
由 unicorn-whale

176K 1.5K 249

Credits to the tumblr account Some are private so you will have to follow me. Erase the book from you library... 更多

Hello Horn Dogs!
Heartbreak Girl
You Make Me Better
You Are My Light
It Will Rain
What Happens in a Tent
Hey guys
Only If It's Fate
Trapped With Him
Play Nice
Parking Spaces
Just Another Nice Guy
Let Me Take Care of You
Something Great
Merry Birthday
Broken Bottles
What Can I do to Make You Happy?
I Do Not Need You Calling Me Baby
I updated
Two Tri's
Football Game
The Man Who can't be Moved
I Don't Need You
I Don't Need You (Part II)
Got It!!
Playing House
The Jail
Taking Advantage
Big House Party
Toilet Trips
Out of This World
Words Can't Describe My Love For You
Dreams Can Become a Reality
Private update


4.7K 40 14
由 unicorn-whale

"Harry, I'll be back later"I said, taking my coat off the hanger, heading towards my shoes. "Wait where are you going?...and you're wearing that!?, no fucking way, go change, you're showing way to much skin!" he snapped.

I looked down at my tight black holster cocktail dress, and red heels. "I'm going out with the girl, I told you yesterday" I said. He raised an eyebrow, "no you didn't!" he growled. My brow narrowed, "yes I did..." I said.

He stepped closer, "Y/n no you didn't, and who are you going with?" he asked. "Oh well... I'm going out with Abi, Liv and Lou. I'll be back later" I said turning. He gripped my elbow, turning me pressing me against the door, "no, not in that you aren't" he said, looking down at my exposed chest. "Harry, I don't have time for this-" "then go change quickly" he growled.

I shook my head, "Harry stop it...you're acting foolish" I said. "I have to go, I'll be back later" I said, resting a hand on his chest. His eyes and brow narrowed, "it's just guy's are going to be drooling over you...I mean I'm getting a semi now" he said, in a low sexy voice. He pressed his hips into me, and I could feel his slight bulge press against me, and it made me gasp.

"H-Harry..." I stuttered. His face coming closer to mine, "maybe I should rip it of myself...with my teeth" he said, dropping his head to my neck, biting down. I gasped again, gripping his shirt. He licked up my neck to the nape of my ear. I smiled, biting my lip, lifting my head giving him better access.

"This is why you need to change this dress..." he growled against my skin, "I can't even keep my hands off of you" he said, kissing down my neck to my chest. His head lifted, and our lips met. I gripped his curls, pulling him closer to me.
Because I was in heels I didn't need to push up to met his lips. The kiss deepened but was interrupted by a honk. He broke the kiss, and let out a growl, "I wanted you to change that dress...but have fun. Where are you guys going?" he asked. "I'm not sure, probably to the pub" I said. He let out a sigh, "have fun...I love you, even if you don't listen to me" he growled.

I kissed him, "I love you to Curly" I said, smiling into the kiss, "and you better keep the promise of taking it off with you teeth" I teased. A cocky smirk came across his face, and he gripped my hips pulling me into another kiss, "have fun babe" he said. "I will" I said, opening the door. I walked down his drive way, into Lou's car.

I crawled into the back seat. "Took you long enough" Abi said. "Sorry, Harry was being silly" I said, giggling.
Lou backed the car up, and drove off. we picked up Liv and drove off to the pub.

The night started to get later and I found it weird that Harry hadn't called or texted, so I deiced to text him. Only to find Id forgotten my phone at Harry's and I place.

"Hey, can we buy you girl a drink?" I heard someone from behind us. I turned around to see four boys standing behind us. Before Lou and I could object, Liv and Abi accepted. Lou and I talked amongst our selves seeing as how we were the only two taken in the group.

Until Lou's phone rang. Lux was causing a fuss and the only way she would settle down was if Lou came home. She was iffy to go, because she was our ride home, but we said we'd call a cab.

After she left, I started talking to the boys that offered to buy us the drinks. The only I seemed to really hit it of with, his name was Luke. Him and I were the same height, but if I met him without my heels, we wouldn't be.

