
By crimson14

36.5K 2.3K 270

Eris is an immortal being, forced to be a "genie" and grant wishes to humans in exchange for self-preservatio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

1.3K 85 8
By crimson14

Eris quietly laid in bed, watching Dianna as she got ready for work

Dianna stepped out of her closet, wearing a navy blue blazer, completing her usual casual work attire, "What do you think?" she asked, standing in front of Eris

Eris lost of train of thought for a bit. She sat up and admired how amazing her girlfriend looks,

"Whoa, you look hot and stunning in that outfit, especially with that blazer on"

"I look hotter without all of it" Dianna playfully smirked

"Oh you most certainly do"

Eris then held on to Dianna's blazer, pulling her until she was sitting on her lap.

Dianna's arms resting on Eris's shoulder while Eris's arms wrapped around Dianna's waist as they kissed each other lovingly

"Wait... I have to go to work" Dianna pulled away as she could feel herself heating up

Eris groaned, "Do you have to? Can you just sit here on my lap for the whole day where it's warm and nice?"

Dianna chuckled as she got off Eris. She smoothened out her outfit and gave her girlfriend another kiss, "You don't how tempting that sounds but I have to"

"Yeah I know, I'll wait for you"

Dianna nodded and headed to the door, but abruptly stopped before she could exit the room. She then looked back at Eris, with clear concern and worry on her features, "....Will you be okay? I mean, with your-"

"With my day job as a wish-granting genie?" Eris finished the sentence, giving Dianna the relief of not mentioning her curse

Eris knew they would have to talk about this. They need to talk about how to be together and live around the situation they're in, but they need more time to really talk, not just an hour before Dianna's work

"Don't worry. I just finished granting a person their 3 wishes so I won't be in any pain anytime soon"

Eris stood and took Dianna's hand, giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze, "I'll be fine, but we do need to talk about this"

"Yeah, we do. Later when I get home?"

"Sound good"


After clearing out the papers, Dianna sat in her office just taking a break. Her mind couldn't help but wander off. Telling Eris the truth that she did fell in love with her in their past life, brought back those very memories.

The times when she realized that she's falling for Eris, and when she finally accepted those feelings...

"She did what?!" Queen Eris loud angry voice was heard across the kingdom halls

"I-I'm so sorry, your majesty. We tried to stop her highness but she would not listen..."one of her handmaidens told her, her voice trembling

"Where is she?!"

"O-outside, your majesty. At the castle gardens"

On her way to the castle gardens, Eris was fuming at the thought of what Margaret had done to her beloved collection

When she reached her destination, she saw Margaret sitting on bench, surrounded by empty bird cages. She looked relaxed as she watched the birds fly away.


Hearing Eris's angry voice calling her name, Margaret stood and prepared to go head to head with the ill-tempered queen

Eris grabbed Margaret's arm and roughly pulled her close, "How dare you mess with my collection?!"

Margaret scoffed and pulled away her arm with the same force; "Collection? Those are birds! Living beings! You caged more than a dozen different birds and have never let them out since you decided to keep them as your "collection"! They looked so lonely!"

"Lonely? They're birds! Emotionless animals!" Eris yelled, "More importantly, you have no say on what I do with my possessions!"

"I have a say when those "possessions" are living beings that are being treated cruelly!" Margaret stood her ground

"Do you know the amount of effort I went through to hunt and collect those birds?!"

"You mean take them from their homes and take away their freedom just so you could look at them when you're bored?!" Margaret countered, head held high, "Birds aren't meant to be caged, they're meant to fly freely, and you are wrong for treating them the way you did"

Eris took deep exasperated breath, "Fine. What are a few birds anyway? I'll just hunt more! And since caged birds are troubling you, I'll just kill them on the spot and have them stuffed right here in this castle so you can watch!"

Margaret shocked but not surprised that Eris would retaliate like this, planning to do something in a more gruesome manner.

"You cannot do that!"

"You clearly don't know what I can and can't do!"

With a victorious smile, Eris walked away from a furious Margaret.

And for Margaret, well, maybe it was wrong of her to give Eris the benefit of the doubt. Maybe her sister was right after all.

