
De Wildfire31

149K 7.1K 213

Riki is their Queen without a King and that makes her weak. Then she discovers her mate, Gabriel, is a werew... Mai multe

Standing: Warning Adult Menege Chapter 1: Twenty Lashes
Chapter 1.5: This is a naughty part
Chapter 2: News
Chapter 3: Lucas White Leopard Meets His Match
Chapter 4: Ash Discovers a Secret
Naughty!!!! Chapter 4.5: Naughty!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: Gifts
Naughty!!!!!!Chapter 6.5:Naughty!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Fights
Chapter 8: Torn
Naughty!!!!!!Chapter 8.5 Torn: Naughty!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Getting to know each other
Chapter 10: A little bit of courage
Naughty!!!!Chapter 10.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 11: Blood is thicker than water
Chapter 12: Didn't see that coming Part 1
Naughty!!!Chapter 12 Didn't See That Coming Part 2 Naughty!!!
Chapter 12: Didn't see that coming Part 3
Chapter 13: How do you know what to fight for?
Chapter 14: A voice in the Dark
Naughty!!!! Chapter 14.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 15: The G.A stands for WHAT!!!!!
Chapter 16: Testosterone
Chapter 17: Alone Time
Chapter 18: Genie in a Bottle
Naughty!!!!Chapter 18.5 Naughty!!!!
Chapter 19: Freaky Friday For The Leopards And The Wolves
Chapter 20: Ooohhh Suki Suki!!!!!
Chapter 21: Stand
Chapter 22: All or Nothing

Chapter 5: Dream Sharing: Warning Adult Situation in this Chapter

7.1K 266 8
De Wildfire31




I open my eyes to the sun shining on my face but I know instantly that it isn't real. I looked down and see I am wearing a white cami and a long white skirt. I lift my nose and scent the air but I already know I won't smell anything because the sun is shining and I can't feel the heat of it. I look around and see a large weeping willow tree with a small boy underneath its limbs and I smile widely. Of course my dreams took me here, on this day.

"Our dreams." I look over and see Lucas and Gabriel are standing beside me. They both wear loose fitting white pants and no shirts. I smile wider and just look at them a minute. MINE! On that my wolf, my leopard, and I are in agreement. They are ours and no one else's. Gabriel chuckles and I blush then turn my eyes back to the weeping willow tree as Gabriel wraps his arms around me from behind and Lucas steps so he is directly beside us.


Then we all look at the small boy who sits in the dirt underneath the weeping willow tree and weeping quietly to himself. He sits with his shoulders hunched and his arms wrapped around his knees as he rocks back and forth. He jerks when he feels arms wrap around him and hug him tightly to them. He twists and looks behind him to see a small girl about five with brown hair in pigtails. He'd been about to snap at her to let him go until he saw her face. You can tell by the look in his eyes that he feels...something...even then. He pushes his onyx black hair out of his face and turns around so he is facing her as he quickly wipes the tears away.

"Why did you hug me?" The girl raises a brow and tilts her head as if to say 'duh'.

"Cause you were sad. Da told me that you lost your ma and Da. I knew I'd be sad too if I lost my mommy and Da and would want someone to hug me so..." The boy eyes her curiously as she hesitates.

"So..." She purses her lips and leans forward, kissing him innocently on the lips. Then she leans back as he stares at her.

"...I kiss you and make it better. Kinda like a boo-boo, ya know?" The boy smiles, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes, as he sticks out his hand.

"Gabriel Black Wolf, Milady." She giggles as she places her hand in his and he kisses it softly. He looks up at her as she speaks.

"Princess Realtin Yellow Leopard but you can call me Riki. And I'd like to be your friend Gabe." This time the smile does reach his eyes.


The scene shifts to another time and place as Lucas, Gabriel, and I watch on. It is a circular room with a queen sized bed in one corner and a lone chair sitting in front of a fireplace. I haven't been able to recall all of my memories from the past due to Jarek's spell and a lot of them won't return unless something triggers the memory. So at first I don't remember the room in front of me as I watch comfortably from Gabriel's arms but then my eyes see the leopard print bedspread and I remember my face being shoved...I quickly slam a shield down so they can't hear my thoughts as I twist out of Gabriel's arms, my heart in my throat. They start to speak but I shake my head as my eyes go back to the scene in front of me. I just wish that this memory could have stayed buried.


