i found you | dean ambrose

由 tbhambrosex

63.7K 1.6K 47

a story in which skye navigates through life upon joining the wwe and falls in love with none other than dean... 更多

intro // ✌
The Meeting // Chap. 1
Day Off // Chap. 2
My 1st Raw // Chap. 3
Filming Smackdown // Chap. 4
Match of A Lifetime // Chap. 5
Date Night With Dean // Chap . 6
Raw // Chap. 7
Aiplane Ride w/ Dean // Chap. 8
Smackdown Storyline // Chap. 9
Smackdown Match // Chap. 10
The Morning w/ Dean // Chap. 11
Lazy Day w/ Deany Part . 1 // Chap. 12
Lazy Day w/ Deany Part. 2 Chap. 13
Raw // Chap. 14
Smackdown Tapings Part. 1 // Chap. 15
Smackdown tapings Part. 2 // Chap. 16
Wednesday Part. 1 // Chap. 17
Wednesday Part. 2 // Chap. 18
When in the St. Louis Plane & Hotel //Chap. 19
When in St. Louis // Chap. 20
Survivor Series PPV // Chapter 21
Road Trip // Chap. 22
Post Raw // Chap. 23
Smackdown Tapings Part 1 // Chap. 24
Smackdown Tapings Part 2 // Chap. 25
Medical Centers Aren't Fun // Chap. 26
Hanging Out w/ The New Squad Part 1 // Chap. 27
Hanging Out w/ The New Squad Part 2 // Chap. 28
Hanging Out w/ The New Squad Part 3 // Chap. 29
TLC // Chap. 30
Post Raw // Chap. 31
Super Smackdown Live! Part 1 // Chap. 32
Super Smackdown Live! Part 2 // Chap. 33
Tribute To The Troops // Chap. 34
Christmas Edition of Raw // Chap. 35
Hulk Hogan Smackdown // Chap. 36
Raw is Going to Reek of Awesomeness // Chap. 37
Smackdown Tapings // Chap. 38
New Years w/ the Squad and others // Chap. 39
The Authority Is Back In Power // Chap. 40
Final Friday Night Smackdown // Chap. 41
Quick Update //
Raw Vibezz // Chap. 42
Thursday Night Smackdown // Chap. 43
Raw Reunion // Chap. 44
Smackdown // Chap. 45
Royal Rumble 2015 // Chap. 46
A Blizzard Hit Raw // Chap. 47
Being Sick Kind Of Sucks // Chap. 48
The Sickness Has Somewhat Gone Away // Chap. 49
On The Fastlane to the Road To Wrestlemania // Chap. 50
I'm Taken // Chap. 51
Raw 3.16.15 // Chapter 52
Smackdown // Chap. 53
Raw 3.23.15 // Chap. 54
Last Stop On The Road To Wrestlemania // Chap. 55
WWE Hall of Fame '15 // Chap. 56
Wrestlemania 31 // Chap. 57
Raw After Wrestlemania // Chap. 58
Smackdown 4.2.15 // Chap. 59
Quality Squad Time // Chap. 60
Raw Bound // Chap. 61
Wedding Plans Day 1 // Chap. 62
Wedding Plans Day 2 // Chap. 63
Smackdown Planning 4.9.15 // Chap. 64
Raw 4.13.15 // Chap. 65
Smackdown 4.16.15 // Chap. 66
Raw 4.20.15 // Chap. 67
Day Off // Chap. 68
Smackdown 4.23.15 // Chap. 69
Extreme Rules PPV 4.26.15 // Chap. 70
Raw After Extreme Rules 4.27.15 // Chap. 71
Smackdown Vibes 4.30.15 // Chap. 72
Raw Vibes 5.4.15 // Chap. 73
Smackdown 5.7.15 // Chap. 74
Raw Run-Ins 5.11.15 // Chap. 75
Smackdown 5.14.15 // Chap. 76
Friday w/ The Brit; Paige // Chap. 77
Payback PPV // Chap. 78
Elimination Chamber PPV // Chap. 79
Raw Rebound 6.1.15 // Chap. 80
Bachelorette Party 6.9.15 // Chap. 81
Wedding 6.10.15 // Chap. 82
Money In The Bank PPV 6.14.15 // Chap. 83
Beast In The East 7.4.15 // Chap. 84
Raw 7.6.15 // Chap. 85
Raw 7.13.15 // Chap. 86
Battleground 7.19.15 // Chap. 87
Bad News //
brand split // chap. 88
im the worst
Superstar Shakeup 4.11.17 // Chap. 89
Day Off 7.21.17 // Chap. 90
MMC 1.7.18 // Chap 91
hi guys!
MITB '18 // Chap 92
Extreme Rules '18 // Chap. 93
Evolution // Chap. 94
The Return of the Lunatic // Chap. 95
Distance // Chap. 96
Way Back Home // Chap. 98
Adjusting // Chap. 99

A Break // Chap. 97

209 8 0
由 tbhambrosex

Skye's POV:

I woke up the morning around 8AM after tossing and turning around all night. I peeked into our bedroom and saw Dean sleeping peacefully.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth as well as my hair. I put on some light makeup and looked for clothes to wear. I settled on a tie dye crop top and sweatpants set that Nikki got for me recently.

