Confessions of a Bad Boy // S...

بواسطة RE_BellBooks

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As her senior year approaches, Allyson Craine finds herself unraveling from all aspects of her life. From the... المزيد

Confession Of A Bad Boy
Casting Call
Chapter One- My Best Friend, My Sister, My Louise
Chapter Two- That's Quality Heart Attack Material
Chapter Three- Walking Cliché
Chapter Four- Your Inner Perv Likes The Bad Boy
Chapter Five- Where's Your Sense Of Adventure
Chapter Six- Eat Shit Muskrat
Chapter Seven- You Fall For A Guy-He Secretly Falls For You
Chapter Eight- This Wardrobe Definitely Wasn't Narnia
Chapter Nine- I Give Their Pathetic Lives Excitement
Chapter Ten- Moves Like Patrick Swayze
Chapter Eleven- Strip It And Tip It
Chapter Twelve - Spilled Beans
Chapter Fourteen- Um What Is This, Motel Roach?
Chapter Fifteen- Beauty And The Bad Boy
Chapter Sixteen- My Life Is A Sick Teen Movie
Chapter Seventeen- How To Kill A Heart
Chapter Eighteen-You Are Mine
Chapter Nineteen- Exercise Freedom
Chapter Twenty- Bad Boy Confessions
Chapter Twenty One- Fallback Or Fall Apart
Chapter Twenty Two- Don't Torture Yourself
Chapter Twenty Three-Time Heals all wounds, I'll be okay until then
Chapter Twenty Four- All Eyes
Chapter Twenty Five- I've Been To Prison
Chapter Twenty Six- Mally Lives
Chapter Twenty Seven- It's Complicated With Mason Reynolds
Chapter Twenty Eight- Our Song
Chapter Twenty Nine- Oh My God You're Pregnant
Chapter Thirty- Love Makes Family
Chapter Thirty One- We're Not Even In The Same Ocean
Chapter Thirty Two- It's You
Chapter Thirty Three- There's No Other Place For Me
Author's Note

Chapter Thirteen- I'd Rather Lick Shreks Foot

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بواسطة RE_BellBooks

CHAPTER THIRTEEN- I'd Rather Lick Shreks Foot☑

So it's been a solid month since homecoming. The stitches I had from my appendix surgery were gone, I had managed to keep the envelope closed, and I had ignored Mason pretty well.

Now if you're asking why I'm ignoring a certain 'bad boy' it's because he's part of this secret. But it's not only him I'm ignoring; I've done the same to my parents and Aunt Chrissy.

I'm not going to lie, it had been a rough month. The aquarium had already set up funds to save itself financially, but nothing pulled through. Brie and Laine were annoyingly adorable-as are the rest of my coupled friends.

Okay, so I was a bit bitter. Everyone else's lives were falling into place and it seemed like mine was just going to crap....again.

How could I shame spiral twice in a single school year? This was a record, I'm sure of it.

I haven't been the most pleasant person to be around, and the only one who could actually  tolerate me was Grayson. Sweet, dough eyed, Grayson.

But I wanted him to go away too. I just wanted to be left alone and drown in my sorrows.

"Go away." I grumbled leafing through a magazine. I had stopped sitting with my friends at lunch started isolating myself in the library.

When Grayson didn't want to go away I hurdled the magazine at his figure behind me. "I said go away Grayson!"

"Okay first off, OW! Secondly, it's not Grayson." I turned around and quickly felt guilty, because I didn't know it was him.

"Laine what are you doing here? " I raised my eyebrow. I didn't consider Laine a friend of mine. Sure  he was going out with my best friend, and I had a crush on him most of my life, but we never actually sat down and talked.

"I came to check on you." He smiled wearily. I rolled my eyes, this reeked of Brie and Grayson. They had sent him to me. I didn't see why, it's wasn't like Laine affected me in any shape or form-at least not anymore.

"I'm fine as you can see." I grumbled, pulling out my sandwich and chomping it down. I know it wasn't not lady like, but I  didn't care. I eat for survival, not for show!

"No you're not." He stated, taking a seat next to me, "You've been ignoring all of us, we're your friends Ally."

I sighed and put the sandwich down, "I don't know why they made you come talk to me. It's fine, just tell them I need space and that I'm fine."

"No one sent me here. I came on my own will, we're all worried about you Al."

"You shouldn't worry, we're not even friends." I snorted, leaving no filter to myself. I sounded like a real jerk and by the hurt expression on Laine's face, I was a jerk.

"I consider you a friend Ally Cat." He frowned before he got up, I grabbed his wrist without thinking, stopping him dead in his tracks. He turned to me, his blue eyes piercing,

"I'm sorry Laine, I shouldn't have said that. It's just that we haven't really all. And I was annoyed because Brie and Grayson have been bugging me a lot lately. I just want to be left alone for a while you know? I've got a lot of crap going on and I just...I just need time. "I said rushing all the words out.