"You're heartless!"

Eris halted when she heard what Margaret had shouted at her

"What did you say?"

"You heard me!" Margaret approached Eris until she was just a few steps away from her

"You are heartless and selfish"

"That's not true"

That's not entirely true right? Maybe Eris is harsh to her enemies but she's not heartless. She's shown care for a few people, she cares for Margaret. Surely that's enough proof that she isn't heartless.

"Is that what you think of me?" Eris asked, slight concern in her voice

"I thought you still have some good in you" confessed Margaret, "I can't believe I thought you're not as bad as what people had warned me about. That maybe you're capable of empathy but they were right! You just proved them right!"

With a huff and not another word, Margaret stormed off, leaving behind a speechless Eris.

When she and Margaret got married, Eris made a promised to herself to show Margaret that she was worthy to love. That she was worthy of her love, so what is this bad feeling brewing inside her? Is it...guilt?


A knock on the door interrupted Margaret who was busy reading one of her favorite books

"Your highness, may I come in?" The voice belongs to Rupert, Queen Eris's valet

"Yes you may" answered Margaret

Rupert opened the door and greeted Margaret with a smile

"I'm very sorry to interrupt but her majesty requested for your presence"

It's been weeks since she and Eris properly talked to each other, just nods and a simple "yes" or "no" and sometimes, through a messenger. Margaret had been giving Eris the silent treatment, more so than the usual.

"Is it important, Rupert?"

"Yes your highness"

With a defeated sigh, Margaret stood, "Then tell our queen I will meet her in her study"

"Oh I'm afraid that won't do" Rupert answered

Margaret looked at him, expression of curiosity evident

"Her majesty is waiting for you at Casa de Magnolia"

Margaret wondered even more when she heard where Eris was.

Casa de Magnolia was a large mansion located just east of the castle. The mansion and the vast land surrounding it belongs to the royal family but no one has lived there for a while now.

"Alright, then give me some time to get ready and I will meet you outside"

Rupert nodded and left the room while Margaret changed into another more suitable outfit to wear outside


The carriage stopped and Margaret was assisted as she got off. At the mansion's entrance stood Eris, waiting for her.

And when she saw Margaret, she immediately went to her

"Come with me" Eris took Margaret's hand and led her inside the mansion; they passed all the halls until they reached the mansion's backyard door

"Ready?" Eris turned to Margaret with a smile on her face

"For what?"

Eris opened the door and Margaret was instantly enamored by view that greeted her eyes

A lush forest-like land with blooming flowers, trees so high, occupied by different kinds of birds. Some of them, similar to those Margaret had set free weeks prior

"It's so beautiful..."

Margaret walked around and admired the wonderful scenery of nature, filled with birds chirping happily

"I consulted a bird expert, who I thought does not exist, but they do actually" explained Eris. The last statement gaining a small chuckle from Margaret

"Anyway I asked him what would be the ideal environment for a sanctuary. This is the result"

"So you turned this empty space into a sanctuary"

"Yes, but you did say birds aren't meant to be caged so I made sure they would be able to fly out if they wanted to" Eris added proudly, "I just made the environment here enticing for them so they would stay or return if they decide to leave"

Margaret continued to admire the place, "It's amazing..."

"Do you like it?"

Margaret looked at Eris, "Why do you ask?"

"Because this is for you"

Margaret was surprised when Eris said that. After they got married, she thought that that was it. Eris got what she wanted so she'll never make anymore efforts to woo her. Building her a bird sanctuary was surely an unexpected and grandiose feat

"I do, I love it, very much"

"I'm glad" Eris smiled softly, "And you were right. It was not right that I kept those birds in cages so I hope this makes it up for that

These were the kinds of actions from Eris that continuously surprise and confuse Margaret. All she's been told about her was that she was entirely cruel and apathetic and that's all she'll ever be but still here she is, somehow making it up for a mistake. Maybe her judgment was right. Maybe she is capable of change

"I know you love being in the company of nature so have fun, my darling, and I'll see you when I get home later"

"You're leaving?"

