I know - Kyman Fanfic

By EdgyCinnamonRoll25

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After Kyle's parents divorce after years of fighting, he feels alone. His family is separated, his best frien... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Fourteen

2.5K 75 58
By EdgyCinnamonRoll25

I woke up about an hour ago, scrolling through my phone and going through every app at least twice. My eyes were heavy, I kinda forgot that I had a tiny bit to drink last night. I felt like I was a rock, weighed down by everything. I could tell that today was going to be a bad day somehow.

I saw movements beside me so I peered over to the shuffling Cartman. He was the real rock, heavy and big. Thanks to him, I woke up early because his arm was slapped into my neck, causing me to cough up at 6am. Bloody fatass. I had to see Ike later, our uncle somehow got him from my father, allowing the police to lock him up.

I guess being neighbours with you're psychotic brother pays off. Even though he was a few hours away, I could still take the car as I took it home from the party. I wouldn't mind taking the train or bus, but I would have to carry everything with me. Even if I was only taking a backpack. Still.

I couldn't stay over because, one: I was in charge of the house. 2: I had work to do. 3: Cartman and I were meeting up with Craig and Tweek tomorrow. So I had my hands full. Speaking of 'full', Cartman opened his eyes finally and glared at the blinds.

I huffed and walked over to close them, hearing little grunts from him. I turn around to see him looking me top to bottom, as I had taken everything but my boxers off. I rolled my eyes and threw my top at him. He scolded me with gritting teeth and instantly resorted to his phone.

"Perv." I commented sarcastically. He smirked and shrugged.

"So? You're the half naked one." He replied, gesturing with his hand for me to get out of the room. "Go make me some coffee."

"I'm not you're slave."

"You can be though. Now go, I'm the guest."


"Good morning to you too."

"Ugh, fatass."


I walked off downstairs like a maid, boiling the kettle. I put about 5 sugars in his coffee, as I was guessing that was how much it took to make my sugar jar a quarter empty in one day. I put it on a saucer with some biscuits on the side and stayed downstairs for it to cool down and to just admire the beautiful sunrise.

It then hit me, I just slept in my mothers bed. It isn't too weird, right? I mean, she's my mother, not a stranger. Besides, I only joined Cartman in bed because I was tired and really unbothered to go into my own room. I also feel pretty comfortable with him, despite years of arguing.

I don't mean to call him fat, it just rolls off of the tongue. I've said it so much that it's become a habit. He's a good person deep down, he just needs to work on making people see it.

My mother will be coming home tomorrow which I'm pretty glad about. As much as I love Cartman being round, I just want to chill out for a bit.

I held the mug safely in my palms upstairs, holding it to my chest to stop it from moving so much. I placed it next to Cartman, who just thumbs upped me. I ripped the sheets from his body, him visibly shivering suddenly. It was cute, seeing his body shrivel up.

"Kyle!" He shrieked,  probably regretting getting into night shorts while I was gone. I just gave him a smug look before walking off to have a shower. I wasn't in it for long, because he played his revenge by running in and flushing the toilet.

Luckily, I had a shower curtain covering my whole body. I put on some clean boxers before chasing him around the living room, throwing whatever I could find in his direction. "Goddammit asshole! You don't do that to people who are naked in the shower! You leave them to have a nice, relaxing shower!" I argued, feeling the air get pushed out of my lungs.

My back was pressed roughly against the wall, leaving me to pant heavily into the others face. He stared me down, watching my every gasp. He looked a bit embarrassed, but kept a firm grip on my shoulders.

"Shit." I muttered as he grabbed for my phone that was on the sofa. I tried to run towards him, but he must have watched me unlock it before, as it was too late. He was already up the stairs, probably going through my search history. I never searched or saved anything bad, so he was buggered.

"Ooo~ crush talk with Stan? Jesus Christ this is juicy!" He taunted. Oh god, please for the love of god no! I finally got my lungs filled with oxygen again, sprinting up to see exactly where he was. Well..I could let him read one of the conversations about crushes, right? He peered over to me and rose an eyebrow. "Want to read with me?"

