We're Just Friends [BOOK 1 Of...

By Riane_Pereira

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They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you. And that's what he brought me, Heaven... More

"Metal Rods and Ex Cons"
"Royal Fuckery"
"Blonde Herpe"
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours"
"I would rather choke on a razor blade"
"That's Pretty Wild"
"Skeletons in the closet"
"Sticky Stickerson"
"Two can play at this game"
"The Devil's Punch"
"Walking Testosterone Bottles"
"The Party Fiasco"
"Mistakes have been made"
"Is she mute?"
"Nathan the nutsack bastard"
"Did you get her pregnant?!"
"Baboons balls"
"Penny for your thoughts"
"The balls that hang on the tree"
"Sausage Fest!"
"Absofuckinglutely Nothing"
"The Christmas Bimbo"
"Mr.Potato Head?"
"Midnight Memories"
"My pecs ARE sexy and firm"
"Nathan Cheated"
"Date..Date.. Oh! DATE!"
"Are you hitting on my girlfriend?"
"Unless you're secretly gay"
"Nate, Dave and the Cave"
"Cry me a river... of blood"
BOOK 2?!?!?!

"Lover Of Mine"

577 17 3
By Riane_Pereira


After a very steamy lovemaking session, Nathan and I head back to the car hand in hand, enjoying the comfortable silence between us. We reach the car faster now that my feet weren't about to give out, although my legs were a little wobbly, he pulls the door open for me and it reminds me of earlier this evening when I said I would only ever let him do it for me.

Then again, I didn't think we'd profess our undying love while we 'made love' in a lake hidden behind a bunch of trees. It looked like we were transported to a different world. "Where to?" He turns to look at me after snapping his seatbelt on. "Uh.. home?" He chuckles "Thank god, I thought you'd say round 3" he lets out a relieved sigh as he pulls out of the parking spot, I smack his arm as my cheeks redden "Shut up.."

He looks shocked "Are you seriously shy right now babe? this isn't the first time we've fucked" He says casually, changing gears with one hand as the other rests on the wheel. Why do I find that so attractive? His sleeves are rolled up, shirt unbuttoned from the top and his hair is wet and messy.

I squeeze my legs together, cursing the bitch for being so pro O'Connor. "That's what that was? just a 'fuck'?" His face drops "No, I'm sorry, that was a bad choice of words." I almost faint when he says this "Woah look at us being civil" His eyes widen for a moment too "Right? damn..." We meet each others gaze and burst out laughing, but when I look ahead my eyes pop out of my skull "Nathan car!" I scream, pointing at a car coming towards us, he swerves to the right, my heart leaping into my throat with the motion before he's back on the track again "That guy was definitely drunk what was he doing on a 2-way road?!" He yells out the car.

My mind is fuzzy as Nathan's voice fades out, I hear a soft but continuous beep at the back of my head as blurry images of cars and faint tyres screeching fade in and out of it. "Anna" I hear Nathan call calmly in the distance but my eyes are shut, I feel around my surroundings to grip onto something as bursts of pain sputter through my head.

I feel my body jerk forward and my name being called but all I can focus on is the pain in my head. When I do finally gain consciousness of my senses again my eyes shoot open "Oh my god-" My body jerks again, my eyes coming to focus on a very worried Nathan hovering over me. I look around to see that he pulled the car onto the emergency track and was currently standing on my side of the car. "Are you okay? what happened?" He searches my face in a panicked manner, cupping my cheeks.

"I'm fine, I-i don't know what happened Nathan it was so weird and scary I-i kept seeing blurry images of cars and tyres screeching, t-there was screaming and sirens and-" He claps a hand over my mouth "Stop talking and breathe" His voice is calm and soothing, I nod and do as he says. When I've finally calmed down he leans down and places a lingering kiss on my forehead, making me smile at the warm gesture.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He whispers, brushing the stray hair away from my face. "Yes Nate, just drive" I let out a breathy laugh, he reluctantly shuts the door and gets back into the driver's seat pulling on his seatbelt and slipping his hand into mine. "I like Nathan as a boyfriend" I tease, looking down at our hands.