A younger Jarek opens the door to the room dragging a girl behind him. As soon as he shuts the door he twists the girl's arm and shoves her onto the bed. Her violet eyes widen but she doesn't say anything as he stalks closer to her. Neither of them speak as he runs his hand down the side of her face but the girl flinches as he smirks.

"I need three drops of your blood Princess and I'll be able to get rid of your father for good." The girl was small, maybe ten, but it didn't stop her from standing her ground.

"Never!" There was heat in her words as his hand slides to the back of her neck and he grasps a handful of her hair. Then he yanks her head back hard enough to pop the bones in her neck. She winces but keeps silent.

"You will or that little mutt of yours will die and I'll make sure I cut him up piece by piece while I make you watch." Hatred flares in the girl's eyes as a single tear slides down her cheek.

"Fine! But when I'm bigger I'll rip your head off and put it on my mantle you..." She trails off as he grabs her right arm and snaps it. She screams, her voice filled with anguish but he slaps her across the face and she falls silent. He smiles then, a smile filled with something a man shouldn't have for a child and the girl sees it. She knows immediately what it means and takes herself to a happy place. She doesn't even hear his pants hit the ground.


I hear a keening wail as I look away from the scene and realize it is me. I stumble back, shaking my head as Gabriel and Lucas wrapped their arms around me. Images of past abuse flash in my mind as they murmured soft words of comfort as I weep for the lost little girl and maybe I weep for me as well. Then everything fades and we sleep but there was no more dreams that night.


I awake sometime later in a tangle of arms and legs. Grunting, I try to push off Lucas's leg but he doesn't budge so I try to lift Gabriel's arm that is across my belly but I can't budge him either. A growl rumbles low in my throat as I manage to prop up on my elbows. I try to wiggle up but they tighten their grip. I snarl in frustration as two sets of eyes blink and look up at me. I watch as they start to smile then their faces go wide in surprise as I blink down at them. I clearly hear 'Oh shit' through our mate bonds before they start shielding from me. They both untangle themselves from me and place a hand on each arm as I narrow my eyes at them. Then I looked down and blink at the crown tattoos on the webbing in between their thumb and forefinger. It hadn't been there before so it must be their mate marks. I look closer at Lucas's hair and I see he now has highlights of brown in his white hair, and the brown color was the same shade as mine. I blink and look at Gabriel and see that one of his golden eyes are now violet. I giggle but neither one of them have yet to move and I suddenly have a sneaking suspicion why. Glaring at them I scoot off the back of the bed and stumble to the bathroom as I speak.

"What did the bond do to my hair." I am running when I hit the door so I slide a little before I stop in front of the sink. My mouth drops open as I stare at myself. Then I have an utterly and completely girl moment and I shriek, high pitched and loud.

"Are you freaking KIDDING me? What the hell....Dammit." I hear the guards fly through the bedroom door and rush into the bathroom towards me but I scream at them before they make it all the way through the door and see me.

"If you come through that door I will kill you. Get the hell out now or I will rip your arms off and beat you with them."

"Sorry lass but we have ta see you're safe." I growl and clutch my hands into fists as I yank a towel from the towel rack and wrap it around me. I cross my arms over my chest as I speak up.

"Fine." Two sets of eyes peer around the corner and I can see that Liam is trying hard not to laugh as I glare at him. He quickly sobers as he and the other guard turn and leave the room. I hear them talking to Gabriel and Lucas in the other room but I ignore them as I lean on the edge of the sink and stare in the mirror. Unfreaking believable, they got highlights and one colored eye. While I become a freaking entourage of colors. One half of my hair was white and the other half was black. On the white side my eye is now golden and on the black side my eye is silver. I glare at my new hair and eyes but I like my mate marks. I have mine on either side of my neck where as they have theirs on their hands. One the left side is a leopard claw marks as a tattoo and on the right side is a wolf paw print. Too bad I couldn't have had just one hair color. I growl at the mirror and drop the towel I have on, I bend to turn on the shower, knowing the guys will join me quickly when they realize I am naked again. I smile when I hear them scrambling out of the bed as I get in the shower.


After two hours of teasing and play we are getting dressed when Lucas speaks up.