Eris nodded as she approached Margaret, "I have business to attend to in our neighboring kingdom but I'll come home as soon as I can" she then took her hand and gave it a kiss, "See you soon, my Margaret"

Margaret watched as Eris made her way to the door until she was gone.

A sweet smile appeared on Margaret's lips as she looked at her hand that Eris had kissed, the sensation of her lips still lingering on her skin.

Maybe the sunlight was just too high and bright that day, otherwise why would Eris be that charming and endearing to her?

"That must be it" Margaret murmured to herself, "I'm not falling for her. Surely I'm not"

In that moment, a battle between her mind and heart began.


The palace and the whole kingdom had finally calmed down after the whole day's festivities. When night fell, everyone seemed to be in good slumber, except for Margaret who was still wide awake, lying on their bed, alone.

That day was a particularly special one for it was Queen Margaret's day of birth.

A day filled with celebration the moment Margaret woke up. She was having breakfast when she was informed that there will be a party in her honor

"But I'm not good at entertaining royals, you know that Rupert" Margaret countered

When Eris held her own parties, Most of her guests are people with high statuses, kings and queen, dukes and duchess and all that. They talked about politics and royal stuff, and Margaret always finds a way to leave early or not attend at all because she finds those things elitist, boring and presumptuous.

So she wasn't exactly ecstatic to find out there was a party for her, until Rupert mentioned a special detail

"But you are not entertaining royals at all, your highness" Rupert answered with a bit of excitement, "You are entertaining our kingdom's people"

Margaret's eyes grew, "Really?"

Rupert nodded, "Before she left for a private travel, Queen Eris instructed me to invite all and everyone of the kingdom's townsfolk to come. Starting today and for your birthday, the castle doors are now open to the public"

Margaret let out a thrilled gasp, "that's splendid! But wait, did Eris really instructed you to do this?"

A proud smile appeared on Rupert's feature, "She did, your highness"

Margaret couldn't believe what she heard. One of the things she and Eris fought about non-stop when she first arrived at the castle was how exclusive the castle seems and when Eris encouraged her to "stop mingling when the commoners since she's above them now."

Everything was steaming with inequality which Eris doesn't mind that at all because it doesn't affect but Margaret knew better. She had been debating with her about this for a while now. Margaret had always felt that the rulers of the kingdom need to be more like leaders to its people, hence opening up the castle and listening and being more accepting of its people and after seasons of debating with Eris, it seems this finally got through to her.

"So your highness, please get ready and I'll meet you at the main court later"


After a warm bath, Margaret headed to a room where two of her handmaidens are waiting for her to help her get dressed.

The door was ajar when Margaret arrived, and so she could hear the conversation the two handmaidens were having

"This party was definitely quite a surprise, I never thought our queen would do this" Sue said as she readied Margaret's dressed, "I mean Queen Eris lowering the town's taxes, ordering a bridge to be built so that it'll be easier for the farmers to travel to the market, and letting commoners enter the palace in a span of  one year? That's too much goodness from her! Did hell freeze over?"

Judy laughed out loud, "Well she's still ruling with an iron fist but she has been, um...better since Queen Margaret's arrival at the castle. She's been less evil, that's evident"

"Queen Margaret's goodness of heart has been rubbing off on our little royal devil lately. Oh I do hope it continues on"

"It will take quite a long while for our beautiful Queen Margaret to rub all the evil off our Queen Eris but it's looking very hopeful"

"Yes, Queen Eris finally found her match!"

Margaret can't help but break into a smile from what she had heard. Did Eris really do all those nice things, but why hasn't she known about them?

Once ready, the day's celebration begun. Margaret was well-loved by the townsfolk as she is one of their own. Queen or not, Margaret's treatment of them never changed and in fact, is doing all in her power to help them. So when the people found out they're allowed to see their favorite queen, the people wasted no time and gathered gifts for her and headed to the castle. It didn't take long before the palace was filled with people.

It was day filled with fun and laughter, as well as, a reunion for Margaret and her family and friends whom she hasn't seen in a while. It was definitely a memorable birthday but even though she had so much fun, part of her still wanted Eris to be there. Once in a while, Margaret would look around to see if Eris had arrived yet but she never came.