He smiles sheepishly "Shut up, I told you I'm loveable" I scoff "I never said you were lovable I just said I like you better as a boyfriend" He rolls his eyes playfully "I never said i was your boyfriend though" I chuckle "Nathaniel O'Connor?" I tilt my head, smiling like an idiot. He hums in response "Be my boyfriend will ya?"

He bursts out laughing "that's how you ask a guy out?", my smile falls "No, this-" I wait till we slow down at the red light before turning his head and pressing my lips against his in a light, teasing kiss "-is how I ask a guy out" He shakes his head, kissing me harder "You taste so good"

I push his head to face forward "Eyes on the road O'Connor" He smiles, accelerating "Yes ma'am!".

Once we're home we sigh in relief in sync, dropping our heavy bodies on the couch beside each other. "I'm so tired" I sigh out, closing my eyes and resting my head on his shoulder.

He sighs "yeah, me too..."

Its quiet for a while, but something pops into my head. "Hey nathan..?" I call out cautiously. "Yeah?" He lols his head to the side to look at me, i pull my bottom lip between my teeth.

His soft green eyes search my face "something on your mind?" He takes my hand in his and caress' the back of it with his thumb soothingly. I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding, "Your nightmares..." He stiffens, his breathing shallow.

"What about them.." He looks down at our hands instead of me. "What.. causes them?"

"A-and why have they stopped?" He frowns "what?"

"The nightmares, you haven't had them since i can remember" He chuckles softly, "you happened... i had them when i wasn't around you, when i couldn't feel your presence" I smile "that's kind of cheesy.."

He nods "i know, but you.. you help the pain go away from that day.."

"What.. day?"

There's a long pause, i can almost see his brain working as if he's trying to figure something out. "Damn it i don't think i should be telling you this" He mumbles audibly, sitting up right and looking me right in the eye.

"Telling me what, nathan?" I press, my throat going dry with anticipation and fear.

Is this what he and the girls were talking about? Back at the hotel in london?

"You need to stay calm, and not.. freak out. Okay?"

I nod slowly "okay..." i drag out, my heart beating rapidly in its cage. "About.. 4 years ago, i was in an accident. The one that caused the scars yes i told you about it" He speaks quickly, playing with my fingers as he talks.

"But there's more.. my dad, he-" He sucks in a breath "He's an asshole." He states, finally looking me in the eye.

His eyes hold fear, regret, anger and hatred. All of it seeming to be directed towards his father.

"But he was so-"
"-nice, yes he was friendly and wholehearted and bubbly whatever the fuck but its all an act Anastasia. He's not a good person he- goddamn it he-" He stutterns, pulling away from my touch and running his hands through his hair.

"He caused the accident, my mum and i were on our way to visit mike. This was back in our hometown; where your family also happen to be living. Mike lived there too, in a different part of the city. My father, he had this huge business deal with Mr Baker and mum and i were on the way to tell them to not close the deal because she knew my father was a fraud. She overheard him on the phone the night before, he was talking to some agent and they were planning on driving Mr Baker and his company into bankruptcy and she couldn't let that happen, i-i couldn't." He looks down at his feet, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands clasped together as he gulps down.

"Another friend of mine was in the car, he was one of mike and i's close friends. My dad hired some truckdriver desperately in need of money. He used that poor man to kill his own wife and son. He paid that man to drive a 16 wheeler trailer right into our SUV..." His jaw clenches, the pain in his voice so raw my heart aches.

"The truck crashed into us, our car flew across the street and turned 5 or so times. My mother was in critical condition and i was almost dead by the time we reached the hospital. My friend that was with us broke his arm, his leg, cracked 2 ribs and-" I notice a single tear slip down his cheek, his knuckles white from squeezing his fists so hard.

