Behind Closed Doors JK•TH

By pineaxpples

6.2K 336 27

Why is it that whenever we're together its, its different? A-And when we're out you act like we're mortal ene... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
A Reminder
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17 [Extended]
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
•Sorry for the long wait•
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27

Part 21

105 7 1
By pineaxpples

Part 21
This is a long chapter because I'm glad to be back. :)


We woke up the next morning together. I didn't even remember getting under the blankets. He had his arms wrapped around me tightly, and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I almost didn't wanna get up.

But unfortunately, it was the first day of school and I didn't have a choice. I got up and walked towards the bathroom only to see Namjoon standing in the mirror with a towel wrapped around his waist.
Within a few seconds he turned around and smiled at me.

"What?" I asked getting red.
"Nothing." He said giggling.

I walked in and stood beside him as I grabbed for my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth.
"How'd thinks go with Jihyo last night?" He asked.
"Ours plans got delayed unfortunately." I responded.

"Why? Because you had to go find your boyfriend first?" He asked laughing. I punched him in his shoulder.
"No idiot." I told him. "And he's not my-" I started but I noticed Taehyung in the doorway.

"Good morning." I said but he looked half asleep. "Do you feel any better?"
"No." He said rocking with his eyes close. "Well, better than yesterday." He walked passed the both of us and went over to the toilet.

Namjoon looked over at me and whispered. "He's your boyfriend." I scrunched up my face as I spat out my toothpaste and walked back into our room to put a clean shirt on. Taehyung washed his hands and followed me out.

"Wanna meet up later?" He asked putting his shirt back on. "After classes are over?"
"Uh, yeah sure." I said and watched as he kissed me on my forehead, smiled, and walked out.

"You two are so cute!" Namjoon said leaning against the bathroom door. I chased him around the room.

It was our first class of the new semester. I made it there early and took my normal seat towards the back. I waited for Taehyung to usually walk in since all of our classes are mixed together.

And within minutes of the thought he came in with his friends. He usually took a seat up front but this time he came to sit next to me.
"Hey." I said softly and he smiled. "You don't have to sit next to me you know. You can sit with your friends."
"I'd rather sit here, though." He said putting his arm around me but slowly because he still ached.

I got red when I noticed multiple people staring. I moved his arm and he looked at me. "What's wrong?" He asked.
"There's people watching." I replied looking around.

"So." He replied.
"So?" I said back. "I don't want them thinking we're a couple or anything." His eyes struck me intensely.
"Why do you care what other people think of us?" He asked me. The same people were staring.

"I just don't-"
"Say it, Jungkook."

I choked. He's never called me by my first name, like ever. I grew quiet and watched as he got up from next to me -using the table for support- and moved to sit with his friends. All my classmates stared and whispered. I could feel it was about me.

Great. Another start to a bad week.

It was now time for lunch and I went to the commons to go sit at my regular table. I felt my heart when I saw Jimin sitting alone. This was finally my time to make up with him.

I walked over towards him nervously and sat down across from him. "Hyung." I started. Nothing. He kept looking down at his book. "Hyung?" I said once again. Nothing.

"Jimin." I said again. He looked up.
"Uh, honorifics?" He replied and we both lightly chuckled.

"I'm sorry. Truly hyung." I told him.
"What's there to be sorry about exactly?" He asked.

"Because of what happened this winter?" I told him. "I-I didn't know-"
"Look, it's fine. You didn't know, but it's okay. I know your into Tae and I'm fine with that." He looked back down at his book.

"I-Into Tae?"

"Well yeah, isn't that what you said when I came over to your house?" He was right I did tell him that.
I let out a sigh and looked up at him. "Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"Why would I be mad? You can't help who you like." He replied. "What happened after the whole fight incident? Did you two talk?"

"No, not really." I replied. "I just wanted to make sure he was okay first."
"Did you two kiss?" He said squinting his eyes and smirking.

And just like that, my giddy best friend was back.

I sat there and looked at the ceiling with my arms crossed and my face scrunched up. He jumped up laughing and ran towards my side of the table. He shook me around laughing and I couldn't help but smile. "Kooks gotta boyfriend." He chanted lowly.
Suddenly I started to frown.

"Even if I did, I just completely ruined everything with him." I said. Jimin stopped.
"H-how?" He asked.

"In class today," I started, "he tried to put his arm around me and I told him no because I didn't wanna look like a couple."
"Why the hell did you say that?" He asked.

