Dragon Ball Oneshots

By BlueTimber

5.8K 158 68

Just something to try out. Enjoy! 😊 Accept: Character X Reader Character x Character Boy x Boy Girl x Girl M... More

Cooler X Saiyan Soldier Reader
Zamasu x Goddess Reader
Frieza X Soldier Reader
Captain Ginyu X Elite Soldier Reader
Jiren x Nurse Reader
Piccolo X Saiyan Reader
Hit x Reporter Reader
Frieza x Child Saiyan Reader
Goku Black x Caulifla

Frieza x Soldier Reader Part 2

473 17 5
By BlueTimber

Requested by JessieVanborm

Dangerous Romance

"hey, (Y/n). Back from another mission?" (F/n) waves her hand at (Y/n), returning from her mission.

It has been a few weeks since the piano incident (as she calls it) and some things have changed in her life.

Ever since the duet performance with the tyrant, they have been having regular meetings at evening to do performances. It's strange for the tyrant to do that but (Y/n) tries not to show it. It's not lke she can do anything about it otherwise, well... she might lose a limb or 2, if not her life.

"Hey. Yup, my 5th one this week. Strange isn't it?" She replies, stretching her arms out.

"Well, yea. Ever since the 'Piano incident' you've been recieveing alot of assignments that only the Elites would have. I think Lord Frieza is spoiling you." (F/n) mentions as they walk together.

"Spoiling me?! With what? Extra bruises, extra killings?" (Y/n) jokes with a small laugh.

"Well no but you gotta admit he has been paying a bit too much attention for a mere second class soldier... No offence."

"Non- taken" she shrugs "But now that you mention it, everytime when I train, he is always there; either passing by or observing. At first I ignored it, I mean he is incharge and all but now, I'm not sure." The arachnid hums. It does feel weird for her to be receiving such attention from the Lord himself, considering her measly rank.

"You know, I had a few female friends who mentioned the same thing happening to them but a few weeks later it stops and they are gone, permanently." (F/n) gulps in light fear.

"Do you think... Frieza?" (Y/n) asks in the same shocked look.

"Yea, I do.... Watch your back (Y/n). I know you like him and all but from what I heard, he is extremely unpredictable."

"You don't need to tell me twice, remember?" She reminds her, blushing slightly.

"Oh right...." (F/n) chuckles nervously as they reached the main training area "Training?"

"Yea, but Vegeta is there..." the arachnid groans as she saw the spiked Saiyan. "Can I call in sick?" She pleads, her friend merely chuckles at her child like behaviour.

"Nice try but I need you to keep me in check with him. You know...." she blushes herself as she looks away, day dreaming slightly.

"Just find an empty room and be done with it already. You fantasies are going to melt my brain.." The arachnid groans in discomfort as she enters the training hall.

"(Y/n)!!!" The embarrassed friend yells out, grabbing the attention of a few Elite soldiers.

"Chill, I don't extra attention." (Y/n) hushes her. "The elites are already ticked that a mere second class is doing their missions and now trains with them. Next thing you know I'll be training with the lord himself."

"Not a bad idea, my dear Arachnid." An all too familiar voice spoke up.

"Lord Frieza, sir!!" (Y/n) and her friend bowed at the Lord infront of them. Oddly enough, he wasn't using his signature 'throne' as many call it here.

"As you were." He waves his hand dismissively before looking at the arachnid "I must admit I should have taken the time to observe you more in the past as I see you are no ordinary warrior." He states "The second class rank is no use of you."

"... I guess you are right, Lord Frieza..." (Y/n) stutters, looking at her feet all embarrased.

"Of course I'm right. I am never wrong when it comes to you my dear." The Lord replies, taking her chin with his hand and lifting it so that their eyes met.

"I..I see..." She mumbles, blushing madly when the lord leans in close so that his mouth is right next her ear.

"Show me what you can do in this training and I will reward you, generously, little spider.." his whispers send chills down her spine as she glances at him and nods slowly.

The Lord distances and gives the arachnid his signature smirk before letting go of her chin and walking back to his 2 henchment.

"Little spider? That's a new one." (F/n) asks. Her race has a good sense of hearing so she heard everything, even if she was miles away from her friend.

