Matter of Time ⏳

By Supreme_Enchantress

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Violets adventures are the most wonderful thing in the world. All of time and space was hers to explore. Noth... More

Violet 🌸
~ Introduction ~
Chapter One: Titanic {Historical Event}
Chapter Two: The Team! {The Flash}
Chapter Three: The Help {The Flash}
Chapter Four: He Went Up {The Flash}
Chapter Five: Trace {The Flash}
Chapter Six: Mr Presley {Histroical Event}
Chapter Seven: Sunrise {Supernatural}
Chapter Eight: Mister Colt {Supernatural}
Chapter Nine: Back to 2011 {Supernatural}
Chapter Ten: Earhart {Historical Event}
Chapter Eleven: Byzantium {Doctor Who}
Chapter Twelve: Maze of Death {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirteen: Angels Everywhere {Doctor Who}
Chapter Fourteen: The Fire at the End {Doctor Who}
Chapter Fifteen: 2005 {Supernatural}
Chapter Sixteen: Plane Down {Supernatural}
Chapter Eighteen: Expo {Captain America}
Chapter Nineteen: Serum {Captain America}
Chapter Twenty: In-Action {Captain America}
Chapter Twenty-One: Unexpected {River Song}
Chapter Twenty-Two: Dr. Light {The Flash}
Chapter Twenty-Three: Dangerous {The Flash}
Chapter Twenty-Four: Zoom-Zoom {The Flash}
Chapter Twenty-Five: Middle Kingdom {Historical Event/The Flash}
Chapter Twenty-Six: Bye-Palace {Historical Event/The Flash}
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Castiel {Supernatural}
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Enzo {Doctor Who}
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Pandorica {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirty: Complex {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirty-One: Tiny Universe {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirty-Two: Big Bang Two {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirty-Three: Big Bang Two (2) {Doctor Who}
Chapter Thirty-Three: Date {Enzo Akin}
Chapter Thirty-Four: Fireworks {Enzo Akin}
Chapter Thirty-Five: Savage {DC Legends}
Chapter Thirty-Six: Shock {DC Legends}
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Aid {DC Legends}
Chapter Forty: The Merge {Supernatural}
Chapter Forty-One: Vamp Control {Supernatural}
Chapter Forty-Two: Liquid Lunch {Supernatural}
Chapter Forty-Three: Saved {Supernatural}
Chapter Forty-Four: Apollo-11 {Historical Event}
Chapter Forty-Five: Bucky {Captain America}
Chapter Forty-Six: Saved {Captain America}
Chapter Forty-Seven: Sammy {Peggy Carter}
Chapter Forty-Eight: Reverse-Flash{The Flash}
Chapter Forty-Nine: Captured {The Flash}
Chapter Fifty: Back to the Future {The Flash}
Chapter Fifty-One: JFK {Historical Event}
Chapter Fifty-Two: Charmed Siblings {The Fated Trio}
Matter of Time Rewrite Now Up!

Chapter Seventeen: New York {Captain America}

338 11 0
By Supreme_Enchantress

The Tardis flew through the time vortex, as the hum rang out through my ears as I came around the console. Pressing buttons, entering coordinates, flipping levers. My tweed jacket slung over the leather chair closest to the doors. After helping the boys with their case, I carried on with my life, there was still people out there that needed me. I also wrote more about them, well the younger versions of them, I came across. I reached the black leather seat that was across from the space time throttle, and plonked down on it, letting out a breath. I didn't seem to get a break due to what's happened, maybe a little holiday would do me good...

Just the a beeping sound began to rang out from the console. Making me roll my eyes, as I spoke too soon. I quickly got up from the seat and came to the console panel, grabbing the closest scanner and pulled it around. A message appeared on the screen, saying 'High levels of unknown energy readings'. I frown as a time period had unknown energy levels, could be anything. Alien tech source, anything from the future. A date appeared on the screen which was 1943, with the location of New York. It was best to go check it out.

I waltzed round to the left, punching in the time period, as the Tardis would track where the energy was coming from. After finishing tying, I came back to the space-time throttle and pulled it back up, as the Tardis was already in flight. The Tardis began to land, making the noise it does, and within seconds it quakes to a stop. I went around the left-side of the console, and grabbed my jacket, shrugging it on as I headed to the door. I opened the left one and slipped out, as I was greeted with an alley way. As I stepped out of the Tardis, I brought the door to a close. As I looked around the alley, the Tardis was parked against a wall, just under some metal stairs that lead to a door. The top of the Tardis barely had an inch away from hitting it.