He was wearing a black button up shirt, and a pair of light jeans. He was rather scrawny, but had a little bit of muscle. He had dirt blonde hair and hazel eyes.

When I finished my drink, I found another in front of me. "Oh no, I've had enough" I said. Even thought I'd only had two, and was barley feeling a buzz. "Come on babe, you've only had two, let go, live a little" he said, resting his hand on my back. I smiled, and put my lips to the glass, taking a sip. His hand still on my back.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Liv standing behind me, she bent down, "Harry's here" she said. My eyes widened, "what?" I asked. "Harry's here, he's sitting in the booth in the left corner, he's with Nick thought, so I don't know if he's watching you or just a coincidence" she said. I looked over my shoulder and she was right. Harry was sitting there, with Nick and Rita.
I growled slightly, I had nothing against Rita, but she didn't know how to keep her hands to her self. My eyes narrowed, as I watched her, as she put her hands on his forearm.

Almost finishing my drink, feeling my buzz I found myself right beside him. He kept cracking jokes, making me almost spill my drink. I heard him say something but the pub's noise level had gone up. And I wasn't paying much attention anyways, I was busy thinking about Harry.

"What?!" I asked, leaning closer to him. He put his face closer to my ear, "I said, I just realized where I know you from. You're dating Harry Styles, My sister is obsessed with him, she says you're the luckiest girl!" he said. I smiled, looking at him, laughing, "I get that a lot!" I said back. His lips met my ear again, "but I think Harry's the lucky one, having a absolutely gorgeous girl like you" he said.

I felt my face become red, a laughed pushing him, "oh hush..." I said. I felt his lips come closer to my ear, but then be pulled away. My head shot back, to see Harry standing there. His eyes narrowed, locked to me, "we're leaving lets go" he said, grabbing my hand, bringing me from the bar stool.

"Harry!" I snapped, being dragged out of the bar. "So this is what you do when you go out!? huh?!" he snapped turning me. "N-no" I said. "I was watching you, for almost twenty minutes!, I watched you wile he put his hands on you, and whisper in you ear. What was he telling you!? that he wants to take you back home!?" he yelled. "No-no, he told me that he recognized me" I said.
Harry gripped me, pinning me to the car, "don't fucking lie to me!, do you have any idea how pissed I am!? huh?, I just watched some wanker put his hands all over my girl, and you let him!, so I fucking suggest not lying to me, what the fuck was he saying to you!?" he snapped, pressing himself into me. I put my hands on his chest, "That's what he said!, I'm not lying to you Harry!. He said he remembered where he recognized me from dating you, and that his sister is obsessed with you and the band" I said, looking up at him, with wide eyes, "Harry I swear!" I said.
I realized that I was starting to feel even more of the buzz. A feeling of guilt, anger mixed with the buzz made things worse. Harry looked back, to see a few people watching us. "Get in the fûcking car" he growled. "Harry I-" "Do NOT fûcking say anything. Get in the fûcking car right now, or so fücking help me" he growled, opening the door.

I just looked at him, and got in. He slammed the door, and walked around I watched him. He opened the door, got in a started the car, and drove off.
I looked over at him. He was looking straight forward, his eyes narrowed. He was breathing hard, and his knuckles white, gripping the steering wheel. "What else did he say to you, when you pushed him" he said, still looking forward. I looked down, playing with the hem of my dress.

"ANSWER ME" he snapped, slamming his hand on the steering wheel, "what the fúck did he say to you Y/n, because the only time you ever do that is when some calls you beautiful...is that what he did?, he called you beautiful didn't he?" he growled.

I saw him look at me in the corner of my eye. I swallowed, looking over at him, our eyes locking. I heard the sound of turning leather, caused by Harry turning his hand on the wheel.

Harry brought one of his hands from the steering, placing his elbow on the arm rest, and brought a finger resting it above his lips, and his thumb on his cheek, "It's nice to fûcking know that I can trust my girlfriend when she goes out" he growled. My heart sank, and I looked down, "H-Harry that's the first, and last time... Harry, I'm sorry-" "Save it Y/n I'm so fûcking mad right now" He said, rubbing his finger on his lip.