I decided to hit up Nikki and Brie who were in town because I needed to let someone in on my current situation.

IMessage Groupchat

Skye: Hey girls! Are you guys up?

Nikki: We are! Brie's just picking out an outfit right now, what's up?

Skye: I wanted to see if you guys wanted to go get some coffee with me!

Nikki: OOO you had me at coffee! At our usual place?

Skye: That's the one!

Nikki: Okay, Brie and I will meet you there in 15 minutes?

Skye: See you there! x

Nikki: See you girl x

I decided to just leave without telling Dean partly because I didn't know if I was ready to face him after our conversation last night. Hopefully he and I figure this out for sure later... I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to hold on.

After about a ten minute drive, I arrived at the coffee shop and saw the Bellas pulling up at the same time.

We ran at each other and engulfed in a big group hug.

"Oh my god, I missed you guys so much! It really isn't the same with you guys there everyday!" I said as we all sat down at our table after receiving our coffees.

"We missed you too Skye!" Nikki exclaimed.

"We did girl, it's been forever." Brie replied.

"As much as I love you guys, I came here with a motive actually." I confessed to them.

"And that is?" Brie asked me.

"Well as you guys have heard, WWE posted on their social media accounts that Dean isn't gonna resign his contract with them. After some deep consideration, he really decided that he wasn't coming back." I told them.

"Skye, are you okay with his decision?" Nikki asked.

"As his wife, I'm nothing but supportive of his decision. However, I can't lie and say I'm not disappointed because I am. I wish that he'd consider my feelings in all of this. I mean I'm his wife for one... How do you guys deal with distance? Is it manageable?" I asked them.

"Honestly, it's really tough Skye. I mean even though I'm retired now, Bryan is still always on the road with the WWE. I only see him like twice a week, if I'm lucky three days, so it's just Birdie and I for the most part. When I was still traveling with the WWE, we got to travel together and had a little more time together. It's just really hard Skye. Even now, Bryan and I are still dealing with relationship problems because of all of that." Brie told me.

"As you know now, I'm with Artem and we live together now in Arizona next door to Brie. We have our fair share of time apart because he has his dancing jobs all over the place and I travel everywhere with Brie. For us, it was tough in the beginning. Gradually though, it got better and time apart made us stronger." Nikki responded.

"Wow you guys... I honestly don't even know what to do still. Dean and I talked about it last night and it didn't feel like it was going anywhere. He just kept telling me that we were gonna be okay, but is it really? I trust him with all of my heart, but it's like I can't help but get nervous. He said he's probably gonna sign with NJPW and AEW, so he's literally gonna be all over the world. Is this something I'm willing to put myself through?" I said.

"That's really something you have to discuss with Dean. You guys have been married for over five years. Do you think it's time that you guys separate for a little while?" Nikki asked.

"I really don't wanna do that because we love each other so much, but I really don't know. This long distance thing just doesn't sit well with me. I feel like if we do separate for a while, it gives him a chance to find himself and experience the world, you know? He'll be able to find what he truly wants, even if it might not be me. I want to let him go so he just doesn't feel tied down to me. He can meet new people and all of that stuff. Ugh, this is a really tough decision to make..." I confessed.

"You really just need to talk to Dean again. Sit him down and let it all out. At least do it one more time before you decide what to do." Brie stated.

"Yeah, I'll do it after I get home. Last night's conversation didn't go too well, but hopefully this time will be better." I replied.

"Maybe it was all the emotion building up? Now you guys have a idea of what you want to say to one another, so it'll be better this time." Nikki claimed.

"Alright, I really appreciate you guys for meeting with me today. I really needed someone to talk to about all this. My life is so chaotic..." I sighed as I gave them each a hug.

"Of course girl, we're always here if you need anything." Brie said as Nikki smiled at me.

"Oh and Nikki, thanks for this set! I am in love with it!" I told her as she laughed in response.

As I left, I felt a weight lifted from me because I finally got to vent my feelings out to someone other than Dean. Now, all I had to look forward to was my next conversation with Dean. It was now around 10AM and he probably just woke up from his sleep.

Let's do this!

At Home

I walked inside and saw Dean cooking breakfast at the kitchen.

"Oh hey, you're home! I checked the guest room and didn't see you, so I figured you went out somewhere." Dean said as he handed me a plate of bacon and eggs.

"Thanks for making breakfast. I just went out with Nikki and Brie for some coffee. We caught up and talked about some things." I told him as we both sat down at the dinner table.

"I just finished telling Seth and Roman about me not resigning. Needless to say, they weren't happy. However, they told me to do what's best for me and that they'll support me no matter where I go." He explained.