"He calls me that alot, lately. Probably to establish his dominance or something." (Y/n) shrugs as she tries to look less flustered " He does call Saiyans monkeys so it's probably for my race."

"Maybe but, what's with the generous reward he spoke off?" She asks.

"That's for me to know and for you not to stick your nose into someone else's business, (F/n)." Frieza answered, giving her a sinister look.

"Sorry, Lord Frieza!" She bows respecfully, hoping this isn't the end for her.

Frieza scoffs at her pitifulness "You're lucky you're friends with (Y/n) otherwise that would cost you." He merely replies before dismissing her to the other soldiers. (Y/n) follows.

"Maybe you should stick with confessing to Vegeta than rummaging through the Lord's actions." She whispers quietly into (F/n)'s ear.

"I guess. I just worry about you (Y/n). You know that's what friends do right?" (F/n) sighs as she begins her pre-training stretch.

"Yea but I'm not a child. I can take care of myself." the arachnid proudly states, beginning her stretch.

"Yea and you're extremely curious at everything. Like a child." (F/n) snickers.

"I am not!"

(F/n) raised her eyebrow at her "The Piano?"

"That was an accident. Besides, I'm still here." The arachnid spoke proudly as she began doing a split.

"I guess..." (F/n) shrugs as she also does a split aswell, finishing her stretch.

She glances to her side to see a black spiky haired Saiyan approaching them. "oh here comes Vegeta." She said happily as she stood up and checks her hair.

"Oh boy..." (Y/n) mumbles, rolling her eyes as she looks the other way, finishing her split, properly.

"Hey Vegeta, what's up?" (F/n) says happily.

"(F/n), it's been a while." Vegeta greets (F/n), eyeing her slightly.

(F/n) blushes slighlty from his muscular look. "Yea. It has..."

Vegeta then notices (Y/n) behind her and scrowl "What the 'Tick' doing here?!"

"Vegeta please, she is my friend."

Vegeta's gaze turned to (F/n) with the same look and scoffs at her "Friends with the 'Tick'? How weak."

"Pleasure to see you too, Vegeta." (Y/n) gives him a disgusted look before standing up and dusting herself off.

"That's Prince Vegeta to you, 'Tick'." He walks upto (Y/n), showcasing his Elite armour and status. "Only the privileged can address me so informal."

"Like Lord Frieza?" (Y/n) chuckles at him. As if his status and height will frighten (Y/n); considering she has 2 more limbs at her disposal and she is slightly taller than the Saiyan pimp. "Hmm maybe I should just call you a monkey instead? Lord Frieza seems to call you that alot."

That ticked him off as he grabs (Y/n) by the collar of her armour, bringing their faces close to each other. "Listen here you low life." He growls "I am an Elite and you are a nobody! So do us all a favour and quit acting like you are one of us."

(Y/n) simply held all 4 of her hands up innocently with a calm expression on her face "Oh I wasn't planning on being a stuck up snob like you." She smirks before shoving Vegeta off her; gaining distance between the two.

"Grr... what was that? Do you want to be squashed like an insect you are?!" He growls dusting himself off.

(Y/n) couldn't help but laugh at him, placing a hand on her hips and crossing the other 2 over her chest "Ha..your threats are as empty as your title. All hail Vegeta, Prince of no one." She smirks at him, obviosuly enjoying tormenting his ego.

"That does it!! Haa!!" Vegeta charges at (Y/n), trying to land a punch but (Y/n) managed to dodge that punch and grab his furry belt like tail; sending painful jolts to his spine.

He grunts in pain before trying to fire a blast at her; thankfully (Y/n) spots that and uses her web like whip on Vegeta's wrist, tangling it and causing Vegeta to miss his shot and get Dodoria on the head instead.

Not that it had any effect on him, in fact he was actually enjoying this little scuffle and so did the Lord himself.

"Monkey see, monkey do, Vegeta." (Y/n) hisses, shoving Vegeta to the ground whilst her foot presses against his plated chest, whip still tangled in his firing wrist "Your tail is your weakness. Along with your pride." She smirks, licking her fangs slightly.

"(Y/n)... what are you doing?" (F/n) became worried. The only time she ever licks her fangs is when she wants to poison someone.

