Gamer Chick (bnha x reader)

Galing kay 16AnOnYmOuS

16.8K 491 665

This is NOT a one shot book You are a quite gamer girl in class 1-A. You don't talk to anyone beca... Higit pa

Chapter one...
Chapter two...
Chapter three...
Chapter four...
Chapter five...
Chapter six...
Chapter seven...

Chapter eight...

1.6K 64 119
Galing kay 16AnOnYmOuS

1st Person's P.O.V.

     The N/nsquad, as Micho and Streambean so cleverly came up with, and I are walking to school. We were all talking about different things. Streambean and Mickey were talking about what we should do next weekend. Cutie and I were talking about new foods and games that we found.

     He found this new cotton candy lollipop that's supposed to be really good. I was telling him about a new cotton candy flavored ice cream that just came out. Micho said we should all go to the arcade, but Streambean wanted us to go to a new cafe.

     We arrived at school. Everyone was talking about the attack and how they were on the news. Blueberry went up to the front and told us to sit down. He was the only one sitting up. Mr. Hobo came in and everyone was surprised. He told us our fight wasn't over and we had a sports festival.

     Earjacks pointed out that we just had a villain attack. Mr. Hobo said that it won't be a problem and we will have five times the security. He left dismissing the class. Everyone started talking about stuff.

     Airhead screamed out that she would do her best.

"Shut up, Airhead." I said.

     It was time for lunch. Bush-head asked us all why we are trying to be a hero.

"I wanna be like my idol MaGi: The magician!" Streambean cheered.

"That's really cool!" Bush-head said.

"I just w-want t-to help h-heal others." Cutie said.

"I swear could you be anymore of an angel?!" Micho asked.

     Everyone, besides myself, laughed.

"I wanna be a hero so that I can save the world and make a difference!" Micho said.

"That is very honorable!" Blueberry exclaimed.

"What about you Y/n?"

"If I'm being honest I didn't really want to become a hero."

"Huh?! Then why are you here?" Airhead asked.

"Well, if you let me finish and heard that I said 'didn't' as in past tense then you would know why. Anyway, I originally came here just to look after Micho, but I realized that if I'm going to become a hero anyway I should have a goal. And my goal is to help all those that are in need. Whether you're a hero, civilian, or if you're a villain." I said.

"Why would you want to help villains?" Blueberry asked.

"Because even though they haven't made good choices doesn't mean that they aren't human. They still deserve help and to be given a second chance. If they don't take that second chance then I can just capture them." I explained.

"Wow. How about you Uraraka?" Bush-head asked.

"Money?!" Blueberry asked.

"Yeah, I know it's not that amazing as the rest of you."

     I scoffed and started walking faster. The rest of the N/nsquad followed and caught up. Yellyman yelled to Bush-head about something. We ignored it and went to our table.

_skipping to later_

     Mr. Hobo talked about how our sports festival will be important and the sports festival will be where we will be scouted by a hero. He left us again.

     It was the end of the day and a bunch of people were out in front of our door. Bakugou said that they were scouting out the competition. Some guy with lavender poofy hair. He said that he wasn't able to get into the hero course because of his quirk.

     After the dudes speech some other guy started yelling about stuff. Bakugou said something and walked through the crowd.

"Hey guy with the lavender hair." I called out. He looked at me. I kept playing my game. "You know there were other points in the exam other than villain points. You had just as much a chance as everyone else. Hell, some people in the hero course only got in because of rescue points. So, don't start 'preaching' some stupid shit when you could have helped others. Being a hero isn't just about defeating villains it's also about helping others in need. And if you can't see that? Well, then it was the right choice for you to not be put in the hero course." Everyone seemed to shut their mouths after I said that.

     I didn't want to go through the big crowd so I opened the window and jumped out. Everyone screamed. I just landed on a hoverboard. I went back up to the window to get the N/nsquad. I grabbed them all and floated down to the ground.

"Wow, N/n! Who knew you could be so inspiring?!" Streambean asked.

"I'm always inspiring you idiot." I kept playing my game.

"But, if I'm being totally honest. I thought it was pretty amazing." Cutie said.

"Whatever let's go to the arcade." I said. They all nodded and we went to the arcade. I won all of the games of course.