"That's good, I'm glad that they understand." I replied quietly.

"So moving on, I wanted to talk about our conversation last night... Things didn't really go the way I thought they would go. To be honest, I'm not sure where to go from here." Dean said as I ate.

"Yeah, I was just telling Nikki and Brie about it. I needed to tell someone about how I was feeling and what we talked about. I wanted to talk about last night too..." I trailed off.

"I just wanna see where your head is at right now after our conversation. You left and I wasn't sure what to do." He replied.

"I... uh okay so I'm not comfortable with you going across the world and basically just leaving me here by myself. We're married and it just isn't right to me that we have to be apart like this." I told him.

"So what's the problem? Do you want me to resign then?" He asked me.

"No because you're unhappy with the company. I know you would do that for me, but you can't. I just don't want to be apart from you. The fact that we would only get time together for like two or three days a week? You really want to just leave me like that?" I questioned.

"Look Skye, I don't want to leave you at all, but what other choice do I have besides leaving or resigning. Clearly, I'm not gonna resign so the only other option I have is to leave." He answered.

"Alright as much as this like hurts me to say, but do you think we should take a break?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"Is that what you truly want to do?" He responded.

"I honestly don't want to do that, but I can't deal with you being across the world doing god knows what Dean. I trust you 100%, but you don't know what can happen. There's an entire different world over there and I don't know..." I said.

"So basically you're scared I'm gonna cheat on you..." He claimed as he looked at me.

"To be honest, yeah I am. I know you'd never do it, but again things can happen. There's new people and I won't be around you all the time. Anything can happen. Dean, I just want you to do what's best for you and if going to NJPW and AEW makes you happy then go for it. I can't hold you back from achieving your dreams babe... Maybe a break once you leave is what's best for us right now." I said as I stared at him.

"Huh... a break. What does this break entitle? What can we do and what can't we do, I'm kinda confused with what you wanna do here." He replied.

"Well it's also hard for me to say this, but I think you should do whatever you want and that includes potentially seeing other people. I'll do the same. God this sucks..." I laughed awkwardly.

"Damn... It's really come down to this babe. So, we're just gonna separate for the time being and just see where things go? Never in my life would I have thought we'd do something like this. I really messed it all up huh?" He asked sadly.

I quickly shook my head and made my way over to him. I sat on his lap as he held me.

"Dean, of course you didn't mess it up... Maybe it was time that we went our separate ways for little while and if we're meant to actually separate, then it'll happen I guess. I have so much love for you Dean and we've come so far these last five or so years. A little set back isn't gonna hurt us! So, go out and see whoever you wanna see. Meet new people and have some fun. Don't let me stop you okay?" I told him.

"They're never gonna be you though Skye. No one will ever make me as happy as you did, I hope you know that. These six years have been nothing but pure happiness and bliss for me. And, you can meet new people too. I'll never hold you back from living your best life baby." He responded.

"And you... no one will ever treat me as kind and caring as you did. You've showed me the most love that I have never experienced before. Enough of this sappy shit, you have to text me all the time and tell me what you're up to okay? I'll do the same. I love you Dean." I demanded.

"Aye aye captain. I love you too sweetheart, always and forever." He laughed.

"Shut up haha! Damn, we need to announce this to everyone. I can't wait to do that." I said sarcastically.

"How about we do that later and have some fun right now since we're still together." He said as his eyes darkened.

"Fine, only because you made me breakfast." I laughed as he carried me to our bedroom.

Moments like these are some that I'm going to miss so much. I loved him so much and it hurt to basically let him go like that, but I had too. There was no way I was gonna hold him back from experiencing the world and doing new things. I can already tell that separation is gonna suck and we haven't officially done it yet.

I decided in my mind that Dean and I were gonna send out individual messages tomorrow to let everyone know what we've just decided to do.


hey guys, back with another chapter for you all! as i've said in my other chapter, i would like my books to serve as an escape from all the chaos occurring in all of our lives right now. i know the world is a scary place right now, but we all can get through this together.

with that being said, support in any way you can! anything is appreciated. please stay safe, covid-19 is still around. furthermore, if you participate in protests and such STAY SAFE and follow all precautions. i know a lot of things are happening to people so please stay safe. also, please protest peacefully, there is no need to loot stores and burn things down. that doesn't do anything except causing chaos.

let's stand tall together and do what we can to spread the word. <3 once again, stay safe and healthy you guys!!

ps please remember to vote, comment, and follow if you like my content! i appreciate all of your love and support, it truly means the world to me that you've still stuck by me even though i suck at posting new chapters. check out my other stories which can be found on my profile as well if you like stories like this one.

see you all soon for another update! i'll be posting new chapters for all of my books whenever i can during this period of time to give you all an escape like i've said previously from all the chaos happening in our world today. together, we will move pass this as one! <3 love u guys, truly x


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