By Munaari

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Munaar Ahmad is your typical example of a Muslim Fulani teenage girl living her life to the fullest, the way... More

#knowing your characters
chapter one🌸
chapter 2🌸
chapter 3🌸
chapter 4🌸
chapter 5🌸
chapter 6🌸
chapter 7🌸
chapter 8🌸
chapter 9🌸
chapter 10🌸
chapter 11🌸
chapter 12🌸
Apologies 😭😭
chapter 13🌸
chapter 14🌸
chapter 15🌸
chapter 16β™₯
chapter 17β™₯
chapter 18β™₯
chapter 19β™₯
chapter 20β™₯
chapter 21β™₯
chapter 22β™₯️
chapter 23πŸ–€
chapter 24πŸ–€
chapter 25πŸ–€
chapter 26πŸ–€
chapter 28πŸ–€
Chapter 29πŸ–€
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32

chapter 27 πŸ–€

630 61 45
By Munaari

Assalam alaykum lovelies... how're y'all doing? Ramadan is gone...till next year if we're alive to witness it😩❤️May Allah Grant us the ability to witness many more to come.


Sallah vibes × Lockdown = 😣

Nevertheless, we'll eat good food😂

Order your pastries and snacks from @ food.empire.ng

Shaa we'll still slay our kayan sallah💃💃💃, make sure to set Instagram and WhatsApp on fire 🥰❤️

May Allah accept all our acts of Ibadah.

AND WE GOT 1K+ VOTES!!! I'm so happy, thank you guys so much..... Without your reads, votes and motivational comments, unforgettable won't be where it is now. So from the bottom of my heart, Thank youuuu ❤️😩.

Okay enough with the rants😂❤️.....I'm here with another chapter and I hope y'all will love it.💯❤️



After walking out on him, from the kitchen. I went passed our parents to the room, direct. I left the door open in case he comes in. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and I performed wudu, coming out, I enabled the airplane mode on my phone and started reading the Qur'an on Muslim pro. Honestly I think it's the best app available, everything you need within a tap on the screen.

I blow some dua's over Aasiya's sleeping figure and dragged the duvet to get chin.

I made myself comfortable in a sit-down position on the bed. I lowly recited the verses of Surat-el-Isra , slowly,my anger seeped out from my heart and I found ease.

I waited for him to come and apologize, but well, he didn't. I'm even silly to think he'll come around. Cause he's The Muhammad Nour Ngabura. And The Muhammad Nour Ngabura never says Sorry.

Thinking about everything that happened, I didn't know when sleep consumed me but I welcomed it with open arms.

A squeak jolts me out of my peaceful dreamless sleep, I groggily make out his well built form come into the room and walks toward the bathroom. It seemed he was tiptoeing, trying not to wake me up. These are the small things he does that warm my heart, but still, I'm mad at him.

I adjust my position so I'm sitting down in the bed again, I check the time, it read 2:21am. I resume reading the Qur'an from where I stopped.

He does his business and after some minutes, he walks out and we clash eyes. And I felt the world still. In his eyes were Alot of emotions. But the one that overpowered the rest was... Remorse. He let out a small smile, but I pretend to not see it. Even though I desperately want to return the smile.

I see a flicker of hurt in his eyes but he quickly masked it with that of regret. I simply looked at him with an unfaltering gaze, making sure to mask my emotions, my face remain stoic.

He came to his side of the bed and picked his pillow. I followed his every move with my intense glare. He looked at me one more time,

He sighed defeatedly, before walking out the door. He simply left, no words exchanged. Not that I was expecting any.

I rolled my eyes and continue reading the Qur'an. My only solace.

I heard some distinct yelling from the room next door seems Ashe and muneebah are having a taste of their own medicine.


I woke up early in the morning, checking the time, 6:53 and I realized I hadn't prayed fajr yet. I facepalm. It's all his fault if he had slept here, he'd have woken me up for fajr. I grunt as I peeled the duvet off my body. I groggily Walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower, then I perform ablution. I came out and started opening the windows.

Heavy, dark pregnant clouds laced the sky, and it looked like it was about to burst. The weather couldn't have been better, it suits my mood right.

I spread a mat on the floor and wear a blue floor length hijab.

While I was saying my prayers, a low drizzle started, and I silently thanked the Lord of the worlds for his countless blessings on us. Yesterday, the late summer sun graced us. Damn was it hot. But alhamdulillah today, we wake up to the blissful coolness of Allah.

I raised my hands up in Dua.

Ya Allah, make my day trouble free.

I adjusted Aasiya's sleeping position and moisturized my skin.