"I'm sick of this, (F/n)." She looks at her friend. "He treats me like a weakling! Its about time he gets what he deserves." She grins as she looks back at Vegeta and picks him up by his neck, lifitng him off the ground.

"Wait, you plan on biting him?" (F/n) asks worringly, getting the other soldiers' attention.

"Got a problem?"

"No, but won't it kill him? Your venom can kill a Saiyan. Don't you hate slow killings?" She asks.

Mumbles can be heard in the distance. Mumbles like 'Is that true?', 'Will she do it?', 'I'll wager you if she does'.

(Y/n) gives the mumblers a glare. "I do but Frieza is watching us. If i don't kill him, he will see me as a weakling." She sighs, releasing some of the pressure on Vegeta's neck; who is giving her a death glare. If she drops him now, he will kill her.

The only reason he hasn't is becasue she still has his tail in one of her lower arms - tugging at it frequently.

"But killing an elite will cause problems. They are basically the Lord's favourite. Killing one of them will make you look as an enemy." (F/n) explains, approaching her friend and putting her hand on her shoulder. "Do you want that?"

(Y/n) glances at her best friend before sighing "No... I don't..." She starts lowering Vegeta down until their faces are at an equal height before glaring at Vegeta and grinning; showing her fangs.

"But he will suffer..." Just like that she bit him on the neck, sinking her fangs into his skin and causing a huge bleed.

Vegeta's screams of pain shook the entire ship as everyone got a small shiver of fear for whatever punishment he is recieving and a sigh of relief that they aren't the ones suffering.

Once she was finished, she threw Vegeta's unconcious body across the training room; denting the wall in the process as she stared at the frightened Elites.

"You have 10 minutes to get anti venom in his blood." was all she said before walking away to the other side of the training room.

(Y/n) sinks against the wall and sighs heavily as she watches some of the Elites carry Vegeta to the regeneration chamber. She really didn't like how the situation turned out and the training hasn't even began!

She was also surprised at how she behaved, she is usually timid and would rather wlak away from conflict than start one; unless her superiors ordered her otherwise. Maybe the extra missions she received made her more ruthless than before? Maybe she just grew tired of Vegeta's taunts and wanted to stand her ground? Or maybe because she knew Frieza was in the room and would stop if anything got out of hand?

Frieza. He is just full of surprises. Giving (Y/n) extra missions is a plus as it proves that the Lord views her as a strong and useful soldier but the strange affections and the late get togethers are a mystery, nontheless.

Of course, she is glad that she is on the Lord's good side but she can't help but fear that there is a catch to all of this. That sooner or later Frieza will do what he did to the other females (F/n). Dispose of them, permiantely.

Her thoughts were interupted by a nudge and a figure sitting next to her. "(Y/n), you ok?"

"Yea, you're boyfriend will live if that's what worries you." She replies bluntly, staring at the droplets of blood on the floor. Right where she bit him.

"Very funny (Y/n)." (F/n) nudges her best friend to try ease the tension. "But if Vegeta acts like that with you then sorry I'm out." She smiles.

It worked 'cause (Y/n) returned the favour and smiled back at her "Good for you." she says, patting her shoulder.

Their reunion got interupted when they heard echoing clapping and approaching footsteps "Splendid performance, (Y/n)." Frieza boasted as he finished his clapping "I'm truly impressed." He leans forward, his attention fully on (Y/n).

"Lord Frieza! Thank you." (Y/n) replies, bowing her head in her sitting position.

"I never knew you were poisonous, my dear. What a sly skill you witheld from me." Frieza queries, placing a hand under his chin.

"I try not to use it unless its necessary, my Lord. It can be lethal to many but it will make my fangs painful for a while." (Y/n) explains as she licks her fangs slightly to ease the pain.

"Well, perhaps you should demonstrate that skill of yours once more some other time" The Lord suggests, leaning in closer to (Y/n).

"Of course but on who my Lord?" (Y/n) asks, blushing. This is too close for her.

"Hmhmhm... train my little spider. Train." He whispers, not caring that (F/n) was watching them, but she knew to keep her mouth shut. Frieza straightens himself once more before returning to his floating throne he abandoned with Zarbon and Dodoria.