The pub was twenty minutes from Harry's flat, and we had another seventeen minutes until we got there. The only noise in the car was the radio. I looked out the window, then back at Harry.

"I-I know you're really mad at me, but...but it's not fair that you're being this cold to me. I messed up okay, I'm sorry I couldn't hear him, and wanted to know what he was repeating to me. I'm sorry he had his hand on my back. And yes he did call me beautiful. But they don't mean anything, especially from some guy at the bar...Harry you have to under stand, it sounds stupid, but I wasn't really paying attention to him, because I couldn't stop thinking about you...Which I always do" I said, touching his bicep.

Harry didn't say anything, but only looked at me out of the corner of his eye, growling under his breath.

Harry pulled his arm from me, and gripping the steering wheel. My face dropped, then my anger grew, "You know. It's pathetic that you're acting like this, even thought I see you all the time with girls" I snapped, my arms crossing over my chest, "so glad I left home for this shit" I said under my breath.

Harry pulled over the car, and stopped it, causing me to go forward in my seat. My head shot toward him, and he was still looking forward both hands on the wheel, white knuckled.

"I told you when we started dating, that there would be girls that do that" he said. "I'm not talking about that" I said, looking out the window. "You're talking about Rita aren't you?" he asked. "Hurts doesn't it?..." I said, looking at him, then down "seeing some one have their hands on someone you're dating?" I hissed.

Harry grabbed the back, making it tilt up and crashed his lips into mine, bruising them. "So that's what it was? pay back, you wanted me to see it?" he growled against my lips. I gripped his curls, pulling his in for another hard kiss.

Harry drove me crazy. I always wanted him. I always wanted to be in his arms, I always wanted him in me.

I undid my seat belt, crawling over onto him, straddling him. He gripped the back of my hair, holding me in place. "Huh? was that your plan?, you wanted me to see?" he growled, pushing me closer to him. "Answer me (Y/N)" he gripped my hip with his other hand "you knew I was there, and you wanted me to see" he said. "Yes" I said breathless. "Did you want to hurt me?" he growled. My eyes widened, "no, I just wanted you to know what it was like" I said, gripping his plain white shirt.
Harry went to say something but there was a loud tap on the window. It scared us both. Then a bright light was on us. Harry rolled down the window. "You have thirty seconds to move this car before I give you a ticket" the cop snapped.

When we got to Harry's flat, he didn't say anything to me. He just took off his shoes and walked into the living room. I quickly took off my heels, and followed him like a lost puppy.
He stopped dead in his tracks when we got to his living room. "Harry-" "Shut up" he snapped. His voice made me jump. It was strong and aggressive, and so sexy. He turned, his body tensed, showing of his muscular arms, and define collar bones.

The looks in Harry's eyes was something I knew. His dominate side. "Strip" he said. My body and mind became his slave. I gripped the zipper on the side of my dress and slid it down. I raised my arms a little, and the dress fell. I stepped out of the dress, waiting for my next command. "Bra and panties too" he growled. I went to grab my panties. "No, bra first" he said. I still said nothing, but did what I was told. I gripped to back of my bra un clasping it. I pulled it off one arm then the other and dropped it. A slight smirk came across his face, but vanished quickly.

I hooked my fingers in my black lace panties and pulled them, and they fell off. I stepped out of them. "Now come" he said, I walked to him, and he gripped my hips pulling me into him. His face close to mine, "you never answered my question" he said, his hands sliding down gripping my ass, "did you want me to see" he said. I nodded slightly, "yes...I-I wanted you to see" I said.
He grip tightened and I let out as slight yelp. His lips pressed against mine hard, "I'm going to make you squeal...I'm going to show you who you belong to" he growled against my lips. He pushed me towards the couch, and I felt the back of my knees hit it and I fell. Harry still standing.

