The Fear (The Walking Dead...

By jinx1996

921K 22.3K 5K

Kat is the eldest daughter of Hershel and the rock of the Greene family. Through thick and thin she has kept... More

Katherine Greene
The Fear
Prologue - Never Again
Chapter 1 - A Hunting Accident
Chapter 2 - Sacrificed
Chapter 3 - Gravestone Pyramid
Chapter 4 - Cherokee Rose
Chapter 5 - F-100
Chapter 6 - Our Secret
Chapter 7 - Only A Matter Of Time
Chapter 8 - Working Things Out
Chapter 9 - Echoes
Chapter 10 - Stay With Her
Chapter 11 - You're Afraid
Chapter 12 - Finding Hope
Chapter 13 - Ticking Time Bomb
Chapter 14 - Distractions
Chapter 15 - Broken
Chapter 16 - Judge and Jury
Chapter 17 - Executioner
Chapter 18 - Walking In Tandem
Chapter 19 - Plague Of The Dead
Chapter 20 - Regroup
Chapter 21 - Not A Democracy
Chapter 22 - Place To Place
Chapter 23 - Picking Them Off
Chapter 24 - Safer
Daryl Dixon... Death?
Chapter 25 - A Calf Named Abbey
Chapter 26 - Going To Be Fine
Chapter 27 - Should Be Interesting
Chapter 28 - Minced
Chapter 29 - Split Second
Chapter 30 - Three
Chapter 31 - Lil' Ass-Kicker
Chapter 32 - Beyond The Fences
Chapter 33 - It's Not That Easy
Chapter 34 - Nothing Of Consequence
Chapter 34 - Liars, Thugs, and Cowards
Chapter 35 - Gone
Chapter 36 - Retaliation
Chapter 37 - Hold On
Chapter 38 - Warm Shadow
Chapter 39 - Yes
Chapter 40 - Be Careful
Chapter 41 - The Stand
Chapter 42 - Big Spot
Chapter 43 - Raining Down
Chapter 44 - Contaminated
Chapter 45 - Fever
Chapter 46 - Elderberries
Jesus Saviours Negan and more
Chapter 47 - The Symptoms
Chapter 48 - Shock and Fear
Chapter 49 - Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 50 - Liar
Chapter 51 - Exit
Chapter 52 - We Go Left
Beta and Other Things
Chapter 53 - Home
Chapter 54 - Have Faith
Chapter 55 - Camps
Chapter 56 - Polaroids
Chapter 57 - Train Tracks
Chapter 58 - Vicious Creatures
Chapter 59 - Just Gone
Chapter 60 - Escape
Chapter 61 - Not Again
Chapter 62 - Peace
Chapter 63 - Missing
Chapter 64 - Amazing Grace
Season 9/10
Chapter 65 - Always Moving
Chapter 66 - Rust and Bone
Chapter 67 - Unluckiest of Lucky Charms
Chapter 68 - There
Chapter 69 - Alexandria
Chapter 71 - Have A Beer
Chapter 72 - Have Another Beer
Chapter 73 - Jump
Chapter 74 - Control Who Lives Here
Chapter 75 - This Is Them
Chapter 76 - What's Your Fear?
Cover Change
Chapter 77 - Too Many
Chapter 78 - And Then They Came
Chapter 79 - Someday It Will Be Useful
Chapter 80 - An Eye for an...?

Chapter 70 - Shower

3.8K 109 28
By jinx1996

The following day Rick told the group to go out and explore. Their jobs weren't starting right away, they were allowed to take a few days and settle in first. Everyone left the house they had slept in and then began to fan out once they hit the streets. Daryl remained sat up on the deck though and Kat chose to stay standing by him as he fiddled with his crossbow.

"I said explore." Rick said. "Let's explore."

"Nah, I'll stay." Daryl shook his head.

"I've gotta talk to Aaron." Kat spoke. "See about the horse float and go and see if we can get Nelly."

"No." She shook her head. "In case something goes wrong with the float, might have to ride her back. Can't have more than two people and I need to take Aaron to find this farm. Plus he knows the area."

"Are you sure?" Rick asked.Daryl sighed as he jumped to his feet and grabbed his crossbow.

"Already argued about it. You won't win." He said to Rick as he made his way back inside and Kat gave Rick a small smile.