I stared at a very uncomfortable Laine before he cleared his throat and sat back down next to me, "I promise I'll get you out of this slump....and I think I know just how." He smiled wickedly.

"I don't like that smile." I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.


"I knew I wasn't going to like that damn smile!" I growled. Everyone laughed and ignored my panicked state.

"Listen it's a great idea, relax Al." Brett laughed.

"No it's a dumb and illegal idea." I pointed out.

"Say you'll do it."


"Say yes."


"It'll be a lot of fun." Brett sang in an attempt to persuade me.

"I'd rather lick Shreks foot over there." I said pointing at a really sweaty Jock who had tagged along with us.

"Hey!" He cried out.

"She didn't mean it shrek...I mean Shawn." Laine chuckled.

"So is that a no?" Brett asked again.

"Are fanny packs a fashion accessory that shouldn't come back?"


"There you go." I smiled cheekily, making a move to leave.

"Hold it Ally." Laine said yanking my arm. "I said I'd get you out of this slump and I meant it."

"Okay genius, tell me how kidnapping the penguins are gonna help me out of this 'slump'." I rolled my eyes using air quotes.

I didn't see this plan going well at all. Not to mention I was a little intimidated by all the testosterone in the room. Yeah, I was the only girl in the boys locker room. Why? I had no idea. I was lured her under the false pretense that food was involved.

As you can see, foot was not in sight. I was lied to. Bamboozled if you will.

"Brie, Collins, and Gaby are going to kill you when they find out their boyfriends kidnapped me." I narrowed my eyes at them accusingly.

"It's not kidnapping if you came willingly." Nate pointed out, I shot  him a glare.

"They're fine with this." Grayson waved off, slinging his arm around me. "They all agreed you needed a little fun to help you 'cope', whatever that means."

The girls all knew my dilemma....Well they knew that I needed to process this whole thing with my family and Mason. They knew about Raven Porter and how I needed to completely shut down everyone around me. To focus on myself.

I hated ignoring my friends, but they understood I needed space. A concept that was lost on the guys...and apparently the girls relented because they allowed this to happen.

Some friends I have.

Amen sister!, I agreed with the little voice of reason.

"Repeat the plan." I ordered, giving up my resistance all together.

"Why?" they all chorused, and when I meant they- I mean all my friends, and half of the baseball team.

"Because I'm hoping the more I hear this plan, the less stupid it gets." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay so the plan is we sneak into the aquarium and gather the penguins. Then we bring them to JFK and dress them up in t-shirts with our graduating class on there." Brett explained gleefully. Proud of his idiot produced plan.

"I'm so gonna get fired!" I cried out rubbing my face.

"No you won't because we're not using your key." Laine assured me.

"Oh and who's key are we using? I know Brie won't use hers because she won't take the fall, and if we're not using mine then who's?" I questioned. I swear this plan was just getting dumber and dumber. I think was losing actual brain cells.

"I don't think you want to know." Nate winced.

"Nate." I warned, "Who's key are we using?"

Before Nate had a chance to answer,  the boys locker room door swung open. There stood the last person I wanted to see. The last person I wanted to think about. Grayson sensed my anger and pulled me in closer and caressed my arm. I glanced up and gave him a thankful smile.

"So lets get this over wi-" Mason said before abruptly stopping, his eyes trained on me in Grayson's arms, "What's she doing here? " He all but spat out.

"She's part of this." Laine simply answered. Not at all intimidated by Mason.

"She shouldn't be here Miller." Mason narrowed his eyes at Laine.

"Laine's not my keeper, I can do what I want. And quite frankly I don't see why this concerns you." I sneered redirecting Mason's attention back to me.

"It's my key princess, and if you're caught you'll turn me in. I'm smarter than you think." He smirked shaking his head.

"I'm part of this stupid plan why would I put myself on the wire?" I scoffed before plucking the key out of Mason's hand. "Lets do this."

Mason glowered down at me. His grey eyes were filled with violent thunderstorms. Anybody else would have cowered to them.

A few months ago, I would have too. But a lot had changed....I had changed. Mason didn't intimidate me the same way he used.

Grayson tugged me out of the locker room as the guys all followed behind us. I was truly nervous about this prank. So many things could go wrong, and we'd all be in deep...shiz.

My aunt may be the principal, and my friend may be my boss, but this was still illegal. This could only end horribly.


"Come on Ramon, please?" I pleaded with my penguin companion. He let our snort of some sort and waddled away from me. I chased after him as I heard Nate and Grayson fighting with another penguin.

"I already said I was sorry for calling you a guy Stella!" Nate pleaded with her. She retorted by slapping his cheek. "She hit me! Did you just see that?" He cried out pointing at Stella.

"You deserve it man." Grayson chuckled, patting Nate on the back.

I surveyed the whole scene. All the guys were running around trying to get the t-shirts on the penguins. Which was a complete fail because if the penguins weren't running from them, the guys were either insulting them, or scared of them.