Harry looked me up and down, and my teeth sunk into my lower lip. Harry took off his light blue over shirt, and held it in his hand. Our eyes locking. "Put your legs on the couch" he said. My legs lifted, the pads of my feet resting on the couch. "Now. Play with yourself" he said. My eyes widened and my mouth gaped open. His mouth opened, he went to say something, but my hand lifted from the seat, and I placed it on my fold, sliding it up and down. My hands were cold, and it made me gasp. Harry smirked, "you're already wet, aren't you?" he asked. I nodded, biting my lip. "Yes Harry" I said.

His smirk grew, "rub yourself" he said. My finger massaged my clít, slowly. "That's my good girl, please yourself, like I would" he said. I pressed harder, going in circles. Harry walked around the couch, throwing his light blue shirt down. Watching, as he walked to the back of it. A smirk on his face, as my moans become louder

He stood behind me, and I looked up at him, still rubbing myself. He rested his palms on the top of the couch cushion. His hair fell in front of his face. "Harry...touch me... please" I begged. His eyes closed, and a satisfied look came across his face. His hand gripped my shoulder and slid it down my body, to my left. He ran his finger across my waist. "Harry please, touch me" I begged. "But that guy was touching you" he said, his lips pressing against my ear.

I turned my head to him, "Why?" he growled, his hand grabbing mine, placing it on my clit, rubbing in slow circles. "Because I wanted you to know the pain" I moaned, against his lips. "Well I did... are you happy?, are you happy you hurt me y/n?" he growled, pressing harder. "N-No, I was an idiot, I l-let jealously get to me...I-I saw you with Rita, she had her hands on you. A-and I see the way she looks at you" I said, gasping. His hand stopped rubbing me.

His other hand slid, gripping the back of my neck. He kissed the nape of my neck, "you're the only one I need y/n. You're the one I love. No other girl means anything to me. And to know, you wanted to hurt me, purposely...fucking kills me" he growled. "You mean everything to me" He said.

"Oh Harry, I'm so sorry!" I said, moving my lips to his, "show me...show me like you've never shown me before, show me you mean that. Make love to me, as if you were going to lose me" I said. Harry's grip on my neck tightened, "I'll never lose you. You're mine" he growled rubbing me again.

"Show me how you like it. Use my hand to please you my Y/n" he said

I moaned his name against his lips, kissing him between my moans.

He pulled his hand from me, and Harry had that look back into his eyes. "Get up" he said. I stood up, body shaking, waiting for more of his touch. I turned, as Harry hopped over the couch. He stood before me, and crashed his lips into mine.
I gripped the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head, throwing it. I undid his pants, and my hand slipped into his boxer briefs. "Feel that?" he growled against my lips, "that's all for you. It's going to be inside you filling you" he said. I moaned at his voice, it was so sexy, and demanding. I rubbed him hard, "We'll start with my mouth" I said, I dropped to my knees pulling his pants down to his ankles. He stepped out of them, and I pulled on his boxer briefs, exposing his còck.
I looked up at him, stroking him. He looked down at me, moving some hair from my face. "Suck me...Take all of me" he said. I took the tip of him in mouth mouth. Pushing him more into my mouth. He gripped the back of my hair. I closed my eyes, hallowing my cheeks, sucking his harder. He let out a loud moan in pleasure. My eyes opened looking up at him. Our eyes locking.

I pushed him more in my moth and he let out another moan. He took a breath in through his teeth, "fück baby" he groaned. I pushed him more and more into my mouth until I had him all in my mouth. I chocked slightly, but I didn't care. Lust had taken over me. His moans and groans of hims being pleased, was taken me over.
I pulled back, taking him again. I pulled him from my mouth, jerking him, biting down on the tip slightly, flicking my tongue over it. I licked the under shaft, massaging his balls. I took him in my mouth, sucking his hard, flicking my tongue.

His breathing increased and I took all of him in my mouth again. He let out a loud groan and moaned my name. I felt his warm, salty liquid hit the back of my throat. I pulled him for me mouth, and swallowed, and swallowed again.

Harry bent down, gripping my face. I pushed from my knees, standing again. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me in. I felt myself lift, and my legs wrapped around him.