Evening fell and the party finally ended, the palace was quiet again.

In the middle of the quiet night, Margaret got out of bed and went to the window sill, "I wonder when she'll come home"

Staring out, Margaret noticed that Eris's carriage was already parked and her horses escorted back into their stables, she's been home for a while now.

But why hasn't she come into the bedroom and check up on her? And for that reason, Margaret found herself hurrying outside. She searched the places where Eris would usually be in but there was no sign of her, until the only remaining place she hasn't check was the castle gardens

Margaret arrived at the gardens and found Eris who was casually walking around

"Your majesty!" yelled Margaret and hurriedly walked to her

But in her hurry, and wearing quite a long night gown, Margaret stepped on her gown, lost her balance and was about to fall face first. It was a good thing that Eris was quick to react. She hurried to her and caught Margaret in her arms, just in time.

The two women found themselves very close to each other, with their faces just inches away.

Staring at Eris's deep brown eyes, Margaret caught her breath, and felt her heart race like never before.

"Are you alright?" Eris asked, calm but concerned

"Y-yes" Margaret slightly bowed her head while she gathered herself despite feeling weak in the knees

Eris watched while Margaret pulled back into her graceful stance, "Why are you still awake? It's past midnight"

"I couldn't sleep"

Margaret tried looking at Eris the way she always does but her heart kept on racing whenever their eyes would meet so she couldn't really keep a steady gaze.

Eris noticed the sudden change in Margaret's demeanor and again asked, "are you sure you're alright?"

Margaret nodded, "just a bit winded, anyway, where did you go earlier?"

"Oh just a leisurely trip outside the kingdom, I felt like I need to see a change in scenery for a bit"

"On my birthday?"

Margaret didn't mean to sound disappointed, but Eris failed to make an appearance on her special day and now knowing the reason behind it, it does feel a little disappointing that a leisure trip has more importance than her birthday.

"I thought it'd be best to let you have fun with your friends and family without me for a change" Eris admitted, "I have realized that I might've been burdening you for a while now"

Margaret was surprised to hear this from Eris. There was some truth to it and all along she thought Eris was oblivious to this. Of course she couldn't say a thing because her family's safety is at stake but to hear Eris say that, for her to be self-aware, it was quite a change.

"And besides, I'm quite sure your visitors wouldn't like to have me around" Eris added

"You're my wife Eris, whether they like you or not, it doesn't matter. You should've been there to celebrate my birthday with me"

Eris looked at Margaret, first with surprise then with glee, "What a nice thing to hear"

"What is?"

"You, calling me your wife; since we got married, I haven't heard you call me that"

"W-well you are! It's written in paper!" Margaret stuttered then quickly turned away, cheeks pink with embarrassment.

Margaret was about to just walk away, not sure how to interact with Eris now that she's feeling like this but then she heard Eris laugh.

She knew she caused it, and Eris is laughing at her, teasing in a way but it sounded different. It was light-hearted with a hint of sweetness. It felt different too, not at all offending but more of satisfying, that she brought out that kind of laughter from her.

Then, without word, Eris suddenly took Margaret's hand and removed her wedding ring

"What are you doing?" asked Margaret. Admittedly it quickly felt like her ring finger was naked without it

"Giving you your final birthday gift"

Eris then slipped on a much elegant looking gold ring, embellished with small, bright red diamonds on Margaret's finger,

"There you go, now we finally match" She lifted her hand and showed Margaret her own ring as well

Margaret took back her hand and looked at the glistening ring on her finger.

Since their marriage was a quick one, they didn't have time to actually pick out matching wedding rings, and just picked random ones in Eris's possession. At first, Margaret didn't mind they had different rings, in fact, she loved it because it gives their marriage less meaning. That it was just business for her in order to protect her family, while it was just ego and selfishness for Eris.

But now, things feel different, and seeing them wear the same wedding rings, it felt real.

It felt right.

"I love you, Margaret"

This is not the first time Eris had said "I love you" to Margaret. In fact, she always tells her this whenever they were alone together but Margaret has been indifferent to those words, her heart deaf to it, until tonight.

