Sokeefe decisions

By Mp132008

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So I didn't speak. I instead pulled him toward me and held him, wondering how I even managed to get the nerve... More

The Date
A/N important


508 25 160
By Mp132008

Heyy everyone! So I'm gonna stop writing who's POV it is since the chapter is named after who's perspective it is in. Like for example, this is in Sophie's POV as you can see from the title:)

Okay, I personally liked this chapter since there was Sokeefe fluff in it and I hope you guys will like it too! :D

Anyways, here it is......

72 hours, 46 minutes, and 54 seconds.

That is how long I was stuck in this frickin chair, the suffocating darkness all around me. I know it was hopeless to think that Keefe might save me, Biana or Fitz might burst in here and get me out of these ropes. But right now, I needed a little bit of hope. Even if I was going to be let down spectacularly.

One of my parents is still alive. The words bounced around my head, refusing to make sense. No, it couldn't have been real. To good to be true. And if it is, I would be having a long conversation with whoever did survive. It would most likely end up with me screaming, tears flowing from my eyes. I haven't even met my parent and I was already tearing up, I thought as my eyes burned.

'Stop it Sophie.' I told myself. 'No self-pity. Just try to concentrate on a way to get out of here.'

I smiled as I remembered my encounter with Gisela. One moment stuck out to me. The one where she leaned forward toward me, her perfect hair in an in an intricate updo. But she didn't know that one of her hair clips fell out of her hair and into my lap. I could feel it's sharp side digging into my thighs. Maybe it was even sharp enough to cut through my ropes.

I hid my grin, I was actually going to get out of here, not carried out like some damsel in distress. I shifted my hands, my skin burning against the ropes. My eyes started to water and my teeth clenched in pain as I re-did the movement.

'A little closer.' I thought as my hand was about to grab the clip, but suddenly a tiny noise echoed in the small chamber. I jumped, a little startled, but then cursed myself as I saw the hair clip fall on the floor.

'No,' I thought. Hot tears silently rolled down my cheeks. I had to get out of here. There was a slight pause and then I heard small steps coming over to me.
'Please, please not Gisela,' I begged to whatever higher authority was out there. Suddenly a soft light cut the darkness and I could see his messy blonde hair, the light behind him showering his head like a divine halo.

"Oh my god, KEEFE!" I whispered, barley containing my giddiness that washed over me. Even in our circumstances, he smiled, the grin lighting up his face making his ice blue eyes sparkle.

"Miss me, Foster?"

I rolled my eyes, jokingly debating in my head if I should stay just to avoid Keefe. He chucked softly and brought out a sharp kitchen knife from his leather jacket. Slowly but surely, Keefe started to cut away at the rope bonds.

I was getting out of here.

It felt like hours, but in reality it was only minutes before the ropes were scattered on the ground and I stood up, feeling free. I rubbed my wrists softly as I stared up at Keefe.

"I-I don't know how to thank you." I said weakly. He smiled, but it didn't reach his perfect eyes. Wait-no not perfect! Uhh nice eyes.

"Get out of here and never return." He said gently stepping close to me, making my breath catch.

My heart pounded fast, turning into hummingbird mode as he placed his hand at my cheek, slowly brushing his fingers along it back and forth. I didn't want to admit that I was a little disappointed when he stopped. He gave me a small smirk and leaned forward so that our breaths mingled.

"Foster." He said quietly, almost like he was begging me. Keefe suddenly stood straight. Like he was jerked out of whatever was going on in his head.

"Run." He whispered as there was a loud bang from outside the tiny room.

I didn't wait for him to say it again as I sprinted out of the dark chamber only looking back once, painting a picture of Keefe in my head. I will never forget him. And one day, I'll rescue him from his parents. Quickly and quietly, I climbed out of the first window I saw and landed in the dewy grass with a soft thud.

And then I was off again, twisting and turning my way through the towering trees. My legs were burning and I gasped for air, but I kept running as adrenaline rushed through me energizing me like a drug. I hopped over rocks and ducked under large branches, always in continuous motion.

I'm never going back there.

I heard a twig crack to my right and I saw Keefe. 'Yes!' I thought as I suddenly stopped, gasping in huge breaths of cool air, my throat parched and dry. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I doubled over on top of my knees. I felt strong arms steady me and slowly pull me up.

"Are you okay, Foster?" Keefe asked, the concern clear in his voice. I nodded gratefully and wrapped my arms around his neck, squeezing him tightly.

I couldn't convey the amount of happiness and gratitude I was feeling in words about what he did. So I didn't speak. I instead pulled him toward me and held him, wondering how I even managed to get the nerve to hug this handsome boy. And not any handsome boy. This was Keefe.

That made it ever so more important as he paused, surprised and then melted into the hug, wrapping his arms around my waist. My skin tingled almost as if there were mini fireworks everywhere he touched me, and my cheeks flushed red.

Almost as if he felt that, Keefe said, "Ah, using this chance to hug the one and only Keefester? I knew it was only a matter of time until you fell for me too, Foster. No one is invincible to my charm."

I could almost feel his signature smirk, paired up with the infamous wink. I chuckled. "Who said anything about falling for you?" I asked, rolling my eyes, but then secretly smiling.

"Oh please. It's obvious you like me!" He said, mock confidence in his voice. I pulled back from our hug, which went on way longer than most friendly hugs.

The sudden loss of warmth hit me and I almost wanted to get back in his arms. Almost. What am I thinking? I asked myself, rolling my eyes at these ridiculous notions.

"Uh huh. You think what you want to think," I teased. He cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"I will." Keefe said softly, covering up the little sadness that leaked out.

I slowly moved closer to him, looking straight into his beautiful ice blue eyes. Wait- BEAUTIFUL? I looked into them again, the soft color of the blue glinting against the sun. 'Yes, they were beautiful,' I admitted to myself. I came in closer, leaning my forehead against his.

"Thank you for everything." I whispered. And then I leaned up, only a hair away from his pink lips. His breath caught as he stared back at me, his hands slowly, gently, almost timidly dropped at my waist. Suddenly someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see familiar teal eyes.


He was here.

I stared behind him more and came upon Biana, two boys, one other girl that I didn't know, and Mr. Gonzalez?

I was a little taken aback, but Keefe apparently wasn't. He smirked staring at Biana, his hands still resting at my waist. "I see you brought the whole squad, didn't you?"

Her grin was nothing short of devilish as she answered, "Oh yes, yes I did."

Hehe the squad's together now!!
Also I wanted to say, THANKS FOR 1k PEEPS!! YOU ARE AMAZING!! Thx so much for reading!!

And plz, if you liked this chapter, it would mean a lot if you could vote!! 😁

Alright, till next time!
Byyeeeeeeeeee ;)

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