"I'll be alright." She said to him. He nodded before they both left the house, parting ways at the bottom of the stairs, one to catch up with his son and the other to find Aaron.Aaron agreed to go and they had their supplied ready and an SUV with a tow ball ready to go within half an hour.

It was a fifty minutes trip to the farm, the horse float was in decent shape, and then after that another couple of hours to the barn they had been in. The trip was horribly silent for the most part, but there was small talk here and there. Kat spent a good portion of time looking through a bin of supplies she had grabbed at the farm filled with brushes, hoof picks and other items.

"Why us?" She finally asked after a long silence had grown a little too much for her and she had finished dusting off and organising the items she had grabbed.


"Why us? Why did you choose us? We were heavily armed, a threat."

"You had a baby. Kids. And out here... you have to be armed. And you all looked like you'd come far... were hardly on your feet. Some more than others." He gave her a sideways glance, letting her know she was one of them.

It dropped back into silence after that and soon they found the barn. There were a couple of walkers banging up against it and a few others trapped amongst the obstacle course the debris made from the storm. They took them out quick and simple and then there inside was the chestnut mare, moving about anxiously. She had water left, but had eaten through her food supply so Kat allowed her to graze a little before they loaded her up.

"A lot of people would have left her." Aaron commented.

"Yeah, well... she's come with me a long way. I raised her." She said. "Back on the farm before all this. Assumed she died when it fell, but I went back a little while ago and there she was. Couldn't leave her." She finished explaining as she lifted the tailgate up and latched the back shut as Nelly munched on some grass at the front of the float.

"Come here." Aaron nodded for Kat to follow him and she did after a second, following him around the side of the barn until he stopped. "I was over there." He nodded to a densely covered tree line 20m away.


"You asked why you. Why your group? I saw Daryl lead you all to safety. To the barn during that storm. The one you two found." Her jaw clenched. "And I was standing over there the next morning when you came out with Judith and Carl. I'd been watching for days. I had to. To make sure you were the right group to bring back. I don't think I heard you say a word until you spoke to Daryl the night before. You blamed him for something, someone... not looking after 'her,' I don't know, but I don't think you meant it and I understood. You were hurting. I don't always trust people who are hurting. I think they can be more dangerous than the others. Then the storm came and Daryl led you all away and I started to reconsider. I don't know what changed, but something did." Aaron said. "In you."

They needed me. He needed me. She thought.

"I heard you sing and that was it. I realised that maybe... maybe you guys could adjust. Maybe you weren't too far gone."

Kat nodded slowly and glanced down at the ground where she had been sitting when she gave Carl the necklace that had been Beth's and Shawn's before her. And then she looked back up to this man who wasn't quite her friend just yet.

"It was my sister." She said and then turned and went back to the car, waiting for him to catch up in the passenger's seat and then they were off.

They made good time, arriving before dark. Daryl had managed to find a few supplies to make a temporary fence that ran from the neighbour's fence to the house and blocked off a small L snapped paddock that ran a little ways around the back for the horse to the left of their two houses. It was small, but bigger than a stable stall and with green grass. It would do for now and Luke seemed very pleased with the idea of her being so close. Luke was brushing the horse down as she munched away while Kat stood watching on the other side of the fence when Deanna showed, stopping a moment to watch.

"What's this?" Luke asked, holding up a small thin pointed instrument with a curve on the end.

"A hoof pick. It's to clean under her feet."

"Hooves." He corrected her with a cheeky grin as Kat smiled back.

"Yes." She nodded. "That stuff in the jar is a polish to strengthen them and then there's a file, clippers and a couple of other things. We'll give her a good pedicure tomorrow, I'll show you how." She promised him and he smiled broadly before reaching for a comb and turning to try and get this big knot out of her mane.

"He's a good kid." Deanna finally spoke, stepping up beside Kat near the fence.

"Yeah, he is." She responded. "Sorry about this." She nodded to the fence. "Wasn't sure where else to put her and this will keep her out of the way."

"That's perfectly fine." Deanna nodded. "These houses are yours to do with as you please. There's lots of grass around here that could use a good mow anyway." She smiled, but Kat didn't return it.

"Horses don't do that." She said back. "They rip the grass out by the roots. Leave them in one place for too long and they'll eat it down to dirt. Goats as well. Cows aren't as bad, but sheep are the best if you want to keep a lawn down."