I move closer to him and put my hand over his. "Its okay, you don't have to tell me the rest" He shakes his head "no, i want to. I haven't spoken about it since then.." I nod hesitantly, persuading him to go on.

"He suffered severe head injuries, his skull cracked open and- and he had to have surgery. W-when he woke up, he couldn't remember anything..."

My heart sinks, that poor boy must've been through so much.. and nathan probably blamed himself for it.

I feel a sudden strain on the base of my neck and straight to my head, as if someone is pinching a nerve but i shake it off. "He died a couple days later in the ICU... and the truck driver went to jail." I brows shoot up "he what- oh god Nathan i'm so sorry" i pull Nathan into a comforting hug, he nods "its okay, i've learnt to cope with it. I've accepted the past" He whispers into my hair, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I feel bad for him, yet why do i feel so.. odd. Like there's something not adding up.. i just can't piece it together.

After our little moment we part ways to get changed out of our attire. I glance at the digital clock sat on my bedside table whilst i slip into a fresh underwear "1 am? Crap i have an interview tomorrow.." i mumble to myself, slipping a plain grey shirt over my head not bothering to throw on pants.

"Knock knock" Nathan pops his head through the crack of the door with a boyish grin "did i hear interview?" I nod "yeah i emailed this.. media company, something digest. They had an opening for a intern and i'm running low on cash so i said why not?" I explain and i tidy up my room, mostly just throwing dirty clothes into a laundry bin and the rest into the closet.

"Oh? Sounds fun" He prances into the room and takes a seat on my bed, his eyes trained on me moving around the room.

I pick up some stuff gen left on my table and i begin to recall what happened earlier today.

Jason was at the party..
Should i be telling Nathan this? I mean, i don't think i want to drag him further into my problems. Not after i found out Jason spoke to him and he had no idea it was Jason.

"Pound for your thoughts?" He speaks suddenly, startling me. "Huh? Sorry" I offer him a small smile before shoving the item into the drawer.

"You look.. tense, your brows are creased and you're biting the inside of your cheek" He leans back, his arms stretched out behind him to support him.

"Didn't know you paid so much attention to me" I smirk, chucking an empty water bottle at him.

"You're kind of a snob, you know? Why do you have a bottle that looks decades old lying around?" I roll my eyes "i don't know, i forgot about it" He shakes his head, flinging it into the bin in the opposite corner of the room. It lands in perfectly, surprising me. I turn to him with raised brows "what that luck?" He chuckles "i played basketball in high school babe, something else you didn't know about me" he winks, now laying back completely, beckoning me to come closer.

I oblige, crawling over him and straddling his hips. "Yes?" I smile down at him, poking the visible flesh on his tummy. He jerks "don't.. don't do that" he pouts, covering up. My eyes glimmer with mischief "you're ticklish?" My smile grows wicked, my fingers inching closer.

"Anna" He says in a weary tone, eyeing me "don't do it" i let out a wicked laugh, pulling his shirt up swiftly and attacking him with tickles. He bursts out laughing "Anna- stop-" He begs between laughs "Babe-" He laughs, trying to grab ahold of my hands.

"Stop-" He laughs harder, finally gripping my wrists "make m-" he easily flips me under him, covering my mouth "you don't wanna finish that sentence sweet pea.." he says in a rather seductive tone. i stare up at him, wide-eyed. My legs instinctively crossing over one another as i feel another round of arousal.

He pulls his hand away and pecks my nose "go to sleep" he smirks, falling beside me knowing damn well what he just did. I scoff, pulling the covers over us and turning my back to him.

"Aww.. is my baby mad" He coos softly, slipping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer. I stay quiet, my eyes closed.

"Dream of me,sweet pea" He whispers, kissing my cheek.

