Revenge | Hizzie

By HizzieCentral

18.5K 488 244

Hope Mikaelson is one of the most well-known names amongst the Witches, Wolves and Vampires that lived around... More

Welcome To New Orleans
Want To Get Lunch (As Friends)
No Goodbye?
Welcome To The Salvatore School
Death (PAST)
the letters
Text Messages
Ledge (Trigger Warning)
New Orleans 2


866 25 32
By HizzieCentral

Numb is all Lizzie felt. Not knowing how to feel or if she could feel at all. Flashes of what happened that night keep haunting her wherever she went. Seeing her attacker everywhere, In the stores she went into, her mirror nowhere was safe. She felt like she was losing her sanity. Lizzie knew she had to tell someone but who would listen to her. Who would understand what she was going through at the school for all she knows, she is the only survivor walking the halls?

It was time for her weekly therapy session with Ms. Tig, and she wanted to tell her everything that happened.

"Lizzie, do you have something on your mind because you have been sitting there staring at the floor for the past five minutes?" Ms. Tig said concerned

Tears flowing from her eyes she put her head up and nodded, Emma hadn't seen Lizzie every be so vulnerable and knew something had to happen for her to share this amount of emotion. "is this about Josie because you know it's okay to cry even months after." She said

She shook her head no, and when she was about to say something, she looked at the window, and Mg stood there with a finger over his mouth. She didn't know if this was her mind torturing her, or was he threatening her. She couldn't be sure, so she shook her head and said. "I just miss her so much." Taking the conversation aside before it had even started. Looking back at the window, and no one was there anymore.


"Lizzie, remember you can come and tell me anything, and I will support you," Emma said as Lizzie left.

The blonde hasn't gone anywhere she didn't need to go. That meant going hungry for days because eating wasn't on her top priority list. The top was not being anywhere Mg could find her. But finally, the lack of ability to move gave her the motivation to get food and go back to her room. She forced herself to walk out the door and walk to the cafeteria. She stepped inside, and no one inside noticed except two girls sitting at the popular girl's table, but Lizzie hadn't noticed she was too busy making sure Mg didn't see her. She was glad not to see him as she walked into the kitchen the staff was happy to see her. She was one of their favorite students; she always brought them thank you cards and treated them with respect, and that couldn't be said for all the other students that they fed every day.

"Lizzie where have you been; we were worried that you weren't eating." One of the ladies said

A tear rolled down the blonde's face, and she said, "I haven't."

They all got up and prepared a special meal for her. For the first time in the last couple of days, she felt an emotion that wasn't scared. She grabbed the lunch and thanked the ladies and started to leave the cafeteria.


"hey look who walked in," Penelope Elbowed Hope.

She turned around to see the blonde, but something was off. She looked terrible, and that wasn't her puffy eyes. It was the way she was walking. Hope knew something wasn't right. "who is she looking for? she doesn't look like herself."

"I don't know but what I do know is that our plan is working ever since we kissed no one had seen her. I think we made her jealous." Penelope said smirking

Hope didn't say anything as she watched the blonde walk out with the food back to her room.


As she walked the halls, Lizzie kept looking back to see if anyone was following her, she was paranoid, and the smallest noises made her jump. She turned around one more and again no one behind her but when turned around a charming but evil face was staring at hers. "what did you tell Emma" he said

"Nothing I swear" Lizzie stuttered

He put his hand up, and Lizzie flinched as Mg grabbed a fry and went on his way happy as ever. He didn't realize that his actions caused Lizzie to become someone she hates being. When he was out of sight she fell to the floor crying not being able to move. She hated being afraid all day every day. Someone that has to turn around every second to make sure that there not being followed. Feeling like there is no one safe to talk to is making Lizzie feel like she isn't important enough.


"Hey, do you want to watch a movie tonight? Maybe eat some popcorn make out a little bit?" Penelope said jokingly

"I think you forgot that we are not dating, but a movie sounds nice right about now. Let's say, at eight o'clock? I have something to do before that." Hope said smiling back

The other girl nodded as Hope walked away, still thinking about Lizzie and how she looked earlier that day. She had a plan on how to find out what happened. She walked to the boy's dorm side and knocked on a door that had a Malcolm X poster on it, she knew this was Mg's room and its because it said Mg on the door.

