The Mysterious Coffee Saboteu...

By achum2019

224 4 0

The 3 caballeros, their girlfriends and Donald's family are all invited to be part of the National Coffee Fes... More

Off to Rio!
Welcome to Brazil
Meeting the family
A House Tour
Saboteur Afoot!
A press conference from hell
In the streets of Rio
Hotel Investigation
The meeting
Vaz Enterprise
More testimonies
The truth
The Big Fight
The Coffee Festival

The Chase

7 0 0
By achum2019

As everyone arrived at the Security Departments, Carmelita asked the Head of Security, a male owl, if she can use the geographical tracker. He agreed.

Carmelita raced towards the platform, and started typing several locations. Soon, there was a map documenting the locations of Zeke.

Right now, it seems Zeke was onto the similar path as yesterday to another alchemist.

' Okay....' Carmelita said. ' So basically we had to turn right and turn left...'

Everyone nodded, taking it all in.

' The thing is, ' Rocha admitted ' We all have no idea where he lives?'

' Let's see now, ' Carmelita observed, ' He goes ou4 of the shop and he went to another street via motorcycle....into a sewage lair?'

As soon as she turned around and tried to explain something, Donald, Nestor, Raimundo, Jose, Rosinha, Panchito, Della, Daisy, Launchpad, and Esmeralda are already gone!

' ¿A dónde han ido nuestros hijos?' Rocha and Carmelita screamed.

Scrooge also began trying to call Donald and Della. The kids started screaming. But then all at once they were cloused by a strange lavender coloured scent, and everything went black.

Down at the streets of Rio, Donald and the adults with him boarded on several motorcycles, and are riding at breakneck speed.

As usual, the couples are on separate motorcycles. But now, Della and Launchpad are on one and Nestor and Raimundo are on the other.




As Rosinha and Raimundo started bickering, Donald, who was again hanging onto Daisy for life, screamed ' DO YOU KNOW WHICH WAY DID HE GO AFTER THE ALCHEMIST?'


' WHO THE FUCK LIVES IN A SEWER??' Della howled.

' PSYCHOPATHIC CRIMINALS, THAT'S WHO!' Panchito, Jose and Esmeralda roared.

By the time they parked their motorcycles near the sewer, Nestor managed to get out of the motorcycle, his legs shaking. ' Rai, ¿Por qué tienes que conducir tan rápido? ¡Casi muero!'

' There really was no time, amigo, ' Raimundo grumbled as he tidied his wind blown hair.

It was lucky that all of them wore comfortable casual wear, and the girls all wore trousers, because they have to walk through the sewers. Even Rosinha, as girly as she is, wore a smart black and white pant suit today.

As they trudged onto the narrow roads next to the sewer waters, the girls all grimaced at the stench of the waters.

' Ugh!' Rosinha grimaces ' This is terrible!'

' There are actually some people living in the sewers, ' Jose explained ' I dont know why, there are such nice places to live in Rio. '

' Rio has so many crazy people, amigo, ' Nestor sighed ' We weren't the craziest even back in high school.'

' Remember that we played so many pranks with the other boys, before you went to University of Barcelona and I went to University of Calistola?' Jose laughed.

' And you now got a namorada! Me, I have been single for 2 years now. I dont have that much luck with the senhoritas....' Nestor laugher.

' Dont feel bad, Senor Nestor, ' Panchito patted Nestor on the back ' There is someone out there for you in this world.'

' Panchito's right, Nestor, ' Daisy agreed. ' Right now, we gotta find out which one of the flats Zeke lives....'

The co soon found themselves standing at 4 doors. One red, one blue, one brown and one black.

' I have a strong feeling it was the red one....' Raimundo whispered, pointing at the carved ' Ze Galo ' at the door.

They entered the place as the door creaked open. They are all shocked, and horrified at what they saw.

Mountains of science lab equipments were placed on one shelf, and another, black documents. There is a laptop on the desk, and then there was one of the chemical books.

Everyone began searching up the place. Panchito took out some black files from the shelf, and Esmeralda gasped, ' I know these files anywhere, '

' Does that mean.....?' Rosinha and Raimundo asked, with fear in their voices.

' No, ' Della gasped ' Its impossible! We would have heard!'

Della, Panchito and Esmeralda started going through the files. Donald, Jose, Rosinha and Daisy decided to hack into Zeke's computer. Lucky for them, Jose managed to hack into the computer after 3 tries.

As Jose started to read through the chats, he was about to tell uis friends that Zeke was actually work with Steelbeak and Red Heron, and a FOWL spy in Brazil, they are all shot with tranquilizer darts....and everything went completely pitch black.

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