"He needs to die, love." I don't ask who he is talking about as I slide on a pair of boot cut leather pants. But I notice neither of them comment on my lack of underwear either. I pull the white halter top, that I have already got on, out of my pants as I speak.

"As long as I get to finish him off after you two play with him, I'm game." I slide a knife in the sheath that is built into my bra then sit on the edge of the bed as I slide two more knives into the built in sheaths of my calf-high combat boots. Then, ignoring the guys I walk over to my jewelry box and pull out a silver cross. Lucas raises a brow as I grasp the end of the cross and pull out a knife from the bottom end of the cross. It isn't big but it is still sharp enough to hurt. Lucas's eyes meet mine as he speaks.

"Are four knives necessary?" I smile and turn my back to him as Gabriel lifts up the back of my hair so that Lucas can see the machete that was down the middle of my back in a halter designed specifically for it. I feel them stop shielding as I turn back to Lucas.

"They are necessary now. They make me feel better." Lucas's silver eyes meet mine and there is confusion in them.

"Why?" I glance back at Gabriel and his one violet eye knowing that he wants the answer as well. Because he has seen me wear a knife or two before but never five and they are worried for me. So I answer them with a deep breath and a growl in my throat.

"Because that memory was the reason I learned to use the knives. So two weeks later when he tried again he almost lost his boys." Two sets of eyes stare into mine as they speak at the same time.

"Did he do it again?" I nod sharply and raised two fingers up. Lucas is quaking with the need to change so Gabriel asks the question that Lucas wanted an answer too.

"Why only two times?" My eyes continue to stare into Lucas's as I speak.

"Because I had gotten so good at using the knives by then that I managed to hit a main artery and cut off one of his balls. Too bad they grow back." Lucas's voice was low and throaty but he doesn't shift as he speak.

"Too bad he lived you mean." I tilt by head to the side and I know my eyes are glowing as I speak.

"But then we wouldn't get to hunt him down, play with him, and eat him." I slide my tongue across my lips as Lucas stops shaking with the urge to change, in order to laugh. I grin and I am not sure if my beasts would object to eating him or if I would for that matter. Animals are blood thirsty creatures after all.

"So what are we doing today?" I look at Gabriel as I put a hand on my hip and tilt my head back, I scream.

"LIAM!!!!" The guys chuckled as Liam dashes into the room and stops before me, bowing his head. "Liam make a proclamation for us please. I'd like all of the clan gathered in the courtyard at noon to meet my husbands." Liam grins and speaks, unable to resist.

"And to see yer new hairdo and mate marks, lassie?" I glare and he sobers and bows again. "Aye lass I'll let it be known." I smile as he turns and leaves the room while I look back at the guys.

"Now let's go see what my cousin has been lying to me about." With that I turn to them and grabbing their hands in mine I lead them from the room.


I find my cousin in the workout room pounding on a punching bag. I grin as I walk halfway across the room and scream her name. She whirls, sees me, and freezes as everyone else in the room does, as well. I scowl and spread my arms.

"Yes, I'm a mated woman now. Anyone have a problem with my bloody hair?" I say it with a snap in my voice and fire in my eyes. Everyone quickly goes back to what they were doing except Ash. Ash places a hand over her stomach and starts laughing so hard I am amazed she doesn't pee herself. Knowing she'll be a minute I cross my arms and wait.


Ten minutes later

"Are you done now?" Ash looks up at me from her spot on the floor as she wipes a tear from her eye. Then she quickly stands up as I continue to scowl at her.

"I am. That is the best laugh I've had in ages. And did you piss off the Goddess or what? Black and white hair? The guys get that and you're freaking every color of the rainbow?" I roll my eyes then grin as I think about it.

"I wonder if I did piss off the Goddess?" Ash grins and pats my shoulder as she sidles up alongside me and pushes Lucas aside with her hip.

"If anyone could you could, cousin." I glance at Lucas who is scowling at Ash and goes back to grinning. She is getting comfortable around my guys and doesn't even know it.

"Want to go take a shower and meet us in the library? Then you can tell me all about what you've been lying to me about?" Ash grimaces and nods, turning away. I reach out and grab her arm before I think. She screams and swings a fist at Lucas but he catches it in his hand. He quickly releases her and starts to say something but I elbow him in the gut as I try to get Ash to focus on me. Her breathe is coming quick and fast and I know immediately she is on the verge of a panic attack. I place a hand over hers and grasp it lightly as I run my thumb back and forth over the back of her hand.

