By Akira7202

347K 12.6K 520

Two People Two Different worlds Found love unexpectedly... Nicklaus Williams The sole heir of the Williams... More

One More Week
Home / Fight
Baby's Day Out/Bodyguard
Day Out part 2
Truth part 1
Truth Part 2
Hospital part 2
College Discussion
Start of Uni
Author note
Ruth's Arrival
Story Time
Economics Time
Unwanted Suprise
Author's Note
New Home
Bringing the BIG GUNS
Hospital Part 2
Kisses, Cuddles and Fast Forward
First Birthday
Approval (Part 1)
Approval (Part 2)
Wait's Over
Graduation Day
Six Years

Date Night

3.7K 160 12
By Akira7202

Rua pov

Ruth rushed into my room screaming about happy she is and how she is feeling all giddy. All she is doing roght now is talking oh am sorry more off rambling and am trying to comprehend each and every word of her's. She was only saying am so happy and we don't have time we have to get ready really quick so you won't be late and you need to look beautiful and not like a creep. I hope you have the best clothes please God make her have some nice clothes in the closet I cant bear to arrange a new set of clothes now and with that she pushed me into the bathroom telling me to come out fast. She didn't even let me say something, now I am in the bathroom thinking if she lost her marbles on the way here.

"Rua I want you to come out fast. Oh God this girl takes forever to come out." She said now am sure she hit her head somewhere. Just to piss her off I took my own loving time getting freshen up and when I opened the door I saw a very furious looking Ruth which is not a really good sign so I shut my mouth and said no word. I moved around the room when Ruth came and sat me down on the bed and said "SIT" and she left and came out with a simple, comfy and warm dress.

(A/n This is the dress Rua wears for the date)

The top was cream and sort of off-white  turtle with long sleeves and she paired it with brown pants which had elastic in the end. This is my style comfy and simple so I put on the dress without a fuss. When I went to check myself in the mirror Ruth pulled me back and made me sit on a chair saying "stay still" and then she brought all the makeup out. All this time I didn't dare ask her what's going on or why am I getting dressed? Because anyone in the right mind will never dare asking Ruth what is going on when she is in a hurry or is willing to get some work done real quick. So I shut my mouth and sat there silently till she is done with whatever she is doing.

After 40 or an hour later Ruth looked happy as she had accomplished something she couldn't. She turned me around and made me see in the mirror. I was looking beautiful with a simple ponytail, light makeup and nude color lipstick. Ruth knows am not a big fan of makeup and stuff I like to keep it minimal and look more of natural. So she didn't do much to cake my face and I was happy about it.

"So...." Ruth was waiting for me to say something.

"Thanks Ruth I appreciate what you did for me." I said and she smiled

"Okay now let's go we have to be downstairs now" she said draging me out of the room.

When I reached down I saw Blake and my brother sitting there. Blake was happy about something like Ruth and My brother was sulking for some reason. When they saw us coming down Blake and Om got up and walked towards us.

"How I wish I could just make you sit in your room and do nothing I would pamper you with everything" he said and I was confused.

"That's it! What the hell is going on here. Why are you two happy and what are you sulking about?" I asked or more like screamed and questioned him

" It's a suprise" Blake said and blindfolded me.

"Just so you know if you kill me I will return to avenge you and won't go back to hell nor heaven until I take you with me." I said

"You sure trust me a lot dont you?" Blake replied sarcastically.

"Can't help it."I replied by this time he was holding my hand walking me out somewhere, all I know was I am outside because it's so cold.

"Alright this is where we could accompany you till after this you will have someone to walk to through and don't do anything I wouldn't do" Blake said and they all left.

Then I felt someone behind me and I knew who it was I will never forget his cologne the mix of spice and citrus that made me smile. He unknotted the blindfolded and what I saw next blowed my mind off.

"This is beautiful Klaus."I said turning around and hugging him. He reciprocated the same and I felt protected and loved.

"Sorry I couldn't do much for our Date. Believe me if the circumstances were different I would have took you to a different place. For now all I could do was this" he said and I was shocked.

"Are you insane. This is beautiful and I would never trade this for anything. Going to restaurant and get a private room for ourself would be so boring. This is classic." I said looking at the place.

"So your not upset about this?" He asked or more like questioned.

"No, not at all. Why?" I asked

"Om said you will not like this set up and you are more into restaurants and movies and not the girl to sit under the stars and enjoy the night view." He said and I was shocked but then I was laughing hard and Klaus was just looking at me

"Did Om say all that. Don't worry Klaus am the girl who would sit under the stars all night and wouldn't complain a thing." I said smiling and kissed his cheek.

"That jerk is going to pay for this." He said furiously and I kissed him again.

"You kiss him one more time and I will get you out of that place and lock you in a room" I heard Om yelling. Seriously it's my first date night with a man I like and here he is yelling out loud.

"Omkar Roy" I heard Ruth yelling his name. I looked at Klaus and kissed him again on his cheek, when he was trying to find where the voice was coming from. He turned around and we were inches apart from kissing each other.

"No no you are not kissing on her lips at all not under my watch." Om yelled and was now coming in our direction.

Really now my date night can't just get any better. This man who I call my brother is ruining a beautiful night for me. Klaus was so angry but he trying really hard not to make it worst for us.

"You are not kissing her" he said when he reached us.

"Om really you and I both know I like you sister and she like me. This is our first date together why do you want to destroy it. Show some mercy on me dude." He said

"Bro don't.... "I couldn't complete my sentence when Ruth came out with a spatula in her hand and Blake was try not fall while control his laugh

"Omkar Roy I said you will not ruin their date didn't I or not. You go against me and ruin her date. You know I don't like it when someone tries to interfere in my bestie relationships and you still go and it." She said all that half running and half walking towards us. I saw how mortified Om was he will never hear the end of it now.

When she reached us she hit Om with the spatula on his head and twisted his ear while Om was screaming from pain. Blake was shocked he didn't expect that from her. She turned towards us with a  sweet smile and said. " Don't worry you will have your peaceful night and no one will disturb you. I will make sure you will have your privacy." She turned around and gave the spatula to Blake and she twisted his ear this time and dragged them inside together, on there way to the door I heard Blake say "Women what did I do? leave me, it hurts Ruth"

But she didn't until they reached the door and it was shut. All this time I was trying hard not to laugh but once they were inside I laughed hard and Klaus joined me too we laughed to straight 15 minutes and now my sides are hurting.

I saw Klaus looking at me and he pulled me to him and kissed me. His lips were soft he didn't kiss me as if he was in a rush to feel me but he did it in his own pace slow and steady and I was enjoying the kiss as him. He traced my lips with his tongue for permission and I was more than glad to give it. We kissed for awhile and I had to pull apart because I was out of breath. I slowing looked up to see Klaus was already looking at me with adoration, love, lust, happiness they were too many emotions but what I could mostly see was Love he loves me.

"It's our night, our first date, but in think it's  kind off ruined" he said

"No, it isn't ruined. We will always remember this my brother, Blake and Ruth made it special for us to ever forget what happened here? And thank you for doing all this. You are the best thing I could ever ask for Klaus" I said and kissed him again.

That night we had our dinner and sat there in the garden looking at the stars and talking about everything it felt nice and calming. The air was cool and pleasant I didn't wanted it to end but that couldn't happen my eyes were becoming heavy and it's becoming even more difficult for me to keep my eyes open so I rest my head on Klaus's shoulder and closed my eyes after few minutes I felt someone lifting me up and taking me inside.

What I didn't knew that night was the threat lurking around us waiting for the right moment to abduct us.

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