(Y/n) glances at (F/n) who wiggles her eyebrows, smirking at her friend's blushing state.

"You heard him." (Y/n) coughs as they both stood up and finally started their training.

Frieza's PoV

This day just keeps getting more and more salubrious for me.

My little spider has returned from her 5th mission and now I have seen her fierce side. It was exquisite. Her narrowing eyes, her fisted hands, her smart remarks.

I loved it!

The monkey pushed the wrong buttons today, but he had that coming and that bite. I knew her species was venomous but I never could consider it involved her lovely little fangs.

So small yet so powerful.

I nearly lost myself when I saw her biting that simian. The so called faze my father spoke of isn't a mere faze for me, no matter what I do I can't get her out of my mind.

My desires to be with her are growing with each passing day, the need to have her in my arms, to feel her warmth. It a taunt! I sometimes wonder if she knows the truth and is merely trying to make me lose myself, her form, her stance, it's all perfect. Even too perfect for my taste.

Maybe tonight I can subdue her... Until then, I shall enjoy this little performance she has for me.


3rd PoV

"I'm done... I can't go on..." (Y/n) pants heavily from her training as she fully collapses against the wall from exhaustion.

"Same. These Elites are no joke. I'm surprised I can still talk after that beating." (F/n) follows her friend and sits next to her.

"Can you really call that a beating when both parties got injuries?" (Y/n) asks, jokingly.

"Well whatever you call it, I'm finished for today!" (F/n) exclaims as she playfully punches (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"Fine by me." He giggles, taking a sip of her cold water from her water bottle before handing the bottle to her friend who also takes a drink.

Whilst (Y/n) is staring at the ceiling, simply enjoying the moment while she can, she senses eyes on her and she had a good idea who it is. "He's still looking at me?" She asks, looking the other direction.

(F/n) gives her a confused look before scanning the room to see the Lord eyeing (Y/n) with his sinister look "Yup... " She simply replies before wiping her lips with her forearm "Hasn't taken his eye of you since the whip strike." she adds.

"Terrific..." (Y/n) mumbles before stretching her arms; cracking a few bones in the process and proceeds to stand up. "I don't know about you but I need a shower." She suggests.

"I double that." (F/n) agrees, standing up and making thier way to the door but not before running into Frieza once more.

"Lord Frieza." the girls bow respecfully.

"(Y/n)." He replies, only acknowledging the arachnid as their eyes met once more. "I trust you haven't forgotten our arrangement tonight."

"I haven't." (Y/n) confirms their arrangement. "Same time?"

Frieza nods. "I'll see you then."

The duo bow once more as they finally exit the training room and begin to make their way to their rooms.

"You still meet?" (F/n) asks out of the blue.



Frieza was in his room, awaiting his little arachnid. As he hears a knock, he smirk widens, knowing fully well who it is.


The door opens to reveal her little spider, fully cleaned, patched and wearing her seocnd class uniform.

"Lord Frieza." She greets him and bows respecfully.

"Ahh, my little spider." He turns his gaze from the stars to his guest. "Punctual as always."

"I don't like being late." She simply replies, straightening herself from the bow.

"And I don't tolerate lateness." He added, venturing to a small cabinet underneath a counter.

"I noticed..." She mumbles quietly. "What shall we play tonight, Lord Frieza?" She begins to approach the small piano built within the wall in his room.

"Actually I don't feel like playing today." He haults her, opening the cabinet to reveal a wine bottle and 4 wine glass. He takes two of the glasses and a wine bottle. "Some soldiers thought they could escape my force and I had to teach them a lesson. Harsh lesson." He explains, empathizing on the term 'Harsh' as he furiously pulls the cork out of the bottle and crushes it with his bare hand." You understand, don't you?" he glances at (Y/n) with his sinister smile.

(Y/n) gulps in fear before smiling at him "O-of course, Lord Frieza. There is only one way a person can leave your force. Death." She mumbles the last part, pretending to examine his room, so that she doesn't have to see his sinister look.

"Precisly." He chuckles as he begins to pour the beverage. "Fancy a drink?"

"Oh, I can't." She refuses the offer politely. "I'm still on active duty."

