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Requested by berry_nanaa

warning: descriptions of injury


"I think I should pull over," Jungkook said. "I can't drive in this weather."

"You sure?" Namjoon asked.

The highway in front of them stretched and faded into a foggy gray. Rain was pelting down, staining the window with big raindrops. The wipers wiped feverishly. Jungkook could barely see.

"Yeah," Jungkook replied. "Please, hyung."

Namjoon glanced back at Hoseok and Yoongi. They were both leaning against the window, their eyes closed.



Hoseok hummed. He opened his eyes and looked expectantly at Namjoon.

"Do you think that we should stop and take a...?"

Hoseok unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned forward.


He couldn't finish his sentence. The car gave a sudden jolt. Namjoon's heart leapt up into his mouth. Hoseok was thrown to the side. His head smacked against Namjoon's headrest. Namjoon wanted to turn around and make sure Hoseok was alright - that impact must've hurt - but he couldn't. He heard a sickening crunch. He didn't try to imagine what it was.

An unimaginable amount of terror gripped his chest. Namjoon screamed. The car was headed for the side of the road. There was only a fragile railing and then a steep hill. If they rolled down that way, there wouldn't be anything left for them. This was the scariest roller coaster ride Namjoon had ever been on.

Somewhere in the midst of this, he found Jungkook's hand and held on tight.


His eyes were closed tightly. Namjoon could hear something. He couldn't describe the sound but it reminded him of sharpening knives and crackling metal. Jungkook's hand was no longer in his. Namjoon couldn't turn around to see if Yoongi and Hoseok, especially Hoseok, were alright. His head was resting in his flattened headrest. Namjoon kept his eyes shut and drifted off again.

It was okay if help never came. He would be okay staying here forever.


"Oh no..." Jimin mumbled. He felt his whole world had come smashing down. He shook his head, blinking his eyes a few times. He didn't know how things were going to unfold from there.

They had found the others' car by the side of the road. Hoseok was a little ways away of it - he had been thrown out. Namjoon and Jungkook were together in the front, while Yoongi was in the back. A fire had started up by the time they got there, and they didn't know how big it had gotten. Namjoon probably had burns. Jungkook too.

Jimin wanted to cry. But he knew, he had to keep the others afloat somehow. Jin and Taehyung would drown if he let himself to.

So he clung on, hoping that everything would turn out okay.


Jimin kept his attention on Namjoon most of the time. He heard about Hoseok's injuries - they were gruesome. He and the others huddled together the night Hoseok's condition got worse. Jin and Taehyung nearly cried. Jimin didn't. He was far too worried.

They stayed in one hotel room all together. They slept next to each other, their phones at their sides, ready to receive any news, whether it was good or bad. Jimin was more prepared to hear the former.

Namjoon Oneshots and SickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora