Stranded in a Distant Land 2

700 37 8

Original request by TundraFox


The lack of food led Namjoon to venture into the forest one afternoon. The M&M's had run out two days ago and he had been too scared to go into the forest then.

But he was desperate for something to eat now. He was willing to eat the bark off the trees at this point.

Namjoon was careful not to make noise as he walked. The ground crunched under his feet. He walked quickly. There wasn't a clear cut path inside, he had to stumble over the roots and through the bushes to keep going. Namjoon made sure to keep his balance. There weren't any more band-aids if he got injured.

The sun filtered through the trees as he walked. Sometimes he was walking in the shade, other times the light was right in his face. He had to squint at times to see.

Many times before, he had wondered what it would be like if he got trapped in an island all by himself. Now, that he was, he wished desperately to go home. He missed everybody. They probably thought he was dead.

The time ticked by slowly. Namjoon kept his footsteps light, just in case something or someone was there. A few bugs skittered this way and that, darting into the trees. Namjoon wondered if there were any crabs here.

Eventually, he came to a clearing. The trees gave way to open air. The grass was greener here. With all the extra room, they had gotten space to breathe. The air was thick with the sounds of birds and the sound of wind blowing, rustling the leaves.

He scanned his surroundings. The line of trees resumed after a while. None of the trees looked like they had any kind of fruit on them. Bushes of berries? None to be seen. He sighed. He had no clue how to survive in the wild. For all he knew, maybe if he did find berries, they would turn out to be poisonous.

Everywhere he looked, it was green. A carpet of emerald had been draped around the world. It just wasn't enough to cover the sky though - which was a bright blue. There were a few clouds in the sky. Namjoon gulped. He hoped a storm didn't come. He didn't know what he would do if one did.

His knee was starting to tingle a bit again. Namjoon sighed again. In such a big thicket of trees, there wasn't a single food source? He could eat the leaves if he got that desperate, but he really hadn't gone that far yet... or maybe he had, who knows. He could also eat the bugs...

Oh, how he wished he could go back home where he had taken every little thing for granted.


"They said they were going to search though!" Taehyung cried. "You never know, he might still be out in the ocean somewhere!"

"Nah..." Hoseok shook his head. "He would be long gone by now. It's been two weeks. Do you know how cold that water can get?"

"How much?"

"Very cold. To the point where nobody could survive staying in there for hours on end."

"But it's summer now though," Taehyung said. "It can't be that cold all the time."

Hoseok shrugged. He didn't want to admit it to himself either, but whenever he entertained himself with the idea that Namjoon was dead, he couldn't believe it. Yet he could. The only logical explanation was that Namjoon had drowned. Or that he had gotten attacked by a shark. Or that... yeah. Hoseok didn't want to think of anything else. His imagination showed him images that he didn't want to see.

"But..." Taehyung shook his head. "I don't get it..."


The others were tiredly glancing at the two of them. Hoseok sighed. Taehyung talked so much and he was the only one who was expected to deal with it.

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