Neighbor (GLEE & Finn Hudson...

By ryderlynnfever

31.9K 560 64

"I like you." Finn smiles at me. "As in friend?" I replied. "No, more than that." He shook his head. "As in a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 10

1K 20 2
By ryderlynnfever

"Mike is texting me for an apologize." Tina grins at us while looking at to her phone.

"He never done that before?" I ask her.

"Never." Tina shakes her head.

"Finn always had apologize to me everytime he did something. I never tell him to but he does. He is very sweet though." I smile at them.

"Hey, guys. What are you doing?" Rachel walks into the choir room.

"These two are talking about relationships." Kurt simply answered and points at me and Tina. "And Mercedes and I are reading some fashion magazine." Kurt answered.

"Hi, I have a great news." Finn walks in and runs to me immediately and sits down next to me.

"What is that?" I smile at him.

"So I was talking with Artie in the boys locker room and coach Beiste came and she get me back on the team and Artie." Finn smiles at me.

"That's totally cool." I smile at him. "See? It's only a matter of time."

"Yeah I know that." Finn smiles back at me.

"All right, let’s, uh, let’s gather around. Sorry I’m late, guys." Dad walks in. "I was with Principal Figgins. Bad news, guys. Puckerman’s in juvie."

"It really was just a matter of time." Tina simply said.

"What did he do?" Quinn frowns.

"He drove his mom’s Volvo through the front of a convenience store and drove off with the ATM." Dad says to us.

I turn my face and shake my head while Brittany and Santana starts laughing so hard through this news.

"And when is he getting out?" Rachel asks.

"Unknown." Dad shakes his head.

"He might be the dumbest person on this planet, and that’s coming from me." Brittany laughs.

"Guys! Let’s have some sympathy." Dad frowns at us.

"For a guy who put his needs before the team’s? We need his voice and his bad-boy stage presence." Finn answered.

"We can’t look at this as, as a crisis. It’s an opportunity." Dad says to us.

"For what? Further embarrassment and humiliation?" Quinn simply asked.

"For welcoming our new member… Sam Evans!" Dad says and points to the door as Sam enters the room.

"Hey, everybody. I’m Sam. … Sam, I am. … And I don’t like green eggs and ham." Sam smiles at us.

"Oh, wow. He has no game." Santana simply said.

"Okay! This is gonna be great. You’re not going to regret joining, Sam." Finn gets up and shakes his hand.

"Oh, good." Sam chuckles.

"Sam, you sit right here." Finn says to him and pointing to his seat.

"All right! Question for the group. What’s a duet?" Dad asks and write "duet" on the white board.

"A blanket." Brittany answer.

"It's duvet not duet." I shake my head.

"A duet is when two voices join to become one. Great duets are like a great marriage. The singers complement each other, push each other to be better. Now, some people may think that..." Dad says to us.

"So did my dad just said that he wasn't having a great duet with my mom?" I whisper at Finn.

"That's too privacy to tell I think." Finn answered.

"So that's duet all about. So, this week I want you to pair up and sing a duet. And, since you guys all seemed to love our little “Defying Gravity” diva-off, I’m making this a competition." Dad grins at us.

"What’s the winner get?" Mike asks.

"Dinner for two, on me… at Breadstix." Dad grins at us.

"Breadstix, yes!" Tina shouts excitedly.

"I have to win." Santana simply said.

"We have to win this thing." I grin at Finn and high five with him.

The bell rings. I walk out from the choir room and carry my bag. "I will see you tonight." Finn kisses my cheek and walks away.

I smile and keep walking in the hallways. "Welcome to glee club, lady lips!" Azimio laughs while slushied Sam in the hallways.

I shake my head and walk to Sam quickly and clean his back from the slushies. "Come here, follow me." I said to him and take his hand then walk lead him to the girl's restroom. "Take off your shirt and wash your hair on the sink."

"Thank you though." Sam nods and wash his hair.

I take clean face towel from my bag and wipe his face and his hair once he is done. "It's red but the most disgusting one is the purple." I said to him.

"I owe you an apology." He said to me.

"For?" I frown at him.

"You're really beautiful and yes I have crush on you but Rachel paid me fifty bucks to asked you out and I feel bad about it." Sam half smiled at me.

"It's okay. Finn and I are fine." I smile at him and clean his shirt from the slushies.

"I just don't get it, why would she ask me for that?" Sam frowns at me.

"She is obsessed with Finn. She really wants Finn so that's why she tried everything to break our relationship." I said to him.

