costume party 🍒 snamione.

By InsufferableKnowItAl

68.7K 2.1K 133

COSTUME PARTY ━━ ❝ hogwarts is having a halloween party and all of the students are encouraged to dress up. i... More



2.2K 72 3
By InsufferableKnowItAl

She made her way out of the Great Hall, her heart fluttering in her chest, her breathing shaky, and her legs wobbly. She couldn't believe she just danced with him, better yet confessed why she wanted to dance with him, whether he understood what she was saying or not. He seemed to be confused as well as baffled by her 'confession'.

She walked past a few students and visitors as she hurriedly made her way to the staircase leading to the cold dungeon floors. As she descended the stairs, she diligently made her way through the shadows to the door she had became acquainted with earlier.

She looked around making sure she wasn't being followed, or that no one was around and pushed the cracked door open slightly and slipped inside.

She quietly closed the door behind her and pulled out her wand. With a quick flick of her wrist, candles lit themselves and lighted the room around her. She walked slowly but carefully into the heart of the room, making sure as not to bump into the many books that covered the coffee tables and the many glass bottles filled with many liquids she was sure she had never heard of or seen before, but these little menial things that would have interested her before did not strike her attention.

She sniffed the air. It smelled of sandalwood, fresh herbs, and.... cinnamon? A strange contrast of smells, although a beautiful but wonderful scent. As she scanned the room, she was surprised. She expected the room or just the whole thought of his private dorms to be dark, dank, and musty, but once she stepped through that front door, she was completely wrong. The room was well lit. The walls were made of a nice but comfortable burgundy brick, and to her shock there were magical Windows that shone through to let in light. The tables were a beautiful but dark cherry wood color. Book shelves lined the many corners of the walls. Every length of the room had a cabinet filled with liquids, but they stroked the room with a vibrant color as the light reflected off of their many colors.

She stepped further into the room. The floors were carpeted, they weren't bricks or stone as she had imagined. Their were paintings, surprisingly muggle paintings lining the little wall room left. Many candles covered the tables, dripping wax down their sides, giving the room a luminous but vintage look. It was breathtaking.

She shook her head, she could stand their and embellish in the scenery and correct all of the things she had imagined his dorms to be like, but she had an agenda. She quickly walked up to a door that was to the far left of the kitchen. She opened it and was met by a lab complete with bunson burners and tables made for brewing. Cauldrons lined every aspect of the walls, as well as tiny vials filled with bubbling liquids. She closed the door, seeing that it was not what she was looking for.

She continued her search and came across a library complete with shelves full of so many books, it was crazy! There were reading chairs, coffee tables, candles and notebooks scattered all over the place. It was magical to her. To someone else it may have looked like a mess, but to her it looked as if a heavy amount of research was being or has been conducted in these very rooms! She closed the door back and explored some more. She came across and office complete with text books and school curriculum. On the desk, there were papers that were in need of grading, and papers that were graded. She didn't linger long, for she knew her fingers would begin to become itchy and it would be hard to stop herself from becoming that kid in the candy store.

She sighed in distress. It had been at least 30 minutes and she had explored about every room in his dorms, and still didn't find what she was looking for. She had a time limit and an idea, but nothing was going her way as far as right now. She sighed in frustration, the man probably never slept! Given the fact he was always cranky.

At this thought she had to chuckle. He was cranky, but that was an aspect that drew her to him. She got a burst of hope and decided to continue on. She walked back to the living room and noticed a door that she didn't notice before. It has an elegant crest painted on the front of the door. It was so beautiful and unique that it was indescribable. She took in a deep breath. Her heart began hammering in her chest. Her palms became very sweaty as she reached for the handle and pushed the door open.

She walked through the threshold and gasped. Inside the room was huge. The ceiling was very high, there was a king bed in the middle of the room decorated in Slytherines signature sheets and symbol. There were nightstands on each side of the bed as well as a rug that covered the stone cold floor that had not been carpeted. There were dressers covering every inch of the room, holding the most unique possessions.

She walked around the room and found a bathroom complete with a bath, shower, sink, and cupboard. She had also found his wardrobe closet full of his essential signature black clothing.

She turned around in the room and walked out, taking in everything. There was also a grand fireplace, a couch, and a liquor cabinet filled with expensive liquors and wines. As she took in everything, there were double doors leading to another place. She walked up to them and swung them open. Once they were opened, she was met by a terrance that looked out over the lake. She was impressed, the door had been magiced to bring her here. It was breathtaking. She could have stood there all night, gazing at the stars, watching the still waters and the wind wisp through the air.

She smiled at herself, he was a very smart, brilliant, and precise man. Outside of books lining every aspect of the rooms outside of where she was, this room was spotless. Not a book littered a stand, not a piece of clothing heaped on the floor, not even a spec of dust could be detected. She closed the doors leading to the terrance and walked to the heart of his private quarters. It was bigger than the Gryffindor common room. She was curious as to why it was so big? But then again, why not? Nobody wanted anything to do with the dungeons, that's why there was only one class held on these floors, because it just didn't seem habitual to be at.

She walked over to his bed and plopped down in the middle. There were drapes covering each bed post. She smirked, the Slytherine had style. She propped herself up on the bed, running her hands along the sheets, they were as soft as silk. To her the rooms seemed unlike him. They just didn't really fit his snarky personality. These rooms withheld on these very floors were... comfortable.... inviting... and homey. A place she could definitely get used to. She blushed, she was getting way too ahead of herself.

She stood up and walked over to the fireplace. Above the mantle was a painting of a still winter scenery, breathtaking and very muggle like. She quickly cast a spell and a fire began to roar in the embers that had already been placed inside the fireplace. She slowly walked away from it. Although the rooms were comfortable and homey, it was still deceivingly cold.

She sat down on the couch. It was a dark cherry wood, just like he rest of the furniture. She expected black, but was once again shocked to see she was wrong. As she sat there, she leaned her elbows on her lap. Placing her hands on either side of her cheeks, she leaned all of her weight on her knees. She looked at the short coffee table placed in front of her. On the table was a short but small box.

Intrigued as to what was inside she nicely picked it up. The pulled the lid off of the top and gasped. She placed her hand inside the box and laughed while pulling out a chocolate truffle. Contained inside the box was an assortment of chocolates. This was shocking and amusing to Hermione because he didn't strike her as the type of person to eat little chocolates, especially truffles. She stood up and carried the box over to the bed. As she lie in the middle of his bed on her stomach, she began to nibble on the delectable chocolates of Severus Snape.

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