Namjoon Oneshots and Sickfics

By DeniskaTen

75.2K 2.1K 1.3K

"Namjoon sat on the floor, against his bed. His head was pounding. Every few seconds, there would be a rush o... More

Clumsiness Causes Problems 1
Break the Stage
Into Loving Arms
Namjoon in Danger 1
Namjoon in Danger 2
Hiding the Truth
Dizziness is On
Holding Namjoon's Hand
Maknae of the Hyung Line
Reaction: Losing Sight
Light and Sound 1
Light and Sound 2
The Art of Excluding Someone
Meeting Someone Special
The Leader Doesn't Know Everything
Fast Beating
Obsession 1
Obsession 2
Stranded in a Distant Land 1
Stranded in a Distant Land 2
Complaints and Answers
Going Downhill
Some Things Don't Change
If Only John Cena Was Here
View From the Top
Worries and Foam
Peace and Calm
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
Cyanide Juice
Hiding the Worst News
Until The Very End 1

Clumsiness Causes Problems 2

3.4K 103 111
By DeniskaTen

Original request by blewmissme


"I hate those!" Namjoon pouted pointing to his crutches. The leader refused to use them in the dorms, opting to instead hop around on his good leg. Tae had said that even though Jungkook was known as the bunny, Namjoon could easily act as one too.

Yoongi glared at him. The rapper had been in a bitter mood the last couple of days. The first reason was because he felt responsible for Namjoon's broken leg and all the tears the younger had shed. Second, because Jin and Hoseok had made him clean his room all by himself. It was enough to drive him insane.

"Hyung, you can be a little less harsh on him. After all, Joon tripped on your underwear." Jimin giggled.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I bet you're wearing one of my pairs right now!"

The mochi gasped, bringing a hand up to his heart. "ARMY is right, Yoongi hyung! You can predict anything! As a matter of fact, it's that white one with-"

"Everyone in my room is talking about underwear so I come here to breathe, and what do I find? More people talking about underwear!" It was Jin and there was an exasperated look on his face.

Jimin laughed loudly. Yoongi rubbed his neck, his face turning bright red as Jin glared at all of them. Namjoon didn't crack a smile - he no longer found underwear funny. The eldest, sighing loudly, took a seat beside Namjoon on the couch.

"You guys can stop talking about them, you know. It's obvious that Namjoon is allergic to your underwear Yoongi."

His body hitting the floor, Jimin crouched down while he laughed. His chest heaved as his small giggles filled the air. Yoongi watched him in amusement.

"My leg hurts." Namjoon whined shyly. His face was white. The leader was always self-conscious about showing his pain and struggling in front of the others, because he considered himself as the leader who should always be strong.

"Where does it hurt?" Yoongi asked.

"Where it broke, duh." Namjoon rolled his eyes, trying to bring back his tough-guy act in desperation.

Jimin plopped down beside the leader. The mochi wrapped an arm around the leader's waist, which had gotten skinnier these days.

Yoongi glanced into Namjoon's gaze and the rapper must have seen the leader's true feelings because he hummed quietly. Jin looked confused, but said nothing.

Namjoon sniffed. The eldest rapper shot up after hearing that and his eyes softened. He reached forward and gave the leader a small hug. Yoongi tried to let go immediately, but Namjoon clung onto him. The rapper made a face, but Jimin and Jin could both tell that he deeply cared for Namjoon.

The leader fisted Yoongi's shirt and buried his face into the rapper's shoulder. Jimin patted his back while Jin placed his hand carefully on Namjoon's thigh.

"You're mad at me right?"

Yoongi frowned at the leader. "Mad? Why would I be?"

"I'm...I'm getting behind in choreography and-"

"Nobody cares about choreography when they have a broken leg Joon. You need to take it easy. Order us around. Make me your slave. That's the kind of thing-"

Yoongi shut his mouth when Namjoon started crying. The leader rarely ever cried, but now that he started, he couldn't stop. Gibberish came flying out of his mouth along with a bunch of mumbled apologies. They couldn't really understand what he was apologizing for and that made them get even more worried. Jimin rested his head on the leader's shoulder hoping it would calm him down.