He opened expecting anyone else in front of him. "hey Mg, I was wondering if Lizzie was okay. She looked really unlike herself." she said softly trying to figure out what was wrong with her.

"Why do you care. I thought you wanted me to torture her", he said

"I didn't. You know what that doesn't matter, just tell me if she's okay." She demanded

"she's fine, just misses her sister she won't even talk to me right now." He said

She nodded, walking away, not knowing the real truth.

As she walked to get ready for the movie night with Penelope she noticed a tray of food on the floor and next to it a crying girl. At first she didn't know that it was Lizzie but as she got closer to the other girl the face came into focus.

"Lizzie what happened." Hope asked as she knelt down

The other girl looked at her and debated if she should tell her but decided against it. She knew Hope would be able to protect her from Mg but something inside still feared him. It was like he had something that controlled her actions.

"why do you care, you said a lot of mean things to me when you first got here you didn't want to talk before why now." Lizzie yelled hoping the girl would understand that she was pleading for help and not yelling at her.

"whatever Lizzie I was trying to see what was wrong but I see that you can handle it by yourself." Hope said getting up

Lizzie watched as she walked away and tried to ask for help with words but nothing came out. the Tribrid walked around the corner as she could still here the sobs coming from the blonde and a small whisper that was not audible to her. But Lizzie said "please don't leave" within her sob


Eight O'clock struck and Hope still hasn't arrived, Penelope was disappointed until she heard a knock on the door. She quickly ran and opened it and let the auburn-haired girl inside. "Sorry I was late I was trying to help someone that obviously didn't want it." Hope said as she admired how the room was decorated, especially the art pieces on the wall, but one of them spoke to her. "I knew you would like that one." Penelope said while taking the painting down to let Hope look at it more.

She laughed, "yea, it's fascinating. I don't know I feel like I have seen this artist before what's his name?" Hope asked

"What makes you think it was a guy," Penelope said

"if you pay attention to the brush strokes, you could tell that a lot of anger and resentment went into this piece. Not to mention it's very dark, and I don't know if I'm sexist, but I can only see a guy doing this." Hope said

"it's funny that out of all these on the wall, you picked that one."


"well, your father painted it," Penelope said

Hope's eyes looked up at the other girl. "are you serious I have seen my dad's pieces, but I don't have any left since my house burned down." she said

"keep it you will appreciate it more."

"you don't know how much this means to me," Hope said, tearing up.

"let's just watch the movie. Yea"

Hope nodded her head as she sat down on the bed facing the tv. "what are you doing? Hope".

"I thought we were going to watch a movie. So I was looking at the tv."

"We are but not on the tv look up," Penelope said as she turned on the projection screen, and the movie popped up the ceiling.

"I didn't know the school allowed you to have a tv on your ceiling." Hope said clueless

"it's a projector, and they don't, so this will be our little secret," Penelope said smirking

The two girls laid down next to each other and snuggled under the covers. As the movie played Hope wasn't paying attention to anything, but Lizzie still wondering what was going. She took the girl out of her head. She tapped the other girl on the shoulder, she turned to face her and said, "Yes, Hope."

She didn't say anything back. She just looked at the raven-haired girl's eyes, and they both leaned in and kissed. Hope didn't know why she kissed someone she had no feelings for but for some reason she felt like she had to prove something to someone. The movie was paused as the two deepened the kiss, Penelope got on top but didn't realize that Hope needed to be in control as she got flipped onto her back and now was the one on the bottom. The two made out for a little while things got heated here and there but nothing happened. Hope didn't feel anything for the other girl but made herself believe she did.


So I made a schedule to update once a week and life is a lot less stressful but I'm not going to pretend it wasn't easy. I love reading comments on the chapters that's why I updated 12 chapters in 3 days once but I'm going to have to get used to this... please leave comments or theories.

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