     The sports festival is in two weeks. So, we all had to train. I trained physically instead of with my quirk. This was going to be on national television so that meant that the villains would be watching too. I didn't want to show them my quirk so that they can't defeat me easier.

     It was the morning and we were all getting ready. There was a lot of heroes and security around the place. Everyone was talking to each other. We were in the waiting room. Blueberry busted in and told us that we were about to go in.

     Peppermint-boy started talking to Bush-head and said that he would beat him. Redhead tried to stop him. Bush-head called out to Peppermint-boy saying that he was stronger than him. But then he went and said he had more potential than almost everyone in the hero course.

     He explained how we all have to fight to stand out. We all started to go out. Banana-head introduces us. I just played my game. Some of the others talked bout being nervous. He introduced the rest of the classes.

     Wanna-be-20-chick came out and said that the class  were going to say a few things. She called me, Micho, and Spiky up. I was first, but some chick commented on how we only got first on the practical and not the test. I looked at that chick.

"Actually I got first in both exams. So, shut your mouth you dumb bitch." I said and went up to the stage.

"I'm sure all of you know about the recent villain attack and because this is being broadcasted on television we're everyone can see, I'm not going to use my quirk." When I said that there were some people looking at me weird. "I say this because I don't want the villains to know what my quirk is yet. When we were first attacked the villains didn't know what our quirks were and it was painfully obvious. I am fully confident in my abilities, but I would rather have the element of surprise on my side if they attack again." I turned and faced the crowd of students. "I recommend you all be careful if when you use your quirk as well. Also if you want to know my quirk and you're a hero then talk to me later or whatever. That's all." I went back down and kept playing my game.

     Micho was up next.

"I don't have a way with words like N/n does, but I really hope that this will help you today.  You all are in this school for a reason! So, let's show everyone what U.A.'s students can really do!" Everyone cheered for him. He came down next to me.

     It was Spiky's turn.

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win." He said. Lots of people booed. "It's not my fault that you're all just my stepping stones to my victory." He said and gave the crowd of students a thumbs down. He came down.

     Wanna-be-20-chick started explaining our first thing was an obstacle course.

"Begin!" She yelled.

     We all started running. I got in the front easily and went all the way through the tunnel. Peppermint-boy froze the floor. I just jumped. He was still behind me. Everyone was.

     I saw the robots ahead and just dodged them. Peppermint-boy again just froze them. Everyone thought they could just get through easily but they all crushed together. I just kept playing my game.

"Wow! Look at Todoroki! He has taken a hasty lead!" Banana-head shouted.

"Actually Kagiwara is in the front. She got through the robots, took the lead, hasn't used her quirk, and hasn't broken a sweat. All while playing her game." Mr. Hobo corrected.

"Wow! You're right Aizawa! Take a look at her folks!"

Next up was a canyon with a bunch of pillars inside it. The pillars were connected by wires. I just jumped on them all the way to the other side. I wish that these were more difficult. Next up was a minefield.

I just ran through them. I went fast enough that when they exploded I was already on the next one. I saw the end and ran through it. A bunch of confetti fell. I didn't pay attention. I was about to win in Mario cart. I won.

I looked behind me and saw that everyone was still on the minefield and Bush-head went over Spiky and Peppermint-boy. He got second place. Peppermint-boy got third and Spiky got forth.

I just chose to play another game. I went over to where we would be told our next thing in this festival. Once everyone was done and came out Wanna-be-20-chick told us our next thing was a horse race. But it was in teams and the people were the horses. If that makes sense.

     We had fifteen minutes to get our teams together. Peppermint-boy, Spiky, and Bush-head came up to me.

"Be on my team!" They all said at the same time.

     I looked at all of them and shook my head. I walked over to the guy with floofy hair that I told off the other day.

"Hey, you be on my team."

"Why should I?"

"You said you wanted to be in the hero course, right? Then team up with me. I have the most points and you are pretty plain." I said.

     He looked offended for a second then thought about my offer. He looks at me and nods. I was the bottom horse along with Fluff-boy and some other midget dude. They were in a trance. I didn't really care I just played my game. I was in the front. The whole time we just ran around away from other players.