The next morning rolls in quickly, but peacefully. I feel like i can breathe for the first time in weeks, the feeling of laying in bed with Nathan was something i didn't know i needed until i got it. And i don't want it to change

I open my eyes slowly, blinking to adjust to the light shining through the sheer curtains. My gaze falls on nathan, fast asleep looking peaceful as ever with his hair messy and his pink, full lips pouted slightly. I resist the urge to lean in and kiss them, not wanting to wake him up.

I smile, my eyes going over the small details on his face. The tiny scar under his lip, barely visible. His long lashes, soft skin.

I think he has better skin than i do, is that even possible?! I think i'm jealous now.

"Are you watching me sleep?" His voice is raspy, heavy with sleep. It makes me feel weird and fuzzy inside, my stomach erupts in butterflies. "Not.. exactly.." I retort defensively, making him chuckle. "Good morning beautiful" He smiles, brushing the back of his fingers over my cheek.

I blush, diverting my gaze to the curtains behind him.

His eyes don't leave me for even a millisecond.

"Good morning" i whisper, finally meeting his intense gaze. We stay like that, tangled up in each others hold, staring at each other.

"What time is it?" I crane my head to check the time, it reads half passed 9 am.

"Shit the interview is at 10, i need to get ready" i attempt to sit up, but nathan pulls me closer "No, stay" He whines, nuzzling his head into my neck.

I smile, running my hand through his hair "You're such a baby, i'll be back in like 2 hours" He sighs, loosening his grip "promise?" I nod, pecking his lips "promise"

"Fine. Can you bring lunch on your way?" He grins, hopeful. I hum "i'll think about it" he pouts, letting go of me completely. "Drive safe" He mumbles, burying his head in the pillows.

I roll my eyes, smiling to myself as i make my way out of bed and down the hall into the bathroom. After i'm done i walk back into my room to see nathan fast asleep, snoring softly.

I try not to make a sound whilst i make my way around the room, slipping into white high-waisted trousers i tie the bow on them and slip on a dark red off-shoulder blouse and black strappy heels.

I grab a my resume and black shoulder bag, leaning down over Nathan and placing a soft kiss on his cheek before taking off.

The drive to the office is shorter than i anticipated, my nerves are on edge as i get out of the car and walk up the many stairs. I reach the grand reception, to my right is a small lounge with sofa's and a coffee table and to my left are elevators and what looks to be a conference room. And right in front is a huge light up sign 'Redford Entertainment Digest'.

I walk up to the desk "hi i'm Anastasia Lana Black, i have a scheduled meeting with Mr Vincent?"

The blonde offers me a smile "Here's your access card, take the elevator straight up to the 40th floor and i'll let him know you're coming" I nod, smiling "thank you".

Making my way into the elevator i ride up all the way to the 40th floor, a simple black elevator with silver accents and blue buttons.

The elevator dings, opening up to reveal a crowded floor with people running around everywhere. I'm taken back by the noise, confused as to why everyone was here on a Saturday morning.

A tall lady in a black body con dress walks out from a corner, a neutral expression on her face. She was about an inch taller than me and her hair was long, a dirty blonde and poker straight. Her eyes was a cool shade of blue but they held very little emotion.

Wow he sure has a thing for blondes..

"Mr Vincent will see you now" She says monotonously. I nod "oh and, don't beat around the bush. Be straightforward, and..." She looks me up and down "Don't flirt with him" I hold back the instinct to roll my eyes and just give her a tight lipped smile before making my way down a hallway. I stand in front of a frosted glass door, gathering my nerves before pushing the door open and walking in. Flirt with him? He sounds like.. 50!

Why the hell would i flirt with- "Good morning Anastasia" His voice is deep, husky and alluring.

Holy shit he's beautiful.

"G-good morning" I smile, letting go of the door. "Please, take a seat" He gestures to the seat in front of him with a welcoming smile.

His dimples stick out when he does so, my heart leaps.

Stop it. You dick thirsty bitch.