"Ash it's me. I'm so sorry I forgot. Breathe for me, sister in my heart. Breath like me. In and out." Ash closes her eyes and when she opens them again the edge of panic had fled. When her breathing is under control she pulls away from me and whirls towards the showers. She speaks over her shoulder at me.

"I'll meet you there." Then she pushes through the doors and leaves us with several witnesses that stare at me. I growl and most of them jerk their gazes away, except for three. My guys and Ash's dad, Jack. He walks into the room right after Ash has walked out and I glower at him, snarling softly. He quickly jerks his gaze away from mine as I walk out of the room.


We are almost to the library before Lucas speaks.

"What was that about?" I shake my head and push a stray hair out of my face.

"It's not my story to tell but we'll say that I took care of it a couple of years ago when I found out. Just keep an eye out for Jack. Don't ever drop your guard around him, please." I looked back at both of them as I pushed open the door to the library and they nod. Satisfied I turned my attention to the library and take a deep breath. Other than the guys smell, this was my favorite smell. Books smell like home to me. Probably because Ash. Gabriel, and I had spent a lot of time in here. I glance over and see Gabriel breathing in deeply as well. I smile and glance back at Lucas who slides his palm to the back of my neck. Lucas clears his throat and I look up at him.

"Did the three of you always hang out together?" I smile and shake my head.

"Only if we are here. Otherwise I hang out with them separately. Ash isn't exactly comfortable around guys." As Lucas speaks he steers me towards one of the recliners that sit in the front of the large room. He stops in front of the middle one and sits down, pulling me into his lap. I roll my eyes and rub my butt against him as punishment for his bossiness. I grin at Gabriel who has taken the chair to the right of us. All three of us turn towards the door when Ash comes in. She pauses when she sees us staring, then taking a deep breath she walks over and sits in the chair to the left of Lucas. Lucas wraps a hand around my waist and I stiffened in his lap. He pauses and looks at me as he speaks to me through our bond.

"Are you embarrassed of me Riki? You can hold onto Gabriel and not me?" I scowl and snap at him through the bond.

"No...I'm just embarrassed. It took Gabriel forever to get me used to public affection and now I have not one but two men who like displays of public affection." He continues to scowl and I gesture at Gabriel.

"Ask him if you don't believe me." We glance at Gabriel, who nods sharply and speaks through our bond.

"It's true and she doesn't know you as well as me. She hasn't even went on a date with you yet." Lucas scowls this time and quickly stands up with me in his arms. Then he walks over to Gabriel and sets me in his lap. I blink at the look on Lucas's face and bite my lip as I look away to bury my face in Gabriel's shoulder, unsure of what to say with him. Gabriel wraps an arm around me as I bite back a sob. I feel Lucas's irritation and Gabriel's sympathy. I can't talk to Lucas like I can Gabriel. Gabriel understands what I'm saying but I muddle it up when I try to explain it to Lucas. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look back to see Lucas standing over us. He offers a small smile as he speaks through the bond.

"I'm sorry. Forgive me? We'll take it slow and I'll try not to jump to conclusions." I smile and look over at Ash who has been watching the silent exchange. Our eyes meet as she clasps her hands in her lap and speaks up.

"I've been going over to the human world and exploring. I have a guide and everything. His name is Kade." I look out the window, past the yellow curtains out into the center of the courtyard, where the clan is gathering, and speak.

"That's it?" I saw Ash's head jerk up out of the corner of my eye and suppress a grin. Her jaw drops and I have a little mercy and chuckle softly. "Ash you're a grown up and allowed to make your own decisions besides at least this way when we go out with you we will have a guide." She smiles shyly as I catch her eye and blow her a kiss.

I started to stand up but Gabriel grabs me around the waist and pulls me back to him as Lucas steps in front of me. I lean to the side and see Ash's eyes are rolled back in her head and she is glowing with a bright yellow light. Then her hair starts flying behind her like it is caught in the wind. I blink as she turns to me and speaks but it isn't her voice that speaks but someone else's. Something had overtaken my cousin's body.

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