"Good to know." Deanna responded. "Maggie said you guys had crops and cattle."


"Do you think you're ready to hear my suggestions for you?"

"Why not?" Kat hummed, keeping her eyes more on the boy and the horse than the woman beside her.

"Well, as I said there's always the infirmary. I'd like you to spend a couple of days a week in there regardless. In case of any emergencies it would be good if you knew the place well. There's a few people around here with pets as well that they might want you to look over." Kat nodded in agreement, but didn't say much else. "I'm going to be talking with Maggie about some agriculture which you're of course welcome to join in on. There's our runner teams that goes in search of supplies. Someone with medical knowledge would be good to have with them. A sort of... combat medic if you will." Deanna explained. "Don't be offended, but I'd rather you didn't get involved with the recruiting Aaron does." Deanna felt the need to say it even if Kat didn't yet know that was her plan for Daryl. When he was given his job eventually she had a feeling that she'd want to go with him and wanted to jump on it ahead of time. "I'm not entirely sure people are your specialty."

"Thanks." She said, a little sarcastically.

"I think you could spot a bad person, but I don't think-"

"I'm very good at first impressions." Kat finished for her. "Yeah, it's fine. Moving on."

"That's it for any full time jobs." Deanna asked. "You can choose what you'd like to do and when you'd like to do it. My hope is that you'll settle in with Pete and Denise in the medical bay, but I understand and get the impression that you might go a little stir crazy from time to time. Maggie also said that you're rather good with mechanics so-"

Kat scoffed. "Did Maggie give you an entire file on me or something?" She asked, but not entirely unkindly and Deanna laughed.

"I think she's worried. Listen, there is one other thing I'd like for you to do for this community."

"That isn't a good tone." Kat said.

"It's not a good topic." Deanna explained. "Deaths happen. We have a few older resistants and we have had a few deaths."

"Just a few?"

Deanna ignored her comment. "Regardless of whether someone is bitten... they do come back as one of those things. Pete is a good doctor and Denise is learning quickly, but they still struggle with what your group calls walkers. So do a lot of people here. I need someone who won't have a problem in dealing with such things."

"You want me to be your executioner?" Kat asked.

"I wouldn't call it that. They'll already be dead." Deanna answered.

Not all of them, she thought. "Alright." Kat finally nodded. "Two days a week in the infirmary." She stated. "I'll stay there full time until I know the place well then after I'll work with the animals."


"You need more livestock." She said bluntly. "Might be hard to wrangle more together, but it can be done. Then you'll need paddocks, stables, pens. Keep Maggie on crops, irrigation. She was always better with that than I was."

"Alright then." Deanna smiled. "I'll tell Pete to expect you tomorrow."

That night was another peaceful sleep. Mostly. She woke every so often with a slight start, a twitch that ran through her body and she was sure she must have been waking Daryl when she did it, but he made no sound, only let her turn and then fall back to sleep again. It continued on till morning and when the sun rose she changed into a pair of clean clothes. Carol had chosen them and when Kat walked out of the bathroom in a pair of plain black suit pants and a light blue button up top with a slight puff over the shoulders Carol grinned broadly.

"I'm a doctor, not a lawyer." Kat said, unimpressed.

"I like it." She said proudly.

"And what are these?" Kat asked, looking down at her feet that near sparkled in the perfectly black and polished shoes Carol had found.

"Shoes. Clean shoes."

"You look like my high school math teacher." Kat nodded at Carol in her white button up, brown pants and light blue cardigan.

"Good." She nodded before the two made their way down stairs, Kat tugging her shirt down all the while. "Stop it." Carol chastised as Carl stood at the bottom of the stairs and opened his mouth to say something.

Kat's finger quickly raised and silenced him. "Not a word." She shot before he threw his hands up in surrender and they went out the front door.

"Punch the clock and cook the casseroles." Carol called to Daryl who was out in his new favourite spot on the deck, perched up on the railing.

"What?" He asked before looking up. He was fiddling with his crossbow again and now slowly looked up, his eyes landed on her new clothes."I'm making dinner for the older people, mum's who need a break, people who can't cook. Get to meet a lot of the neighbours that way." Carol explained before Daryl scoffed while Kat continued to tug at the button of her shirt. "Stop fiddling." Came another chastisement. She was half concealed behind Carol, she new perfectly well what Daryl would think of their new clothes.

