He's the Hero

By BrianaReed4

8K 371 500

Sequel to "She's the Man" Izuku and Izumi deal with the aftermath of the Sports Festival. As they continue t... More

Warm U.A. Welcome
Separation Anxiety
Doting Fathers
The symbol that binds us.
Rules and Regulations
Patrol and Paperwork
The Attack
You're no Hero
The Hero's Shadow
All for One
Business as Usual
Tainted Blood
Rash Decision
The Ultimatum
The Z Factor
Pulling the Trigger
My Choice, My Fate
No Mercy

The Letter

275 16 24
By BrianaReed4

Artwork credited to Juledrops on Deviantart.com

“I’m sorry,” All Might apologized as he poured tea for Valkyrie. “I didn’t mean to startle you so suddenly with this.” 

“You don’t have to apologize.” Valkyrie patted her chest feeling the rushing beats of her heart. “I just wasn’t prepared at all for something like this. I had no idea that you had such a serious wound.” She took the offered cup, eying the skinny form of All Might. He wasn’t the image she’d admired since childhood… but the tale of his injuries didn’t fail to impress her, and have her grieve for him. “I should apologize to you for reacting the way I did.” 

All Might laughed a bit recalling how he’d collapsed right after class, and she’d freaked out seeing him deflate, shouting for medic bots, thinking he’d been cursed by a random quirk. 

“It’s quite alright… and it was very sweet of you to offer to help me.” 

She blushed bright red and waved her hands around. 

“No, no, no… really I was just concerned is all.” she held her cheeks fidgeting in her seat.

“Still, it was sweet… now then I believe you came here for a more serious reason than to help me teach a class.”  All Might pressed and had Valkyrie’s embarrassment flushing. 

“Yes… in regards to the Hosu incident.” She set the files in front of him. “This is the autopsy report of the monsters in question.” All Might picked it up and skimmed through it, his eyes narrowing at the contents. “As you can see, they were all originally human with simple quirks. Their bodies were biologically engineered to hold more than one quirk.” 

“I see, I spoke to Recovery Girl not that long ago. She said Izumi really was attacked in the hospital… and that it was more than likely a mad scientist looking to use her as the next source of his experiments.” 

Valkyrie gasped at this. 

“So this man, this Shigaraki Tomura, is trying to turn her into one of these creatures?” 

“It appears that way… but according to Recovery Girl the experiment failed. Other than violent mood swings which Izumi is already prone to, there hasn’t been much of a change in Izumi... physically.”

“Well that’s a relief,” Valkyrie held her chest sighing. “Izuku will be happy to hear that too. I could see he was worried. The two of them share such a deep seeded bond.” 

“I’m not entirely sure that the experiment failed.” All Might closed the folder and leaned his elbows on his knees his hands fisted tightly together. 

“Eh? Why do you say that?” 

“Call it a father’s intuition… but my son says their connection…” he tapped his temple. “...hasn’t been working since she was attacked.”  He stood up and walked to the window. “More than that… when I finally did see Izumi in the hospital, I could tell something more was wrong. I could just be worried for her as a father would over his daughter. Still, I think Izumi knows her body well, and she’s certain there’s something wrong.” 

“All Might…” Valkyrie stood and walked to him. They were nearly the same height now with the transformation, and she lay her hands on his back stroking the tension she felt there. “I wish there was something more I could do. I’ve grown very fond of your son, and I’ve always admired you. To know you’ve confided in me like this… it means a great deal to me, and I want to help in anyway that I can.” 

“Thank You, Valkyrie.” 

“Kairi…” she said simply and he turned to face her. She blushed a bit clenching her hands together. “My real name is Kairi.” 

“Toshinori,” he motioned to himself then let his hand skim over her cheek. “Thank you, Kairi.” 

Her eyes lifted fully, and she let out a small shaky breath as she stepped closer to him. Toshinori found himself entranced by those beautiful eyes of hers, found himself leaning in as he had in her office. He could have this, couldn’t he? It’d been so long since he’d felt stirrings and happiness around a woman. Just one kiss, just one… 

“Dad I- GAAHHH!!!!” Izuku burst into the room and both Valkyrie and All Might jumped back and away. All Might coughed up blood into his hand to keep it from spraying over Valkyrie. “I’m so sorry! I should have knocked! Excuse me!” Izuku turned to run but All Might wheezed out. 