"That's really toxic." Sam says to me.

"I know. But she will never win." I said to him and give him the wet t-shirt of his. "When you get home, wash this straight away or it will leave permanent stain on it." I smile at him and walk out from the girl's restroom.

"Thank you though. You're really nice." He smiles back at me and walks next to me.

"I believe that we will get back from something that we give." I said to him. "Beside, I know about those cleaning things since my mom worked in sheets n things and then my parents got divorced and I have to do everything by my own." I smile at him.

"Well, thank you once again. I really appreciate this also all those notes you made for me during classes." Sam smiles back at me.

"You're welcome." I smile back at him and walk away.


I walk downstairs and turn my way to the bookshelves and keep looking at it. "Dad, where are the music sheets?" I shout.

"In the choir room." Dad simply answer.

"Ugh I need one to figure out what song that I have to sing for the duet assignment." I grunt.

"Why do you need that one? You had a date with Finn the other week at Breadstix and last Saturday three of us went there." Dad chuckles.

"Went to Breadstix with you and Finn weren't a date. You were third wheeling." I shake my head. "Maybe not Breadstix, what about the Chinese place?"

"Honey..." Dad shakes his head.

"Ugh." I roll my eyes and walk upstairs to my bedroom and look at my computer.

I start looking for the music sheets online. I look around and didn't find my printer under my desk. I sigh and shake my head.


"What else?" Dad walks into my room.

"Where is my printer?" I ask him.

"It's on repair. Last time you told me that the color was blending." Dad answered.

"Oh right." I sigh.

I copied the music sheets into my flashdisk and walk out from my bedroom. "Where are you going?" Dad asks me.

"Finn's. I need to borrow his printer." I shout and walk out from my house from the back door. "Finn!" I shout and knock on the door.

"Hey honey, Finn is out. He said that he went to Mike's." Finn's mom smiles at me.

"Oh alright. I just need to use the printer actually." I giggle.

"Well, come on in." She smiles at me and let me in.

I walk in as Finn's mom walks leading me to the office desk. "Thank you, Mrs. Hudson." I smile at her.

"You're welcome. When you're done and want to go back home please close the back door. I want to finish laundry in the basement." She said to me.

"Yes sure." I nod.

I'm sitting down in front of the desk and start printing the paper of the song that Finn and I will sing for the weekly assignment.

"Mrs. Hudson, I'm done, thank you very much!" I shout and walk out from Finn's house and close the door. "Daddy, daddy, daddy, I have an idea." I said while running to my house from the backdoor.

"What is it?" Dad turns his face at me.

"What about hot pot?" I grin at him.

"What's hot pot?" Dad frowns at me.

"It's like Korean or Chinese barbeque. I watched that on TV yesterday and it's really booming now." I said to him.

"Nope. Breadstix it is." Dad shakes his head. "Anyway, you used to spend hours at Finn's."

"He went out maybe playing video games, his mom said that he went to Mike Chang's." I shrug and walk upstairs.

"Honey, lock the back door first." Dad shouts.

"Nope, I'm already upstairs, you do it." I shout back and walk to my bedroom.

"Teenagers are so moody." Dad simply said.

I laugh and walk into my bedroom and close the door. I sit down on my bed and take a guitar from the corner and start playing it following the chords on the song.


"Alright, who wants to start off the duet competition?" Dad walks into the choir room.

"Mr. Schue, Finn and I have prepared something to sing together as the duet assignment this week. We have a perfect harmony together and I'm sure our voices can lead us to win Nationals in New York since we are perfect for every ballads." Rachel grins at us.

"Wait, what? So are you singing with her?" I frown at Finn.

"Deal with it." Finn simply said and walks to the front.

I frown and shake my head as the music start playing. I know Rachel is behind all of this. She is obsessed with Finn and willing to do everything to break our relationship.

Don't go breaking my heart

I couldn't if I tried

Oh, honey if I get restless

Baby you're not that kind

Don't go breaking my heart

You take the weight off of me

Oh, Honey when you knock on my door

Ooh I gave you my key

Finn and Rachel:
Ooh Ohh
Nobody knows it

When I was down

I was your clown

Finn and Rachel:
Ooh ooh
Nobody knows it

Right from the start

I gave you my heart
Ohhhhhhh oh
I gave you my heart

So don't go breaking my heart

I won't go breaking your heart

Finn and Rachel:
Don't go breaking my heart

And nobody told us

'Cause nobody showed us

And now it's up to us babe

Ooh, I think we can make it

So don't misunderstand me

You put the light in my life

Oh, you put the sparks to the flame

I've got your heart in my sights

Finn and Rachel:
Ohh Ohh
Nobody knows it

But, when I was down

I was your clown.

