A New Life Together : BinJin

By jermzzz

145K 4.4K 742

a series of binjin's life together after cloy ! ~ light hearted, domesticated and fluffy chapters of binjin... More

A Life Together
A Blessing
Love At First Sight
Breaking The News
The Little Things
Prince Or Princess?
My One and Only
Rollercoaster Of Emotions
A Special Day
Welcome To The World
First Day
The End
Telling The World
Small Surprise
Father Daughter Date
Another Blessing
Happenings in Jeju
Vivid Dreams
Happiest Time Of The Year
Epilogue 1: A Father's Headache
Nausea, Mood Swings and Teary Eyes

A Missing Puzzle Piece

3.7K 131 25
By jermzzz


It has been one week since the birth of our beautiful baby. Ji eun is a week old! The past week has been a lot of adjusting and filled with many cuddles and kisses. Parenthood has been so blissful and so rewarding even though it has only been a week.

"My baby is already one week old, who allowed you to grow up this fast?" Bin said as he gave her belly kisses.

Ji eun since coming home from the hospital has gained weight which is so comforting to Bin and I because we know she's growing well and healthily. Her little chunky legs and hands plus her chubby cheeks are the death of us.

Bin was dressing Ji eun up for her first checkup at the hospital. Bin put on a thick onesie and a layered her up so she wouldn't catch a cold. He then picked her up and snuggled her in his arms as they made their way to our walk in closet where I was getting ready.

I heard footsteps approaching and turned around to see my beautiful little baby all dressed and ready. She looked absolutely adorable, she looked so grown up in her new outfit that I almost teared up.

"Ji eun-ie, you really are growing up too quickly" I exclaimed as I reached to hold her.
I held her in my arms and gave her so many kisses and snuggles.

This was technically Ji eun's first time out of the house. We have brought her for a walk a few days ago but it was really short and just around our neighbourhood so that didn't really count. As first time parents and this being her fists time leaving the house for a long period of time, we double checked that we had everything before we left the house.


"Yes, 7 pairs"

"Fresh set of onesies?"

"Yes 4 sets"

We went on for about a minute or two checking we had everything before we went to the car. Bin buckled her into her car seat making sure she was comfortable.

"Baby, eomma and appa will be in the front ok? don't be scared, i love you." Bin said in a high pitched tone as he gave Ji eun a little peck on the lips before he slowly closed the car door.

The car ride went smoothly, we kept talking to her so she wouldn't feel scared alone in the back. Eventually, she fell asleep.

When we arrived, I took Ji eun out from her car seat slowly as she was still fast asleep. As soon as she settled in my arms, she jolted awake. I held her tighter and gently swayed her side to side, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"It's okay, it's eomma" I said softly

We walked into the Doctor Park's office once again. This time, we were not here for my pregnancy or to give birth (thank god) but we are here to see if Ji eun is growing well.

To be honest, we were really nervous for this checkup. It's her first checkup and as first time parents, we were nervous as we didn't know what to expect.

I held her tightly in my arms, she was half awake now and she placed her little hand on my chest.

"Ji eun-ie, you don't have to be afraid okay? Appa and eomma is right here, we are just getting you checked." Bin said softly as he bent down and gave her a kiss her forehead.

When we entered the office, Doctor Park greeted us warmly. She then took Ji eun's weight and measured her. Now it was the most challenging part, Ji eun was going to get her first vaccine jab. I held her tightly in my arms as Doctor Park explained the process of the vaccine.

A few minutes later, Doctor Park stepped out to grab the vaccine and it was just us 3 left in her office. I looked down at Ji eun and gave her a kiss on her cheeks. Bin then reached his arms out and I passed Ji eun to him.

"Ji eun-ie, appa and eomma is here, don't be scared okay? I'll buy a present afterwards for being such a brave girl."

Soon, Doctor Park came back into the office with a syringe in her hand. My heart broke just looking at the syringe.