“Izuku! Wait! Jeez son, you’ve impeccable timing.” All Might shook it off and waved him back inside. “Come in and close the door, we need to talk.” 

“Oh… but-” he looked to Valkyrie who was busy eying her phone, having just received a text.

“It’s okay, Izuku. I should go..” Valkyrie waved hands in front of her face. “I told the local heroes I’ll be around if any of them wanted help and it would seem there’s a teenage boy on the loose who’s lost control of his quirk and is running wild.” 

“Thank you again, Kairi.. Err Valkyrie.” He cleared his throat blushing some and Valkyrie smiled though her cheeks were bright red as well. 

“Anytime, Toshinori.” She sighed his name and practically floated out of the room closing the door behind her. 

“Toshinori?” Izuku blinked up at his father who cleared his throat again. 

“Yes, well, that IS my real name. Now then, Izuku… I wanted your sister here for this talk, but since she’s not feeling well I’m going to rely on you to tell her all I’m about to tell you.” 

He motioned for Izuku to sit, and Izuku swallowed hard but followed suit. When his father wanted to be serious, it usually meant something dire. 


“I want to talk to you… about the origins of “One for All.” 


Izumi was surprised she made it back to the dorm before anyone else. She’d fully expected Izuku to be pacing by the front porch, but was thankful he hadn’t made it back yet.  The animalistic traits had finally wore off and Izumi felt calm and herself again. Still she imagined the hospital staff was going nuts since the moment they treated her wound she’d rushed out of the hospital and headed back. 

“No way am I spending another night in the hospital.” She pulled off her clothes and eyed the shaper frowning at the blood. “How am I gonna explain this to Mavis?” 

She jumped at the banging on her door and screamed when Bakugo barged in. 

“Where’s Deku!?” He shouted and got a lamp thrown at his head which he quickly dodged. 

“BAKA! Get out!” She glared at him. “The hell is your problem?!” 

“I see you’re back to normal.” He looked at the broken lamp then up at Izumi. “Your brother… where’s he at?” 

“How should I know? You’ve been with him all day, don’t tell me you lost him.” 

“Tch, We were supposed to meet up and walk home together, but I was left outside waiting for an hour, so that has to mean he came back on his own.” 

Izumi turned her back to him and kicked her bloody clothes under the bed to keep him from seeing them. She then pulled on the fresh shirt she'd pulled out before turning back around. 

“He’s not here, and that probably means he’s with my dad. Valkyrie was visiting so they’re probably talking. Did you try his cell phone.” 

Bakugo twitched in irritation and ripped his cell phone out and shut the door. Izumi’s own brow twitched as he made himself at home by sitting on her bed. 

“Mi casa, su casa…” she muttered and sat at the desk pulling her books out and attempted to study. At least with Bakugo there the suffocating quiet was no longer an issue. 

“Deku! About time I got a hold of you, where the hell are you at?”  Bakugo waited for a response and grunted. “You’re just now in front of the dorm? Where’ve you been?” 

“Talking with dad, have you ever heard of someone who can steal quirks?” Izuku asked as he walked through the gates that lead to the dorm.

Izumi glanced over her shoulder and watched Bakugo’s face go curious. 

“Huh? Someone who can steal quirks?” 

Izumi’s pen dropped out of her hand and her face went pale as a sheet.

“I’ve never heard of anyone who could do that, what’s with the cryptic questions?” 

“I’ll explain more once I get inside… you and Izumi aren’t going to believe what All Might just told me!” Izuku explained getting into the elevator. “I’m heading up now…”

“Alright, I’m in your sister’s room. Meet me there.” 

“Hmm? You’re in Izumi’s room.?”  A little tug of jealousy pulled at him and he quickly shook it off. “Why? Is she okay?” 

“She’s fine…” Bakugo looked up at Izumi bent over her books her breath suddenly heavy.  “Or maybe not… oi half pint!”  He walked up and put his hand on her forehead. “Ewww you’re all clammy… put those books away and get into bed if you’re sick.” He grabbed her by the scruff of her shirt. 

“Put me down…” she said weakly and stumbled to bed. Bakugo tossed the covers over her and forced her to lie down. 