Finn and Rachel:
Ohh Ohh
Nobody knows it

Right from the start

I gave you my heart.

Finn and Rachel:
Ohhhhh oh

I gave you my heart

Don't go breaking my heart

I won't go breaking your heart

Finn and Rachel:
Don't go breaking my heart
Oooh Ohh

I gave you my heart

Don't go breaking my heart

I won't go breaking your heart

Don't go breaking my

Finn and Rachel:
Don't go breaking my
don't go breaking my heart

Don't go breaking my

Finn and Rachel:
Don't go breaking my heart

I won't go breaking your heart

Don't go breaking my heart

Don't go breaking my
I won't go breaking your heart

Don't go breaking my

Finn and Rachel:
Don't go breaking my heart
Oooh Ooooh

I cross my arms on my chest and glare at Finn. I didn't applauding at them or anything. I even glare to the people who are applauding for them like Artie, Mike Chang, and Brittany.

"Well that was..." Dad says and turns my face at me as I glare at him. "Maybe next time you shouldn't sing ballads with someone's boyfriend." Dad says to Rachel.

The bell rings. I take my bag and walk out from the choir room quickly. Finn wants a war, sure I will give him that war. He is not the only one guy who wants to be with me at this school.

I'm probably sweet but I'm mad, I'm mad like my mom. I can be sweet outside but a murderer from inside. That's it. The revenge will begin.

I walk down in the hallways and turn my way to Sam as he is standing in front of his locker. "You don't have a partner to sing a duet right?" I ask him.

"Yes I am." Sam turns his face at me.

"Now you have and it's me. Here is the song that we are going to sing and meet me in the choir room after school for rehearsing." I said to him and give him the music sheet.

"I love this song. It's like one of my favorite one." Sam chuckles while looking at the music sheets.

"That's perfect and we will win this thing together." I grin at him and turn around then walk away.

"What was that?" Finn stops my way.

"Are you talking to me or what? I'm busy." I roll my eyes.

"Did you just ask Sam to have duet with you?" Finn frowns at me.

"Why? Last night I had prepared a perfect song for us but you didn't even care. Oh I knew last night you didn't go to Mike but you went to Rachel's." I glare at him.

"Yes, I went to Rachel's. She asked me to have duet with her because you cheated on me with Sam Evans." Finn simply said.

"I did not. I was just helping him out. What's wrong with you?" I frown at him.

"I can't trust you right now." Finn shakes his head and walks away.

Tears slowly fall down to my face as I walk to my locker. My family ruined because of a woman slipped into it. And now my relationship will be over because of a girl trying to break it down. I guess I will never be able to have my own relationship anymore.


I'm sitting down on a chair in choir room and waiting for Sam so we can rehearse together for our duet assignment. I want to win this thing to make Finn jealous and regret what he said earlier.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Sam walks in. "Were you just crying?"

"No I'm not." I shake my head.

"I can't believe that Finn could do that to you." Sam says to me.

"Well, my family ruined because of a woman slipped into my family. Now I guess my relationship will be over because of a girl slipped in. She doesn't know how it feels like to have a complete parents but not living in the same place. When they're together, nothing fun but arguments all the time." I said to him.

"I'm so sorry for that." Sam half smiled at me. "Well, you know what? We will win this assignment so you can get your boyfriend back. I play guitar. Do you know any chords?" He asks me and picks up a guitar.

"Well, I can play guitar too. I play guitar and piano." I said to him. "But I guess this time is better if you're the one who plays the guitar." I chuckle.

"No, what about like this." Sam shakes his head. "Get into my back."

"What are you going to do?" I chuckle and stand behind him.

"Put your hand on here." Sam takes my hand and put my hand on the guitar strings. "You know the chord to this song?"

"Yes I know." I nod and start pressing the keynote.

"There you go." Sam smiles at me.

"Perfect." I chuckle.

*Finn's POV*

"Yeah.. yeah.. that's cool." I fake laugh at Rachel.

I clearly don't know what is she talking about. She is talented but she is very annoying and talk too much. So much different with Paris who is more like listener to me.

"Look, I have to go. I have football practice." I said to Rachel and walk away.

I walk to the boys locker room and open my locker and take my running shoes. "Are you still in football? There is opening recruitment for the basketball team." A guy whose locker under Paris' talks to me.