I sit down in front of him, handing him my resume. "I'm an English major, I speak 2 languages and I've interned with my dad at Blackstone Enterprises for a month. There's a certificate in the file as well."

He nods, his eyes scanning over the pages. "Anastasia black? You're Greg's daughter?" He refers to my father like he's an old-time friend.

Great. Just what I needed. Someone who knows my father.

I give him a tight-lipped smile "Yeah, i am" His Blue eyes flicker up to meet my gaze, he's definitely much younger than i expected. Like 25 Years younger.

"Your skills are impeccable, and you study art. Do you have anything worth showing off" He smiles, flipping through the pages. Before I can speak up he pulls out a digital poster i made for a cancer campaign, his eyes run over the details he nods along as if agreeing with himself. He clicks his tongue, placing the clear file on the hardwood table and looks at me with an emotionless face.

My heart sinks, i try to hide my disappointment as i begin to stand up "Thank you for your time-"

"You're hired" He cuts me off, smiling at me with a glint of humour in his eyes. I chuckle "Oh..thank you so much, I won't disappoint you" He stands up and extends his hand out for me to shake, i take it and give it a firm shake "And don't worry, I'll treat you like i have no idea who your father is" He assures as i pull the door open. I flash his a grateful smile before exiting.

His secretary glares at me as i step into the elevator, but i pay her no mind too excited to celebrate. I drive down to my favourite Italian restaurant and pick up a hearty lunch, not holding back.

Throughout the drive home, I can't help but grin, smiling to myself like an idiot all the way into the parking lot. I swing open the back door, grab the bags and sling my bag over my shoulder before shutting the door with my hip and locking the car. When i look up i see Nathan at the top of the stairs, he looks mad, and then my eyes follow his view to see a decently tall, blonde girl with hair till her waist.

From the angle, I was able to see her at, she looked beautiful. She looked like she was yelling but I could only faintly hear their voices muffled by the wind and passing cars. I approach them, slowly. "Olivia, please. Just leave. I'm tired of hearing your excuses its been 2 years. you ended it and i was glad you did because I wasn't good enough for you, so why come back now?" He glares down at her.

Her steel-grey eyes glare at him, she looks like she's about to cry and I'm surprised neither of them has noticed me. "But-" My phone screams out, ringing abruptly.

I freeze, my eyes are wide. They both turn to look at me in sync, my lips part but no words come out. "Anna" Nathan murmurs, his face a little pale. Olivia looks me up and down; what's with women and looking at me so much today? did I dress weird?.

"Call me." Olivia mumbles- sorry, demands, before struting away in her knee-high boots that cling to her dark jeans, her hair swaying behind her. I raise a brow, turning to Nathan "booty call?" He grimaces "It's not even been 12 hours since we started dating and you're already accusing me of being a manwhore?" I sense the humour behind his tone, so i smile "I merely asked, i bought Italian" I lift the brown paper bags up with a cheeky smile.

He rolls his eyes, his lips cracking into a smile "Surprised you haven't slapped me and walked away yet" I feign hurt "Excuse you, I'm a mature woman. And i was just about to ask you to explain who that was. from what I gathered she dumped you and regrets it, how long did it last? a week? 2 weeks?" I tease, stepping out of the elevator.

He takes the bags from my hands as we approach the door, shaking his head "You'll want to hear this" I grin "Yay Nathaniel's love life, didn't know he had one. Just a body count of over 50" I wink, pushing the door open.

"Hahaha I'm laugh-crying," He says monotonously, "Isn't it cry-laughing?" He puffs out an exasperated breath "Idiot. How was your interview?" He places the bags on the counter, opening them and pulling out the takeaway containers. "It was good, boss is hot so that's a plus" I say casually, looking up at him from across the counter for a reaction.

He jaw clenches "Really? you find 50-year-olds hot now?" I chuckle as he slowly makes his way towards me "That's what i thought until i stepped into his office and almost came right-" He claps a hand over my mouth "Don't you dare finish that sentence" He growls, pressing me against the counter.

