Second Composer

By TNckitty

251 3 5

Nanami Haruka's journey is something we all know about. How she helps each and every single one of the bright... More

Read Before Continuing
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

44 0 0
By TNckitty

Standing in front of the snowed-covered building, I can feel my heart beating quickly. I know that it isn't from running as I walked here. It isn't because of the nerves from being surrounded by so many people. It is most definitely from the anxiety and nervousness from the upcoming entrance exam.

Today is the day where I either make it or break it. The day that determines whether I'll reach my goal or not. The day that will get me a step closer or a step back from my dream.

To be honest, I would not even dream of coming here. Coming here to fulfill my dream and my promise. Coming here at the most prestigious school for performing arts in Japan.

Saotome Academy.

I can feel the nerves kicking in fulltime as the thought of even stepping foot in such a place scares me. Makes me freeze in my spot. Even if it is winter, I feel sweat dripping down my face. My hands feel clammy and my feet numb. My heart is beating so hard that I thought that it'll break out of my chest. I want to go back. Go back home and never come back.

NO! I can't do that. I can't turn back now after making it this far. After having the courage to stand in front of Saotome Academy and to take their entrance exam that could get me closer to my dream. To fulfill my promise to a long, lost friend and stand next by them. I can't turn back now. There is no turning back and walking away.

However, I can only feel my stomach sinking the longer I stand here. No matter how hard I try to convince myself, I can't force myself to move. If only Aka was here with me-

No. I have to do this alone. I can't rely on Aka all the time. I just need to suck it up and go.

With some more mental prep talk, I take a deep breath and walk towards the gate that stands between me and my dream. Maybe I'll feel less nervous if I pass through the gate. Plus, there are other people taking the entrance exam like me, so I'm not really alone.

I am relief to know that I do feel less nervous when I step inside. I let out a shaky breath that I didn't know I was holding. With newfound determination, I make my way to where the exam will be taking place. But before I even take step, I hear a commotion behind me. I turn around and see a pretty girl being stop by two security guards blocking her from entering.

The girl looks almost out of place with her short, reddish-orange hair and big, golden eyes. And although her white winter jacket and light blue scarf seem normal, something about her draws me in. I think it is the air around her that makes me feel calm. Almost tranquil.

"Please!" the girl shouts. "Please... I really want to take the entrance exam!"

My heart almost breaks by her desperate cries. But I was confused why she was shouting, there is still ti-

I almost have a heart attack when I glance at my black watch on my left wrist. It was a few minutes after the time that those who are participating in the exam were to arrive. My breath quickens, but I force myself to calm down before I could go in full panic mode.

To think that I almost miss my chance if I stand even a second late. Just like that girl over there.

Turning my attention back on her, I see the girl fall to the ground. I feel bad for her. She is so desperate to take the exam that I want to help her. But I am not confident enough to step in.

What if I get us both kicked out? What if I lose my chance on taking the exam? What if I banned us from ever coming back? What if-

My mind stops spiraling when I saw someone else step in.

From my point of view, I see a boy with red hair holding an umbrella over the girl. I couldn't see his face as he has is back facing me, but I can tell that he is a kind person who is willing to help others in needed. He has proven my point when the boy holds out his hand and pulls the girl up. When he turns around to face the guards, I can see his bright, red eyes. They remind me of a certain person.

Just like the girl, his aura is something that wants to pull me in. But unlike the girl, he makes me feel happy, like everything will be alright. And I guess that helps me relaxed a little.

To know that the girl is in good hands, I turn away from the scene and make my way to my destination. I do feel bad. Hoping for someone else to step in and help instead of me. But I feel like I wouldn't do any good in helping. So, I guess it is for the best that someone else stepped in.

I feel guilty, though, for leaving like that. I could have done something to help instead standing there like an idiot. Maybe I should go back.

No, I'll just look stupid if I go back. Plus, I should be focusing on the exam. If I don't pass this, I'll have to give up on my dream. And there is no way I am giving that up.

I steel myself, gathering all the confidence in me, and make my way to my entrance exam. I ignore everything that will be hindering me and let the ones that didn't come forward. I even mentally pray to whatever god is willing to grant my prayers.

This is my only chance to do this. My only change to make something of myself.

And maybe, just maybe, I'll get to see him again. 

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