"Off the record, my little spider." He insists, handing her a glass of wine.

"Well, if you insist, Lord Frieza." She takes the glass and looks the colour a bit. A bloody red colour. Nonetheless she takes a small sip of the beverage and it was surprisingly sweet.

"Please, I grow tiresome of formalities at this hour. Just Frieza." He waves his hand dismissively at the formality, taking a sip of his drink as he turns his gaze at the stars; seemingly facinated by them.

"Yes, sir..." She replies and gasps when one of her hand is yanked forward; tugging his entire body forward and bumped into Frieza's. Thankfully, no wine was split.

"Did you not hear me? I said no formalities." He whispers. His tail begins to coil around her waist before coming back and coiling around Frieza's side, bringing their bodies closer to each other.

"S-sorry, Lor... I mean Frieza." She stutters. This isn't good.

"Tsk... tsk... How bothersome of you. I will consider to disclose this disobedience if you do a little favour for me." He states, meandering to his floating throne, (Y/n) being forced to follow with the tail still coiled around her waist.

"S-sure thing. What do you want from me?" She asks in fear.

Frieza smirks at her as he sat on his floating chair and with his tail, dragged the arachnid onto his lap. "Sit. And watch the world with me."

"But, si..." She was silenced by Frieza's tail on her mouth.

"That better not be a formality you tried to usher." He warns her. "Not a single word otherwise I will punish you. Understood?" She nods in approval.

"Good little spider." He removes his tail from her mouth but keeps it on her waist as they watched the stars together.

The two stayed like that, no word was exchanged except the sippings of the beverage. Soon the glasses were empty and on the counter.

Whilst Frieza wasn't effect much by the single drink, (Y/n) wasn't such a strong drinker and was slightly buzzed from the drink as she began to relax slighlty at the situation.

"You know." He started.

"I've seen this view for so long, I've lost count. But I never grow tired of it, just like you. I never grow tired of you." He glances at (Y/n). "Perhaps it is a mere faze but I don't think that is the case and from you're reaction, I'm not alone on this matter." (Y/n) blushes madly and pretends to be confused.

"Oh don't try and pretend like you are an imbecile. A little monkey told me everything." Little monkey? Raditz! She saw him often talking to Frieza, not to mention he sometimes butts in on her and (F/n)'s conversation. Some of them involved her crush.

"And I for one believe you deserve a little punishment for thinking of such thoughts." The tail pulls back so that (Y/n)'s back is against Frieza's chest, who grabs her chin and pulls back before kissing her.

(Y/n) was surprised at the kiss but she definitely didn't pull back but instead embraced it and goes along with it.

This lasted for a while until she felt him biting her upper lip, hard. (Y/n) jolts from the sudden pain, on instinct she bit back using her fangs; puncturing Frieza's lip and causing a bleed.

Realizing what has happend, (Y/n) broke the kiss and pulled back, looking shocked and scared. Frieza avoided her gaze as he began to lick his bloody lip. His tail loosened on her waist for a second, giving her more movement with her body.

"S-sir!! I... I bit you!! Y...you need medical help.." Fearful of her live, she sat up and was about to stand up from the chair but a familiar tail returned to her waist and stopped her.

"No. I don't." His calm voice was almost frightening coupled with his bleeding smirk as his tail pulled her onto his king size bed.

(Y/n) yelps as she was flung onto the velvet blankets of the bed. She was blushing but she couldnt tell if this was the alcohol or something else. She tried to get up but a pair of hands on the sides of her head and an armoured chest pressing against her kept her in place.

She closed her eyes, believing she is a goner. Small whispers of fear and pain from her fangs escapes her mouth ever so often.

(F/n) was right. She should've been careful with Frieza, now she will pay the price. Yet this position they are in is definitely strange and nice at the same time. What is going through the Tyrant's head? Is this some sort of a game to him?!

A small gasp escapes her as she suddenly feels his warm breath on the side of her face, right next to her ear. "I'm immune to your venom..." that calm whisper was scaring her. The Lord being this calm is a bad thing, it makes the situation even more deadlier "...and I must admit it tastes better than anything I have drank.." (Y/n) gasps as she feels something slimy on her neck. That long, yet single lick on her neck send strange sensations across her body, good ones.