     In the end we ended up in the top four. We placed first. The other teams were Spiky's, Peppermint-boy's, and Bush-head's teams. We had a one hour break to get ready and rest. I went to go see what there was to eat in the cafeteria.

I saw that the N/nsquad was there too. They all were talking about something. I walked up to them.

"'Sup losers."

They all looked over at me.

"N/n I have to tell you something." Mickey said.


"Well, we didn't make it."


"Really that's all you have to say?!" Streambean asked.

"The hell you want me to say? 'I'm sorry?' It's your fault that you didn't make it, not mine." Cutie nodded, Mickey agreed, and Streambean pouted.

The Wanna-be-Pikabitch an Grape-head came up to me.

"Hey, Kagiwara. Mr. Aizawa said that the girls all had to dress up in cheerleading costumes and cheer for our class." Wanna-be-Pikabitch said.

"I'm not doing that." I tried to turn around. But all the guys stopped me.

"No! You have to do it." Streambean said. Everyone agreed with him.


"N/n, please?" Mickey whined.

"Whatever. I'll go. Where is Mr. Hobo?"

"Oh, no. You just have to go into the girls locker room. The girls will give you an outfit." Wanna-be-Pikabitch said.

I just nodded and left to find the locker room. I didn't really pay attention until I bumped into some guy. I have a real quick sorry and went past. Or at least tried to. The guy grabbed my arm and made me face him.

"You're that girl that hasn't used her quirk, right?" The guy asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I would like to know what your quirk is."

I looked up at him. He had weird pointy hair and a mask on.

"You look fucking stupid. I ain't telling you shit."

"But you said that if you are a hero then come to you later and ask."

"Yeah. Are you a hero?"

"Yes I'm the fifth top pro-hero."

"Yeah whatever. What's your hero name?"

"Edge shot."

"Never heard of you."

He seemed surprised.

"If you want to know my quirk then either get Mr. Hobo to tell me you really are a hero or take me on as an intern and I'll tell you then." I said.

"Fine then. You go on with whatever you were doing and I will get your teacher."

"K. Bye."

     I walked off to find the locker rooms again. I finally found it and went in. The girls looked at me in surprise.

"I didn't know that you were doing this too." Ponytail said.

"I'm only doing this so that Streambean, Cutie, and Mickey will stop bothering me about it."

     Ponytail gave me the outfit. I made another wall in front of me so that I could get changed. I wore tights under the skirt, a shirt under the crop top, and a large hoodie over it all. I came out from the wall. All of the girls looked at me.

"Awe, I thought you would wear the costume Kagiwara." Invisi-bitch said.

"I am. I just wearing tights under the skirt and a hoodie over all of it." I said.

     I played my game while we entered the stage. Banana-head announced that we came in, he was, and everyone else was as well, surprised by our entrance. I just sat on the grass and played my game. The Grape-head and Wanna-be-Pikabitch came over.

"We thought you were gonna wear the outfit." Grape-head said.

"I am. It's just under the hoodie."

"What about the tights?"

"They're under my skirt."

     While the other girls did the cheer thing I kept playing my game. The girls were finally done with their stupid cheer and so we all went to the changing room. I changed and left the room before the other girls. The one on one battles start. I sat down in my seat. I am right next to Peppermint-boy. First to fight were Floofy and Bush-head.

Floofy said something to Bush-head and it made him angry. Or at least I think he did, Bush-heads face went red, and he looked down. Floofy controlled him and made him start to to walk out. But Bush-head got out of his control and ran towards Floofy. Floofy tried to fight back but Bush-head threw him over his shoulder and out of bounds. Floofy went to his class and they were all cheering for him. Bush-head came back and no one really cared. Next up is Peppermint-boy and the Plain-guy.

There was nothing special about this match. Plain-guy caught Peppermint-boy off guard and caught him in his elbow tape. Peppermint-boy just froze like half of the arena. Like I said. Nothing special. Next is Wanna-be-Pikabitch and Plant-hair from the other class. I go down to the waiting room. I'm going against the Bubblegum hair. He has a bellybutton laser. He can't shoot it for more then a second, so this match should be pretty easy.

I hear my name being called, so I go out to the arena. Bubblegum hair is on the other side of the arena. They announce for us to start. I just keep playing my game. She shoots her acid at me and I dodge it. I walk closer and closer to her avoiding her acid, and I pull her by her collar and throw her out of the arena. I am announced the winner and I walk back to our class' spot.