I hummed in response, my breath going down his neck accidentally. He read it pretty quickly, soon catching onto the names. He smiled and handed me my phone back. "You were attracted to Kenny a while ago, for real?" He asked and I grew red. It was such a long time ago, when I was questioning my sexuality.

"It was only a little crush." I replied, rubbing my neck. "I mean, he's a good person but alcohol and drugs isn't the direction I want to go. We kinda stopped sleeping together recently, hopefully forever. With his new girlfriend, I'm sure he'll be distracted enough. So, it's old news."

"Oh, right. Well, Scott Malkinson, also?"

"Only a one day thing." I smiled as he was defeated, nothing to make fun of me with. "Well, I better be getting ready to see Ike. Still wanna come?"

"Of course! I can't wait to see that strong dude! What about you're father?"

"Prison." I simply said before walking upstairs to get changed. I got into a plaid jacket, white top, blue jeans, black trainers, and had my pride badge on. My uncle was very accepting and was always interested in my life. He was my go-to for venting.
~2:45 hour time skip~

We arrived at my uncles, so I knocked on the door. Cartman anxiously hid behind me slightly. As he opened the door with Ike beside him, I could feel myself tear up. Two of my favourite people in the world, staring at me. "Ike.." I whimpered, melting into each others grasp. "I missed you so much.." I started sobbing, my grip tightening and loosening at times.

"Good to see you Kyle! Please, come in, you and...?"

"Cartman." The brunette replied smartly and shook his hand. My uncle gave me a smirk and I shook my head, walking in while holding Ike on my hip.

"My..best friend?" I questioned myself on that. Stan was my super best friend, Cartman and Butters were at competition for best friend. Cartman seemed happy, smiling joyfully.

"Oh how nice!" My uncle chimed, boiling the kettle. "How's Stan, everyone else?"

"Good! Kenny's got a job and girlfriend, miracle couple are on holiday, and moms coming back from holiday with her friends tomorrow."

"How nice! So, Cartman. I don't believe we've met."

"No, we haven't." Cartman replied, his knee bouncing. I placed my hand on it, trying to calm him down a bit. I guess he really cared for what my family thought of him. "My first name is Eric, but everyone calls me Cartman so I really don't mind! I never even knew Kyle had an uncle."

"Oh, yes. As I live so far away with my own company I can't really come down. You see, I work with a team to help time travel development."

"T..time travel..?" Cartman trailed off. I gleamed.

"Cartman really likes time travel! He's even done it once or twice. He's looking for a job, even."

"Well come down any time and I can give you a tour of what we do!"

"Big brother!" Ike whined. "I want to go to the park!"

"Oh ho ho!" My uncle chuckled to himself. "I'm too old to take him, why don't you and you're friend take him now? It's only down the road and I have paper work to do. Cartman, my friend, take this leaflet. We can always make use of people like you."

Cartman took it gladly and scanned over it. We exited the door after saying goodbye and I followed my brother to the park. It was fairly big, and as it was pretty cold no one was here. I joined my brother on the swings, laughing to myself.

God, I missed him. But for now, he would have to stay up here so police could keep an eye on him. But maybe, he will stay here, grow up here. It was apparently filled with young kids, old couples. The perfect, peaceful community.

"Say, Ike, why don't you stay here?" I asked, keeping eye contact. He remained silent for me to continue. "It's so nice and quiet here, a nice school which isn't too big or small, and our uncle will take care of you. I'll message you everyday, visit you whenever I can, and I'll visit every season that comes throughout the year. I love you, Ike. And I want the best for you, no matter how hard it will be to obtain you're happiness, I'll do it. I'd do anything for you in a heartbeat. Even if it meant hurting my heart for seeing you less."

He just sat there, still, not even fidgeting with his chipped fingernails. He didn't even seem to blink. "Okay." He said quickly and stood up to hug me. I stood myself, spinning him around in my arms. He giggled, holding onto me as tightly as he could. "As long as my big brother thinks it's right, I'll do whatever you say."

"Good. I may not know all the time, but I can tell that our dad was right about it being a good area."

"How is he?"

"In prison, he won't hurt us anytime soon."

"I don't want him in a 6 feet distance."

"He won't be. I promise."

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