Best Friends

By uhyeah67

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Faryn Tate is just a normal surfer girl of 17 years of age, apart from being a lesbian (Not that that isn't n... More

The Surf
Bill's Bit Of Bother
That Night
Worried About Bill
The Girl Party
Truth Or Dare
Bill's Back!
The Dance
The Storm
The Massage
The Next Morning
The Truth
The Storm Is Over
The Truth Is Out
Will You Be My Girlfriend?
Another Surprising Question
The Parents Know
Just The Two Of Us
Morning, Beautifull!
Poolside Fun
Out Of Control
Alone Again
The Next Surf
Back At The Beach House
Getting Comfortable
The Aftermath
Barbecued Ribs
The Movie
Hannah's Massage
Helping Hannah Get Comfortable
What's Up With Faryn?
At Her Bedside
Everything's Crazy
What Do We Do?
Putting The Plan In Motion
I'm So Sorry
What Now?
Watching The Movie
Where Is She?
In The Shop
Out Of The Shop
Now What?
Moving In With Faryn
Telling Their Friends
Seeing Amy's Mum
The Surprise
Morning, Baby
Faryn's Shift
At Home
Proving Himself
After He'd Gone
The Morning After
Visiting A Friend
Punishment Turned Fun
Taking It Home
Amy's Gift
Waking Up
Going Out With Dad
The Delivery
The Party
Beer And Dancing
Time Lapse

The Next Day

18 0 0
By uhyeah67

The next day, Faryn and Amy woke up with their arms round each other. They'd obviously began cuddling while asleep.

They got out of bed, and Faryn decided to get dressed. She chose to not wear much, just a pink bandeau top and a pair of red hot pants. Amy, like the previous day, opted to remain naked.

"Why do you get dressed in the morning?" she asked her girlfriend curiously. "By the evening, you're naked and won't get dressed. So why bother getting dressed in the first place? Why bother?"

"I get quite cold in the morning, baby. I just put something on to stop that happening. If I didn't get cold, I wouldn't get dressed. I promise you."

"You could always turn the central heating up a bit?" Amy suggested thoughtfully. "Then you shouldn't be cold."

"That's a good idea," Faryn replied. "But this house gets so hot later in the day with the heating up."

"Just have it up a little bit in the morning, then turn it down later. You can then turn it back up when you go to bed, 'coz it's naturally colder at night."

"You're a genius!" Faryn said. She roughly kissed her girlfriend's lips as a thank you.

"Glad I can help," Amy said when they broke apart.

"I'll start doing that tomorrow, alright? It's too much effort to turn it up now and undress."

"Okay, babe."

They went into the lounge to see if the others were awake yet. They were still asleep, but were now spread accross the whole couch. Lucy was laying on top of Hannah, their clits visibly touching one another.

"I swear they're doing this on purpose!" Amy whispered. "You can't fuck someone in their sleep while you're asleep as well, can you?"

"I suppose not," Faryn replied.

They started making breakfast. Well, Faryn made breakfast while Amy handed her what she needed as Amy was terrible at cooking anything.

They were nearly finished when Lucy walked into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.


"Morning Lucy," they replied. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah," she said. "Yeah I did, thanks."

"We saw you both enjoying each other on the couch in your sleep."

"Dunno what happened there," she said. "Honestly, I don't."

"We believe you, don't we Ams?"

"Of course we do, Faz."

"You guys remember where my clothes are?"

"Yeah, I moved them into your's and Hannah's room."

"Thanks, Faryn."

She left to get dressed.

"When'd you do that, then?" asked Amy. "I've been with you the whole time."

"I woke up in the middle of the night," Faryn replied. "I realised that the clothes were still in the lounge on the floor so I put Lucy and Hannah's in their room and mine in our room. Sorry baby, I didn't wanna wake you."

"It's fine, really. I was just a bit confused, that's all."

They finished making the pancakes, and sat down at the kitchen counter to eat so as not to disturb Hannah. They left half of them in the microwave to keep them warm for the others.

"Morning, lovebirds!"

Hannah walked in and sat down on a spare stool.

"Morning Hannah. You sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you."

"We left you and Lucy some pancakes in the microwave, if you want?" said Amy.