"1943. A lot happened in this year to try end the war," I spoke to myself just as a big bang of metal came ringing out in my ear. I jolted my head to the source. I could see a back of a man, his shoulders tensed like he was fighting someone. I made my way further down the ally, to see the man hitting another smaller man as he was twice his size. He reclines his arm and punches the smaller blonde dude to the ground, making him hit the garbage bin and bottles that were lying around. "Hey!" I shout down the way as the guy got up from the ground and held a bin lid as a shield. "Leave him alone," I rushed down the rest of the way as the man ripped the bin shield away from him and threw it to the floor, and punched him again. "Hey! I said stop!" I raised my voice as I latched my hand on the man's shoulder and he spun around.

"Leave lady, it's nothing to do with you," he replies in a snotty tone, ripping my hand off of him, before giving me a light push as I stumbled backwards. But the man on the ground stood back up, not ready to quit.

"You just don't know when to give up do you," the mans to him.

"I can do this all day," he replies before swinging at the man, but he counters his attack and punches him in the face once again, knocking him back down to the ground.

"Enough!" I raised my voice again, before coming to stand between him and the guy on the floor.

"Get out of my way," he states all demanding like he had power over me. I stared into his eyes which seemed like forever, but I noticed he was about to grab me. With a sly move, I reached out and used my left little pinkie and touched his skin, just below his adams apple. He sudden froze to the spot, paralysed at my touch. "This is a simple passive route I've chosen, because I don't want to destroy your manly cred. Well what's ever's left," I announced to him as I kept the same pressure on his throat. "Now leave him alone," I dropped my pinkie, and he leans forwards as he catches his breath.

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size," A strong manly voice came into play, before a guy grips the man's arm roughly, pulling him away from us. The man stumbled for a moment, before the guy who was wearing an army uniform, stares at him with daggers. Filled with anger the guy throws a punch, but the army man dodges and throws his own punch back, connecting it with his cheek, making him spin around. Before kicking him in the ass, sending him on his way. "And never threaten a woman!" He shouts down to him, making me smile as I was the jerk run away.

The solider turns around and began walking over to us, a smile came to his face.

"Thank you," I offered my smile widened to show my white teeth. I turn my attention back to the guy who was hit, to see him standing on his feet, but looked very weak. "Are you alright?" I asked as I came over and placed a hand on his arm, to help him keep his balance.

"Yes," he simple replies before looking up to meet my eyes. They were a light blue, but they had a hint of green in them. They were quite alluring. He offers me a smile, but I let go as he was stable, he wipes the blood away from his mouth.

"Sometimes I think you like getting punched," the solider states as he comes to stand in front of the man.

"I had him on the ropes," he announces, but I got the sense they were friends. I see the solider guy lean down to pick up something from the floor, but his gaze landed back on me as he stood back up straight.

"Where are our manners," he began. "James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky," he offers me that boyish grin, that would make the ladies swoon. "And this is my best friend Steve Rogers," he points to his friend Steve.

"Nice to meet you both. My name is Violet," I smiled sweetly to them as I gave a nod. "I'm from out of town, and just arrived. But I hope I see you both around," I flicked my gaze between them both as they wore smiles on their faces.

"How about tonight at the Stark expo?" Bucky states, making me raise an eyebrow at him. "It's an expo where they show the future," I smirk at his comment as it sounded good, be good to see what they think the 'future' will be like. "I could also repay you for helping Steve," his voice softened as he was really grateful for me stepping in.

"Sure. I'll meet you both there," with that side, I nodded to them and began to walk away, feeling their eyes on me. Maybe I should get dressed into something more fitting for this century. I have to wait until they leave the alley way, so I can go into the Tardis. I pass the Tardis and came out onto a street, as old fashioned cars went by, as did people.

This was going to be interesting...



Thank you too hazuuuh for creating this sign-off, I haven't used it in the other chapters but from this chapter I will use it at the end of every chapter! I also want to thank Darknessofworlds for recommending the Marvel universe for me to play in and also giving me ideas on what to do with future chapters which will involved the MCU!

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