"I-I don't know." I said looking at him. "Just, people were staring and I got nervous."
"Well you need to go apologize." He said. "And to that girl you left at the theater."

I completely forgot.
"When I ran after Hoseok he had already made it out of the door and this girl stopped me and asked if you were still in the restroom. I didn't have time to speak so I apologized and left."
I through my head onto the table. "I feel so bad." I said and Jimin put his hand on my back.

"Who even was she?" He asked.
"Someone Joon Hyung set me up with." I replied lifting my head. "I should talk to her, then speak with Tae. But what happened with Hoseok?"

"He didn't say much." Jimin replied. "He just wanted me to leave him alone."
"Did he tell you why they both were being so hostile to each other?"
"Nope." Jimin said with a shrug.

All of a sudden the bell rang and it was time for my next class. "I'll see you around kook." Jimin said said walking over to me and giving me a small hug. "And make things right with Tae."
He walked off to his class and I walked to mine. Which just so happened to be my favorite class, Phys Ed.

I trudged through those annoying double door and into the locker room. Where I found my teacher, standing with Hoseok. You guessed it, he's now I'm my class.
"Guys I'll like to introduce our new student, Jung Hoseok." He waved to everyone with a smile and most waved back.

"And what better to do then our schools traditional game of dodge ball." He said. And just like that once again, my heart was on the floor. This happened so many times you'd think I wouldn't have one anymore.
Most of the boys got riled up to play besides me of course. Tae was here too, but he was still to sore to be excited.

Hoseok got his locker assigned and it was right next to mines, great. We didn't speak of course, even though I wanted too. But this wasn't the best place if anything broke out.
I watched as Taehyung talked with our teacher, I assumed it was about him being injured and asking if he could sit out, because our teacher was not the happiest.

He threw his arms in the arm and motioned for Tae to leave him office. Me and Tae locked eyes before he left from the locker room, I continued to get dressed.

We all finished and walked out into the gymnasium in our blue shorts and white t's. Tae sat in the bleachers.

"Since Taehyung will not be participating in such an important game," Our teacher said being dramatic, "there will be some new captains. And since we have a new student, Hoseok will be a captains get to choose first. It can be a chance for you to make some friends. And Jungkook, you can be another captain."

Oh boy. The one game I absolutely hated. It's like the world is out to get me.
Me and Hoseok stepped to the from of the gym. I looked over at Tae and he was watching this deeply.

I looked back over towards my classmates.

"Hoseok, you may have first pick." My teacher said. He looked out into the Crowd and I could tell he didn't know anyone. Until I heard a, "Yo bro! Pick me!" It was Kai. The last thing I wanted was for Hoseok to become friends with this guy and his group.
After all the picking on Kai does to Jimin? The last thing I want is for Hoseok to pick it up and do it to him as well when they have to be roommates for the next year and a half.

"You don't have to Hoseok. I can take him." I whispered to him.
"Don't talk to me kid." He said back and I was taken back. Hoseok motioned for Kai to come over.

The rest of the picking sort of went like that. Kai's posse going with him and me picking whomever was left. Or just whoever wanted to go against Kai.

The game started as usual, the big guys going first and us smaller ones getting out first so that they could play. But I stayed in somehow, mainly dodging though.
It got down to three people on my side and 2 on Hoseok's, one being hoseok.

He took out one of my guys and my guy took out one of his. Now it was just him and two on my side.
A ball came rolling right towards me after Hoseok missed. And there was no one to throw at but him.

So, I took my chance and threw the ball right at him, and of course he dodged. He stared me down, picked up a ball, and beamed it right at me. It was too late to dodge.
And just like that, I got my second dodgeball related accident of the school year.

Immediately everyone rushed to my aid. That first being Taehyung. I couldn't make out what anyone was saying or any faces it was all just mumbled and blurry. But I could notice everyone yelling as two shadows started pushing each other around. But I couldn't do much because I was out cold.

I knew I had the right to be nervous about the game. I had a bad feeling since the beginning! Then he purposely went hard on him when I told him look was no good at sports!

The moment the ball went towards Kook I immediately jumped up. And the moment he fell to the floor I was right by his side. I was still mad at him, but his safety was way more important.
Still sore I got down onto the floor and turned him onto his back. "Jungkook?!" I called but he didn't answer me.

Everyone began to crowd around.
"What the fuck did you do that for?" I yelled at Hoseok who was the culprit.
"It was a accident." He said throwing his hands up nonchalantly. I got up from the ground.
"You know for a fact that was no fucking accident!" I said pushing him. My injuries no longer matter, I was filled with rage.