His breath lingered on her side but the opposite hand began to stroke her cheek, a soft caress as it goes down towards her partly open lips, stroking her bottom lip. This soft gesture seemed to calm (Y/n) slightly, her breathing relaxed a bit as she fought the courage to open 2 of her eyes to see the predator before her.

She saw his wild eyes and his signature smirk. They were piercing her jewel eyes, he was enjoying this.

Seeing her like this was addictive. He had thoughts, dreams of this and now he is getting the real thing. She is fragile. Scared. But he knows she is enjoying some of it. He can see it in her eyes. He can stare at them all day if he could and seeing only 2 of them isn't enough for him. He wants to see them all.

The soft gesture continues, the soft breath, the strokes. She knew it was dangerous to drop her guard infront of him but it didn't cross her mind. Her thoughts were clouded from the alcohol as she had the courage to place 2 of her hands on either side of his shoulder. She was shaking but she could tell he wanted some contact. His eyes show it all.

Frieza gives her a sly smirk as he cups her chin with his hand before gripping the chin tightly, almost to the point of bleeding and yanks it forward so their eyes meet. A yelp escapes (Y/n)'s mouth as she squeezes her eyes shut - fearing the worst.

"Look at me." She didn't need to be told twice. She reluncantly opens her eyes to see a grinning Frieza as he leans in and kisses her again, it was a soft kiss and only lasted for a few seconds but she felt him trying to get more of her venom - it seems he wasn't lying about it. He broke the kiss but his lips was still near hers.

"You have taunted me for the last time, my little arachnid. Now you belong to me" he whispers to her, "as my soldier.." kissing her lips "as my new Elite..." her cheek "and soon... my empress."he kisses her neck and bites its again, hard.


(Y/n) woke up the next morning sore to say the least. She was covered under the silk blanket with nothing but lingerie. Her neck was burning for some reason, 2 of her wrists were bruised slightly but she had worse. She then felt a hand and a tail wrapped protectivly around her waist and leg; not letting her go.

"Sleep well, my little spider?.." a calm voice whispered in her ear. (Y/n) widens her eyes, she recognised that voice from anywhere.

"Lord Frieza?.." she whispers in fear, afraid to look back at him.

"For you, only Frieza." He replies kissing her open shoulder. "I trust you enjoyed yourself last night."

(Y/n) nods silently in reply. Too scared to speak. She then is pulled even more, forced to lay on her back as she comes face to face with the tyrant, towering over her.

"As much as I enjoy seeing my soldiers cower before my presence, this look of fear doesn't suit you at all." He states, stroking her cheek. "Should I want you to rule by my side, I need you to be just as ruthless and not fear your mate."

"I... I just don't wish to disappoint you, my lo-... Frieza" she stutters, fearing her life, yet his gentle gesture was calming non the less.

The tyrant chuckles lightly at her, interupting her stutters "you never disappoint me, my little spider. I marked you for a reason."

(Y/n) looks at him with slight confusion. Marked her? As in her neck? She moves one of her bruised hands to feel her pained neck, she feels dry blood and some bite marks.

"That's right, my little arachnid. It is true I had a few females to entertain me but I never marked any of them instead I simply disposed of them when I grew bored." He admits, stealing a kiss from her. "But not you. You will never bore me." His tone was much calmer and none threatening. "I love you too much to do that" he admits, giving her a soft smile, before getting off the bed.

(Y/n) was surprised. Frieza loves her?! And that smile. It was soft and caring, She never seen him like that before. She sits up to watch the tyrant put on his signature uniform, he had his neutral scowl once more.

"I took the liberty of getting you some new uniform. I expect you to wear it and attend a meeting of mine at 1000 hours sharp. Understood?" He spoke calmly, as he looks at her with a smirk.

"O-of course, Frieza. I'll be there." She smiles at him with a small blush.

"Good, I'll see you then." Frieza winks at her before exiting the room.

(Y/n) couldn't help but smile even more as she lays back on the bed, she glances at the spare Elite uniform before looking at the ceiling, taking everything in.

Here she is, lying in the Lord's bed, marked by him to be his only mate.

And she couldn't be happier than that.

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