He brought me to his chair against the wall, and sat me down. Not breaking the kiss. He pushed himself between my legs, gripping the back of my knees, spreading them. He kissed down my neck. He dropped to his knees. Kiss down my stomach, licking my folds. I gasped, looking down at him. He inserted a finger in me. He pumped it in and out of me. And I started to clench around him, wanting him deeper in me. "You're pūssy's being greedy" he said, licking my folds again. He pulled his finger from me, putting his hands under my waist, gripping it. He pushed his tongue between my folds, sucking harshly. I moaned loudly, gripping his curls. He brought my one knee over his shoulder. Gripping mythigh.

He flicked his tongue over my clit, inserting two fingers in me. I threw my head back. Feeling my orgasm build, quickly. "That's it my baby girl, come for me. Wake my neighbors. Let them know who you belong to" he said into me, his voice making my sex vibrate.

I felt it build, more and more. Harry came up, hovering over me. "Come. Come for me" he said, rubbing me, hard and fast. And with his command, it released. My head shot back, and my eyes shut tight. It coursed through me and I kept moaning, and groaning his name.

I wrapped my arms around him, pulling to me, our lip crashing, our tongues wrestling. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me up. We stood, no space between us. Holding each other tight. He gripped my hips. Turning me. His lips meeting my shoulder, kissing and nipping down on my skin. "Harry, please take me...please make love to me Harry" I begged.

I placed my hands on the chair, bending over. He gripped my waist rubbing his thumbs on my skin. He inserted himself into me hard, with one swift move, filling me. I cried out, throwing my head back. He thrusted in and out of me, filling me with each thrust. Hitting my wall each time he pumped.

I felt Harry's hair, on my back, and I turned my head, and our lips met. Hi arm snacked around my front gripping my waist. I broke the kiss, my head swinging down. I felt Harry lips all over my shoulders and back. He gripped my breast running his other hand along my waist, gripping it again.

"Oh Harry! Fück!" I cried out. Harry bit down on my back, sucking harshly. And I cried out. Harry gripped my breast again, palming it. He gripped it, taking my nípple between his fingers. I gripped the chair tighter. Harry let out a loud deep growl against my skin, "Fück I love being in you" he said, his voice making my skin vibrate.

His hand trailed down my arm, gripping my hand. I lifted it, and wrapped it around the back of his neck. He pulled himself form me, griping my hips, turning me, and out bodies crashed. I felt my self let, and my legs wrapped around him. He filled me again, pumping in and out of me.

He pinned me to the wall and I gasped loudly. My nails digging into him. Our eyes met, and out mouths gaped open. Our breathing deep.

He walked quickly to the bed room, placing me on the bed. He pulled out from me, hovering over me. Just staring at me, lifting himself to his palms."You are just so beautiful... and mine" he said.

He moved and the tip of his còck, touched my swollen and sore sex. I gasped loudly, and my back arched slightly. He moved his body again and my back arched more. I gripped his shoulder, and his head dropping close to mine. Our lips meet with each body movement we did. My knee moving, out thighs rubbing. His knee pushed against my séx, and my back arched as much as I could. He dropped his hips, and filled me again.
Wasting no time thrusting in and out of me, slowly. Harry's forehead rested on mine. "Who do you belong to?" he hissed. "You..." I moaned, my nails dragging down his back. "I said, who do you belong to" he growled, loudly, thrusting into me hard. "YOU! Fück Harry!, You. I belong to you!" I cried out. "That's my good girl... God, you're so beautiful, and all mine" he growled his lips kissing beside my lips. Then down my jaw, to my neck. "I won't lose you" he growled. He lifted from me slightly, kissing down, and breathing on my neck. My legs elevating, giving him better access to fill me. He groaned loudly pleasure. "Oh fùck baby. Yes..." he moaned. My hand slid down his arm, gripping his forearm. My other hand, running through his hair. I rolled my head to the side, giving him better access.

"Is this how you wanted me to make love to you? Like I was going to lose you?" he growled. "Y-yes Harry. Fück yes, just like this" I said.