I punched him in his nose. Everyone in the gymnasium was yelling. Not even just for the what happened. But for the other night as well. I punched him and he didn't he didn't him me back.
"What the hell is wrong with you!" He called and held his nose. I pushed him and he fell to the floor. I tried to go after him but my teacher pulled my back. "Taehyung that's enough!" He called and pushed me away. "Go to the locker room now! Someone get these boys to the infirmary."

I woke up in the infirmary, but at this point it was second hand nature. I was used to it. I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep when I heard someone on the phone, and it sounded like Hoseok, becuase it was.

I could also hear a person on the second line:
"I knew that public school would be no good for you! You're to smart for that school! And already your being beat up! One more incident and your going back do you understand?"

"Yes mom." He replied and hung up. He went back to another bed and threw his head back and his hands onto his face. And saying 'ow' when he accidentally touched his nose. I faced the other way towards him, he noticed me.

"The hell do you want?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said shrugging lightly. I tried to close my eyes but he huffed his breath and started talking.

"Why do you even like a guy like that, huh?" He said. "He punched me in my fucking nose!"
"Didn't you like him first?" I asked opening my eyes. "And that's payback for messing him up the other night. Did you see the way he's walking? He can barely stand!"

He got quiet. Mostly because there was nothing for him to say, he was in the wrong. "Now Taehyung's probably gonna get kicked out or something."
"Isn't he like the star basketball player? There's no way he's getting kicked out." Hoseok replied sitting upright.

"Then you must not know Taehyung all that much." I said sitting up as well, and taking the icepack that was placed at the bedside. "He has a whole record from the past three years. And if they find out he punched a new student over a game of dodgeball, he's never gonna hear the end of it."
"I still don't think anything'll happen." Hoseok said as the nurse walked in.

"Good news Hoseok." The nurse said. "Your nose isn't broken and you'll be fine. Get a lot of bed rest and no more school for today. I informed your upcoming teachers that you'll excused. So you may go."
He thanked the nurse and headed towards his dorm room. Not even a minute later Taehyung came limping in. I immediately spun around to see him. He took a seat in the chair beside my bed.

"Tae- are you okay?" I asked. "Did you get into any trouble?"
"Yeah." He said with a slight chuckle. "But they're letting me off with another warning." I sighed in relief. "I wanted to talk with you later but I guess we can talk now." I said. He looked up at me.

"I'm so sorry, Tae." I spit out. His eyes grew wider. "I didn't mean for what I said to be, taken that way. I-I was nervous, people were staring. I thought it would just be another reason to tease me." He looked down and swung his foot on the floor, I watched him.

"Why is it that whenever we're together it's, it's different?"

I was stunned.

"L-Like, that night we watched the movie with Jimin, or winter break, or even last night."
"Taehyung I-"

"A-And then we're around people you act like we're mortal enemies. I'm losing my reputation Kook, and it's like you don't even care. And then the moment I just wanted to say, 'fuck it' you shoot me down? What's up with you Ko-."

"Taehyung stop!" I said in a sort of quiet shout. The nurse noticed us arguing and left the room.
"I'm trying Tae. You're losing a reputation I never had. You don't get bullied like I do, you probably never have. And what do you think people will think when they see us, huh? You have one more year here. I have two. And after you, Jimin, and Joon Hyung leave me, then who will protect me? I'm not a strong guy, there's nothing I can do for myself."

I felt tears form in my eyes. Taehyung quickly jumped up and wrapped his body around me. I gave into his hug, my face buried in his chest. He hugged me tightly as I began to fully cry.

"Kook, you have to stop being so vulnerable to the world." He said as he let me go and looked into my eyes. "Take some power back over your life, stop letting everyone control you. It's always gonna be predator or prey, you have to pick a side." He wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed me on my forehead.

He walked out of the and turned back one last time, "Meet me at my dorm tonight," He said before leaving but I stopped him again.

"Hey, Tae." I said.

"Yeah Kook?"

"I'm done being the Prey."

Hey guyssss :)
I missed you all so much so here's this chapter that's been in the works for months! So I hope you like it i've been working day and night because I don't wanna keep you waiting any longer. So please enjoy, and leave suggestions <3

Also if anyone's confused:
Jungkook- 2nd year
Jimin- 3rd year
Taehyung- 3rd year
Hoseok- 3rd year
Namjoon- 4th year
Jin- graduated (Jimin's old roommate)

Hope you enjoyed once again, much love
-Pineaxpples 🤍

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