Those three simple words; once were empty and dull, now suddenly has meaning and depth.

Eris lifted Margaret's hand to her lips and gave it a gentle kiss, "You should go back to bed. I'll join you in a bit"

Margaret nodded and walked back to the entrance, but before going in, she looked back at the queen, her wife, under the bright moon light.

Amidst the chaos between her judgment and emotions, and the opinions of others, her heart finally heard those three simple words. And she wanted to say them back to her, even if it was just a whisper.

"I love you too, Eris..."

Dianna's daydreaming was cut short due to a knock on her door

"I'm sorry to intrude, Miss Dianna, but something arrived for you" Jane, her assistant, then entered, holding a big bouquet of pink lilies

She gave them to her boss with a teasing smile and left the office

Dianna already has an idea who it might be from but still read the card that went with it.

"To the queen of my heart, I can't wait to see you later. I love you - Eris"

A bright smile showed on Dianna's lips as she gave the card a small kiss. It really is so nice to be in love.


"Hector's little sister is the woman you were talking about before? What a small world we're in"

The waitress placed three slices of strawberry shortcake on the table. After a couple of thanks, she headed back to the kitchen

"Who's Hector?" Kim asked as she popped a bite of cake in her mouth while she tinkered with her phone

"He's a friend of mine from high school" answered Lauren

While Dianna was busy at work, Eris decided to go to Opal City to have lunch with Lauren and her daughter Kim. An hour bus ride and a full lunch later, here they are having desserts and a needed chat time

"Love moves in mysterious ways" Eris smirked, "I'm just so happy we met again. It feels like this is perfect time for us"

Lauren can tell Eris was happy the moment they met at this restaurant. Her aura just seems so light and bright, and she couldn't be happier for her friend.

"So does that mean you're staying in Sapphire City for good?" asked Lauren

"I honestly don't know. You know with my job and all"

Lauren knows but Kim has no idea, and both adults decided not to tell an 18 year old who loves sharing things on her social media about the existence of a wish-granting genie

"Oh right" Lauren sighed

She was expecting a "yes" from Eris because honestly, she wants nothing more than for her dear friend to finally have the happy life she deserves. What could be better than settling down with the love of your life?

"I wish I could though, I would love to stay by Dianna's side as often as I can" Eris admitted, sounding a bit sad, "But we have to find a way to make long distance work for us in our situation"

"What if you can make it work without the long distance?"

Eris looked at her friend with curiosity

"Why don't you work for me Eris?" said Lauren, "As the head of my company's community services"

"Um, not to be dumb with this company stuff, but what does that do?"

"Help out the community through charities and volunteer work" Lauren proudly stated, "Didn't I tell you before I wanted to be as helpful as you are. Well this is it! I've been planning to establish a community services so we could create a charity foundation for months now. I just couldn't find someone I trust enough to spear head this because this will handle a large amount of money from donations and sponsors"

Eris could see the eagerness to help and sincerity in Lauren's eyes. She's a genuinely good person and trusting her with her real identity was the right choice.

"Imagine this, you get to continue your volunteer work, we get to help people by working together, and you're just an hour away from Dianna. It's a win-win for all of us!"

"That really is a great solution to all of that Eris" Kim suddenly spoke

Eris and Lauren turned to Kim, surprised that she was listening. She looked so busy in her phone earlier

"What? Just because I'm on my phone? I listen! I know how to multi-task! Anyway, that's a good choice, go work with mom Eris. Plus you can come hang out with me from time to time, I could use a shopping buddy" Kim grinned

Eris chuckled at Kim's straightforwardness. This kid, just like a little sister.

"Well you got Kim's vote. What's your decision?" Lauren asked

Eris thought for a bit. This really does seem like the perfect solution. Through Lauren's charity work, she could continue helping people without the need to disguise herself. It makes the condition of her curse easier to handle and she gets to be near to the people she cares about, she gets to be with Dianna.

"Okay" Eris answered, "When do I start boss?"

Lauren reacted with glee as she squeezed Eris in a hug

"As soon as you can!" Lauren replied, "Oh, I'm so excited for this, we're going to help so many people!"

