In the middle

By HaveMercy123

11.5K 200 29

Zoie has never asked help from nobody. Practically raising herself while her mums away working, but when a ne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 21

172 4 3
By HaveMercy123

Mum's barbecue was today, she was leaving tonight. I was dropping her off at the airport. I feel like she only just got here. And I would have loved her to stay but I knew this is what she really wanted.
I was in the kitchen helping mum with prep. Any minute now Julian would be here with Taylor. I told mum I wanted them both to come and she was more than happy. I was excited but so nervous. Mum was the type of person to interrogate people to know exactly who they were. She loved stories and history but I was terrified of what she may ask Julian and Taylor. Not that they would say anything but still...

Most people were already here when I heard a knock at the door. I think it was just Taylor and Julian now. I rushed down the hall and opened shyly. 'Hey!' I smiled. Julian looked so good. He was wearing a clean blue shirt and jeans. Taylor was wearing a sweet purple dress.
It stunned me how these two people could be involved with a mafia. They seemed so innocent and sweet.

'Mum, you remember Taylor and Julian.' I said as we all entered the kitchen. 'It's so good to see you both again. Lunch is ready outside.' She smiled.
Both Julian and Taylor helped mum and me carry things to the tables outside. There were at least twenty people here. Most of them mums friends but my great Aunt Carrie was plopped down in a chair unwilling to move to greet anyone.
'Thanks for coming.' I smiled to Taylor and Julian. 'Nah all good. Your mum is lovely.' Julian added.

He placed his hand gently on my lower back and pulled me tighter into his side. It made me smile. He was so sweet.
'Let's say, grace everyone.' Mum said before eating. Mum was never big on praying or anything, she had probably never even been to church but she was always wary of lunches like this. She wanted her neighbours and family to think she was good and planning to go to "Heaven."

I looked over at Julian and Taylor, they both seemed so shy today. More than usual, it had almost slipped my mind that just a week and a half ago Ezra had been shot. It must be on their minds still so much. I grabbed Julian's hand from under the table. 'You okay?' I asked.
'Yeah, no I'm good. You?' I squeezed his hand just a little tighter. I didn't believe him but I didn't want to badger.
'So Julian, what do you do for fun? Outside of working?' Mum asked, she was prying and it made me nervous.
'I...uh. I actually own a gym. I box there a bit, but mostly just for exercise.'
'Oh really? Where at?'
Julian coughed uncomfortably.
'He actually owns Matteo's gym mum. He was the one who brought it.' I smile. I felt bad for Julian. He seemed like he was actually trying.

'Really? Oh...' Mum made the connection of when I had called Julian an ass ages ago. I felt bad about that too. I had just been angry back then.

'Oh well, that is interesting. I hope business is going well.' She smiled but something about it seemed off.

Taylor had helped clean up, Julian was out the front. Ezekiel had called him for something important. I had told mum that it was the 'Family Company'. She had said that he shouldn't have to work so much but she left it at that.
'Thanks for today Tay.' I grabbed a plate from Taylor and washed it up in the sink. 'It's okay. Your mum is really lovely.'
'Yeah, haha. Well, I think she really likes you.' I noted.
'And Julian?'
'She says she really likes him so hopefully it's true.' I sympathize and clean another dish.

I was on the way to the airport, mum's suitcase in the back. I was really going to miss her.

'Thanks for everything mum.' I say as I wrap her into the tightest hug ever. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and patted my hair down. 'You know I love you?' I nod. 'I know.' I didn't feel so happy right now. I hated these days. Saying bye to her was the worse. I always felt so alone after, at least now I had Julian. Though he had to rush off to the warehouse.

'You promise you'll call?' She rubbed my arm. 'Yeah! I hope you have a safe flight.'
'I always do baby.'
'Where are you going to again?'
'This one is to Canada and then I have a shift booked to Papua New Guinea.'
'Don't forget to get me gifts.'
'You know I always do.' A tear slid down my cheek and I hated it, I didn't want her to go. It had been so nice her staying with me. She wiped it away and pulled me into another hug. 'I love you so much okay? I will hopefully be able to call you as soon as I get to PNG.' I nodded uncomfortably in her shoulder.

'You better stay safe okay?' She mothered. 'I will. I love you, mum.'
'I love you, baby.' We hugged one last time before I saw her walk down the tube to the plane. Her plane wouldn't leave for another two hours. She always had to get on early to clean and prepare. I really wanted to stay but I couldn't.
I had already missed so much homework it was getting insane.