"It's too tight." Kat seethed back before Daryl's eyes now drifted to her and Carol stepped slightly to the side. His eyes went up and down and down and up. From the black shining nearly school girl type shoes to the ironed black business pants and then the button up blue top with he gatherings at the shoulders. Her hair was clean and straight with freshly cut ends Carol had done the night before bringing it back to just below her shoulders in length.

"It's fine." Carol whispered and then turned to Daryl who's eyes were narrowed at the sight. "Have you taken a shower yet?" She asked him.

"Mmhmm." He nodded, turning back to his crossbow as Carol looked over to Kat who shook her head to say he hadn't."Take a shower." She said sternly. "I'm gonna wash that vest, we need to keep up appearances. Even you." She instructed and began to make her way downstairs as Kat followed, tugging again while she wasn't looking.

"Yeah, I ain't starting now." He replied.

"Gonna hose you down in your sleep."

"I think she means it!" Kat called over her shoulder as they both walked away down the path.

"You both look ridiculous!" He called after them.

"I can get him in the shower." Kat said to Carol once he was out of earshot. "Might need your help though." She said and gave her a cheeky smile before telling her the plan.

They parted ways when the time came and Kat followed the directions that had been given to her to the infirmary. She passed Glenn, Tara and Noah on the way who were meeting with one of Deanna's sons, Aidan, and Nicolas to go on a small run outside and learn the terrain outside the fence.

"We pulled out some sweet ass biscuits for today." Aidan was saying as Kat was about to pass. He handed them their weapons and then turned to leave, the two nodded at her as they walked past. Kat stopped by Glenn, looking over her shoulder to where they other two walked off.

"Douchebag." She muttered, already casting her opinion.

"Shh." Glenn said with a chuckle.

"You look-"

"Like a lawyer?" Kat offered Tara before the other girl shook her head.

"I was gonna say Librarian."

"Oh... great, that's worse, thanks."

"Carol?" Glenn asked.

"Who else?" She said back and then kept moving. "Good luck!" She called.

Pete was a guy in his late thirties, a surgeon before and he seemed to know his stuff. He was decent enough, but Kat found herself liking his offsides, Denise, far more.

She was on a lunch break, choosing to show Luke as promised what to do with Nelly's hooves instead of eating. She didn't have a very large appetite any more. Eating little for weeks had shrunken all their stomachs. It was then that Glenn and his group returned.

"You three need new gigs!" Aidan, the man she dubbed the douchebag was yelling as they walked, her people not giving a shit what the man had to say. Kat quickly rose to her feet and began walking in their direction.

"Stay here." She instructed Luke.

"You're not ready for runs yet."

"Yeah, pretty sure you got that backwards." Glenn shot back.

Aidan picked up his pace to catch up with Glenn and grabbed him by the shoulder to turn him around. The conversation dropped too low for Kat to hear after that until she finally made it over to them. "You obey my orders!"

"Oh, well then we're just as screwed as your last run crew." Glenn said back. Along with Kat Daryl had also made his way over and Rick and Michonne were on their way as were Deanna and Maggie.

Aidan stepped closer. "Say that again." He taunted.

"Back off, Aidan." Tara said.

"Come on, take a step back." Noah added. Glenn did nothing and he shoved him in the chest. Again and then again.

"No one's impressed, man." Glenn said back quietly. "Walk away."

"Aidan!" Deanna's voice snapped. "What is going on?"

"This guy's got a problem with the way we do things." He looked over his shoulder back to his mother. "Why'd you let these people in?"

"Because we actually know what we're doing out there." Aidan turned on Glenn, quick, but too slow. Glenn ducked under his punch before his own fist came up hard and quick, clocking him in the nose and sending him to the ground.

"Aidan! That's enough!" Deanna yelled.

Nicolas came at him next and Daryl quickly tackled him to the ground, pinning him down. Kat was quite content in letting Daryl have it out with the other guy, knowing he's win easily, but Rick came over and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Whoa, whoa, hey. Don't do this now." He warned. Aidan got to his feet, angrily and Michonne quickly stepped in front of him.

