as she bit her lip to stop herself from grinning too much as she watched him try to figure out in his head how Blair and Malia would be related to each other. Scott's face turned serious as he stared in Blair in front of him.

"I don't think I've seen you happy in a while. I miss hearing you laugh." Scott commented sadly to himself as he held Blair's hands in his - Blair's smile dropping slightly as she realized what he was talking about as Blair reached forward to kiss his cheek.

"I'm happy that you're alive, really happy about that. I just wished that you didn't have to die for nothing." Blair admitted as she held her head on top of her and Scott's hands, a small frown etched on her face as she thought about the pain Scott had to go through just for the plan to ultimately fail in the end. The group not getting any closer or even any leads on who or what the Benefactor was.

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that too. And actually, I think maybe it did work. Not that I know exactly who The Benefactor is but we might know a lot more about him now." Scott started to reveal to Blair as she furrowed her eyebrows as she listened to Scott talk since she didn't know what he could possibly be talking about.

"But no one came besides Kate and while she may be a psychopath she isn't the one that we were looking for. He didn't come get his visual confirmation." Blair argued as she tried to figure out what Scott was talking about considering no one had came to even check that Scott had really died.

"That's why it might have worked, Think about it. Who has the power to know when someone's dead but doesn't need to see the body to know it happened?" Scott explained to Blair, the gears finally turning in her head as she figured out what Scott was alluding to.

"A Banshee," Blair answered, Scott nodding his head in confirmation as Blair leaned her head back down at the news since that meant there was another supernatural harbinger of death in town. Blair didn't exactly know how she should take that news considering she thought the only one was Lydia since Meredith was now dead.

"I have to go back to the hospital soon and get some tests run," Scott told Blair who nodded her head as she continued holding Scott's hands in hers. Scott leaning forward and kissing her cheek before pulling away.

"Thanks, for giving me another reason to come back," Scott whispered causing Blair to smile shyly before moving to wrap her arms around Scott's waist. Blair confused about where he was coming from but Scott still remembered her words from when he he had went under during the sacrifice for the Nemeton. Blair would always be his reason for coming back up in the end.

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