I look at him through my lashes, putting on my best seductive face. His expression is hard, his green eyes dripping with jealousy. "Wow babe, I never pegged you for the jealous type" He leans down, pulling my bottom lip between his teeth. I suck in a sharp breath, my eyes fluttering as heat rushes down south.

He chuckles, fully aware of the effect he's having on me. "You" He whispers, pecking my neck "Are" he kisses my jaw "Mine." He breathes against my lips, holding my chin up and kissing them softly before stepping away. Leaving me flushed and hot, leaning against the counter with my heart pacing rapidly in my chest.

You are mine

I didn't know how hot that sounded until it came out of his mouth. Anyone else would've had be laughing at the statement, but when he said it, it sounded dominant and sensual, his accent grows heavier and his voice becomes huskier, it makes my legs feel wobbly.

"You alright there?" He smirks, handing me a plate with hot pasta and a slice of pizza on it. "I'm f-fine-" I clear my throat "Fine." I lift my chin up, grabbing my fork and stomping to the couch like a little child. I hear him chuckle behind me, hot on my trail.

We drop on the couch beside each other, our conversation drowns out the sounds of the tv "So, Olivia.." I trail off, tossing my pasta around the plate his green eyes sparkle with humour "We... broke up 2 years ago. She had a problem with me talking to quite literally everyone, we got into an argument and she hit me" I can't help but stifle a laugh "she hit you? like punched you?"

He glares at me "She hit me with her stiletto on graduation night on the back of my head, in front of everyone" My brows shoot up "fiesty" i tease, eating a forkful of the heavenly food.

He sighs "She then proceeded to break up with me, her twin brothers: or should i say twin boulders, beat the shit out of me" I wince "sounds painful"

"He broke my nose." I stare at his nose for a painfully long minute, making him look away "can you not" i smile, squinting my eyes and leaning closer "it does look a little different..." He scoffs, but then his eyes widen "wait- what do you mean by that?" he gets all serious, placing his plate on the coffee table quickly.

I give him a confused look "Just that it... looks different from a regular nose?" His face relaxes "Oh.. right of course" He mumbles, leaning back. I finish the last of my food and put the plate down, pushing the sofa cushion off my lap before fumbling around to straddle his lap. "What's up with you lately?" I cup his cheeks searching his beautiful green orbs for any sign of unusual emotions.

He clenches his jaw, letting out a sharp breath of air. "Nothing, what are you talking about?" He frowns, i roll my eyes "you can keep lying but i know something's up" I mumble, letting go of his face.

Before i can move off him he grabs my wrists "wait, look at me" He whispers, his eyes desperate when i meet them. "I-i can't tell you right now, but I promise I will... soon" I stare down at him "so there is something?" I narrow my eyes, sceptical.

He still has no idea I overheard him and the girls at the hotel, I've been dying for an explanation since then but momentarily pushed it to the back of my mind because of everything going on.

"I promise" He smiles, knowing he got through me. I sigh "Fine" he chuckles, pulling me in for a kiss. I smile against his lips, my arms behind his head dangling over the arm of the couch. What i was expecting to be an innocent kiss, turns into a heated makeout session.

Before i know it, Nathan is pressing himself up against me, his very obvious bulge rubbing against my inner thigh. I shudder, my core tightening with need "Fuck- really? here?" I mumble against his lips.

He chuckles "I could take you anywhere baby girl" He whispers huskily, making me whimper.

His warm hands slip under my shirt meeting my cool skin, his touch electrifying.

"Surprise- oh my god!" I hear cheering and then screaming, making my head jerk up to see..

"Mum?! Dad?!... Samuel?!" I stare at my family in horror. My mom's eyes trail down and i follow her gaze to see a stiff Nathan with his hands practically groping my breasts from under my shirt, his face out of view.

This has got to be the worst situation i've ever found myself in.

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