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Back at the resort, Donald, Daisy, Launchpad, Della, and the kids watched horrified at what happened at the press conference. Panchito and Esmeralda were shouting in Spanish, Raimundo was swearing in Portuguese, Rocha started defending until he was hoarse, Scrooge was thoroughly embarrassed, and Beakley chose not to say anything. And when Carmelita came in, and started yelling at the press for upsetting Rosinha and Jose so much, the ruthless reporters started shouting even louder.


' Politics, ' was all Daisy said. ' That is exactly why you kids shouldnt be at the press conference. '

' I feel so sorry for my friends, ' Donald sighed. ' I wonder where are Jose and Rosinha now!'

' Probably crying at Rosinha's room now, ' Launchpad sighed.

Just then there was a loud knock at the door.

' OPEN UP!' a Brazilian accented voice sounded ' THIS IS THE SHUSH INVESTIGATIVE TEAM!'

' ITS THE POLICE!!' Dewey screamed like a girl and hid under the table.

' We all did nothing wrong!' Webby sighed. ' Just let them in!'

After much deliberation, Daisy finally opened the door to let the team in.

Amongst them was a tall male raven in SHUSH uniform, carrying a smart phone. There are around 2 others with him. One was a male sapphire parrot wearing a beige coat and a police badge, and the other was a female teal hummingbird, wearing a Rio police uniform.

' My name is Nestor Pedrosa, ' the raven spoke. ' And with me are Senhor Enrique Lima and Senhora Marcia Sousa. We are here to get a few testimonies, since you are friends of Jose Carioca and Rosinha Vaz, no?'

' Y- Yes sirs and ma'am' everyone at the room stuttered.

Dewey had to be dragged out under the table by Launchpad and Daisy.

' Where were you two days ago?' Nestoe asked.

' Eating dinner at McDuck Manor, ' Donald, Della and the kids answered.
' Stargazing, ' Launchpad answered.
' Stayed up all night trying to design new gowns for VOGUE models, ' Daisy admitted.

Marcia jotted everything down, then she asked. ' How about yesterday?'

' We were at the welcome banquet that Richa Vaz kindly organized for us!' Daisy answered.

' And did you see any suspicious actions?'
' No, ' Donald confirmed
' Zilch,' Launchpad shrugged.
' I WAS DANCING! ' Dewey screamed. Webby gave him a glass of water to calm his nerves.
' Calm down, honey!' Della soothed her middle son as she petted his hair. Turning to the police, she said ' Yeah, I wouldnt say actions, officer, but apparently I spotted there is a teeny tiny blue mark onto the cups of the Midnight Sonata coffee. I didnt drink it, but then Donald being Donald drank the whole thing. This morning he threw up all over and we had to take him to the doctor. Thank god he is better now.'

' HEY! IT WASNT MY FAULT, PALOOKA!' Donald roared.

As the twins are starting to argue, Daisy stopped them ' Guys, calm down! We have to help the Brazilians!'

Nestor gave them one look and jotted it down on his notepad. Enrique asked ' What else did you Senhors and senhoras see?'

It was Daisy's turn to speak up.
' Well, I was kinda making myself some punch, when I heard from one of Raimundo's friends that there are rumors that there is a hooded shadow lurking around the Vaz Cocoa Bean Factory every night since, well, 2 weeks ago. But then a lot of people dismissed it as some sort of ghost or whatever. Its pretty unnerving. '

' Why didnt you tell us earlier, Aunt Daisy?' Louie asked.
' I thought it was just a silly rumor! I had no idea it would help us catch the saboteur!' Daisy defended herself.
' Good memory, Aunt Daisy, ' Webby praised, in awe of Daisy's memory skills.

' Uh, officer?' Louie added ' Yeah, I also had something to say. So basically my brothers, Webby and I were eating breakfast at the hotel buffet, and then I noticed that there is no more coffee. The entire restaurant went completely nuts!'

' Yeah!' Donald added. ' People were screaming and shouting! All because of the news!'

Nestor sighed ' No coffee at breakfast, people angry and sick, the press hates Rocha now but have no alibi, strange chemical in the Midnight coffee, shadow in the dark at the factory....'

Thinking for a moment, Nestor turned to the panicked Americans, and said ' What does the coffee taste like, senhor Donald?'

' It tastes like....carmelitas and blueberries?' Donald pondered out loud.

To everyone's surprise, Daisy and Launchpad agreed with Donald.

' That's odd, ' Huey said ' Normally coffee dont taste like that.'

' We also needed testimonies from Jose and Rosinha, ' Nestor added, ' Do you know where they are?'

Just then, Rosinha and Jose entered.

' Oh my god!' Daisy gasped as soon as she saw a very exhausted Rosinha. ' You okay girlfriend? Want some punch? What happened at the press conference?'

All Rosinha could do was look up to everyone forlornly, then lie herself at Jose's chest.

' The press insulted poor Ro, ' Jose explained. ' I...basically said some things to the press and stormed off. We basically came here by her sports car. And then Senhora Vaz also joined and started saying swears so shocking that several reporters left on the spot. '

' What did Senhora Vaz say?' everyone else asked.

Jose whispered what Carmelita shouted at the press at the adults ear.

' Holy cow, ' Della gasped ' That's harsh!'

As soon as Jose saw Nestor, he smiled ' My old friend Nestor! Now a SHUSH investigative officer! Oh, how good to see you!'

Nestor became less tense and smiled and hugged his old friend.

' Senhor Carioca and I were old friends back at high school, ' Nestor explained to everyone. To Jose, he said ' Agora es um agente da SHUSH e namoras com a herdeira! Voce e um cao as imis!'

' Ah nao, nao, stop it, ' Jose guffawed. ' We met at Starducks. '

' WHAT A COINCIDENCE!' Nestor laughed loudly. ' By the way, do you two see any suspicious actions last night?'

' Me? ' Jose pondered ' Nao, as far as I can recall. '
' All I heard were nonsense stories about the Phantom of my dad's huge enterprise. ' Rosinha scoffed. ' What idiots they are....'

Just then Scrooge, Beakley and Raimundo stormed into the scene.


' There really is no sense talking to them at all, ' Beakley grumbled as Webby helped her grandma sit down on a couch.

Raimundo ran to his sister and sighed ' My big sister! I'm so sorry about the press!'

' When all this is over, '.Rosinha gritted her teeth ' We'll sue all of them. '

' Wait, where are Panchito and Esmeralda?' Dewey asked..

Scrooge faceplamed ' Doing some sort of investigation at the streets of Rio. '

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