The drive back was long, I hadn't gotten a single text or call or anything from Julian since he left my house.
At a red light, I quickly pulled my phone out and texted Julian.
"Hey, You okay?!"
I didn't really know what to say to him but I wanted to see if he was even getting any calls or anything.
By the time I made it home five minutes later, I still hadn't gotten a text back. It was starting to annoy me. I felt so needy at the same time, maybe I should just get over it.

I pulled into the driveway, by my door was a small brown box. I walked over and picked it up, it felt heavy. I dumped my keys into the bowl by the door. I placed the package on the kitchen counter and got a knife from the drawer.

Just before I touched it my phone finally went off.
Julian had texted, it made my heart skip a beat but then stop again when I realized it was only a short message.
"Yeah, all good. Sorry, talk later. Business."
I left my phone alone and went back to the package. I couldn't remember ordering anything. It had been so long since I had.
Inside was a white box, a small card stuck on the front.

"Sorry for your loss." Loss? What did that mean? Something started to smell. I opened up the box and shrieked.
'HOLY SHIT!' Inside was a dead rat. It looks like it has been dead for more than one day. I ran to the sink and threw up. That is disgusting.
I flung the lid back onto the box and threw that into the sink. Who the hell had sent me this? Was this just a joke from a neighbor or something? I couldn't think of anyone sick enough to send this through.
Just then my phone started ringing from an unknown number. I picked it up, my hands shaking.

'Hello?' I could hear background noise but no one speaking. 'Hello?' I asked again. The phone just instantly hung up. Maybe it had been a wrong number, I felt so sick in the stomach. I ran to my front door and peeked through the curtain. I couldn't see anyone out there. It had to have been put there after I left with mum.
My phone run again, I locked my front door and walked back to the kitchen. This time it was Julian.

'Hey.' I spoke when I picked it up. My voice was low and shaky.
'Hey sorry, I'm just downstairs. Look, I'm gonna be busy all night. I won't be able to come back over.'
'No no, uh... That's okay.' I wasn't really in my head. I was looking back at the box. If I heard something moving in there I was gonna have an actual heart attack.

'Zoie? You there?'
'What?' I hadn't even heard Julian talking.
'I asked if you're busy tomorrow?'
'Oh um yeah sure.' I randomly agreed. I think I was working tomorrow but that felt like too much energy to say.
'Hey! You okay?' Julian asked.
'Yeah, sorry just got a freaking creepy package just now.'
'A package? What do you mean?'
'Someone left a package at my door. There is a dead rat in it.'
'Wait?! You got a package too?' I looked away from the mess I had thrown in the sink. 'What do you mean too?' I asked. My voice was picking up. A car alarm went off outside and I think I literally peed myself.

'Kaden's girlfriend got one too.'
'Kaden has a girlfriend? Since when? Sorry, not point of topic right now.' I say. 'Hold on.' Julian said. I could hear him walking before he put the phone on mute. He must have been talking to someone else.
'You there?' He called out.
'Don't go outside. I will be at yours in a bit to pick you up okay?'
'What? Julian, I am freaking out can you please talk to me!'
'You're okay! Just stay inside I'll be there shortly.' He quickly hangs up and my heart starts pounding.

This was a threat. A threat to me, and Kaden's girlfriend. Who else might have gotten something like this? I stay cuddled in the bathroom, the only window in here is a skylight so I feel so much safer. Unless there is gonna be some spy shit happening and someone comes down from the roof.

A loud knock sounds at my door and I freeze, a hundred billion thoughts come rushing into my mind. It sounds again, this time louder. I stand up and slowly make my way down the hallway to the door.
I don't wanna open it, I know it could be Julian but what if it's not? A third knock rings in my ears. I peek through the curtain.
Ezekiel is standing impatiently outside.
Just because he hates me I wish to leave him standing there longer, see how long it lasts but I open the door and invite him in.
'Finally.' He says pushing past me and slamming the from door closed.
'Where is Julian?'
'He isn't coming.'
'What?' I am confused and honestly scared. I don't trust Ezekiel, he doesn't even like me. 'Where is it?'

I assume he means the rat. I point for the hall to the kitchen. He storms past me, the white box is in the sink. It's creating a real nasty smell throughout the room.

He lifts the lid and places the box on the counter. 'That's disgusting. Worse than Caitlins.'
'Whose Caitlin?'
'Kadens chick, did you see who put this at your door?' I shake my head.
'It was there when I got home.'
Ezekiel picked the box up and grabbed my arm. 'Let's go.' He ordered.