He lifted from me, our eyes locking again. Griping the back of my left knee. Still pumping in and out of me. He pushed him self to his knees. He gripped my left ankle, and put it on his right shoulder. I turned my hips, following the movement of my leg. He put his palms down on the side of me, and I gripped the back of my knee, as he continued to thrust in and out of me slowly. "Play with yourself...Play with yourself while I'm filling you" he said, hovering over me.

My hand massaged my already aching, sore, swollen sex. "That's my good girl. Just like that" he said. I rubbed myself harder, "Oh fück Harry! FÜCK!" I cried out. "Hold it baby girl" he said. "I-I don't know if I can!" I cried. My eyes becoming heavy again. "YES!, you will. Hold it my love!" he growled. Dropping to his forearms. I bit my lips hard, "Ohhh Harrryy!" I yelled. "Don't!, hold it, do you under stand me!?" he growled. "Y-yes Harry, I-I'll try" I said, gasping. "You'll do what ever I tell you to, because you're mine, and belong to me"

I shut my eyes tight, I felt it build more and more. "Ha-Haarrrry!" I cried out. He raised to his palms again and completely pulled out of me. I gasped, and a hard look came across his face and with out waring he thrused into hard, sloppy and deep. It made my whole body shake. He did deep, and hard thrust s in me. I cried out, each thrust adding to my building climax. His head dropped to my neck, and I gripped his back, crying out more.

"Come, come Y/N!" He growled. And with that, I released. Both of us reaching our climax. Clenching around him, my body shaking violently, and my eyes becoming teary. I gripped his hips pulling him deeper in me. Harry threw his head back, moaning my name loudly

He collapsed on my neck. Both of us panting, and sore. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close. My body still shaking from the mind blowing orgasm. "Why-why did you want me to make love to you, as if I was going to lose you?..." he asked. Lifting from me slightly. It was obvious that both of us were weak, and exhausted. "I-I don't know...I wanted to know if you were as sacred to lose me, as I am to you..." I said, weak and embarrassed.

He lifted from me more, "Of coarse I'm scared to lose you, why wouldn't I be" he asked confused. "I-I don't know... I mean you could have any girl...Like I've seen some of the girls that talk to you, they're so beautiful, and-" I was cut off by his lips on mine. "No other girl can compare to you Y/n" he said. "But the other girls-" his lips pressing against mine again. "Shhh" he said, against my lips.

My eyes closed, my lips returning the kiss. "How many times am I going to have to tell you. I love you. You're the most beautiful girl, I've ever seen. And you're all mine. Every part, every inch of you, is mine. And will always be mine, I hate seeing other guys hands on you. And what I hate more, is that you keep thinking you're not beautiful, and you think I should be with someone else. I don't want, or need any one else. I just need you, and only you" He said, kissing me gentle.

I felt a tear escape my eye. "Hey, hey don't do that my love. I'm only telling you the truth" he said, stroking my cheek. I gripped his curls, "I love you Harry..." I said, trying to hold back another tear. But it didn't work. "Don't cry. I hate seeing you cry" he said, his face dropping. "These are tears of happiness Harry..." I said, smiling. His eyes soften, and he kissed my nose. "Oh Ariana why didn't I make you mine sooner?" he said smiling.

He lifted from me, "come on, let's go have a shower, and go to bed" he said. I lifted slightly, "I don't know if I can walk..." I said, laughing, "can we just have one tomorrow?" I asked. Harry smiled, "of coarse my love" he said. I rolled over on to my front and crawled up the bed. I was so sore, and knew I was going to be for a few days. Harry pulled the covers, and we laid down. He put his arm out and I rested my head on it.
He turned my body into him, moving my head to his chest. His heart was still beating fast.
"Hear that?" he asked. "Yes" I said. "That's for you...it beats for you" he said, kissing my hair. I smiled, and another tear escaped my eye. I turned, grabbing his hand, placing it on my heart, "and this beats for you as well...it's still beating because of you" I said.

He gripped my wrist, and brought it to his lips. "I swear I'm going to marry you some day" he said, smiling, kissing my hair again.


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