"Well, I'm back to football team now." I answered. "How could you know about that?"

"Oh your girlfriend told me that last week. You're so lucky having a girl who never look at someone by their status or labels." He said to me.

"Am I?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Dude, I have crush on her. She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She is nice, smart, and girls who do sport are such turns on but since the first time she told me about you and she actually can't shut up about you so I back off. Take care of that precious girl. You can't find her anywhere once you lose her." He said to me and walks away.

I sigh and sit down on the bench in front of my locker. What am I doing? I walk out from the boys locker room quickly and walks away looking for her.

I keep walking in the hallways and see her and Sam are in the choir room laughing at each other as both of them are holding guitars and they are seems rehearsing for something.

"See? I told you. It's only a matter of time she choose the quarterback." Rachel suddenly shocked me by standing next to me.

"No. She isn't like that." I shake my head.

"The prove is in front of your eyes and you're still denying it?" Rachel frowns at me.

"Could you just leave me alone please? You're freaking me out." I said to her and walk away from her.

I shouldn't make an accusation of something when I haven't find out about the truth. Paris and I used to have a very healthy relationship. We always tell each other almost everything and open up about everything. This is all wrong.


*Paris' POV*

I'm sitting down on the chair in the choir room on the back row. I turn my face at Finn and take a glance at him. We haven't spoke to each other since we fought that day. He got mad at me for no reason and it's pissing me off.

I keep taking my glances at him until he turns his face at me and I look away quickly. I turn my face at him again and Rachel is sitting down next to him and pulls her chair closer to him. Ugh I really want to kill her right now as much I want to kill Miss Pillsbury that day she went to my house.

"Whenever you’re ready, guys." Dad says as Mike and Tina are standing in front of us and backing us ready to perform.

"Yeah, hurry up. I needs to get myself to Breadstix." Santana simply said.

Mike (Tina):
See, I really couldn't sing
I could never really sing
What I couldn't do was... (Sing!)
I have trouble with a... (Note!)
It goes all around my... (Throat!)
It's a terrifying... (Thing!)

See, I really couldn't hear which note was lower or was... (Higher!)
Which is why I disappear
If someone says, "Let's start a... (Choir!)

Hey, when I begin to... (Squeak!)
It's a cross between a... (Shriek!)
And a quiver or a... (Moan!)
It's a little like a... (Croak!)
Or the record player... (Broke!)
What it doesn't have is... (Tone!)

Oh, I know, you're thinking, "What a crazy... (Ding-a-ling)
But I really couldn't... (Sing!)
I could never really... (Sing!)
What I couldn't do was... (Sing!)

Three blind mice

Three blind mice!
It isn't intentional

He's doing his best
Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle bells, jingle bells!
It really blows my mind

He gets depressed

Mike (Tina):
But what I lack in pitch
I sure make up in... (Power)
And all my friends say I am perfect for the shower!

Still, I'm terrific at a... (Dance!)
'Cause I'm messing up my... (Pants!)
I'm a birdie on the... (Wing!)
But when I begin to... (Chirp!)
They say,"Who's the little... (Twerp!)
Goin' pong instead of... ('Ping'!)

And when Christmas comes, and all my friends go...

Tina with New Directions:

Mike (Tina):
It is so dishearten (Ning)
It is so disquiet (Ting)
It is so discourag (Ging)
Darling, please stop answer (Ring)

See, I really couldn't (Sing)
I could never really (Sing)
What I couldn't do was

New Directions:
Do re mi fa sol la ti do
Do re mi fa sol la ti do

Mike (New Directions):
La! (La)

New Directions:
Sing, sing, sing
Sing, sing, sing...


New Directions:

I smile and applauding as Tina and Mike ended up their performance. This is like first time we actually hear Mike sing a song in glee club.

"Now that is a duet! Thank you, Tina, for introducing us to the amazing voice of Mike Chang!" Dad smiles and applauding for them.

"That was good!" Brittany says while applauding.

"Okay, who else?" Dad asks us.

Sam and I get up from our seats and walks to the front and he picks up a guitar and holds the guitar. I'm standing beside him and pressing the notes while Sam is plucking the guitar.