Then Ponytail and Birb-boi go, Birb-boi wins. Metal kid and Redhead fight, it's a tie. Airhead and Spiky fight, Spiky obviously wins. We all go on a break. I get up to go and get some snacks, as I enter the hallway Peppermint-boy picks me up and takes me to a secluded hallway. He tells me to stay, leaves, and comes back with Bush-head.

"Why did you bring us here Todoroki?" Bush-head asks.

"He's going to kill us. We know too much." I say calmly.

"What?! Really?! I swear we don't know anything!" Bush-head starts panicking.

I bring my hoodie up to cover my face to hide my smile. Peppermint-boy tried to explain he's not going to kill us, but Bush-head is panicking so much that he can't hear his explanations. I start laughing. They both go quiet. I still have my face in my hoodie. But I laugh so hard that I hold my stomach and my hoodie falls off of my face. The boys just stare at me as I start calming down.

"Sorry." I say. "It's just." I giggle. "You panic so much over something so little and was obviously a lie." I stop laughing completely and go back to my usual blank face.

"Wow, N/n. I've never seen you smile before. I'm sure not even Micho has ever heard you laugh that hard." Bush-head points out.

"You have a very beautiful laugh." Peppermint-boy says.

I look away. "Whatever. You're never gonna hear me laugh again, nor see my smile again. That's not what we're here for anyway. So what did you bring us here for?" I ask Peppermint-boy.

"Yes, I did bring you here for something."

Peppermint-boy told us about his family and about what his father did to his family. He also told us about his mother burning his face because it looks like his father. He says that he will win against us with out his fathers power and become number one. Bush-head accepted his challenge.

"K. Now that you're done with Bush-head. Why'd you bring me here?"

"You're mother is the hero: Techno. She is number fifteen. You are the strongest in the class. You've gotten this far without using your quirk. You also happen to be the smartest. I will defeat you too."

"I'm definitely not the strongest nor the smartest. If I was I'm sure that I would be going through more challenging things than the rest of you."

He nodded. Bush-head and Peppermint-boy went to leave. I grabbed onto Peppermint-boy shoulder. I told Bush-head to go on and he did.

"I don't think that we will be fighting in the sports festival. At least not this one. You may be rejecting your fathers power and shit but it's your power too. You not using your other power is kind of useless and annoying."

"What do you mean?" He questions.

"You have two powers for a reason. They may not be for reasons you like, but at least you have two powers you shouldn't take that for granted. People who are born without quirks are bullied and rendered useless. It's your power because you aren't your father. You're your own person and shouldn't listen to your father. If you ever use your fire side you know that it's because you choose to not because your father thinks you should."

"Okay. What did you mean by it's useless and annoying?"

"It's useless because no matter what you do your going to have your left side and it's annoying because you have your fathers, and mothers, approval. You're father keeps trying to help you with your quirk even though it's pretty much the same thing as his. And your mother still loves you and treats you the same as the other kids. She doesn't try to keep you away from your path. And she wants you to be safe from danger. You have your powers for a reason. Like it or not, they're going to stay with you and you're going to use them."

"Did my father put you up to this?!" He asks slightly angered.

"Put me up to what?"

"Trying to change my mind! Make me think I should use my left side! Just like he's always wanted!" He yells.

"No, he didn't. Because one, I don't know who your father is, and two, I always say what's on my mind. No one can change my opinions."

I leave him to his thoughts and walk off. I walk to the cafeteria and get some strawberry milk. I go to the waiting room because I want to be alone for a minute. I get to the room and sit down. I watch the T.V. thats showing everything that's going down. Bush-head and Peppermint-boy are fighting. Peppermint-boy shoots ice at Bush-head over and over again, Bush-head just broke his fingers breaking the ice with it.

Finally Peppermint-boy uses his fire. The match ends with Bush-head's fingers and arm broken and his body out of bounds. Next is plant hair and Blueberry. Blueberry wins. I just realize that I'm next and am called out. I walk out while still playing my game. The match starts and I avoid his shadow bird thing. I just avoid his bird and keep walking towards him. He keeps walking backwards. He saw what happened to Bubblegum hair and is trying to avoid the same happening to him.