"Thanks." Hannah put some on a plate and dug in. "Where is Lucy, by the way?"

"In your room, getting dressed."

"Why?" she asked.

"I put your's and Lucy's clothes in Amy's old room. It's your room now, for whenever you stay here."

"Oh, cool. Thanks."

They finished eating and left Hannah to eat her breakfast.

Lucy came into the lounge then.

"Lucy, there's some pancakes for you in the microwave."

"Thanks Faryn."

She left to get her breakfast.

"What we gonna do today, then?" Amy asked.

"I was thinking we should move all of your stuff into our room. From your old room. So that they can use the room."

"Okay, that's cool."

"Let's start by sorting my stuff out in my walk-in closet to make room for yours, alright?"


They went back to their room. Faryn picked up the strap on dildo and brought it into the closet with them, where she put it back in it's box.

"Now you know where I keep my naughty stuff!" Faryn teased, smirking suggestively.

They decided to have half for Faryn's clothes and half for Amy's, and set about moving Faryn's belongings around to accommodate this.

Once done, they went to Amy's old room and took a bunch of her clothes and ferried them to their new home.

It took quite a few trips, but they were soon done.

"You need to get anything else from that room?"


Amy ran off. She came back after a few minutes with a very large box.

"What the fuck?" Faryn said.

"This is all my naughty stuff," Amy answered

"So I have a medium box with a huge strap on dildo," Faryn began. "And you have what, exactly?"

"Costumes and stuff," Amy said matter-of-factly.

"What stuff, baby?"

"Dildos, vibrators. That sort of stuff, Faz."

"Why do you have so much? What were you doing when you slept in that room?"

"A lot of the time, I didn't sleep. I masturbated, used the dildos and vibrators."

"I think I regret asking!" Faryn joked.

It was now about noon, so they started thinking about having lunch.

They went into the kitchen, and Faryn made them sandwiches as Amy couldn't even do this. It was fine for Faryn, however, as she was able to do things for her girlfriend.

They sat and munched on their sandwiches.

Just then, Hannah and Lucy came in. They had a packet of crisps each.

"Alright, you two?" asked Amy.

"We're fine," they replied.

"Not gonna get dressed, Hannah?" Faryn said, raising an eyebrow.

Hannah slapped her forehead.

"Shit!" she exclaimed. "I fucking forgot to get dressed!"

"It's no problem, Hannah!" Lucy said. "Amy doesn't even bother getting dressed!"

"That's 'coz I prefer not wearing clothes, Lucy."

Hannah ran off to her room, starting to cry as she went.

"I'll go," said Amy, getting up and following after Hannah.

Hannah was sitting on the bed. Her head was in her hands and she was crying loudly. Amy went and sat next to her.

"What's wrong, Hannah?" she asked quietly.

"Go away," Hannah cried.

"I wanna know what's wrong," she replied. "That way, I can see that it'll be sorted out."

"I'm just insecure," Hannah sobbed.

"With your body?" Amy questioned softly.


Amy put an arm around her friend.

"There's no need to be," she cooed. "You've got a beautifull body. Don't let people tell you otherwise."

"I wish I was confident like you, Amy."

"You can be," she said. "You just need to get rid of all of this negativity. You should never feel insecure about your body. You know that, right?"

"I know. I can't help it."

"You need to get to know your body," Amy continued, gently stroking Hannah's back. "That's the only way you're gonna be comfortable with it."

"I thought I'd got comfortable with my body yesterday," Hannah wept. "I thought it'd worked. It did for everyone else."

"Different people take different amounts of time. You've just gotta give yourself time, Hannah."

"You're such a good friend, Amy!" Hannah threw her arms around Amy, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Not yet, I'm not. I haven't helped you get completely comfortable with your body."

Hannah was still crying, but not as much now. She sobbed into Amy's chest.

"Is everything alright?" Faryn was at the door, a worried look on her face.

"She's just a bit uncomfortable with her body still," said Amy.

"Try what you did with me, Ams."

"The massage?"

"Yeah. That made me really relaxed about my body. It was a great starting point for me."

"Do you want me to give you a massage, Hannah?" Amy asked. "It'll help you relax and is a perfect starting point towards accepting your body."

"Yes please, Amy."

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