All I knew
This morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before
And all I've seen
Since eighteen hours ago
Is green eyes and freckles and your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel like
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

Paris and Sam:
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you

'Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed
All I know is, you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday, yeah
Is everything has changed

And all my walls
Stood tall painted blue
But I'll take 'em down, take 'em down and open up the door for you

And all I feel
In my stomach, is butterflies
The beautiful kind, making up for lost time
Taking flight, making me feel like

Paris and Sam:
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you

'Cause all I know is we said hello
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
And you'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday, yeah
Is everything has changed

Paris and Sam (Sam):
Come back and tell me why
I'm feelin' like I've missed you all this time
And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it's not all in my mind

I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you

Paris and Sam:
All I know is we said hello
Your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday, yeah
Is everything has changed

Paris (Paris and Sam):
All I know is we said hello
So dust off your highest hopes
All I know is pouring rain
(And everything has changed)
All I know is a new found grace
All my days, I'll know your face
(All I know since yesterday, yeah)
(Is everything has changed)

I smile at Sam and high five with each other as the others are applauding and cheering for us.

"Thank you. I couldn't ask for a better partner." Sam chuckles and turns his face at me.

"That was really lovely for a second place. I'm sure there must be something going on between you two right?" Rachel grins at us.

"Don't ask so innocent and playing victim all the time. I know what kind of girl you are and I have a secret that I'm sure that you don't want anyone to hear this but I've had enough. You put a fire with me and I'm starting the war." I glare at Rachel.

"I don't know what are you talking about." Rachel shakes her head.

"What about Sunshine Corazon? The new student from Philippines that you sent to a crackhouse so she couldn't join the glee club?" I raise my eyebrows at her.

"What?" Dad frowns.

"Shocked? We went to piano class together. Before she met you, she met me first. Now Vocal Adrenaline has her, they give her mom a condo and a green card. We could use her to beat Vocal Adrenaline but the most selfish person in this room change it all. You didn't apologize for that. She said that you're making her living like hell. And guess what? I'm going to tell Principal Figgins about that." I said to them.

"Why did you do that?" Dad frowns at Rachel.

"I just don't want any new member. What if she can dance and take the spotlight from Mike and Tina?" Rachel answered.

"Big big lie. You just don't want to have more competitor to take your solo and spotlight. That's a fact. Because Sunshine has amazing voice." I glare at her. "So you see Rachel, don't put up a fire if you don't want me to start a war with you." I grin at her and sit back down on my chair.

"I didn't send her to an active crackhouse." Rachel shakes her head.

"She could've had died there!" Tina glares at her.

"I'm sorry, Rachel what you did was horrible. You're suspended from glee club until next week." Dad says to Rachel and points to the door.

"Mr. Schue, I need this. You said that we are a team and we have to be united for Nationals so we can beat Vocal Adrenaline." Rachel frowns at dad.

"What you did was bad, Rachel. You made other kids think that glee club isn't safe for them but glee club is actually the safest club for them." Dad shakes his head.

Rachel sighs and walks out from the choir room. You see don't put up a fire and start a war with me. I'm my dad when I'm nice but don't forget that I'm my mom when I'm mad. So..


I sigh and walk downstairs as I heard the door knock. I look at to the peephole and it's Finn standing there holding something behind his back.

I open the door and look at him. "What do you want?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I owe you an apology." Finn says to me and shows me a bouquet of flowers.

I sigh and point to the swing chair on my terrace. "Have a seat." I said to him and sit down there.

"I'm really sorry. I should've trusted you before I make an accusation of something. I know you're not like that. Rachel told me that you cheated on me with Sam and I was really upset." Finn says to me.

"I'm not cheating on you with Sam. In fact, I was helping him with classes and helped him when he got slushied from Karofsky and Azimio. He told me that he asked me out because Rachel paid him fifty bucks to do that." He said to him.

"I'm so sorry. You know you make me better person and soon I will get my position as the quarterback again." Finn says to me.

"I can't be with you anymore." I turn my face at him.

"Is this because Sam?" Finn frowns at me.

"No. It's because you didn't trust me. What relationship without trust? Nothing. My family ruined because of a woman and my relationship is ruined because of that too." I said to him.

"I love you so much. I'm in love with you." Finn looks at me.

"I love you too but this is not the first time we had a fight because of something I didn't do. You trusted her." I shake my head.

"That's because I'm too scared to lose you." Finn frowns at me. "I can't believe this is happening right now."

"I'm sorry but I guess we need to take a break until we find out of who we are really." I said to him and get up then walk to the door.


"I'm sorry, Finn. When you decided to trust me then you can come back to me." I shake my head and walk to my house and close the door.

I walk to the upstairs and sit down on the edge of my bed and put Shiro on my lap. I don't know what I did was wrong or right but Finn and I shouldn't be together for now.


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