I dressed up in a simple green and coffee brown Ankara A line dress, I didn't maneuver my dankwali, I just wrap a plain coffee brown veil around my face and deeply lined my eyes with kohl, pleased with my look, I sauntered to the kitchen. The chalet was eerily quiet, which signals everyone else is still asleep.

Ever since the miyan taushe episode with Ammi and Maami, I took it upon myself to be cooking breakfast for everyone, cause well, I really love helping in the kitchen.

I peeped into the sitting room, and the sight I was greeted with was....

Ya Nour was curled up on a couch, it barely contained his body upto his knee. And he was clutching on the duvet like his life depended on it. I give him a pitiful glance but my inner voice kept chanting

Serves him right! Since he can't apologize for not standing up for you when his cousin accused you of putting cockroaches in her sandwich, he can suffer all he does, you don't care, and you shouldn't care.

Like the thing is still annoying me, fisabilillahi cockroaches fahh..Kyankeso!!! Only if she knew how I hated those creatures, and how disgusted I am by the mere sight of them. And Ashe kuma, she had to start blabbing about the past. And she was even blaming me for what happened, as if it's not due to her mumu unfiltered mouth that everything happened.

Whatever, I'm not going to let them get to me, and. As for The Muhammad Nour Bagoni Ngabura, he has taught me a lesson.

Never expect anyone to stand up for you. Always be there for yourself.

I smiled to myself, I love my new courage.

I waltz into the kitchen and started my dish, qosai da Koko. Yes, your typical Nigerian breakfast. Beans cakes and pap.

I washed the beans, and grinded it in a food processor I saw in one of the cupboards,then I used a whisk to beat it till it was fluffed, added salt and set to frying.

For the pap, I mixed up some Akamu with water and poured it into boiling water to make a pudding. (Akamu is a fermented cereal pudding typically made from maize, sorghumor mill, Traditionally, the grains are soaked in water for up to three days, before wet killing and sieving to remove husks. The filtered cereal is then allowed to ferment for up to three days until sour. It is then boiled into a pap, or cooked to make a creamy pudding), then I added fresh yoghurt and stired.

I set the table and I must say, I need a pat on the back.

I hear the soft creak of the kitchen door being opened.

"Hmmm, it smells nice in here" the one voice I yearned to hear, yet the one voice am so annoyed at right now said. I turned around and came face to face with him. He looked freshened up, and was dressed in a black hoodie and grey Jordan sweatpant. The hood was up, covering his entire head and part of his face.

His cologne feels the room.

I give him an icy glare, he chuckled, that his chuckle that sends vibrations through my entire body.

"Reina, you're still annoyed?" He asked. I roll my eyes and dump the kitchen towel I was holding on the counter. I wash my hands and got out, leaving him standing in the kitchen. On my way to the room, I saw Aasiya was up and she was watching Sofia the first on Disney junior.

"Aasee, you're up?" I ask her.

"Gummorning Adda munaar" she said and gave me a toothy grin.

I ruffle her hair and return the smile.

"Gummorning habibty" I said.

"Adda munaar it's not Gummorning, it's Gummorning!" She exclaimed.

I laugh and sat close to her.

"I'm pretty sure it's Gummorning" I said.

"Noooo" she crossed her arms " it's Gummorning" and I chuckle. And she started blabbing to me on how Enchancia's royal sorcerer, Mr. Cedric stole Sofia's amulet. I listened to her while she spoke And I didn't know when Abba and Ammi came out of their room. Hand in hand, Abba was wearing a blue shirt with jeans and Ammi had on a grey abayah with a blue turban cap. As if on cue, the door opposite theirs also opened and my parents emerged, wearing matching Arabian outfits. I love theses couples.

"A'ah Munaari you've woken up already?" Abba asks me. I sat up right and smiled.

"Yes Abba, ina kwana, how're you doing today, and you Ammi?" I replied.

"Alhamdulillah I'm good my dear" Abba and Ammi said simultaneously.

"Jam bandu na baffa?" I greeted my dad in fulani.

"Jam dada am... Noi a wuni( I'm good my mother... How are you?) He asked.

A/N: I don't know if it happens in other parts of the world, but sometimes nothern Nigerian parents call their kids my mother or my father especially if the child was named after their parents. Munaar here was named after her father's mother, that's why Baffa her father, calls her Dada which means mother in fulfulde.

"I'm fine baffa... Maami how're you doing?, I ask my mom.

"Habibty am doing perfect alhamdulillah, let me go get something ready for us to eat" she said going to the kitchen.