Though since he was backing up he steps out of bounds and I win. I go back to the waiting room. I watch Spiky and Redheads' fight. Spiky is on the defensive side this time. Spiky wins. And we're on another break. It's only fifteen minutes. I'm hungry. I get up and go to the nearest vending machine. I get my snack and turn around. I bump into a hot wall. Oh, wait, no. It's just some guy on fire. I push past him.

"Do you have no manners child?!" They ask.

"No, do you? Keep your voice down. God we're not at a fucking concert. Geez." I say while walking away.

The guy grabs my shoulder.

"You're that child that wouldn't show her quirk. Tell me are you quirkless?"

"Why should I tell you that?"

"Do you know who I am?!"

"No and I don't give a shit. Move outta my way."

"Well if you actually look at me you would know who I am."

I look up. He is just a big guy that's on fire.

"You look like a guy that's on fire. Now can I go."

"I am the Number Two Hero! You will show me respect child!"

"I wouldn't give you respect even if you were the number one hero bitch."

"Do you even know the Number One Hero?!"

"No, and I don't want to."

"Well now you are." He lifts me up over his shoulder and walks down the hall to a room.

I'm bored. I change my game to Paper Mario. He opens the door and stomps in.

"All Might! Teach this child some respect!"

I look up for a second and see all of the teachers and Yellyman.

"Young Y/n! What are you doing here?!"

"Shut up will ya."

"Ahem, yes sorry."

"I thought you said you didn't know the Number One Hero! Did you lie to me?!"

"I didn't lie to you. I just didn't know that Yellyman was the Number One Hero. He's too stupid to be a hero."

"All Might. Make her show some respect!"

"I can't."

"And why not?!"

"She doesn't respect anyone."

"I do too."

"Like who?"

"Cheesus Crust, Kermit the Frog, and Big Chungus."

"We don't even know who those people are!"


"You've spent your whole life-" I cut him off.

"Not a hole Keisha a valve."

"What are you talking about?"

"God you're such a loser."

"I am not a loser! I am the Number Two Hero!"

"Second is just first place for losers."

A couple of the heroes snort. The flame guy glared at me.

"Oh shit. Looks like I'm up. See ya later Number One Loser."

I go out to the arena. I'm going against Blueberry. He steps in the arena with me.

"Y/n! I have watched your other matches! You shall not make me go out of bounds! For I will go after you instead!"


He runs after me. He tries to kick me but I keep dodging. I subtly go to the edge of the arena. Blueberry sees this opportunity and runs for me. He uses his special move, just as he's about to hit me I dodge and he goes out of bounds. I'm announced the winner, Blueberry sighs and comes up to me.

"I thought that I couldn't be fooled into going out of bounds. Alas you are the superior student."

"Not really. You did better than the others. You stayed in the longest and studied my movements from past rounds. I didn't pay attention to anyone's rounds really."

I go to my waiting room and get a water in the way. I play my 'Monster Hunter XX' game and drink my water while waiting for my turn. Spiky and Peppermint-boy are fighting. Peppermint-boy starts out with his ice, very predictable, and Spiky blasts through it. They fight for a little bit, Spiky makes Peppermint-boy use his fire, but only for a second. Then Spiky blasts him away. The smoke clears and Peppermint-boy is out of bounds and unconscious. Spiky runs up to him and starts yelling in his face.

Wanna-be-20-chick makes him fall asleep on Peppermint-boy. They clean up the mess of the round and call us out after Spiky wakes up. I walk out onto the arena. Spiky comes stomping out.

"What's got you in a bad mood?"

"Stupid Half-and-half didn't use his full power on me!"


"You better use your quirk on me Y/n! I'm not going to go easy on you!"


The match begins and he flies at me. I hold on to him. I hug him and wrap my legs around him. He starts to wiggle around. He sets off explosions but I keep a good grip on him. Spiky starts running to the edge. I start to think, what the hell do I do? I can't just jump off he will just come after me again. Oh, I know. About five feet away from the line I kiss him. On the lips.

That's all for this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry, I haven't updated in a million years. I was at my grandmas, she has no service or WiFi where she lives. Until next chapter. Bye.

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