"You want to end up on your ass again?" She asked as Kat cracked a smiled from where she stood between Maggie and Tara. Rick got Daryl off, but he paced back and forth and Rick blocked him from going after the man again. Kat decided to move then, stepping around and over to him, placing a hand on his upper arm and lightly squeezing it. He stopped.

"I want everyone to hear me, okay?" Deanna called out, speaking to the gathering crowd. "Rick and his people are a part of this community now. In all ways! As equals! Understood?" She yelled before snapped her head around to look at her son.

He shrugged. "Understood."

"All of you, turn in your weapons. Then you two come talk to me." She added on the end angrily speaking to Nicolas and Aidan. Slowly people began to disperse. "I told you I had a job for you." Deanna said, turning to Rick. "I'd like you to be our constable. That what you were. That's what you are." Then she turned to Michonne. "And you too. Will you accept?"

It took a moment but Rick nodded. "Okay."

"Yeah, I'm in." Michonne agreed. Daryl scoffed and turned his back, grabbing his crossbow and walking off.

"Thank-you." Deanna said to Glenn.

"For what?"

"For knocking him on his ass."

Kat waited a moment and then began to walk away, following after Daryl without so much as a word and jogging slightly to catch up.

"Haven't you got a job to do?" He asked.

"I'm on break. Why the hell you angry at me?"

"I'm not." He was. In a way. She was beginning to fit in, he couldn't. At least that was what he thought.

"Hey." She grabbed his arm, snapping his attention to her and causing her to stop. "If this place doesn't work... we find a new one." She said. "But we have to try, right?" He was silent. "Daryl." She breathed, near begged. It had to work. She didn't care if it worked for her or not. She didn't care what lies she had to tell, what clothes she had to wear, what menial tasks she had to do. It had to work. For them.

Slowly, he nodded. Then he left.

"You did a good job today." Pete complimented her as they were turning in for the night. "Here." He held out a white coat to her. "Deanna will want you to wear that." He explained before turning in for the night.

Kat turned to Denise who smiled at her. "Looks like you got the seal of approval."

"Do I really have to wear this?" She asked, looking at the white lab coat, a matching one to the ones Pete and Denise had been wearing all day. "Daryl will have a field day." She muttered.

Kat made her way back to the house, the sun beginning to set. Everyone was inside, mostly in the living room. Kat exchanged a look with Carol and gave her a slight nod and the older woman made her way upstairs, passing Daryl who sat on the bottom. Kat moved to him while everyone else occupied themselves, stopping in front of him.

"What do you think?" Kat asked, her white coat now overtop of her new clothes she hated.

Daryl scoffed. "You look-"

"Ridiculous?" She offered, moving to take a seat on the step behind him and leaning forward as she ran a hand down his arm.

"Hmm." He replied.

"Were you here all day?"

He lightly shook his head. "Took a look around."

"Hmm." She now hummed and then moved to lean her chin on his shoulder. "I'm going to have a shower." She said, leaning a little closer again. "And you're welcome to join." She teased.

Daryl's head twitched ever so slightly to her as she began to stand and then held out her hand with a smile. He feigned a reluctance in taking it, but followed her quickly up the stairs, the two heading straight for the bathroom. She pulled him in with a quick tug and he kicked the door shut as she leant up and gave him a kiss, removing his vest and then his shirt for him and unfastening the top of his pants before he kicked them off. Kat spun him around and backed him towards the shower as his hands moved to undo the buttons on her shirt, but before he had got more than three undone she quickly jumped back, snatched up his clothes and moved for the door. She cracked it opening and tossed the bundle to a waiting Carol on the other side.

"Hey!" Daryl tried to move after her, but his state of undress didn't allow him to move too close to the door and on the other side he heard Carol call.

"Thank-you!" She said as Kat closed the door again and turned back around with a smug grin, her top three button undone but the lab coat still over her.

"And what am I meant to wear when I get out?" He asked. She pointed to a neat pile of clothes that were ready and waiting for him beside the sink.

"Don't worry. I chose a black shirt." Kat said with a grin as she moved back to him for another kiss. He wanted to be grumpy, but it didn't last long and he soon finished unbutton the light blue top and sent the white coat to the ground.

I haven't actually edited this. I hope it's alright, but I gotta sleep and I wanted to get another update done.

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