"Don't worry maami, I made breakfast already, Koko da kosai just like Ammi taught me" I said beaming. True to that, when I was small, I spent almost all my free time at the house nextdoor, learning to cook by the world's best chef, Ammi. My mom, Maami can cook also, but she didn't liked to let me in her kitchen much, since when I set the oven on fire once. So I resorted to learning from Ammi. And alhamdulillah, I learnt from the best.

"Ohhh... Masha Allah my dear, may Allah reward you" Ammi said and I beamed.

"Okay alhamdulillah kin hutar Dani " Maami said and we all chuckle.

"Toh Munaar, min don ñyama ha palour (we're eating at the palour) bring the food here, cause God knows am starving" baffa said, earning a few peals of laughter from us.

The fathers went further into the sitting room and the mothers went to the kitchen probably to serve. I followed after them to help, we served the scrumptious meal in plates and set the carpet... traditional style. We all settled to eat, surprisingly Ashe and muneebah didn't make a fuss when I went to call them out, infact they didn't seem to be in talking terms and they kept exchanging glares. Chan ta matse musu (A/N: something along the lines of : that's their own cup of tea... I don't know wallah, my hausa ain't that strong🤷😂). And I continued giving ya Nour the silent treatment. We all are with gusto Ammi and Maami kept teasing me nonstop. It all started when I served Nour his breakfast and placed the plate in front of him. Trust me I didn't intend to do so, it was out of habit and Ammi was like awwww.

"Masha Allah see my munaar acting all housewifely... making breakfast and all" Maami said again, wiping an imaginary teardrop. They laugh again and I duck my head shyly. I look up and ya Nour sent me a wink. And I glared in return.

The laughter had almost quietened down when baffa's ringtone filled the room.

"Amin wa alaykum aasalm".

"I'm fine, how are you my son"

"Mashallahh, Everyone is good alhamdulillah"

"Yes we're still at bauchi"

His facial expression changed.
I started wondering what's wrong.

"Subhanallahi since when?"

Silence as the person on phone was talking.

"Which hospital did you go to?

My heart did a double take, I hope all is well.

"Toh yanzu kun koma cedacrest in?(have you gone to cedacrest?)"

"Okay toh inshallah we'll get back soon, stay safe, and don't panic. Get ruwan zam zam and spit some supplications in it for her to drink. Inshallah it'll be fine. Whatever happens, know that Allah willed it."


"Okay son, ma'assalam."
Baffa said and disconnected the call.

We all looked at him with expectant eyes.

"It was Omar, Hafsah is in labor. She's having some complications, the doctors at the general hospital they went to, referred them to cedacrest hospital at Apo, and the doctors there at cedacrest said she has to undergo a caesarean section cause her body is exhausted and she can't do a self delivery, and she might even lose the baby. He said she's requesting to see munaar and you Aa'esha before the surgery. The poor young man is worried" he said.

Ammi and Maami broke into series of subhanallahi and innalillahi wa Inna ilayhirrajiun and all I could do was keep quiet.

Poor Adda Hafsie this is her third pregnancy, the first time, she gave birth to twins,one was a stillbirth the second one died two days later. She almost lost herself. After two years of grief and therapy, she got pregnant again and she had a miscarriage. From then, she said she won't try again, and just late last year, she broke to us the news. She was pregnant again and now this. I really hope her and the baby will be alright because I don't know what will happen if she loses this one again. Her husband's family are already stigmatising her. They say she's incapable of childbirth.

A gloomy atmosphere filled the room.

Everyone's appetite had disappeared.

Abba broke the silence .

"Well, without much A'do, let's wrap up, the private pilot isn't available at the time, but I have some strings to pull and I'll book us a flight. Go get your things y'all Abuja tayi kira and inshallah before Dhuhr, we'll be on our way to the airport" he said and everyone set to do.

Initially we planned on spending a week at bauchi but now, we have to go back, not that I'm complaining, it's my sister's health we're talking about. And moreover, I'm kinda tired of staying here, while we're not in talking terms with Nour.

I went to our room and started arranging my suitcase. He was nowhere insight, so I set to gathering his stuff after I was done with mine.

I unplugged his iPad and a notification popped in before I could put it in his gadget bag.

S_tura🔐❤️: wallah I miss you, when're you coming back sef😩🤷?

I felt a pang of something deep down in my heart. And it hurt so bad, was it jealousy? I don't know.

So while I was here, thinking maybe he had an ounce of care for me, he's out there making other women miss him! He even saved her name with a friggin lockheart

Relax girl! Maybe it's just a friendly miss , nothing much.