We walked out of the house and I was half pushed into a large black car. There were two men in the front seat. I lost my breath when I saw they were both wearing police uniforms.
'Go!' Ezekiel ordered. We started to drive.

'Who are they?' I asked.
'Don't worry, they work for me.' That didn't really help me not freak out. 'You really do have people in your payroll.'
'Will you shut up!' Ezekiel stammered. He threw the box into the trunk behind us. 'That smells fucking horrible.' He complained.

'Why didn't Julian come?'
'Because I told him not to, do you ever not ask questions? Wanna know why I keep these two around? Because they don't ask questions, they keep their damn mouths shut.' Ezekiel was an even bigger arse than usual. All I could think about though was that threat. Someone knew where I lived. Someone who was against Julian and his family knew my address, they had come to my house and put a dead rat there as a threat. I felt sick, I wanted to hurl. This was all too much.

I couldn't even imagine if they had delivered it while my mum was still home. She would have called the police for sure. Then what would have happened? She could have gotten into trouble.
I wasn't stupid, I knew what a dead rat meant. It was a symbol for a rat, a rat is a person who snitches. But I would never snitch, unless... had I done it by accident. I haven't told anyone anything though. What about anyone else?

I reached for my phone and dialed Hannah. I was freaking out, someone knew somehow I was connected with this family. They must have an idea that Hannah must have been connected too.

'Who are you calling?'
'Hannah!' It looked like Ezekiel would say something but he didn't. The phone started to ring but that's all it kept doing. It just kept ringing, it wasn't like Hannah to not pick up. Even if she was with a guy she always answered her phone.
She hadn't been able to come to the barbeque today cause her family had something on. Were they still out?

'Can we please drive by her house? Please!' I begged Ezekiel. 'No! I didn't even want to pick you up.' He argued.
'If you won't drive past then pull over, I'll get out.' I argued back. 'Are you trying to piss me off?' He spat.
'I'm not kidding.' I remarked. He grunted loudly.

We drove down Hannah's street. 'Stop!' Ezekiel ordered. At the end of her street where she lived were four or five police cars and two ambulances. My heart completely stopped.
'What's going on?' Ezekiel asked.
I couldn't breathe, this had to be a really weird dream. 'Oh my god, oh my god!' I panted. I jumped out of the car before Ezekiel could stop me.

I ran down the street, my legs not running fast enough. 'HANNAH!' I screamed. 'HANNAH!' A cop blocked my path. 'You can't go over there.' I saw on the porch, Hannah's mum Milly. She was curled into a ball, she was crying on the ground. Tears started in my eyes.
'HANNAH!' I called again. I looked back down the road but Ezekiel was gone, he had actually taken off. What a coward!
'HANNAH!' I cried. I was waiting for her to come out that door and run over to me, embracing me in her arms.
Milly looked up through her wet face. A cop let me through and I ran over to her. 'Milly? Where's Hannah?' I cried. She burst into bigger tears. 'MY BABIES!' She cried. I walked to the front door and looked into the living room. 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.' I screamed. Hannah was laying on the ground. I recognized the jumper she was wearing.

Beside her on the ground was her little brother and sister. One of them was being covered up by a white sheet.
I fell to my knees, I was screaming. I couldn't stop screaming. Was I the only one who could hear me scream? Then I saw it, a white box on the counter in the hallway. It was the exact same one that had been delivered to me.
Tears streamed from my eyes uncontrollably. I was going to throw up.

This wasn't fair, IT WASN'T FAIR. Hannah hadn't even wanted to be involved. I made her, I made her do this. This was all my fault, I had made her reconnect with Taylor just so I could be with Julian. I felt my phone ring in my pocket, I pulled it out and let it fall to the ground. Julians number.

Right now I didn't want to answer it, I didn't want to hear from him at all. An officer pulled me back outside. I fell down beside Milly, she gripped me in a hug. The front window had been shattered by bullets. Shells lay on the porch ground. 'MY BABIES!' Milly screamed. I sobered all over her shirt. My heart was physically aching. It hurt, it hurt so much. I couldn't breathe. I didn't want to breathe anymore. My best friend, my sister was in the house dead. She was meters away from me. I would never see her again, never talk to her. I would never be able to hug her again. She would never tell me about a new tinder date. She would never graduate high school.

That's it, she was gone. And it was all my fault.

Hey everyone, I know I know! I did a bad thing. I'm so sorry Hannah, I really did love having her around. She was so fun and entertaining but a story must have its twist.
Please leave me a comment and rate how you think the chapters are going!


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