A break from reality

By caesiumbae

1.4K 238 2.3K

What if all the things we always wished for, came true? What if you only had memories and traces of your love... More

° Cast °
Chapter one
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Character interview - round one
Chapter six

Chapter two

158 31 178
By caesiumbae

"Your limitation- it's only your imagination"

Valentine's pov'


"You can't blame me, I never wanted to do all these. And stop yelling, I don't want you to scare Axel again." I told him calmly hoping that he would give up while rubbing Axel's back. He was sitting on my lap scribbling something on a paper. Peter was sitting on the couch looking at a magazine while Mike stood at the doorway rigidly.

"EVERYTHING WAS FINE BEFORE TELL ME WHAT HAS CHANGED!" Dad yelled again and slammed his fists on the table. Being old did nothing exceptional to his anger instead increased it.

"Daddy-" Axel tugged on my sleeves while his lips quivered. I already knew what's wrong.

"Shhh it's okay, grandpa is just grumpy today." I whispered praying that he doesn't start crying.

"ANSWER ME!" That's it! I stood up picking Axel and walked out of my office. It gets overwhelming sometimes I swear.

"STOP RIGHT THERE." He yelled again when I was just about to shut the door. I slammed the door with a loud thud and walked away towards the elevator, completely ignoring that old man. I mean who is he to boss me around? First of all I still at times doubt if he's my biological father.

"That was scawy" said Axel with a pout.

"Indeed it was, let's just go somewhere else."I said and entered the elevator.

"Hey wait up-." Mike tried to catch up with us but too bad the doors closed right at that moment and I did absolutely nothing to open it up again.

"Daddy, whewe awe we going." Axel said, clutching my chest.

"Let's go eat something to brighten up the day." I said looking down at him with a smile.


I walked inside an ice cream parlour along with Axel. It felt nice being left alone with my son. We took the window seat which was at the left corner.

"Excuse me sir, would you like to have your usual?" Oh shit, I must have zoned out and didn't notice that a waitress approached us.

"Axel, what do you want to have today!"I asked, poking him. He was sitting beside me, looking around.

"Bubble Gum, just like before !" He answered thoughtfully. Earlier when I asked him if he wanted to have an ice cream he plainly rejected saying he's not in the mood as grandpa is being grumpy.

"And I don't want any, thank you." I said with a smile, looking around.

"Valentine-" someone gasped from behind.

I turned abruptly hearing my name, apparently none called me Valentine after that accident except some of my family members. So it really shocked me when I heard my name coming from a complete stranger.

"Excuse me?" I turned and looked at the young girl with short brown hair who was sitting behind us. By her appearance I could tell her age was no more than eighteen. She had a small notepad with her along with some highlighters which were scattered around the table.

"Uh- hi! I'm sorry but I didn't mean to disturb you!" She mumbled looking down biting her nails while scribbling something on her notepad. Did I scare her? I think so.

"Daddy who's she?" I had to turn back when Axel asked me that.

"I don't really know who she is, but let's find out." I smirked and turned back.

"You certainly didn't disturb me! I hope you wouldn't mind joining our table, yeah?" I told her with a smile. I need to know as to how she knows my name! I had a really tiny hope that she would know about my past.

"Uh- okay!" She replied shyly and gathered all her stuff. After placing them inside her backpack she stood up and joined our table. She sat beside Axel quietly, playing with her earbuds.

"Hey, you awe vewy pweety." Axel said before I could ask her something.

"Why, thank you. You're too cute! You must be Ax- oh I'm sorry!" She said quickly biting her lips. I wonder why this girl is being so mysterious. I mean she could complete her sentence, I had already guessed that if she knows me, she for sure is going to know Axel as well.

"Daddy, she knows me!" Axel said enthusiastically.

"So it seems!" I muttered and looked at her skeptically.

"Do I know you?" I asked straightaway.

"No!" She replied nervously.

"Do you know me?" Raising an eyebrow I asked her again.

"Uh-no!." She mumbled looking around.

"Are you a spy or something assigned by Louis Corp.?" I asked her wanting to see a reaction, I mean she could never be a spy of theirs I was so sure of it.

"Bullshit! Why would I be a spy! I'm an author if you didn't know!" That actually surprised me. Out of everything she had to be an author? Just my luck.

"Oh! I don't like your kind. Just saying!" I shrugged, pressing my lips tightly with disapproval.

"I don't give a shit as to what you like. I mean why the hell would you have something against us?" She snapped sitting up straight.

"Well. It's gonna take ages if I start explaining to you as to why I hate authors." I rolled my eyes and tried to help Axel with his ice cream which the waitress left a few seconds ago.

"I have time." She said folding her hands.

"Unfortunately I don't. Sorry for my behavior but I really want to know as to how you know my name." I shrugged.

"Excuse me?When did I ever say that I know your name?" She huffed and turned away.

"Okay, so you're denying the fact that you know me." I said rubbing my chin. I was getting pissed every passing minute hearing her talk.

"I am not denying that in fact I'm saying the truth." She said and tried to stand up.

