Break the Stage

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Requested by @kairoxx



Namjoon blinked, trying to contain his pain. His shirt was soaked with sweat and he wanted to take it off more than anything - but his arm prevented from doing so. He had hurt it while rapping his verse on stage, hitting it against the stage prop behind him. Hopefully nobody had noticed.

The other members milled around him, equally exhausted. Namjoon didn't lift his sleeve in fear of what he would see. A warm liquid was spreading and his sleeve had turned darker. He knew what was behind it.

Hoseok shot him a supportive smile and Namjoon forced one back.

"Okay, chop chop guys! The next song starts in seven minutes! Change your outfits and let's go!"

Tae and Jungkook claimed the closest dressing rooms and the others had to walk the long way to the ones at the back. Namjoon made sure he hid his arm as he followed the others.

One of the staff members handed him his new outfit and Namjoon thanking her, hurried to change. Once inside, his expression completely changed. Peeling his shirt off, he cringed at the dark stains on the inner sleeve. Below that was the largest cut that he had ever seen.

He inhaled deeply, trying to not throw up at the sight of so much blood. Namjoon knew he was clumsy, but this kind of a thing had never happened to him.

Thinking quickly, he grabbed some paper towels and wrapped them around his arm to try and catch the blood. He slipped his shirt on top of it.
Before he could question his idea, he ran out of the changing room, leaving it open for Hoseok to use.

"Wait up!"

Namjoon turned to see Jin coming down the stairs from the adjacent changing room.

"Are you okay Joon? You look paler than Yoongi."

The good-natured joke from Jin got ignored by Namjoon who simply waved his hand dismissively.

Jin sighed and shook his head. He pulled Namjoon by his arms, forcing him to stop in the middle of the corridor. Unfortunately his hand brushed by Namjoon's large cut and the leader cried out loudly.

"What did you do?!" Jin asked.

Namjoon tried to stop him, but Jin pulled his sleeve up and the bloodstained paper towels crumpled to the ground, leaving Namjoon's injury visible. The eldest's eyes widened.

"Why-why did you do this to yourself?"

"Do what?"

"I'm going to tell Yoongi about this-"

Namjoon widened his eyes. Jin didn't understand how he got injured and was now thinking something else. "Hyung, I didn't do this to myself. I slammed into one of the stage props and...this happened."

A heave of relief went through Jin and his shoulders sagged. Then he clenched his jaw. "You wouldn't have told us about this injury if I hadn't found it out for myself, right? Joon, that thing needs stitches so I don't think you should be performing."

"What?" Namjoon gaped at him.

Jin glared at the leader. Namjoon suddenly felt so much smaller and younger than him. "You're not performing like this."

A tidal wave of rage pressed the leader and it was by sheer luck that he managed to not snap at Jin. "I practiced hard for this show too and just because you made a choice doesn't mean that I have to listen to it."

Namjoon stormed away before Jin could say anything else. He failed to notice the blood staining his sleeve dark.


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