The Mysterious Coffee Saboteu...

By achum2019

224 4 0

The 3 caballeros, their girlfriends and Donald's family are all invited to be part of the National Coffee Fes... More

Off to Rio!
Welcome to Brazil
Meeting the family
A House Tour
Saboteur Afoot!
A press conference from hell
Hotel Investigation
The meeting
Vaz Enterprise
More testimonies
The truth
The Chase
The Big Fight
The Coffee Festival

In the streets of Rio

8 0 0
By achum2019

At the busy streets of Rio de Janeiro, Panchito and Esmeralda were deducing their findings. Apparently Esmeralda just got a text from Daisy that she, Donald, Della, Rosinha, Raimundo and Jose will be here at the town square shortly.

' Okay...' Panchito said slowly ' So, according to interviews. Some blame Rocha Vaz, others believe he is innocent. And many...are somewhere in between. I believe that he is innocent. He had an emotional breakdown which is really not acting at all. '

' The sales of midnight sonata had gone from 80,000 a day for 2 weeks to....zilch!' Esmeralda said. ' Caramba! Que impactante!'

' Where are they now?' Panchito asked, looking around.

' We're behind you, Panch!' came Donald's voice.

Panchito and Esmeralda turned around, and smiles graced across their features at the sight of Donald, Daisy, Della, Jose, Raimundo, and Rosinha. ' Ay! What good fortune to see you all again, amigos! ' Panchito shouted, hugging all of them at once.

' You really are a man with fire in his belly, arent you, Senhor?' Raimundo guffawed and patted Panchito on the back.

' Eh, what can I say, it is hereditary, ' Panchito smiled and shrugged.

As soon as she saw Rosinha, Esmeralda cooed ' Aww, poor thing, are you alright now?'

Rosinha nodded ' Sim. Those monsters said horrible insults to me and mi familia. It is totally unacceptable.'

' Just ignore them, honey, ' Esmeralda sighed ' One day, they will know that your father, and your family are innocent. '

' Esmeralda's right, Rosinha, ' Daisy added. ' Look, I know this is bad, real bad. But we're gonna go to your dad's factory to find all out tomorrow, cuz they are on a full day lock down as everything is too chaotic. After we catch the saboteur, your father can recover the enterprise economy. Dont worry. '

Rosinha sniffles a little and hugged all of her friends. ' Obrigado, meu amigos. That is one great advice!'

' Wait, where are the kids?' Panchito asked.

' Oh, Launchpad, Scrooge and Beakley are leading them on an investigation at the hotel. Nestor's assistants are basically searching up and down the Vaz Manor for clues, while Nestor himself was reporting his findings to Carmelita. ' Daisy answered.

' How do you know what Nestor and his assistants are doing?' Rosinha asked.

' He told me, ' Jose said, ' And then I pretty much texted you all on the way. '

Rosinha looked at the text Jose sent her a minute ago, and he did tell her that in Portugeuse, ' Oh, right, ' she remarked.

Suddenly, at the corner of Della's eye, a hooded man was seen dashing at the streets of Rio, stolen a motorcycle and drove off, with a thick wallet that his clearly not his!

' STOP, THIEF!' Della shouted. Everyone ran to quickly buy several cheap motorcycles from a vendor. The couples boarded on the double seat ones, and Raimundo and Della boarded on the single seat ones.

Donald and the co rode on the motorcycles as fast as they can to catch the hooded thief. Donald held onto Daisy who was really getting it on and prayed that he wont get motor sick. Esmeralda was standing behind Panchito on their motorcycle to get a clearer view of the hooded thief. Jose drove the motorcycle as Rosinha on his behind started to throw some darts to try and destroy the thief's motorcycle. But the thief was too fast for her aim.

' Let me at him!' Esmeralda roared. Taking out her pistols, she also tried to shoot the wheels of the thief's motorcycle.

' YOU CANT CATCH ME, FOOLS!' a Brazilian accented voice, coming from the hooded thief, roared as he sped even faster.

' WAIT! HE SURPASSED THE BRAZILIAN SPEED LIMIT!' Esmeralda howled, urging Panchito to step on it.

' HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW?' Jose and Rosinha shouted.

