The Bad Boy wants Me || Binwo...

By Queerlity

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"Can I kiss you?" "Are you drunk?" ******** Just another book you should read because i wrote it. Add it to y... More



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By Queerlity

“Good Job”

Eunwoo complimented his boyfriend, the moment he finished their presentation. Bin smiled at him warmly as the entire class of A and B stared at them.

“This is a very good presentation” their teacher said. “You both look like you became friends”

Boyfriends’ Eunwoo wanted to correct him but for Bin, he didn't want to cause a scene, so he nodded.

“Great Job” he praised again as both boys got off the podium, heading for the back of the hall.

“You did very well with the slide” Bin told Eunwoo as he planted a kiss on his lips. Lately he had become bolder. He wasn't sure why but he was sure what influenced it.

Eunwoo, putting his arms around Bin's waist, both boys drowning out the voices in the background completely, stared at each other. “Let's go out this Wednesday.. I want to take you out on a date”

“Really? You don't look like the type to do dates” Bin chuckled with Eunwoo scoffing.

“You can't judge a person by their look..besides you are the only one I have ever really wanted to take out on a date” Eunwoo beamed, kissing Bin's nose bridge.

“Alright. Let's do that.” Bin said. “but no romantic date or anything. I love Italian food but I will not eat in a fancy restaurant with you”

“We are kids. Why would I take us to a restaurant?” Eunwoo scoffed shaking his head. “Its bold of you to assume I'd take you to a place where I wouldn't be able to kiss you senselessly”

Bin's cheeks flushed red. He was supposed to be used to the compliments, the endearment, the vulgar speeches coming out of Eunwoo's mouth but- but he wasn't used to it. “I swear I will cut off your balls if you take me to an hotel..”

Eunwoo grinned. “Also brave enough to assume I will have sex with you on the first date. There will be plenty of time for that anyway” he winked. “Right now, I just want to devour your lips”

Bin pushed him away, embarrassed. “We are in school. Don't get us into detention.”

Eunwoo laughed a little too loud that some heads turned in their direction but looked away immediately. “Have you forgotten that I don't care? I'm the bad boy remember?”

Bin grinned, crossing his arms. “Its Bold of you to still consider yourself the BadBoy after being extremely whipped for me”



He wanted to go with black but sua and Sanha wouldn't let him. They let him pick out a bright coloured top on a ripped jean saying he was going on a date, so he needed to look cute not like a sex god.

“You two are happening at last” Sua said too excitedly as Sanha shook his head.

“I can't believe you shipped them Noona. They are so different from each other” Sanha mentioned taking out a jacket for Bin to wear. “They were always at each other's throat”

Sua shrugged. “Sometimes all it takes to love is hate”

Bin sighed, shaking his head. His sister was already becoming a philosophical mess. What was Namjoon doing to her? “You need to stop saying things like that. Its cute when Namjoon Hyung does it, not you”

His sister glared hard at him, before picking up her phone. She had a last minute appointment to run. “Namjoon and I are going to pick out rings.”

“Its awesome that you are getting married in three weeks noona, don't you have cold feet?” Sanha inquired as She shook her head.

“I'm nervous but I'm sure Namjoon is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. So I'm not scared, instead, I'm overwhelmed with happiness.” she smiled leaving the room as both boys stared at each other.

“Namjoon hyung is a lucky man” Sanha muttered. “Noona is awesome”

Bin scoffed, picking up his towel. “My sister is the Lucky one. Namjoon Hyung is awesome” he said heading towards this bathroom with Sanha shaking his head.

He was jealous of their sibling squabbles.


“Can we forget the date cause right now, I just want to eat you” were the words Eunwoo uttered, the moment he set his eyes on Bin.

His boyfriend was looking very gorgeous.

Bin shook his head, hiding a blush. “what are you talking about? You look like you came out of a magazine” he said, staring at the hot boy in front of him.

Eunwoo placed a sweet kiss on Bin's cheek, trying hard to restrain himself because His boyfriend was looking like Candy. Bin shuddered at the gesture before getting into the car with Eunwoo.

He wanted so bad to take Eunwoo's clothes off. Both boys shook their heads, as they focused on the ride.

It wasn't right to start a date with that type of thinking.

             An amusement park was something Bin wasn't expecting. Ofcourse, he thought about places Eunwoo would take him too but not an amusement park. Linking his arms with Bin, Eunwoo smiled.

Bin looked down at their hands and blushed. He was lucky he had a Boyfriend who was very expressive.

“Should we go on rides First? Or should we try the haunted house?” Eunwoo asked, scanning the place as Bin shrugged. Anything was fine.

“I mean anything is fine. As long as we get to participate in the Lantern Festival tonight..” Bin replied with Eunwoo nodded.

“The Haunted House it is first” Eunwoo said but Bin stopped him.

“Actually, let's go on the rides first..” Bin suggested with Eunwoo chuckling. Was Bin scared right now?

“There's nothing to be scared about. Your Knight in shinning armour is here” Eunwoo said as Bin cringed hard..what the hell?

“Tell the Knight to go back because this Prince..” he pointed to himself “can save himself.”

Chuckling, Eunwoo held on tighter to his boyfriend. He was really whipped for Moon Bin. “You're cute..” he said. “..Let's have the best time of our lives. Hm?”

Bin nodded, holding unto Eunwoo tightly.

Sure, let's live today like tomorrow wouldn't exist.


“Its beautiful!” Bin squealed watching their lantern go up into the sky. After going on rides, winning Teddy Bears and Visiting the Haunted House. Both Boys decided to call it a day by buying a lantern and heading towards the lantern festival.

Both boys had designed it;

B & E: A and F.

Which meant Bin and Eunwoo, always and forever.

“Do you think so?” Eunwoo asked, breaking the silence, lingering between them.

“Do I think what?” Bin asked softly, staring at Eunwoo.

“Always and Forever. Do you think we both belong together, forever?” Eunwoo questioned, gazing into the loving eyes of his lover.

“I don't know..” he shrugged. “There's really no telling what the future holds for us but..” he paused. “I don't mind you and I being together forever. Its something I can see, Something I also look forward too but only time has those answers....only the future will tell..”

Eunwoo stared mesmerised, as his boyfriend turned to look at the lanterns floating in the sky.

Bin continued. “But we can't regret anything because we know we tried. It might not be love. It might be closure but wanting each other not just physically but emotionally is enough I mean if-”

“I love you”

“-if time tells us its time to part then what choice do we have? I say we-” bin paused, turning rapidly to face Eunwoo. “......d-did you just say that you love me?” he asked, astonished.

“Yes. I love you Moon Bin” he stated, pulling his boyfriend closer.

“Eunwoo..” Bin muttered. “I...can't s-”

“Its fine” Eunwoo interrupted. “You don't have to say it yet. I'll wait. I'll wait till you're ready”

Bin bit down on his lips as he slowly nodded. He liked Eunwoo but he wasn't sure if what he felt was love.

“Just stay beside me and don't go anywhere” Bin said, embracing his boyfriend as Eunwoo smiled happily, caressing his Boyfriend's Hair.

Where would he go to? When his happiness was in front of him?

“You don't have to worry, I'll always be here”











Thank you for the love on TBBWM. TBH, I wish I could give all hugs cause y'all are so precious to me.

If you have questions about anything at all. You can always ask me, I really don't bite...well...I mean it depends. If you are being a B*tch, I'm sorry, I will BITE YOU.


Love you.

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