Meeting the family

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The Vaz Manor is an enormous mansion with 3 stories. The whole mansion is a shade of white, with a black gate and a tropical garden filled with lush flora and fauna.

Donald, his friends, and the kids gasped at the sheer elegance of Rosinha and Raimundo's childhood home. Jose was even more nervous - it was really one of the most luxurious homes in Brazil, even bigger than his own childhood home in Bahia. Rosinha held his hand for comfort to ease his nerves, and Jose calmed down.

As everyone else began taking pictures and selfies, and Scrooge began calling up the hotel staff of the nearby beach resort to come get their suitcases, Rosinha took a deep breath, and opened the front door.

The main lounge of the mansion is a huge space filled with pastel cushions and white Gold curtains, and everyone was even more amazed by the sophistication of the decor. As the kids started taking pictures of the decor, Rosinha called. ' Hello? Hello? Is anybody here?'

A tall, handsome, middle aged pink parrot with dark hair and a grey streak on her hair walked in, wearing a fancy silk robe. Her features are proud, but her eyes are warm and welcoming, as soon as she saw Rosinha and Raimundo, she raced over and hugged them both.

' My darling babies, ' the older woman cooed. ' I missed you so much. And how much you two have grown! '

Everyone knew at once that the older woman was Rosinha's legendary mother, Carmelita Posada. Then a stocky built, middle aged lilac toucan followed. He is wearing a fine dark suit, with glasses on his large beak. It is clear that the older toucan was Rocha Vaz himself.

' Rosinha! Raimundo!' Rocha cried as he embraced his 2 offaprings. ' Ha passed tanto tiempo!'

Soon, several more colorful parrots and toucans entered the scene. They all hugged and embraced Rosinha and Raimundo, shook hands with Jose, all the while exchanging speed Portugese.

As soon as Rocha turned to Jose, he remarked ' You must be the boyfriend my daughter would not shut up about over the phone. '

' Papa!' Rosinha shouted, clearly embarrassed for her father. She was just conversing with her little cousins from Portugal when she heard that remark.

' Sim, ' Jose proudly said ' That I am. '

Rocha gave Jose one look, then sighed. ' Well, Bienvenido a la familia, Jose. My other relatives have been dying to meet you. '

Everyone else watched in amazement as several little parrots, in the Shades of red, yellow and dark purple respectively, all started bombarding Jose with questions.

' SE CONOCIERON EN STARDUCKS?' the red one screamed.

' CUANTOS ANOS TIENES?' the yellow one, a little girl with pigtails, asked.

' REALMENTE TIENSE UNA ALFOMBRA MAGICA?' the dark purple boy screeched.

' Now, now, little cousins, ' Rosinha laughed ' Senhor Jose and his friends are very tired. They needed some rest. '

Rocha and Carmelita turned to Scrooge, and the 3 shook hands warmly.

' Its a pleasure to see you again, old friend!' Rocha laughed.

' Likewise, Rocha, likewise, ' Scrooge laughed. ' You two do have a big family,like me!'

' Rocha really had been going all out to organize a small banquet to welcome all of you here, ' Carmelita laughed. ' Rosinha told us all about Jose and your family. '

' A banquet?' Scrooge laughed ' Oh, you are too kind. I dont think we need -'

' Oh, dont be such a miser, McDuck!' Rocha laughed. ' In Brazil, we always welcome new and old friends with a dinner party! We will have it later at night at the gardens, so that the kids can let off some steam. '

The 3 older birds looked and saw that Donald and the rest of the co were already animatedly exchanging introductions and cultures. The ladies were amazed at Daisy's dress. The gentlemen were wowed by the presence of Donald and Panchito. The triplets and Webby started to have an energetic conversation about football. It seemed that the Vaz family already welcomed Scrooge's crew.

' Very well, then, ' Scrooge accepted the invitation. ' It would be rude to turn down such a delightful invitation. My family and I will be situated at the beach resort, La Panama, nearby. The kids do insist on having a tour. '

' We will be very happy to show them around after you all got settled, Senhor McDuck, ' Carmelita laughed.

' Mama, ' Rosinha asked. ' Puedo Jose quedarse conmigo en established casa Durante este tiempo?'

' Quedate aqui?' Carmelita guffawed ' No creo aue tu novio no pieda sorpotar too el Rose en tu Antiguo dormitorio de la infancia!'

' Oh, it is already, Senhor and Senhora Vaz, ' Jose laughed ' I'm happy to comply Rosinha's wishes. '

As Rosinha led Jose away from the crowd to her childhood room, Raimundo made a smirk and said, ' Definitivamente quiere divertirse con el en su habitacion. '

' RAIMUNDO!' Carmelita roared, giving her son a dope slap ' DO NOT SAY SUCH FILTHY THINGS!'

' BUT MAMA! I AM 22 YEARS OLD!' Raimundo wailed, as he massaged his sore forehead.

' THAT DOESNT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE!' Carmelita roared back.

Rocha laughed. ' Calm down, my dear. Rai doesnt mean any harm. I suppose we shall let our friends have some rest, no?'

Carmelita calmed down and sighed. ' Well, I'm so sorry for Rai's stupid words. You and your family can get some rest at La Panama. '

As Scrooge thanked them, he hollered to his crew. ' HOP TO IT, EVERYONE! LET US GO TO LA PANAMA!'

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