“Don’t make me sit on you. Stay there!”  He put the phone back at his ear. “I’ve got her in bed, better call your dad and tell him to make excuses for her. From the looks of it she’s not going to school tomorrow.” 

“Don’t make assumptions, explosion boy.” Izumi grumbled but curled up into a ball under the blankets. Why had Izuku inquired about someone who could steal quirks? Did he know? Did the connection come back? Could he feel it?  She groaned as more questions and worries plagued her mind. 

She tensed up as Izuku came in and dropped his belonging in a pile. 

“I’m back… Izumi how are you feeling?” He came over and leaned over pressing his own hand to her face. “Not as hot as I expected, but you’re very sweaty. You should take a shower and change into some fresh clothes.” 

“I’m fine…” she slowly sat up her eyes looking up at him worried and nervous. “What were you talking about with Bakugo before? What’s this about someone who can steal quirks?” 

“Hmm? Oh! Dad, he was telling me about the foundation of our quirk. He said that a long time ago a quirk called All for One existed… it’s a quirk that can stock quirks up like weapons by stealing them from other people, and can also give quirks to others. Our quirk manifested when he gave a quirk to stockpile power and energy to his younger brother-” Izuku babbled on, Bakugo listening behind him blinking and twitching from the overload of information.  

Izumi’s blood ran cold. She looked down at her hands and wondered if the injection wasn’t what was triggering this new power she’d attained. If All for One was genetically passed down through family like One for All was, then couldn’t that mean that this entire time she’d only ever been using All for One and simply been feeding off her brother’s power? No... that didn’t make sense, when they were separated she- 

“He’s also the guy who gave dad that wound!” Izuku pressed on and had Izumi snapping her head back. 

“Wait what?” 

“I know, freaky right?” Izuku pressed on, his mouth murmuring and talking at a fast rate. “This guys is like a great, great, great uncle or something, and according to dad he attained a quirk to stop aging, and has been trying to obtain our quirk for himself but can’t steal it back for whatever reason.” 

“That…” Izumi shook her head holding it. She tried to catch up to her brother’s thinking power. “That’s because it’s genetic isn’t it? It can only be passed onto future generations.”

“Exactly! That’s what dad thinks too!” 

“Oh god this is a lot to process… and why the hell are you so excited? Doesn’t the thought of something like that frighten you?” 

“Well of course it does, I'm just happy that he's finally opening up and telling us more about our family history. Besides, Dad beat that guy a long time ago. ” 

“If that’s the case then why DID he tell you about it now? Doesn't it seem odd that he would want to share this information with us out of the blue.” 

“I did ask about that. He said he should have told us this a long time ago. After all the events that happened in Hosu and with the changes in our quirk, I think he’s trying to give us all the necessary information he can.” 

It didn’t sit well with Izumi. Was that really the case… or did her father somehow know? Uneasy, and suspicious she lay a hand on her head feeling it throb. Crap she was tired, after a day like today, all she wanted to do now was sleep.

“Deku…” Bakugo twitched and grabbed him by the back of his neck. “All of this is very fascinating but did you forget that I was even here!?” 

“Geh! No! Of course not… um… hi.” He waved shyly and yelped as Bakugo hefted him up over his shoulder. “Wait, wait Kacchan!”  

“I’m not waiting! I’m going to kill you, and I doubt you want your sister to watch.” He grunted and started towards the door. “Stop squirming!” 

“EEP! No! Wait!”  Izuku fumbled in his pocket for something and tossed it to Izumi who caught it.  

“Hmmm? A letter?” Izumi looked down and blinked up curiously at her brother. “What’s this for?” 

“Todoroki wanted me to give it to you… he.. .well…” 


“Wait! Todoroki-kun!”

Todoroki glanced back as Izuku ran towards him in front of the school. 

“Hmm? Midoriya?”  He turned to face him. “What is it?” 

“T-T-Todoroki-kun. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you felt that way, but really I can’t. For one you’re dating my sister and I don’t want to be the cause of you two breaking up. The other is I’m also in a relationship, and I truly-” 

“What are you talking about?” 

“EH? Oh… this letter.” He held up the plain envelope with the words “From Shoto” posted on it. Todoroki went bright red and he snatched the letter away holding it to his chest. 

“Y-you read it?” 