"Then what about Axel? How do you know his name?" I smirked before she could stand up. Hearing that question she muttered something under her breath.

She stood up and sighed.

"I heard you saying his name when the waitress approached." She shrugged and waited for my reply.

"I doubt if you're saying the truth but I'm going to let it pass." I said and stood up as well because Axel was done with his ice cream.

"What's youw name?" Axel asked when she turned to leave.

"I'm Damiya. I hope we meet again." She turned back and said with a small smile.

"Mhmm. That's an unusual name." I said honestly because I haven't heard that name before.

"And that's a nice name." Axel said and ran towards her hugging her legs.

"Daddy doesn't talk to random people so I'm happy that he spoke to you. You'we a nice pewson also pweety. I hope we meet again." Axel said quietly.

"Don't worry boy, I'mma see you soon. You've grown up so much. And I'm really not surprised to see Val acting like that." She said, kissing Axel on his cheeks . I was shocked when I heard her call me Val but before I could say something she left already.

"Daddy, let's go." Axel came and clumped his hands with mine.

"That's not how I expected it to go." I muttered. After paying the bill we left the ice cream parlour.


"Oh thank God, you're back!" Said Mike as soon as he saw me walking towards my office.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Axel left my hand and ran towards the door which was at the far corner. Peter's office. It's good that he left! Now that he did, I could complete some of my work without any disturbance.

I sat on the chair with a sigh and opened my laptop. That old man has sent me an email of an upcoming new project. Ugh! Another new project? Hell no!

Mike entered my office and sat in front of my desk.

"Man, what if he comes to know that you intentionally let that project slide." Mike frowned.

"He wouldn't know. If we were to proceed with that project then it would have helped dad a lot which would have been bad considering the fact that he wants to start the Northville Beach resort project already. Now that the company has lost enough money to go bankrupt, I don't think so dad would start that project soon. He has got enough sense not to do that." I said and closed my laptop.

"You're too naive to think it like that. Have you checked the new upcoming project? I think that old man has sent it to you already." He said and pressed his lips tightly.

"I've seen it on my email but didn't check the details. What is it about!"I asked him already wanting to know if it's related to the Northville Beach resort.

"Alexander is also included in that project. I think it's about time that you know, one of the company's shareholders is Alexander and I know that you haven't met him just yet." He said and looked at me to see my reaction. I didn't have any because to hell with the goddam company I didn't want to do anything with it.

"Proceed." I scoffed and drummed my fingers waiting for him to say his next words.

"And let me tell you, you look exactly like him from head to toe. He's cold and ruthless unlike you that's the only difference. You might be cold outside but I know you've got a very kind soul. But Xander , he doesn't even know what the word kind is. I heard he's coming back to claim his hold of the company. " Now that's what really threw me off guard.

"What do you mean by he looks exactly like me?" I asked him with utter bewilderment.

"He does. And I'm honestly afraid of what he might do if he comes back." He said looking outside the window.

"Mike, this is absolutely stupid. Who is he actually and why hasn't anyone told me about him." I said, looking at him impatiently.

"He's the son of Arthur Alvarado aka your dad. He disowned him a couple of years back because of things which are not known to outsiders. That's all I know. Now that if you ask me as per the appearance, I think there might be a possibility that you both are twins." He chose the words of his last sentence very carefully and now I know why.

" I don't believe a shit you just said." I said and took a random file which was lying on my desk.

"You will, just let him arrive. And check the details of the project, try to find some loopholes orelse not only you but we all might end up in deep trouble." He said slowly.

Before I could reply him there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said and looked at the door waiting for the person who was outside to enter already.

The head of the security came in, he looked around nervously.

"Speak." I said and motioned him to talk.

"Sir, there came a woman this morning with a little girl with her who surprisingly looked like your son Axel. She demanded to see Valentine and since you weren't present at that time I had to inform Mr. Arthur but it didn't do any good because he asked me to ask them to leave instantly and to never mention this to you. But I thought this might be something personally important to you" He said nervously and looked at me.

"WHAT?" I stood up hurriedly and walked at him. My heart started beating at a faster pace. Could that be- could that be my wife?

"How did the woman look like?" I asked towering above him.

"She-she looked like she's in her late 40's" he stuttered.

"What else did she say?" I questioned him slowly this time.

"She said that you're her lost son Valentine and she's come to take you back because Ava needs you. That was her exact words. I'm sorry I didn't know you would react this way, if I did I wouldn't have said you." He replied quietly.

"Thanks for telling me really! Could you do me a favor and collect their footage from the cameras?" I told him impatiently.

"Okay, I'll leave now." He said and left,the door closing it on the way.


"I- I didn't know about that I swear. After you left I was at the IT department the whole time." He said sincerely.

"UGH! WHY-" I couldn't finish that sentence because there was a sharp pain on my head making me clutch it tightly.


-A.N: Hi! Here's a new chapter. Hope you like it. Look, how much I love you Chocolateydaisy I've updated as soon as I could as you've asked me to. Also seaveydamiya I hope you find yourself here💀.

-have a bright day.


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