"Mr Kim, can you place her on the examination bed, I'll make this quick!" Doctor Park instructed

Bin placed her on the bed and bent down so Ji eun could still see her appa. Bin caressed her tiny hands and her little hand gradually grabbed Bin's finger. I stood right next to Bin, he looked at me and squeezed my shoulder, telling me that everything is going to be alright.

Doctor Park gently disinfected her thigh with alcohol wipes and injected the needle into her precious little thigh. As soon as the needle went in, Ji eun burst out into a cry. Ji eun normally doesn't throw fits and cry, she's definitely a patient and an easy baby to handle, we are
sure she got that from her dad. My heart shattered to see her cry like that. As soon as Doctor Park gave me the green light and told me she was done, I immediately picked her up and held her tight to my chest. I gently rocked and swayed her until she calmed down.

"Ji eun-ah, my sweet little baby. You're okay now, eomma is here"

I released her from my tight embrace so she could see that it was me. After she saw me and Bin, she instantly calmed down and stopped screaming. Bin then kissed her little thigh that had a pink plaster on it.

Finally, she was all situated and calmed after 10 minutes. She immediately went back to sleep in Bin's arms as I gave Doctor Park updates on her feeding schedule and her overall behaviour so far.

"Ji eun is in such good hands, she's growing well and she's also very healthy. Don't worry too much, you two are doing an excellent job" Doctor Park said.

After the Doctor's appointment, Ji eun still looked a little sad so we decided to quickly wrap things up and go back home. In the car, she wasn't crying but she was still frowning.

"Love, It must have hurt a lot" I said to Bin

"Don't worry, she will be okay in no time"
Bin said as he grabbed my hand and pulled up next to a baby boutique.

"Wait here with Ji eun, i'll be really quick"
Bin said as he gave me a peck on the lips

I got out of the front passenger seat and went to the back to see Ji eun was doing. I stayed behind with her until Bin came back. I unbuckled her from her car seat and brought her into my arms. I brought her close to my chest so she would feel safe in my embrace.

"Baby, eomma is so proud of you. It must've hurt a lot but you did well." I whispered to her as she was in my embrace.

I now understand. I used to wonder why women have children, I always liked kids but now I understand why we love these little creatures so much. Motherhood has been my greatest adventure yet and it has barely begun. As I held on to her, I knew in my heart that I would give up everything in the world just to see her happy and healthy. Normally, she falls asleep whenever I carry her like this but I think she understands that I'm speaking from my heart to her. It sounds ridiculous but I know she understands. She snuggled her head and rested it on my chest and inevitably tears started to fall. I was so happy, the happiest I've ever been my whole life.

Ji eun was our missing puzzle piece.

A few minutes later, Bin finally came back with a shopping bag in his hand. He saw Ji eun and I in the backseat so he joined us in the back of the car.

"Ji eun-ie, look what appa bought for you sweetheart." Bin said as he opened up the bag and presented a fluffy white bear in front of her.

As she laid her eyes on the bear, for the first time ever she opened her eyes and smiled. We weren't expecting her to show such expressions this early on but now we know she's definitely a smart and expressive girl.

"Omo, is that a smile?" I exclaimed

"Her first smile is to appa!" Bin excitedly said

"I think she smiled at the bear not you, sorry love" I jokingly retorted

"Ji eun, quick tell eomma that smile was directed at me!" Bin said trying to tease me

We both erupted into laughter. We stayed like that for a while, Bin wrapped his arms around both of us as we just enjoyed being in each other's embrace.

"My princesses, I love you and I love you" Bin said as he kissed me and our little Ji eun that fell asleep in my arms.


hi guys, this chapter is dedicated to all of you and of course binjin for helping me achieve 10k reads. i'm aware there are so many better quality binjin fics out there even i'm a big fan so thank you for continuously supporting this fanfic and leaving ur support in comments. thank you from the bottom of my heart. also, i hope this chapter cheers everyone up bcs the  baeksang awards was disappointing, at least we got to see them together 🥺 stay safe and healthy!

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