' I DIDNT GO TO OXFORD AND PRINCETON LAW SCHOOL FOR NOTHING!' Esmeralda bragged, as Panchito sped faster.

They drove past fountains, cafes, parks and even some of the more narrow roads. The pedestrians, already angry about a full day without coffee, were terrified by the high speed of the motorcycle chase.

Donald was hanging on to dear life. ' DAISY! CAN YOU GO A LITTLE SLOWER?' he howled.

' SORRY! CRIME DOESNT SLEEP!' Daisy howled as she drove on.

' STOP BEING A PUSSY, BROTHER!' Della roared as she also sped on.

As they followed the thief to a tunnel, Raimundo sped up, and he managed to get a glimpse of the thief. Only, the hoodie was veiled. Then the thief left Raimundo in dust.

' I THINK I SAW PARTS OF HIS FACE!' Raimundo shouted.

' TELL US WHAT HE LOOKED LIKE!' Della shouted.

' UH, HE IS MALE, WITH A ROOSTER COMB....' Raimundo began.


' WELL, I WONT BE SURPRISED!!' Jose hollered.

When the co entered a narrow street after they exited the tunnel, they had already lost the thief, their engines are completely exhausted.

' Ahh, phooey, ' Donald huffed and kicked a bucket.

As they are charging their motorcycles with oil from the nearby motorcycle station, they also bought themselves some coke and entered an alchemy shop, completely exhausted and spent.

The alchemy shop was a small, antique store with an electric fan cooling off their sweat. Hundreds of medicine bottles were on the shelves, and a middle aged robin was sweeping the floor.

' Ola, tourists!' the middle aged robin greeted them ' Welcome to Senhor Sevilla's antique store!'

' I have a question, Senhor, ' Donald began ' Was there someone in your shop around 5 minutes ago. '

Senhor Sevilla smiled ' Several came 5 minutes ago. In fact, I remember there was a hooded man with a veiled face...'

Donald and his friends eyes lit up at the last words.

' What did he buy?' Esmeralda asked.

' Oh, you know, just some lilac powder and the lavender blue liquid that basically makes pests sick. ' was all the alchemist say.

' Do you know, ' Raimundo asked ' The reason why the stranger bought these?'

Senhor Sevilla shrugged ' He said there are some pests in house, I dont even know where he lives!'

Rosinha thought aloud ' The thief may have used the chemicals and successfully used it on the cocoa bean powder, or the pre made liquid versions of the Midnight Sonata!'

' Meu amor, you are so clever!' Jose cooed, kissing her on the beak.

' Jose!' she giggled and blushed.

Eyeing at Rosinha and Raimundo, Senhor Sevilla asked ' You two are the children of Senhor Rocha Vaz, are you?'

' Sim, ' Rosinha and Raimundo answered.

' I originally blamed your papa, ' Senhor Sevilla sighed ' But after watching the news about the press conference....I feel sorry for him. '

' Do you really think my father did this on purpose?' Rosinha demanded.

' Nao, senhora Rosinha, ' Senhor Sevilla answered respectfully. ' I was only listening to rumors. But I believe that your father was innocent. He is a very kind man, some of my neighbours knew his assistants and spoke kind words about him. '

Rosinha breathed a sigh of relief, and Raimundo shook Senhor Sevilla's hand and said thanks.

It was Panchito's turn to speak up ' Have you ever thought that you unwittingly got involved with a plot of a corporate saboteur without knowing?'

' Why, amigo from Mexico!' Senhor Sevilla gasped ' I...I didnt know...'

And suddenly Senhor Sevilla looked rather guilty.

' By law, you are an innocent victim of manipulation and covert lying, ' Esmeralda calmed the poor shopkeeper down ' So SHUSH will not arrest you. Sure, the judges will still need your alibis, but you will be free to go. '

' And you really gave a great testimony, Senhor!' Daisy said impressed.

' Obrigado, friends, ' the shop keeper responded, humbled by Donald and his friends.

' Oh, and can we have a small sample of the lilac powder and the blue liquid? We need them to do some experiments later, ' Della asked.

The shopkeeper did as she asked. Rosinha then turned to Della. ' Why do we need them, Della?'

' Because, ' Della said ' We will need a sample of the Midnight Sonata to do an experiment tonight during the meeting at your dad's house. '

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