"Sorry," Namjoon choked out between sobs, "I'm sorry for ordering you around and acting like I know everything-"

Yoongi interrupted him, "Are you really sure that you have an IQ of 148? Because I just told you that I want you to order me around. Didn't you break your leg tripping on my underwear, so doesn't that make me responsible?"

Jimin giggled lightly, his cheeks turning the slightest shade of red when Namjoon's sobs momentarily ceased.

Ruffling the leader's hair affectionately, Yoongi rubbed his back. Jin clasped Namjoon's free hand and squeezed it as gently as he could.

"You-you didn't clean up your underwear... That's not my fault."

"Exactly! It's not your fault at all!" Yoongi murmured. "And don't worry about anything here. Even Hobi and Jimin aren't dancing right now."

"They're slacking off?"

"Of course they are."

Namjoon giggled as Jimin made a face at Yoongi. The leader looked drowsy, his eyes starting to droop underneath his messy hair. Yoongi knew he would look all cute now, but then start snoring loud enough to wake the dead a few moments later.

"You have to go back to your room to sleep Joon." Jin nudged him, though he had a small smile on his face.

"Lemme sleep here for once..."

"There's pillows in your room."

Namjoon blinked. "Oh yeah."

He got up, leaning on Jimin the whole time. Yoongi handed him his crutches but Namjoon shook his head and let go of Jimin. The rapper shook his head in annoyance as Namjoon hopped on his good leg and made it to the other side of the room. His hand gripping the wall, the leader rested for a second before he kept going down the hallway.

"These crutches would make your whole life so much easier!" Yoongi yelled from the living room.

Jimin raced ahead to prevent Namjoon from toppling over or pulling something down as he fell. The leader was grateful to see him and immediately accepted Jimin's outstretched arms with a dimpled smile.

Jungkook and Taehyung left Namjoon's room with identical smiles on their faces. It was obvious that they had been playing with all the Ryan plushies on the leader's face because their hair was messy and also Jungkook kept repeating, "Namjoon hyung is so lucky to have so many!" over and over again.

Hoseok was nowhere to be seen. He was probably locked in his room, creating some good luck posters for Namjoon.

Jimin guided Namjoon into his room and helped him lay down. The leader could only flash a dimpled smile as a thank you. His eyes closed quickly, and Jimin draped a blanket over him and was about to leave, when he got an idea.

There was nothing better to do than curl up next to Namjoon and sleep. Jimin hopped up onto the leader's good side and snuggled close to him. A loud sigh came from outside and the mochi caught sight of Jin shaking his head and saying something to Yoongi. The two elder members laughed quietly amongst themselves before leaving.

Jimin put his head right at Namjoon's shoulder. The leader exhaled loudly in his sleep and the mochi giggled, instantly putting his hand to muffle them.

"I'm putting these here. When he wakes up, tell him that he needs to use these." Yoongi marched in, holding Namjoon's crutches.

Jin was behind him. "I don't think he'll listen..."

"He needs-"


Yoongi and Jin turned to face Jimin who had a finger pressed to his lips. He pointed down to Namjoon's sleeping figure. The eldest bowed in apology before exiting the room. Yoongi's eyes had widened.

"Isn't he so precious?" Jimin murmured, stroking Namjoon's hair gently.

"Of course he is." The eldest rapper walked closer to the bed and sat on the edge. "We need to take care of him better - and that means we all need to do our part and clean the dorms. Namjoon never watches where he's going, then trips on everything."

Jimin smiled. Yoongi's voice was dead serious.

Namjoon hummed in his sleep. The mochi poked his face and he turned his head away, facing the window.

"Of course he is precious though..." Yoongi mumbled.


requests are open!

thank you for reading and have a nice day!

1288 words

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