“Huh? Well, yes…” Izuku rubbed the back of hid neck. "Wasn't I suppose to?"

“Damn it… I put it in the wrong bag.” Todoroki went red and lowered his head in shame.

Izuku blinked and relaxed as it started to make sense. 

“It was for my sister. Whew that makes way more sense.” He laughed with relief.

“Yeah… I’m sorry about that.” He turned his face away. “I couldn’t quite get the words out this morning when she was around… I’d hoped a letter would better express how I felt.” 

“I see… that makes me feel better.” Izuku pressed a hand to his chest laughing. “I wasn’t sure what I would do if Todoroki felt that way about me.” 

Todoroki blinked as a thought came to mind. He looked down at the letter and held it to his chest.

“I do feel something for you, Midoriya…”  Brazen he leaned in and kissed Izuku on the lips. Izuku pulled back holding his mouth. His head jerked around to make sure no one saw. 


“Hmmm…” Shoto tapped a finger to his lips and smiled. “As I thought… it’s not the same.” He handed the letter back to Izuku. “Do me a favor, make sure this gets to her.” 

“Sh-sh-sure…” Izuku trembled as he took the letter back. “I will.” 

~End of Flashback~

Izumi and Bakugo’s brows twitched in irritation at the story. 

“That does it! You’re dead, Deku!” Bakugo squeezed Izuku’s ass as he carried him through the connecting bathroom and slammed the door close. Izumi made a face as the muffled sounds of their yelling, and moaning came in from the other side of the wall.

“Good grief, all that nonsense for a little letter.”  She opened it up… and felt her heart swell and melt into a gooey puddle.

“I love you.”

Was all it said.

“Oh Hell…” Izumi teared and pressed the letter to her lips  and then held it close to her chest. “Now you’ve done it, Shoto…” There was no doubt in her mind or heart that she returned those feelings tenfold. She brought her knees up to cry on them. “Baka.”  

~The Following Morning~

Izumi sat on the doctor’s table fidgeting and playing with her locket. What the hell was taking so long? This doctor friend of Recovery Girl should have been in by now, but he was taking his sweet time. She'd seen the nurse three times, got her blood drawn, and a penicillin shot since Izuku had been a big mouth and told the receptionist about her supposed cold. 

“Go to school, damn it! I'm not a baby, Izuku. You're gonna be late!”

“I just want to make sure they know everything. This doctor thinks there's nothing wrong with you so don't skip any details!”

“I got it, just go!”

“Nothing wrong my ass…” Izumi scowled at the memory. This doctor thought she was a mental case and she couldn't wait to shove her new quirk up his ass… figuratively speaking, of course.

She let out a sigh of relief when the door opened. “Finally how long were y-” Izumi cut off and her eyes went wide with panic. “You!”

Her assailant stepped into the room calm and casual and smiled sinisterly at her. 

“Hello again, Izumi. Good to see you're alive.”

Izumi grit her teeth and she jumped up and off the table ready to attack...but collapsed to the floor.

“W-what...my body?” She tried to move, but had no feeling in her limbs. “The shot… that stupid penicillin shot…” 

“You really should choose your healthcare professionals more carefully, Izumi.” he pat her head and pulled the same white gun-like object from before. “It could get you killed.”  He injected her… and within seconds Izumi was out like a light. 

When she came to, she was handcuffed, her quirk disabled and her legs chained down keeping her kneeling on the ground. She looked around the room, her breath heavy and eyes wild. 

“Where am I?” 

“You’re in my factory…” a voice spoke from the darkness. Just the sheer calm and cold tone of it had Izumi’s blood running ice cold. She stare, pale and shaking, and her heart stopped at the figure that stepped in front of her. “I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you, Izumi Midoriya.”  He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his very expensive and tailored suit. His face was shadowed, but she could make out the scar just above his lip line. 

“Who the hell are you?” She shuddered out, her voice almost a squeak. 

“I go by many names… but I imagine there’s only one you’ll care about. It’s the name your father called me when he thought he ended my existence.” 

Izumi choked on a breath, and her chains rattled as she sat up tall to stare in horror at the figure in front of her. 

“All for One… you’re alive?” 

“Yes, daughter of All Might.” He laughed at the delicious look of terror on her face. “Alive and well.” 

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