Kim got out of her seat and hugged two of the most important people in her life, "I know you're just planning all this but I already now it's going to be a success. Congratulations mom and Eris!"

Kim then turned to Eris, "All that's left now is for you to marry Dianna, then you'd finally reach happily ever after!" she said, albeit in a teasing manner

Eris smiled at the cheeky teen, a thought only her mind knew came, "we're already married"


Finally the day ended, and Eris waited with anticipation at the arrival of her girlfriend. She was supposed to try and cook her something but Dianna said she'll get take-out Chinese food instead. A wise choice for now, since her cooking skills need a lot of work

"I'm home!" Dianna happily announced

Eris instantly went to the door and gave Dianna a kiss, "Welcome back" then took her bag and the take-out bags and placed it on the nearest table.

"I know you don't eat but I bought lo mien and orange chicken with friend rice for two" Dianna said as she sat down on the couch and removed her shoes, "have dinner with me? And I mean actually eat the food with me, not just watch me stuff my face"

Eris giggled at the adorableness of her girlfriend, "orange chicken sounds good"

After changing into more comfy clothes, both Eris and Dianna sat on the couch in front of the TV, Chinese food at hand, rerun of their favorite show airing. Just like old times

Using her chopstick, Dianna took a piece of orange chicken; "First bite!" then carefully popped the chicken into Eris's mouth

After chewing and really taking in the flavor, Eris turned Dianna who was eagerly waiting for her review, "Okay, that's actually delicious"

"Yes! You liked it! Next time I'm taking you to the restaurant. We'll share a big plate!" Dianna excited exclaimed and took her own bite of the food

Eris watched with contentment as Dianna opened another box and began eating. The simplicity of eating dinner with the love of your life, it was bliss. Although she hadn't eaten anything in a very long time, tonight Eris promised herself she'll learn to eat and enjoy food like a mortal again, so she'll have more moments like this with Dianna

The two of them continued eating, telling each other how their day went mixed with commentary about the TV show their watching and a few laughs, teasing and flirting here and there.

"By the way, I'm starting my job next week" Eris decided now is the best time to tell Dianna the good news

"Job?" Dianna reacted nervously. She can't help but think that "job" is what Eris calls her duty as a genie to grant wishes to avoid unspeakable pain "Are you feeling it again? I'll help you find your next master around the area, just please don't leave yet"

Eris reached and gently squeezed Dianna's hand, effectively calming her down then proceeded to tell her what she and Lauren had talked about earlier at the restaurant and how this helps her and the situation they're in.

"So that's it. We're going to start discussing things next week and hopefully we get her company's charity foundation up and running before I start feeling pain again" Eris said with confidence

Eris turned to Dianna, who looked relieved and happy about her good news, "I won't be far, just at the neighboring city, an hour away from you"

"And you'll come home to me every day?"

"Each and every day"

Dianna smiled softly, her eyes beaming with happiness, hope and love. Eris is really staying by her side now.

"Let's get back to dinner, we still haven't started with the lo mien yet" Eris took the box, carefully opened it and using a chopstick, ate some noodles, "Hey this is good too!"

Dianna watched as Eris continued to have dinner, looking like a normal human. And there she knew, Eris really is the only one for her.

This is it. This really is the perfect time for them. Everything was falling into place, finally.

"Eris..." Dianna spoke, "Will you marry me?"

Eris carefully placed the box of Chinese food on the table before turning to Dianna, "Well, technically, we're still kind of married" then smiled brightly, "But I'd marry you again and again if I can"

Dianna giggled as tears filled her eyes "So that's a yes?"

"Of course! Yes!"

Dianna pulled Eris into a tight embrace, spilling the quarter full box of fried rice on the floor, "I love you" she said with happy teary eyes, kissing Eris numerous times

"I love you too" Eris replied in between a kiss, holding back her own tears of happiness

When they parted, they both laughed as they wiped their happy tears away

"We should start cleaning this up" Eris commented as she noticed the spilled rice on the floor

"Yeah we should"

And the two of them got up and went to the kitchen to grab the dust pan and the broom, to clean the house they'll be soon living in as wives in domestic bliss.

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