Pride and Percabeth

By RachelLesch

25.7K 742 651

Fiesty Annabeth Chase is thrilled when she is invited to the Duke of Olympus's house party. While her best f... More

The Principal Characters
Character Sneak Peak
Tagged: About the Author
Chapter One.
Character and Ship Themes: Part 1
Character and Ship Themes: Part 2
Chapter Two
Tagged: About the Author-Part 2
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Character Designs: Part 1
Chapter Six
So everyone...
Chapter Seven
Character Designs: Part 2
Haircut and Highlights
Chapter Eight
Tagged: About the Author Part 3
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Writer Problems
Chapter Eleven
Research Videos
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Character Designs: Part 3
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Cosplay Sketch
Pride and Percabeth: Animated Style
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
How "The Burning Maze" should have ended
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Cast List
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty -Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Forty

272 11 6
By RachelLesch

Aunt Chase helped Annabeth make her Turkish costume, based on the pattern that Magnus had sent her.  They finished it by the time Annabeth had to leave to go home.

Along with the new outfit, Annabeth returned with a wooden sewing box inset with tortoiseshell: a Christmas gift from Aunt Chase.

She brought it with her to church to keep her hands busy during the Christmas Eve services by darning a pair of stockings that were torn.
The village church near Chase Mansion was decorated with evergreen boughs, holly, and ivy.  Everyone twittered about Piper's engagement to Lord Skye, who was spending Christmas with his future bride and her family.
Piper and Lord Skye were unaware of all the tongues wagging around them. They innocently sang along with God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.

Lady McLean, in her gaudy green satin dress and red bonnet, crowed with pride in the match her daughter had made.

A third gentleman stood in the McLean family pew alongside Sir Tristan, Piper's father. He was not Mr. Beckendorf, who Silena would marry in February.
"So the Chases will be visiting after the service?" the gentleman said to Lord Skye.
Lord Skye gave him a sly smile.
"Are you anxious to see Miss Chase again, Jackson?" 
Could the entire congregation hear Annabeth's heart flutter in her chest like a caged bird? Mrs. Chase put her hand on Annabeth's shoulder.
"Who's that young man with the McLeans?"
"That's the famous Lord Skye, Piper's betrothed," Annabeth replied.
"No, the dark one."
"Lieutenant Jackson, his friend."
Mrs. Chase grinned like a cat who had gotten into the cream.
"Was he the one you talked about in all your letters...?"
Annabeth stared down at her shoes. Her mother kissed her cheek.
"...I expect you'll have an especially merry Christmas this year."

A massive log burned in the fireplace in the McLean's drawing-room. The mantlepiece was festooned with evergreen boughs, rosemary, and bay leaf, holly, and ivy.

"Come in, my dears, " Silena said. "And have a warm." Her simple white dress and turban fluttered as she ushered the guests in.

The Chase family removed their wraps and accepted hot toddies.  Annabeth sat down in an armchair by the fire and let the warm, citrus, and spice-flavored liquid flow down her throat.

Lieutenant Jackson lit his pipe from a brazier of coals on the mantelpiece.
"How are your mother and sister?" Annabeth said. "I very much enjoyed getting to meet them."
"They're well," he replied. "Estelle is restless and excited about Christmas. Her governess and our mother have their hands full keeping the poor child in line."
He blew into the stem of his pipe to start a flame.
"I imagine your family misses you."
"I'll be home by New Year's. Lord Skye needed some support to meet his betrothed's family."
"It looks like they're getting on like a house on fire."
Lord Skye and Sir Tristan chatted amiably over their hot toddies.
Piper brought in a large bowl of brandy. She sprinkled in dried fruit and roasted nuts into the brandy and set it on fire. The young people, Silena, Lord Skye, Piper, Lieutenant Jackson, and Annabeth, took turns reaching into the bowl of burning bandy and trying to pick out the fruit and nuts before burning their fingers. Their faces contorted into grimaces of pain that made everyone else burst out laughing.

They played this game, called "hot cockles," until dinner was served. 
Annabeth was seated next to Lieutenant Jackson at the dinning table. She kept her eyes lowered at her plate and silent cursed that meddling Lady McLean and impudent daughters.
Pyramids of Shrewsbury cakes, cut in the shapes of stars and hearts, stood the center of the table.

A/N shout out to my girl Felicity

The dinner consisted of roasted ham, oysters on a half shell, and stewed spinach with eggs.

Piper cut into a piece of ham.
"What time do you expect us tomorrow?"
Mrs. Chase slurped down an oyster.
"I would say around two in the afternoon."
The McLean's were to return the Chases' visit the following day.
"Will we go caroling, Annabeth?" Silena said before putting a cut-up piece of egg and spinach  into her mouth.
"If the weather is nice," Annabeth replied.
Lieutenant Jackson took a sip of port.
"I heard it's supposed to snow tomorrow."
"Snow on Christmas Day, how charming."
After a dessert of trifle and apple and marzipan tart, everyone returned to the drawing room.

They sipped eggnog while they played charades.

Piper, Silena, and Annabeth formed one team. Lord Skye, Lieutenant Jackson, and Sir Tristan made up the other.  The young ladies chose a bible scene and acted it out in front of the gentlemen.
Annabeth clutched a piece of fabric to her body as if to shield her modesty from the leering glances of Piper and Silena.
"Diana and Actaeon," Lord Skye guessed.
Silena shook her head.
"No, My Lord."
Lieutenant Jackson picked up his glass of eggnog.
"It's Susanna and the Elders."
Annabeth dropped the piece of fabric and smiled.
"Lieutenant Jackson is correct."
When it was the turn of the gentlemen, Lieutenant Jackson reclined on the carpet and pretended to sleep.
Piper smirked. "Sleeping Beauty?"
Sir Tristan handed Lord Skye a lit candle in a brass holder.  Lord Skye used the candlelight to examine Lieutenant Jackson's sleeping form.
"Cupid and Psyche," Annabeth said.
Mr. and Mrs. Chase and Lady McLean applauded two such brilliant performances.

Annabeth and her parents left at midnight. The late hour and the quantity of eggnog she had drunk, caused her to nod off on her mother's shoulder during the carriage ride home. Her father carried her up to her bedroom as she were still a child. A maid undressed her and tucked her into bed.
Annabeth woke up at dawn to a bright, frosty, Christmas Morning. She threw on her dressing gown and rushed downstairs with the presents she had for her parents.

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