Yes, I'm just making a fuss about nothing, it's probably just a normal friendship thingy... Yes we miss our friends all the time it's totally normal.

I tried to convince myself, but my heart wouldn't budge.

The heart knows what it feels, and the mind can't change that.

I just shrug the nasty feeling away, besides that should be the least of my worries now. I have a delivering sister to go to. I tied the dankwali and draped the veil over my shoulders.


In no time we were fastened to the first class seats on Azman air, going to Abuja from Bauchi. The owner of the airline was a good friend of Abba so he surely pulled his strings well.

Maami kept whispering all sorts of dua's, Ammi also.

Abba was quiet, scrolling through his phone. And Baffa was into a conversation with Aasiya. Ya Nour was tapping on his phone, smiling to himself.

Maybe he's talking to that S_Tura...

My subconscious said, but I shrugged her off. I started scrolling through Wattpad and was reading a book

Opulence or Penury by AeshaKabir

Trust me the book is bomb... Like I'm in love with Sadiqul wa'ad . And I can't wait for him to be king of Bauchi......in the book😂.

I look up and I see something that hasn't happened in almost a decade I swear to God. The Ashe Bagoni Ngabura is smiling at me. A genuine smile at that. I just returned it with a small smile of my own, cause it maybe one of their schemes. Because you won't know with these girls. I resumed reading the book.

After about an hour or so, we had safely landed at Abuja and we were in two cars, on our way to Cedacrest hospital. The journey from Nnamdi Azikiwe International airport to Apo was kind of long, but still, it passed quickly.

We met ya Omar at the reception, he had a disheveled look, his eyebags were prominent, and his hair looked uncombed, they exchanged pleasantries with the men and he squatted and greeted them Ammi. He led us all to the room Adda Hafsie was at. We saw her mother inlaw, Goggo, her sister-in-law, Mariya. Hanma Othman, our brother, Adda Teem, Major, our other brother's wife, Adda Aisha and Adda zee sitting on a couch on the wall beside the bed. Adda zee stood up when we came in, and hug Maami bursting I to fresh set of tears.

"Maami I don't want to lose her" she cried. Seeing my elder sister breakdown was so hard for me, so I had to leave the room.

I found a seat in the corridor and sat down, then let out an exasperated sigh. I burry my head in my knees, I try hard to cry, but I can't seem to get the tears out. But I know deep inside, I'm hurting.

I hear faint footsteps but I didn't bother looking up. The person sat next to me and wrapped strong arms around me. I didn't need to be told twice to know who it was, his scent and aura said it all.


He surely knows when to come to places, and I let all our differences aside because I really needed to be in his warm embrace.

"Stay strong for her, mi Reina" he said. I burry my face deeper into my knees.

"I don't want her to lose the baby, and I don't want to lose her" I said. I look up for the first time since he came, his eyes were soft and a small smile was gracing his lips.

"Inshallah you won't lose her and she'll have a safe delivery" he said, reassuringly. I nod.

"Yes. Inshallah"

"Reina, about what happened at bauchi... I'm sorry" he started but I cut him off. Though this is what I've been craving for, an apology from him. Now doesn't seem to be the right time.

"Not now, please" I said. Waving him off.

"Okay, anytime you wish, I'm sorry" he continued.

I stand up abruptly. His words were digging out burried emotions. Like I don't even get why I'm being emotional now.

I went back into the room, and he followed closely behind me. I opened the door and said a low salaam they answered and I went to have a peek at her.

She was lying down on the bed, asleep. Her face looked so Serene yet she looked in pain,there were dried tear streaks staining her fairskinned face. she's lost so much weight from the last time I saw her which was a week ago. Her frail arms were circled protectively around her round baby bump.

We all silently said our prayers and meant to leave the room, when she slowly stired in her sleep, she opened her eyes slowly. Maami was quick to be by her side.

She helped her sat up right, she gave us all a faint smile in greeting.

"You've arrived already?" She asks no one in particular. Her smile still plastered on her face.

I smile. Adda Hafsie is such a fighter.

"Yes habibty, we've arrived. How are you feeling?" Baffa asked all in one go. You could hear the care evident in his voice.

"I'm fine baffa, don't worry. I just needed to see my family. I don't know if I'll make it after the surgery. This might be the last time we meet. If I ever wronged anyone of you, please accept my solemn apologies, forgive me and if my baby lives, Munaar I want you to take her as your own, please never let her in a situation where she'll ask of her real mother. If she gets to know you aren't her mother, tell her my story. Tell her her mother was a fighter, and she died for her" Maami quickly hugged her to her bosom.