All of them were frantically trying to put on their gear, except one boy in particular. Did I even have to mention him?

"Ramon you'll look super cute in this shirt!" I pleaded with him as he waddled through the hallway.

We had all woken up early in the morning to 'kidnap' Ramon and his penguin family. I was pretty grumpy about it and so were the penguins. The plan was to release them before school started and watch the chaos go down.

When Ramon didn't stop waddling away from me, I resulted in drastic measures. I jumped in front of him blocking his escape and held out the shirt, "I heard Stella likes a guy in uniform." I sang.

Ramon instantly perked at the sound of her name. "Yeah buddy, I know all about that budding romance. I also know she likes a guy who can dance."

With that thought in his little adorable mind, he came to me. He nudged my hand that held the shirt, and I smiled content. I slipped the shirt over him that read our class name and patted his little bottom as he squeaked.

"You got the bird to listen to you?" Mason raised his eyebrow impressed, as he leaned against a locker watching me. I rolled my eyes and walked away, not at all interested in talking to him.

Yup, I was intent on ignoring him.

"Talk to me princess." He sighed pushing himself off the lockers to follow me. I ignored him still, and concentrated on helping everyone else.

"Listen whatever I did, just know I'm sorry." I stopped in my tracks and froze.

Did he just say 'sorry'? Oh my god I think world peace will break out soon.

"Did you just apologize?" I asked still in shock. Mason flushed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Don't make it sound like a big deal." He grumbled.

"But it is." I insisted.

"Hey at least you're talking to me." He chuckled, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Can I talk to you outside?" He asked nervously.

He's was kind of cute when he was nervous......WHOA WAIT WHAT?

Nah, just the effects of an early morning without coffee. It's all in my head.

Yes, your head. The head that thinks Mason is hot.....I approve this message.

Clearing my throat, and those unwanted thoughts, I agreed. We walked outside silently. I kept my distance and Mason found us a seat on the quad.

"So..." He started off.

"So..." I mimicked him. We sat there for a couple more tense seconds before I broke it, "You obviously have something to say, so say it." I blurted, bluntly.

He sighed and roughly ran his hands through his hair, "I know you're pissed about this 'secret'." He said, using air quotes, I nodded in agreement, "I want to tell you, if that means anything. But you have to understand that it's not my place to tell. I shouldn't even know about it."

I sat there and thought through everything he said. Maybe I shouldn't be mad at him, but he made it easy to. Finally I decided I couldn't honestly be mad at him, "Tell me what your dad does."

"What?" He asked.

"Tell. Me. What. Your. Dad. Does." I said slowly, geez it was like talking to a monkey, with him.

"Why do you want to know?"  he furrowed his brows.

"Do you want me to ask you pointless questions or just go back to ignoring you?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I'd rather you talk to me." He confessed. I couldn't deny the small rush my heart went through when he said that. "My dad's the mayor."

"The mayor? As in of this town?" I scoffed, "Or as in Wacky Town?" I joked.

"This town." he chucklef, "Why do you think I get away with so much shit?"

"I thought your dad was like the godfather or something." I shrugged. "So what's so bad about your dad?"

"What?" I rolled my eyes at this incredibly stupid delinquent.

I sighed and faced him, I was about to confess that I knew more about his relationship with Aunt Chrissy, "I was in the library that day Aunt Chrissy threatened you. I know you're only keeping this secret so you can get away from your dad. So tell me, what's your dad going to do to you after graduation?"

"You heard?" He replied annoyed, I shrugged again. What could I say?  I wss a class A snoop. "He's making me go to his stupid alma mater and I have to go into stupid politics. He says I should be more like my stupid cousin Laine."

"Wait what! Laine's your cousin?" Wow when he drops news like that, you're bound to have my same reaction.

"Yeah." He mumbled, "He's my dad's nephew and he's so fucking perfect. Laine wants to go into politics and dad doesn't fail to remind me. I swear my dad loves him more than he loves me." He glared at his fists.

Being the thoughtless person I was, I reached over and clasped them. He looked at me shocked and in all honesty so was I. "He's just trying to do what he thinks is best. I think your dad really does care for you, but I also think he's wrong for making you do something you don't want to do. Mason what do you want to do?"

Mason intertwined his fingers with mine and squeezed my hand once before answering, "I want to be a chef."

I gawked at him. The bad boy could cook? Who knew? "Then be a chef. Open up your own restaurant, and bake me a cupcake." I smiled jabbing him in the ribs. "But seriously, make me food. I'm starving right now." I added, serious.

"I'll do that. So does that mean I'm forgiven?" I smiled and began to walk away. "So is that a yes?" He called after me. I shook my head, and smiled to myself.

What an idiot.

"Come on those penguins can't put those shirt on themselves!" I called back.

"Never thought I'd ever hear that." I heard Mason mutter.

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