"Shhh... habibty don't say such, inshallah you'll both make it out alive.

"Maami, one can't be so sure... Please let me say my last words to all of you" she said and took a deep breath. We were all silent. Including the parents. Abba was led by Ammi to sit on alone chair, the doctors said he shouldn't be standing for long, the rest of us stood at different sites in the spacious VIP room.

Ya Omar ran his hand through his hair for the umpteenth time since we came in.

Ya rabbi grant him ease.

Only God knows how he's fairing, seeing the love of your life in such a state is quite devastating.

"Omar' she called.

He turned and looked at her with pure love and adoration. She opened her arms wide for him. At that moment, they didn't care who was watching them, both their parents were there, but he didn't think twice before crashing into her arms. He broke.

She wiped his tears with her thumb.

"I love you so much rouhi please don't let my absence stop your life. I know you once said you can't live without me, but try and live with the fact that my death won't be the last time we meet, after everything, we shall meet at jannah. Inshallah" she said and fresh tears gushed from her eyes.

"Hayati don't say so. We have a lot more years to live together inshallah" he said in a shaky voice.

She shook her head. She turned to her mother inlaw.

"Goggo, Thank you for being the best mother inlaw I could ever get. You loved me like your own, even when the rest of the family reprimanded me for not having a child after 5 years of marriage, you still supported me. Thank you so much. Omar, please I want my baby named after this great woman." Goggo didn't say a thing, she just muffled her cries with the Hem of her hijab.

She turned to Mariya, her husband's half sister. I never liked the woman, she was the source of Hafsahs discomfort in her matrimonial home.

"Yaya Mariya, I don't know what I ever did to deserve all the hate you showered me with. But I guess we don't always get loved by everyone right? So please I beg you, forgive my unbeknownst mistakes. Let me die free of your hate" she said. Mariya gave her a wobbled smile.

" Wallahi ba abunda kika tare mini, na yafe Miki duniya was lahira. Nima Ina neman afwan ki Hafsah" She said .

Hafsah let out a smile.

She turned to zee.

"Zeeboo, my other best half. You know I love you right? Never let anyone speak Ill to you never let anyone trample upon your rights a Nani? I won't be here to fight them back, fight them on your own. Okay? Take care of your kids. And accept every thing with a smile" she said."I give you my entire bookshelf." She added with a wink. Adda zee gave a teary smile.

Then she turned to our brothers and their wives.

"Brother's..... I won't say much to you, you've been my sources of strength since I was little, you always had my back. Now please, I want you to always have your wives backs. Love them like no tomorrow okay? Who knows tomorrow may not be" she said. Major remained stoic. Hanma Othman however, went over and gave her a big hug.

"Inshallah sisto... Inshallah" he said.

She turned to Adda Aisha.

"Umm Naeem, my second mother, my Rock, my support. No words for you. Please continue guiding our family" Adda Aisha nods vehemently. Wiping her tears with the Hem of her veil.

Then she looked at our parents.

Mine and Nour's

The Bawuros and the Ngaburas.

My family.

"Abba, Baffa, Maami, Ammi.... you've been the best parents for me. And the only thing I have for you all is a prayer, may Allah continue to bless you and your efforts" she said our parents chorused Aameen.

She looked at Nour and Ashe.

"My siblings from another mother. I love you all equally. Nour, my sister is crazy, we all know that. Please bear with her madness and stunts. She'll grow pass it. And I can see a hint of lifelong love with you guys, inshallah you'll be the best living couple" she said. Nour clenched his jaw and muttered a

In shaaa Allah.

She looked at Ashe.

"Asheewariya...." She chuckled "come give me a hug, try not to miss me. And settle up between you an munaar. I know your friendship hasn't died, you-all are just too blind or should I say stupid to notice, Ashe the world isn't a dwelling place. Think over this okay?" She said and Ashe for the first time , unleashed her weakness. She flung herself on Adda Hafsie.

"Please don't break me, I know you're strong" she said. Typical Adda Hafsie to crack a joke even on her supposed deathbed.

She turned to me. Her eyes said it all. I throw myself on her, and used my index finger to shush her. We spoke with our eyes and we understood ourselves.

"Munaar, my baby.... Take care of my baby.... You and Nour are her parents from now.... Take care of my........" And she passed out.



It's a cliffhanger!!!!

No dongon surutu.

Initially I was meant to post this on Eid day, but one thing led to another and here we are today.

Still, accept this from me as your late Eid gift.

Mabrooks everyone, meet me next chapter.

Munaari loves you kathyr ❤️

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